Chapter 20 : There's A Destination For This Love

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Hey guys. Here you go with the latest chapter. This is the first time I have posted new chapters of my both FFs at the same time. Please express your views on this chapter. And after this do not forget to read the latest part of SUN MERE HUMSAFAR (if either you haven't read it or you didn't read it yet)

~~~ CHAPTER 20 ~~~

"I just don't know what I was thinking.."

Swara Gadodia cursed herself under her breath, pacing up and down in her room. A grave tension awaited her!

"Such a big stupid I am! How can I even.. Ugh! Why in this godforsaken world I mess up?! (upset) You know what Swara.. Sanskar is absolutely right! You always mess up! Right.. How can you even do this Swara?! First asking him to pick you up in his.. embrace.. and then sleeping with him the whole night?! That's too much to take in!"

She covered her forehead. No, rather say slapped her forehead.

She had done a major blunder last night! And what the blunder was?

Telling Sanskar Maheshwari that she was developing feelings for him!

Well, no that wasn't wrong. Maybe that was bound to happen. But letting him know at the very first time might be too much. Was Sanskar even having the same feelings for her? No idea. He did not remember anything!

Her heart said that he too had feelings for her but somebody betrayed her heart so much. Who's that somebody?

Sanskar himself!

Every damn time he friendzoned her.

Was destiny even doing something for them? Don't think so. Not atleast after Sanskar's friendzoning sessions with her.

Swara : (little calm) No Swara.. It's high time you mend your mistake.. Just.. and I mean it.. just focus on your aim now. Stop seeing Sanskar as someone more than friend.. You need to try to stay away from him. Why do I even think about him? (wet voice) Maybe.. I shouldn't have got involved..

Her voice was slightly weak. Her vision was already blur and her world was spinning around her. Though she shouldn't feel like that but..

She did!

Anything related to Sanskar mattered her! Bothered her!!! What had he done to her? She never felt so overprotective and possessive for anyone but Sanskar was a different case.

But was it Swara who didn't recognise Sanskar's unsaid words behind his cheerful façade? Maybe she had not noticed it yet? Sanskar friendzoned her but there were several more things which were not needed to be said, but expressed. Expressed by the actions. What do you think? Was it Swara who didn't notice his unsaid words yet?

Needless to say but Sanskar had been waiting for this moment.


"Aaaauuuu!!!! Leave me you idiot!!! Who are you!!!???"

Kavita Roy shouted at her highest pitch. Her voice echoed in the entire parking area. She was seen blindfolded and was forcefully dragged by someone near a car.

She tried to get rid but in vain, the person was too strong.

Who's the person? 😱


Kavita was pushed inside the car as she kept freaking out.

"What the hell!!!! Why did you.."

But before she could speak, the person had entered the car from other side and he sat besides her... He closed her mouth stopping her from shouting.

"Ssshh!!!!!! Please keep quiet."

Huh?! This voice was so familiar!

Kavita's eyes widened.. even if she was blindfolded.

Sanskar : Sorry, but I couldn't get a better way of talking to you!!

Kavita tried struggling and Sabskar noticed it. He slapped his forehead in regret.

Sanskar : Great Sanskar.. All girls are this coward only. (to Kavita) Ms Impatient, wait! I am uncovering your eyes.

Sanskar carefully removed the cloth from Kavita's eyes. As Kavita painstakingly opened her eyes and looked at Sanskar. 

Kavita : (irritated) What the hell Sanskar! What was the need of dragging me here, inside your car!? Like seriously, is this a joke?! You know I was so scared. For one minute.. I thought that someone kidnapped me.

Sanskar : (whispered yelled) Ssh!!! Speak slowly.

Kavita : Huh?

Sanskar : (little jokingly) Before you frame me for any charges against law just listen to me carefully. Actually, I had to talk to you and it's really urgent.

Kavita (pissed off) : Couldn't your talk have waited?!

Sanskar : Shut up. (cried) Ugh.. You and Swara. Definitely you both are the pearls of one necklace.

Kavita : Ugh. Sanskar. We are getting out of the topic. What do you want to talk to me? And on top of that, is this a way of talking to someone? You are scaring me!

Sanskar : Ssh! Let's come to the point. Listen, I have never been this convenient. I want to ask you something and sooner I'll get the answer from you, sooner I will free you from here. Please, just answer me one thing. It's really important for me to know.

Kavita (little scared) : Will you ask so that I can actually answer?

"Does Swara love me?"

Sanskar shooted his question to her with hopeful eyes and Kavita's brain stopped working.

Wait.. did she hear it right???!!! He was asking her if Swara.. loved him? Kavita's eyes widened. How come she did not know?

She did not really know. While Sanskar frowned waiting for her answer, Kavita was forced to think once.. What if her best friend really liked him? And what if she said no? Then that would mean that Swara did not love him. But maybe..

Certain times she had seen the way Swara looked at Sanskar and Sanskar looked at Swara.. She was a spoilsport at playing cupid between two people but she knew she had to reply him something.. Be it an 'I-don't-know' thing too. She was going to be honest as a friend.

Kavita : I.. I don't know. Swara did not tell me anything about it and that's what I am wondering.. how come?

Sanskar : Kavita.. You know, Swara only told me that.

Kavita : (shocked) What?! Swara told you?!

Sanskar : Yes, Swara told me last night. But when she said it, she was drunk and not only her, even we all were drunk. But Kavita, I remember that very well. Swara confessed that she had fallen in love with me and I..

Kavita : Ugh.. Sanskar.. (a bit confused) I might not be able to directly tell you that she does love you but..

Sanskar looked on with eyebrows scrunched down.

Kavita : I can atleast tell you that.. I have seen the way both of you see each other. Sanskar.. (smiled) You're the best thing that can happen to her! I'll be the happiest if you and Swara.. think something about yourselves If you and Swara give yourselves a chance to reciprocate your feelings! (sighed) Just tell me, do you believe in your feelings?

Sanskar (smiled nodding his head) : I do, Kavita. I do. I have always did. And my heart too wishes that Swara felt the same about me. But.. Kavita.. As of now, Swara thinks that I don't remember the moment when she confessed me her feelings and that's.. you know.. That has somewhere made her so upset. I have a plan of mine ready but.. for now I want to make her realise that what she is thinking is wrong!

Kavita (confused) : What is she thinking?

Sanskar took a deep sigh.

Sanskar : She thinks I am only friendzoning her. (Kavita looked on) I want Swara to realise that I am not friendzoning her. I just.. want her to recognise my unsaid words to her but for the moment, she is not.

Kavita : Sanskar.. she's a bit weak when it comes to feelings and love as she never really thought about it or gave it a time.. But all I can assure you is..

Sanskar looked on confused.

Kavita : Don't worry. One day, Swara will definitely understand it! Just be positive. And everything will be fine between you both.

Kavita : My pleasure. But please don't tell Swara that I discussed about her emotions with you.. Otherwise she will...

Sanskar : No, I won't! Don't worry. (to himself) And this time.. she will be the one who will confront me!

Kavita looked a bit confused and Sanskar smiled determinedly. It was time for his new plan.


It was another new day at the Music Company and all the staff members were sitting together in the staff deciding about their further project. All recording engineers and the people who were giving music internships were there which included Swara, Kavita, Sanskar and Sahil. Even Zack and some other people were present. Zack was giving a debate with his charming smile to each and every individual present there.

Zack : For our next event we will have some Italian Studio Musicians with us. You all will obviously be knowing that they are the people who make people love music at the first place... So, for the further promotion for our industry there will be some Music Journalists from our side who will be interviewing them but before that!!! There will be a demo for all of us, of what questions will be asked to them farely and in this demo we shall arrange some of our own people...

Everyone listened to it carefully. Swara's eyes moved to Sanskar amidst the debate as she knew no one there who was as passionate about music as Sanskar was! Sanskar sensed Swara's gaze on him but before he could turn his head towards her, Swara had moved her eyes somewhere else.

Zack (continued smiling) : There will be a demo interview session between two people who are here. It could be anyone who will be interested. The questions will be chosen from the interviewer by us together with full and proper planning... The questions chosen will be thus farely asked to the Italian Musicians who will be coming here. This fare interview will be released on the television live but do not get confused between the demo and fare. For the demo it's just nothing just a simple meeting between two people which will be hired as per our plans, it will not be viewed on Television infact it's just a practice for the interviewer... But yeah, indeed this will be shot from our camera and thus questions will be noted down to ask those Musicians on the fare time! Well, the demo interview will be held tomorrow and the fare interview date is not decided yet but it will be decided very soon.

Everyone clapped and Zack responded back with a smile. He then sat down on his chair and began discussing a few things with Sanskar who was sitting besides him...

Zack (to everyone) : Okay.. Alright! We shall have the demo by day after tomorrow as it's not an easy thing to practice the questions by ourself.. So let me choose who will.

Sanskar looked at Swara and that made Swara hesitantly look st him. He gave her a slight wink but Swara did not react like she always did..

Not even an angry expression!

She was trying to ignore him. Sanskar felt a bit sad on seeing this. But before anybody could say anything, one person stood up joining the conversation.

Person : Zack, I guess no other person can take this responsibility more by heart as much as Sanskar!

Sanskar got shocked and looked up.. At this, other person again joined the convo...

2nd Person : Yes, Even I guess so. Zack, I guess let's make Sanskar be the person who will be answering all the questions of the interviewer.

Sanskar : (smiling questioning) What? Me? Really?

Zack (smiled looking at Sanskar) : This is a perfect idea. So Sanskar, I'll let you be the one who will be answering the interviewer. It's just a demo, nothing much.

Sanskar : Oh come on! I don't think that I..

Zack (interrupted smiling) : My decision is final!

Sanskar gave up and looked down smiling shrugging his shoulders to himself.

Zack (looked towards everyone) : But then... Let's think over who will be taking his interview.

Everyone smiled at Sanskar. Sanskar gave a thumps up to everyone.

Now, Sahil knew what he had to do.

He gave a smile and cleared his throat to make everyone turn their attention towards him.

Sahil : Zack, now if Sanskar will be the one who will be answering all questions then, why not let someone closer to him take charge of him? In short... We all know about which other talented person I am talking about.

Sahil could be quite intelligent at times. Sanskar smiled as he knew whom it pointed at. Everyone looked at each other and realised only one thing... Kavita smiled at Sahil and then looked at Swara. Swara got a bit confused as one by one all eyes were towards her....

Zack : (looked at Swara too) Well Swara you know very well.

Swara (shocked) : What? Me? No. I can't do it.

Zack : Why no? You're also as wonderful as Sanskar is. You can do this.

Swara opened her mouth to say something but Zack turned towards other staff.

Zack : So it is final. Swara and Sanskar will be the ones handling this.

The staff clapped for Swara and Sanskar and wished them best of luck...

But for Swara.. well..

No.. no.. no..

WHY! 😕

Why only with Sanskar? When she knew she wasn't on talking terms with him, why were situations maling her give up like that?


Swara was walking towards a working room and that's exactly when there was a tap on her shoulder. She turned and found Sanskar folding his arms looking at her. Swara's heart skipped a beat.

It was a long time ever since they did not have a proper talk, excluding for official purposes... And Swara did not seem like to even talk...

Swara : What?

Sanskar : You are asking me what? (frowned) Swara.. May I know what is wrong with you?

Swara avoided eye contact and that's when Sanskar realised that she would definitely come up with a lie. No matter Swara lied, but her eyes never lied! And no one better than him knew that.

Swara : What.. Nothing.. (shrugged his shoulders looking down) Nothing is wrong with me. Why are you asking?

Sanskar : Are you sure?

He was as husky as ever and that's when Swara's eyes shot on him and she saw intensity in those eyes she had begun loving so much.. Swara went weak on her knees.. She knew it would be better if she would stay away from him, but how could she betray her heart like that.. Her heart fluttered whenever he was around her. His slight touch sent shivers down her spine.

Swara bit her lower lip and looked at him. But before she could anticipate anything, Sanskar gripped her arms and dragged her, pinning her towards the wall.. Swara was taken aback on seeing this action and all she could see was Sanskar so close to her.. His expressions holding so many emotions together, and his palms gripping her arms..

Swara's breaths went obvious, but that wasn't Sanskar's concern right now.

"Why are you ignoring me Swara?" Sanskar asked her with intensity lacing his tone and Swara was close to a shock.

Swara (sighed) : Nothing happened to me, Sanskar. I am as fine as ever.

Sanskar : Sure?

Swara : Yes.

Sanskar : Then say the same thing looking into my eyes..

He raised up her chin and Swara's heart sank to meet those eyes which made her fall for him more but this time.. Maybe she couldn't muster up the courage to speak anything looking into his eyes..

Swara : I..

And just then Sanskar let go off Swara and turned his back towards her. Maybe.. he must not make her hesitant.

"Don't ignore me Swara.. That really hurts me. It really hurts."

Swara (leaning to the wall) : You.. my ignorance hurts you?

Sanskar (turned around towards her) : It does, Swara. It really does. It hurts me.

Swara closed her eyes but opened as soon as Sanskar spoke ahead.

Sanskar : Swara, don't mind me but.. I need some time to show you what you mean to me! Can you.. just give me some time?

Swara took a deep breath. Was Sanskar really...

Swara : Are you...

Sanskar : Swara, you're not just a friend to me but much more than that. (hopefully) But.. all I need is.. Some time! Some time, to realise what you mean to me and to show you what place you have in my life.

Swara looked on as Sanskar smiled.

Sanskar : (in his mind) Every moment.. I want to show you what you mean to me Swara.


Sanskar came out of his thoughts as she looked at him firmly.

Swara : Sanskar, I... trust you enough. I want to give you a chance...

Sanskar : (winked) So...

Swara (confused) : So what?

Sanskar : Ms Journalist...

Swara (confused) : Eh? Journalist?

Sanskar : Of course! Wouldn't you be taking my interview? Ah, so forgetful you are man!

Swara (sighed) : I know that. But it's day after tomorrow. I have plenty of time.

Sanskar : Really? Plenty of time? Madam, you have ab se leke forty eight hours twenty three minutes fifteen seconds fifteen thousand milliseconds!

Swara : (in disbelief) Seriously Sanskar? You count milliseconds?

Sanskar : Well. Since childhood my calculation is very strong, you see.

Swara : Fine! Mr Self Praiser, if you are done praising yourself, then let me tell you that you are wasting my time. I have some work. I am going.

Swara turned to go when Sanskar held her hand sending shivers down Swara's spine. She felt his touch while Sanskar was looking at her back figure a bit intensely.

Sanskar : Can't you store some of your time for me Swara?

Swara (surprised at his intense voice and turned back facing him) : What do you mean?

Sanskar : (smiling) Well what I mean is... You know how to make excuses easily to get rid of me! May I know how you do this quite easily?

Swara gave him a 'Seriously?' look. But then she smiled.

Swara : I am busy, it's not like I am avoiding you. (took a sigh) I admit at first, I was avoiding you a bit. But now, I don't! Trust me Sanskar. I would have never even thought of ignoring you but.. it's just that..

Sanskar : It's okay Swara. But you are all that I need by my side.

Swara (smiled) : I am honored.

Sanskar : Okay.. By the way I am going now.

Sanskar turned around to leave and Swara smiled looking at him.

"Maybe I might have acted irrationally Sanskar... By not talking to you. But realising that my ignorance hurts you, I don't know why do I feel so contented... What are you doing to me every now and then Sanskar?"

She asked herself taking a deep breath. Now that things were a bit clear, she couldn't stop smiling.


Swara and Kavita as usual were having their lunch in the big restaurant. They were munching and talking with each other...

Suddenly Kavita's eyes moved down under the table, only to notice a white folded fresh paper... She glanced at Swara and bent down to pick it up... Swara looked at Kavita.

Swara : What happened Kavita?

Kavita (sat on the chair looking at the folded paper) : Swara. I found this paper.

Swara (ignored) : Huh! What do we have to do with that paper? Just keep it aside and concentrate on lunch.

But Kavita was looking at both the sides of the paper and then she looked at Swara shocked.

This was something unexpected!!!

Kavita : Swara!!! Didn't you notice it? There's something written in the paper. And guess what it's written with a black marker. I think it is a letter.

A letter, seriously?! 😕

Swara : Who cares Kavita? We know it very well it couldn't be for either of us.

Kavita : No! Just... 

Swara grabbed the letter from her hand to check...

Swara : Tch.. Let me see what's so much in this mere piece of..

Swara looked at the side of the paper and her eyebrows scrunched down in extreme confusion. Kavita observed her expressions carefully.

Swara (shocked) : Kavita.. You were right! There's something written on it. Probably it IS a letter.

Kavita : (winningly) See, I told na. Let's unfold it.

Swara : (chuckled) What! No. It's not ours.

Kavita : Oh come on. Atleast let us see what's in there. This letter seems interesting.

Swara (rolled her eyes) : Seriously Kavita.. from when did letters become interesting to you?

Kavita smiled sheepishly and Swara carefully unfolded the letter and as she was unfolding it, she saw a word on it.

It was her name written on it!!

"My name???!!!" Swara cried. "How is this possible? It's written Swara. No.. it can't be me."

Kavita (shocked) : Oh! It's for you!

Swara : But I don't believe this... How come someone can write a letter to me? I don't know anyone here.

Kavita : Oh God Swara. Open and see what's written on it. Who knows what's written there unless and until you don't open it and read it.

Swara's gaze shifted from Kavita to the letter.

How was this possible? 😕

But as of now, she had to find it out what's written in her letter! Was it actually for her? She unfolded it and saw a beautiful handwriting on it... She got mesmerised on seeing such a beautiful handwriting.

Swara (slight smile) : Such a nice handwriting...

Kavita (excited) : What is in this letter!?

Swara : W.. Well you were right... It's a letter. That too an informal letter.

Kavita : Really? Come on, read it out.

Swara unsurely nodded her head and her eyes move to the letter. She read each and every word accurately.

Dear ___,

Yes I have put a ' ___' as I don't want to take your real name. But I know it. Well, you must have seen your name in the first side of the letter, so you might have understood that it's for you. Yes, let me clear it that it is written for you, from me... :-) I know, thousands of questions will be arising in your mind like, how come I know you, who I am and all those questions! But trust me, please read my letter and I will slowly reveal everything to you.

So, I guess now I can call you Swara, atleast after giving a partial intro to you about me. So, Swara.. No, please don't think it to be some prank letter. This letter contains all my feelings which I had been trying to express to you the day I saw you. You are extremely beautiful, your behavior is so fun loving and I am in love with your simplicity and sweetness! You are so childish that it's very hard for me to deal with you. Well, maybe you don't know me... But trust me, once you start tracing me you might turn to know this person very well! But I won't tell you. But unless there's some step ahead to it, let's communicate with letters! Please send me a letter soon... And don't worry I will reveal to you very soon that who I am, but I want a reply first... You can write letter to me and keep it in the desk at the corner of the Lobby of your Company. I will come and collect it.

Yours sincerely,
Your Secret Admirer :-)

(Sorry but I don't want to reveal my name to you now, but you can call me as your Secret Admirer)

Swara was stupefied after reading this letter. Kavita was also shocked. Swara couldn't believe that someone would write a letter to her when she didn't know everybody. She pursed her lips and kept the letter aside and started concentrating on her meals...

Swara : Just leave it! It's nothing. I know these guys very well.

But Kavita snatched away the fork Swara was holding in her hand.

Kavita : Wait Swara. Someone just wrote a letter to you, and you are throwing it away! Like, seriously?

Swara : Uff Kavita! (logically) Okay fine, just think about it... When we have spent almost a month here, even now we hardly know anybody here. You know, we don't even know the names of all employees in our Office. We confuse between people! Do you realise what else was written in the middle of the letter? It was written that I know that person. But I really don't know that person. He claims he has seen me somewhere and he likes me. And one more thing... how does he even know where I live? So in one case, it is sort of a meaningless letter only, right? Who knows who is trapping you...

Kavita : But Swara, as he said, he's your Secret Admirer! See another side of it. Don't trace him, but atleast show him that his compliments mean so much to you! Just write him one, atleast one letter na. Afterwards, he won't write letters to you.

Swara gave it a thought, but various kind of thoughts swirling her mind was messing her. Her heart felt like to believe this letter as the words seemed so pure and genuine but her mind was pulling off something else. Was it okay to trust somebody you don't know?

But.. maybe writing one letter wouldn't do anything bad. Who knows, after that he would leave writing letters to her?

Swara sprang up after completing her meals and Kavita looked at her anxiously.

Swara : I guess you are right, Kavita. I will give it a try. But only once.

Kavita : Great...

Swara : Now come, let's go home.

Kavita smiled and both of them headed towards the exit of the restaurant.

Who knows what surprise was coming up for Swara!


It was almost night and millions of bright stars were dotted on the black canvas of night.. Stars twinkling on their glory and the beautiful moon brightened the entire sky...

Swara got out of her washroom and walked near her bed, having a shower and she wiped her wet hairs... Looking at herself every now and then in front of the mirror, she let go off those cold droplets from her hairs...

Swara : It's really refreshing...

She smiled feeling ecstatic. At first, she felt the urge of tying up her hairs, but knowing that they were wet enough to be tied, she dropped the idea and instead let her long hairs flutter on her back...

She took a deep breath smiling as she slowly made her way towards the window. She looked on with delightful eyes as several stars were appearing up on the sky and enlightening the black canvas of this night. Swara smiled as she felt wind making her hairs fly a bit... This wind was so lovely...

Sometimes Swara loved star gazing very much. Seeing those twinkling stars were one of her hobbies and every time she saw them, she would be the happiest person... Seeing those shimmering stars, she often felt her moment enlightening and having the pleasure of watching the stars in the sky, she would live some of the most beautiful moments of her life...

Her Maa... Baba... Sister...


Wait! Sanskar? 😮

She chuckled at her own thoughts, and how much Sanskar lingered into her thoughts... This guy always did something to her. He was the best thing that had happened to her. Since morning, she had been quite hesitant around him but now, all she wanted was, just let it going... What was Sanskar's place in her life? She wanted to let everything go as they were going and create their own equation...

She felt the breeze brushing her face and she looked at the moon.

"Sanskar, I don't know what you think about me... And honestly even I don't know what I think about you. But frankly speaking, I love it whenever you are around me. I love it when you give so much importance to me. And I love it the most when you... give so much attention to me... I don't know where these moments are going to lead both of us Sanskar, but I know one thing and that's clear. All of this is going to lead you and me to somewhere very special. (smiled) And I am waiting for that moment..."


"Sanskar Maheshwari, messing up at first but keeping everything at place at last can be the best thing to happen with someone! This will be the perfect thing to happen!"

Sanskar never felt so ecstatic before. This was just a mere word. Never in his life he was so numb by something. Just those words from her had this much effect on him.. even when he was drunk.

"I.. I have fallen in love with you!!"

His ears wanted to hear that music again. That music which was so melodious to his ears and his heart.. He had begun seeing the world in a different way now..

He was finally complete!


"I have always seen myself in your eyes and I know you also feel something for me..." Swara said with a lovely smile on her face as she saw the stars moving slightly, shimmering... "And I want it to go wherever it is going... I can't wait the day when I will confess my love to you, and every moment you remember it..."


"Whenever I am with you, hours feel like seconds Swara.. And whenever we are apart, days feel like years.. Sometimes I so wish you can understand my feelings Swara.. Even when I was drunk at that time, I still remember that spark in your eyes you had for me when I had picked you up and carried you all the way down to your house. The eyes I have begun to love more than anything.."

Sanskar had been murmuring to himself since a while and thinking of something..

He did not want Swara to stay away from him any longer because somewhere, he had a doubt that she might. Considering how awkwardly she had confessed her feelings for him to him. He had one thing clear within himself : He wanted to be closer to her!!!

And he would do anything for it!


"For once... Just for once... I want to feel the beauty of this night with you... I wonder if you are seeing this beautiful thing right now..." Swara chuckled as she felt another breeze making her shiver...

This was the moment for these two souls!


He couldn't tolerate her being away from him.. That hurted and made his heart sink. His heart : The soul part that pumped crazily just at her thought.. His feelings for her had grown much stronger than before and he himself didn't know how and why! All he wanted was.. just let it going!!!

"I promise you Swara.. One day, you will understand my feelings for you!! The feelings which I have had for no one but only you!! You own my heart Swara! No matter if you are trying to distance yourself from me, I will make sure that at last you will come to me!!! You will come.. and confess your love to me!! Just the same way I stir these strings of a guitar, I will stir the strings of your heart!!! I want to sing for you, expressing my feelings for you!! And this is a promise.. And Sanskar Maheshwari never forgets his promise, you know it very well..!!"

Saying this, he once again gave a hopeful glance to the starry sky above and the beautiful new moon which seemed like another definition of 'Beauty'.

"I will make you confess your love to me!!!"

Giving a bright smile to himself, he already had his new plan in his mind.

A surprise in store for Swara Gadodia by Sanskar Maheshwari which might possibly change everything between them! Their equation, their chemistry, their feelings, their perspective towards each other.. Everything!

These two souls were destined to be together! Two souls who did not express out their feelings, but their eyes and actions were enough to express what they had in their heart for each other!

At the moment, they felt their hearts connected to each other's and interacting with each other. Complaining why didn't the other blurt out to the one. The two hearts had the same feelings for each other.

So, let's see what's there in store for these souls. But none of them knew that...



Precap : Swara writes a letter to her Secret Admirer, Swara and Sanskar get closer...

Hey guys! Express your views on this chapter! 😃

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