Chapter 22 : Getting Closer To You!

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Days were passing and with the time passing, the written communcation bond between Swara and her secret admirer had started increasing more... Swara really felt special while reading the letters sent by her secret admirer. It had been a week already and Swara didn't have office because of the one week curfew. By then, the four were at home only doing some thing or the other.

Dear Secret Admirer,

Thank you so much for your lovely gift. I really loved it! Thank you so much for being so loyal and friendly! I would have really wished to meet you, but as you know I'm a bit busy these days, so, I hardly get time even for myself now.

You're very understanding and that's something I liked the most about you. You're very sweet, and now I can't wait to see whom you would turn out to be! But now please no more. Please tell me who you are in your next letter. Really blessed having you as my secret admirer. It's so appreciable. Once again thank you so much for your letter and your gift!

Can't wait to see you. Really looking forward to it.

Please tell me who you are, Mr Secret Admirer!

Yours faithfully,

Swara folded it smiling and then sealed it in her envelope, and wrote her name on the envelope.

"You're really liking it, don't you?" Kavita entered the room chirping and Swara noticed her.

Swara (smiled nodding her head, lost in her own thoughts) : Yes. I feel he's really someone special. He's sweet, and I really admire him for what he is doing. Just by looking at this letter, I can recognise his feelings hidden in the letters he writes for me. He writes it really beautifully as if he means each and every word. These letters themselves are revealing a lot about him. But...

Kavita : What but?

Swara : Don't you think now we should stop communicating like this? What do you say about this? Actually.. my only insecurity is that I don't know him at all. So I just... you know...

Kavita (smiled) : There is a lot brewing between you and Sanskar already, Swara. So are you telling me that you're just insecure because you like the letters given by your secret admirer, and on the other hand you like Sanskar. Is this your main concern?

Swara : Arey.. no. No. You are getting it wrong Kavita. I just like the things my secret admirer writes and dedicates for me in his letters. It's something that makes me feel like.. I matter to someone. But then..

Kavita looked on as Swara shut her eyes for sometime and left out a sigh.

Swara : Sanskar also makes me feel like I matter to him... the most. I just.. Kavita. I don't know what is happening. At one side it's my secret admirer, and on the other hand it is Sanskar. The difference is I have been developing stronger feelings for Sanskar with passing time, but I also feel so connected with each and every letter that my secret admirer writes.

Kavita (firmly) : Okay. Tell me one thing then. Do you like Sanskar?

Swara (smiled) : Whatever is happening between us, Kavita. Whatever is going on, what he makes me feel, what he does for me... I don't know how I fell for him this much. Each and every moment with him is so special for me. Within these passing days I have come to know only one thing. He means so much to me. I don't know how my feelings escalated to that level.

Kavita : He totally loves you yaar! Heck, I don't even know a person in this world who loves like this. Loves someone so much, so deeply and so unconditionally.

Swara : I saw in his eyes, Kavita. But you know, love is unpredictable. It happens any moment with the most unexpected person. Which has happened.. well.. in our case.

Kavita smiled as Swara looked on as if living this moment.

The moment she realised Sanskar's place in her heart!


Sanskar was as usual striking his own romantic tunes with his guitar. Recollecting some of his sweet moments with Swara.

Sanskar had found himself to be closer than ever to Swara. He had always admired her for whatever she was but now his feelings for her had taken a sudden thrive. He himself did not understand when his affection towards her had started increasing day by day...

The affection he had in his heart for her had started being expressed, by himself, even though how hard he controlled them... He really never left her alone. He was always besides her whenever she needed help with something. Be it office work or anything general, he was with her!

And he always wanted to be with her...

This time, that time, the coming time, every time.

On the other hand, Mr Sahil was lost in his own bookworld. Sanskar noticed it amidst his deep thoughts and immediately stopped playing tunes which brought Sahil back to world. His eyes moved towards Sanskar who was leaning towards him.

Sanskar : (suspiciously) May I know which book are you reading that you can't even listen to what I'm playing?

Sahil gulped. No he couldn't let him know.

So, he closed his book and hidingly hid it behind him, tucking it inside the pillow. He finished the deal making some weird faces to himself.

Sahil : What? Don't smile at me like that.

Sanskar : Sahil! I am serious about it. I'm not playing around. If you really like her, then why don't you go and confess your feelings to her? Ya mai kuch help karu teri?

Sahil : Oh really. How can you help me with this when you're yourself yet to confess your feelings for 'her'???

Sanskar's love guru sessions suddenly came to a halt and now it was Sahil's turn to wink. Sanskar's heart skipped a beat. He felt like the time had just stopped only for him to have a connection to his heart.

Undoubtedly, he loved her! Yes, he did! He really did.

And he would finally admit his love for her! His heart and soul already knew that he loved her. But now it was only for him to look forward into finally admitting it openly. To her, to the world, and to himself too.

He was going to do that very soon... And he was already working on it!

All his thoughts swirled away like a whirlwind as all he felt was a painful sensation against his face.

When did a pillow land on his face?

Sanskar : Aahh! Sahil!!!

...Another pillow on his face. Sahil was having quite fun doing it.

Sanskar : Ouch! Sahil yaar kar kya raha hai tu. I have only one nose and I don't want a broken nose for the rest of my life.

Sahil : (smirked) You were lost, so I thought to bring you in your senses.

Sanskar : Like this. Are you planning to turn me into a joker so that I can impress your ladylove on behalf of you?

Sahil (irritated) : Uff!!! Enough Bro! Here being my philosopher, you are supposed to help me but instead you are teasing me.

Sanskar : (composed himself) Okay fine. Now what do you want?

Sahil : Wow great Bro! That night only you told me you would tell me hundreds of ideas to propose her. It has been days already.

Sanskar : (mumbled to himself) Oh! I didn't know he would take it so seriously.

Sahil got angry and raised another pillow on him but Sanskar raised his hand stopping him.

Sanskar : Don't forget that God has given everyone two hands! So if you can hurt me, then so can I.

Sanskar smirked and Sahil realised that he was gone.

Because right at that moment, Sanskar picked up a pillow and tucked his fingers inside catching Sahil redhanded. Well, in Sahil's words...

He took out the book which Sahil had hidden inside and showed it to Sahil. Sahil's eyes widened.

Sanskar : (teased) And there you go! Wow Bro. (saw the cover) Romance Novel!! Not bad haan. Tu kabse romance novel ka fan ho gaya?

He giggled making Sahil bow down with embarassment.

Sanskar : So now you don't even need me to help you! Pick up the suitable tips from here in this tale.

Sahil : Okay, I admit I was reading it very thoroughly. I was so lost in this story... But I somewhat liked it.

Sanskar (smiling genuinely) : People those who fall in love, always love such kind of stories! And admit it Sahil, you do love her!

Sahil : (ignored the topic) Ahh.. Anyways I'm done with this book..

Sanskar : Ha.. But Sahil, by the way I have a solution! Which is in our favour. If you really want to propose her, only then I can tell you.

Sahil : What!? Really?

Sanskar : I'll tell you.. See it's simple..

But before he could speak, there was a bell ring on his door. Sanskar frowned and went to open the door.

Sanskar : Uff oh! Wrong timing Mr Doorbell Ringer.

Sahil straightened himself.

Sahil : Who might be here at this hour?

Sanskar opened the door and stood there surprised to see how quickly his all plans worked.

Sanskar (turned towards Sahil) : And there you go! The key to your solution!

"What solution?" Kavita questioned, and then followed by Swara...

Swara : We both just came to you for some... Well.. (sighed) I need some help.

Sanskar : (cut nervously) Foorrr... soooommeee... (smiled sheepishly) Yeaahhh. Ms Clumsyyy... followed by her friend.

Sahil : (chuckled seeing Sanskar's voice) Uff oh! What on earth are you blabbering?

Swara and Kavita started giggling making Sanskar avert his gaze in embarrassment.

Kavita : You guys are impossible! Like literally.

Before Sanskar could say something in his defence, Sahil jumped in the conversation displaying himself as a girl's hero.

Sahil : Well.. I am not impossible Kavita. (grinned)

Sanskar (muttered to him) : Mind to shut up?

Sahil : (lost all the air he had) Alright.

Sanskar : (huskily) Mr. Sahil. Sengupta. If you want I can take back my special offer which was for you. Want to dare?

Sahil : No.

Sanskar (smirked) : Then just stand here quietly. And see what I do.

Sahil : Okay.

Sanskar cleared his throat and turned towards Swara, the one whom he had been actually observing ever since she came.

Sanskar : (smiled) Hi Swara.

Swara : (confused) Hi.. but..

Kavita : But what's so special?

Swara : And what are you guys upto?

Sanskar prepared to speak and Sahil looked at Sanskar with suspicious eyes. What on earth was he upto?

Sanskar : Look at the climate outside.

All of them : (together) Why?

Sanskar : (irritated) Ohhoo! Question Banks! Just look. By the way guys, one week is over and also the curfew no longer exists. So that means.. we can go out today; since it is a Sunday today.

Swara, Kavita and Sahil turned to look outside the window when suddenly they see the beautiful weather.

Quite a nice idea of having a day out!

Meanwhile, Sahil was still unaware of his friend's attempts of helping him. Little did he know that Sanskar was doing it for Sahil!

Sanskar : So.. what are your thoughts about it?

Sahil (grunted in response) : Boring.

Sanskar glared at Sahil. Damnit. Couldn't he understand a simple thing?!

Swara : But where will we go?

Kavita : And what will we do?

Sahil (smirked) : You know what girls, my friend has gone mad... Mmm!!!

Before Sahil could even complete, Sanskar shut Sahil's mouth very tightly. Sahil's eyes shot wide. He struggled to get out but Sanskar's strong hand didn't allow him too. Swara and Kavita looked on dumbfounded on Sanskar's sudden act. Noticing their confusion, Sanskar turned his head towards Swara and Kavita and gestured.

Sanskar : Just a minute, girls!!! It's just some boys stuff.

Sanskar immediately dragged and pushed Sahil towards a room.


After entering the room, Sanskar freed Sahil. Sahil started breathing heavily.

Sanskar : God!!! Why were you going against me like this?

Sahil : What? What did I do?

Sanskar : (face palmed) You know what. You are a spoilsport. I was trying to help you here and you just don't bother.

Sahil (shocked) : What?!

Sanskar : Yes! (pointed out) I was about to speak further. As per my plan. Now what Swara might be thinking about me? You prickhead.

And this time, Sahil face palmed himself. He was doomed!

Sanskar : Don't you want to propose the love of your life?

Sahil : Yes, I want to. But...

Sanskar : Haan na! So I'll tell you! I have made a plan. I wanted to make a reason for four of us to have a dayout together, and a park is the best place for a dayout.

Sahil (shocked) : What? Then?

Sanskar : Seriously Sahil? Don't you understand it? A park is the best place to confess your love! A perfect location!

Sahil : B..

Sanskar : No ifs no buts! It's final. We all four are going out together. Well, like this, you can propose her, and I will spend some time with... (smiled) Well, you know.

Sahil (guessed) : Swara.

Sanskar (shrugged smiling) : You know me so well.

Sahil smiled thinking about Kavita. So today was the day where he was finally going to confess his feelings to her!

Sahil : Fine! I'll make sure this is the best day for me and Kavita!

Sanskar : And I'm damn sure that she will reciprocate your feelings!

Sahil smiled to himself and Sanskar chuckled looking at his best friend's expressions.


Swara (to Kavita) : Kavita, I just have to take some guitar lessons from Sanskar for this thing. I just hope he agrees.

Kavita (frowned) : Why won't he agree?

Swara : I mean.. just like that? What if he has some other work and is not free?

"Haa.. So girls! Well I forgot what I was saying.." said Sanskar coming out of the room and walking towards the confused Swara and Kavita.

Sahil : Bro! Nevermind! I can help you a bit. You were talking about the climate.

Sanskar (remembered) : Haan! There I go! Yeah.. the.. climate. Haan. So I was saying ki...

"Nevermind Sanskar!" said Kavita, making Sanskar pause and look at her in confusion.

Swara : Actually, I had come here for a request from you.

Exchanging looks once with Kavita, she looked at Sanskar and he looked at her hearing her.

Swara : Sanskar... actually...

Sanskar : Ha Swara kaho?

Swara : Can you teach me how to play guitar?

Sanskar (surprised) : Bas!? Only that much? Of course I will teach you guitar!

Swara (excited) : Okay! Thank you so much.

Sanskar (chuckled) : But Swara, was that even a thing to ask?

Swara (shrugged) : I thought if you were busy... But, nevermind! It was really important. Thanks a lot.

Though it left Sanskar to wonder what's so important, he smiled. (Actually, for us too!)

Sanskar : So, tell me when to start?

Swara : Would you mind if... today?

Within no time Sanskar ran inside towards his room fast. Swara and Kavita sighed smiling. Sahil was looking dumbfounded. What was his friend doing?

Sanskar returned bringing his personal guitar and that's when Sahil suddenly moved towards his ear...

Sahil : Abey oyye hero! Pagal hai kya? What about my confession? What are you doing Bro? You forgot so soon!?

Sanskar : Uff! I remember Sahil. I'm compromising. Now Swara wants some guitar lessons from me. So I cannot deny her request.

Swara : Sanskar?

Sanskar (turned towards Swara) : Yes Swara?

Swara : If I'm not wrong, you were going to say something. I mean... you paused after you spoke about climate? You were telling us something.

Sanskar smiled and whispered towards Sahil. "See! This is called ek dheer se do nishane! But duffers like you won't understand! Haina?"

Sahil : (disappointed and whispered to himself) Huh! Who knew that.

Sanskar : Hey.. Sahil, Swara, Kavita! Having a cool offer, don't deny. It's for us only! How about a dayout in a park today? I know a famous park nearby. Let's go there and have a day out.

Swara : A day out?

Kavita : Hmm... It sounds interesting! Yes fine, I'm ready!

Sanskar : You know Swara? All you will see there is the chirping and tweeting of lovely birds in their lovely voices. So I think, we will have wonderful guitar classes there only. So I suggest let's go there. By this, (intentionally for Sahil) By the time Swara and I are playing guitar, Sahil can ride Kavita around the park. So how is our plan for today?

Swara : (excited) Is that so? Okay I don't mind. I am ready.

Kavita (grinned) : Even I am ready.

Sahil (muttered to himself and smirked) : I was ready from the beginning itself.


It was time to be spellbounded!!!

A beautiful big garden which just looked like the park of a big Estate. With beautiful trees, flowers blossoming on the branches, the beautiful scenery, many fountains and waterfalls and many rest houses in the corners, and small tiny ponds where fishes were swimming and were photographed by groups of people, and the most beautiful sight was the little tiny butterflies flying from one flower to the other. This was the most beautiful and wide 240 acres evergreen park cum garden. And obviously a small garden in the centre and the kids playing there.

The beautiful greenery just caught the eyes of the four. They looked here and there while Sanskar and Sahil smiled looking at Swara and Kavita's amused expressions.

A park, as heavenly as this... as beautiful as this... Could things get anything better?

It was just purrrrfeect!

Sahil : Come on guys! Here we enter this beautiful green world.

After some two hours of roaming and introductions of each sightseeing of the big park, Sanskar looked around and then his eyes caught the big and wide beautiful rest house which was built with marble.

Exactly the place he had been finding all this while for his friend!

Sanskar : I guess that's the best place to propose your 'girl'. Meanwhile, I'll spend time with 'mine'.

Sahil analyzed the place with the corner of his eye and smiled nodding his head.

Sanskar : See you do one thing, accompany her to the butterfly garden and make a reason for yourself and Kavita to rest in the rest house. And then bas, straight away confess your feelings to her! Meanwhile Swara and I will sit near that fountain, on that wooden bench! Okay?

Sahil : Okay! Best of luck for your girl too!

Sanskar : Same to you!

Sahil : (cleared his throat to gain attention) Ahmm... Kavita actually I wanted to take you to the butterfly garden.

Kavita (excited) : Really!? I love butterflies! I would love to join.

Sahil (smiled) : So what are we waiting for? Let's go.

Sahil circulated his hand around Kavita's back and took her near the butterfly garden like a true gentleman. Swara looked at their direction and started taking steps towards them in confusion. But Sanskar held her hand stopping her.

Sanskar : (giving his world famous smirk to her) O madam! Where are you going? Don't wanna learn guitar?

Swara : (whinned) But even I love butterflies.

Sanskar : (playfully) Chill baby, easy there Just now I had taken you there.

Swara : (countered) But then why Sahil and Kavita will go to see that twice!? This is partiality. You both have been guiding us around the park together all this while.

Sanskar : (amused) Hmm, bold enough. I'm impressed.

Needless to say, she looked quite cute with that cute pout on her face! It's so fun teasing her!

Swara : Are you taking me there or not?

Sanskar : (chuckled calming her) Relax Swara. Actually our main intention is something else. It's not what you think it is.

Swara : (confused) What? What intention?

Sanskar (smiled) : Actually, I want to tell you this straight away. Sahil has taken Kavita there to confess his love for her!

Swara (shocked) : What!!!???

Sanskar : Yes! He wanted a way to confess her his feelings! He has recently been too much fond of her so I suggested him, to finally confess his feelings for her.

Swara (frowned) : Wow. So much has been going on behind my back. How come I never knew what's cooking between Kavita and Sahil?

Sanskar : Nevermind. Mujhe bhi nahi pata tha. I came to know all this from Sahil only. So.. now is the time for both of these.

Swara (folded her arms to herself) : And here Kavita was giving me love advices. How ironic.

Sanskar : (smiled) Swara.. I guess we both came here for a purpose.

Swara looked at Sanskar and he gave her a meaningful glare. And that's when she realised her purpose of coming here!

Swara (slapped her forehead) : Oh god. Mai bhi na.

Sanskar : Come, let us have our guitar sessions there. Near that fountain. On the bench. It seems like a blissful and pleasant scenery! I guess the fountains and butterflies over there will also be very happy listening to our music.

Swara frowned looking here and there, feeling awkward for some reason. Sanskar smiled looking at her and forwarded his palm towards her surprising her. She smiled looking at him and held his palm and with that, they both walked towards the large flowing fountain. They sat on the bench nearby. Swara looked on at the fountain.

Swara : (smiling at the nature's charm) So beautiful it is...

Sanskar : (smiled) You know, it is indeed.

"But not more than you..." He could had added these words further but decided not to unless and until it was the time. For the moment, he looked at her as if she was someone most precious to him and Swara blushed a bit under his gaze. She loved the way he looked at her! Her heart loved the way he looked at her! But needless to say, his heated gaze on her could sometimes make her blush a bit too.

Sanskar took his guitar out of the handbag and circulated it's belt around his torso. Swara looked on eagerly.

Sanskar : So, let us begin. Should I go first or do you want to try?

Swara : You go first.

Sanskar was about to just strike something when Swara stopped him.

Swara : One minute Sanskar! Woh.. Can you sing my favourite song?

Sanskar : Yes, sure.

Swara : Wait! Not Samjhawan! It's something else.

Sanskar : (smiled) Tell me what's your favourite song?

Swara : (thought) I actually have many, but for now... Can you sing this one?

As the silver blue waters started flowing faster on the fountain, Swara whispered her favourite song in Sanskar's ear. Sanskar looked at Swara and gave her a thumps up.

Glancing at the nature's charm around one again, Sanskar took a deep breathe and then one by one, his fingers moved across the strings very slowly on their own accord. He started striking the tunes of Swara's favourite song... He closed his eyes as the melodious song left his throat and Swara looked at him smiling...

Haan Aaa...

Haan Hasi Ban Gaye

Haan Nami Ban Gaye

Tum Mere Aasmaan

Meri Zameen Ban Gaye

Haan Hasi Ban Gaye

Haan Nami Ban Gaye

Tum Mere Aasmaan

Meri Zameen Ban Gaye

Sanskar kept striking his tunes and smiled looking at Swara. She watched his fingers, and then him, as he rhythmatically began...

Haan Hum Badalne Lage

Girne Sambhalne Lage

Jab Se Hai Jaana Tumhein

Teri Ore Chalne Lage

Haan Hum Badalne Lage

Girne Sambhalne Lage

Jab Se Hai Jaana Tumhe

Teri Ore Chalne Lage

Har Safar Har Jagah

Har Kahin Ban Gaye

Maante The Khuda

Aur Haan Wahi Ban Gaye

Haan Hasi Ban Gaye

Haan Nami Ban Gaye

Tum Mere Aasmaan

Meri Zameen Ban Gaye

Haan Hasi Ban Gaye

Haan Nami Ban Gaye

Tum Mere Aasmaan

Meri Zameen Ban Gaye

Sanskar gestured Swara to observe his fingers. Swara's eyes moved to his moving fingers while Sanskar continued. Sanskar sang the song as if dedicating the whole of it to the love his heart beheld... for Swara!

She might have known it or not, but he meant each and every word that he sung. He meant it for her!

Pehchante Hi Nai Ab Log Tanha Mujhe

Meri Nigaahon Mein Bhi

Hai Dhoondte Wo Tujhe

Pehchante Hi Nai Ab Log Tanha Mujhe

Meri Nigahon Mein Bhi

Hai Dhoondte Wo Tujhe

Hum The Dhoondhte Jisey

Wo Kami Ban Gaye

Tum Mere Ishq Ki

Sar Zameen Ban Gaye

Haan Hasi Ban Gaye

Haan Nami Ban Gaye

Tum Mere Aasmaan

Meri Zameen Ban Gaye

Haan Hasi Ban Gaye

Haan Nami Ban Gaye

Tum Mere Aasmaan

Meri Zameen Ban Gaye

Oo... Aaa...

Sanskar finished singing and then gave a little rest to his throat. But still Swara couldn't move her eyes off him. She felt as if each line and word was dedicated for her, only for her! Sanskar smiled at her gaze.

Sanskar : Well.. thanks for admiring me so much. I know I am wonderful.

Swara (folded her arms) : You're flattering yourself, Mr Maheshwari?

Sanskar (shrugged) : What's there to flatter about? It's the universally known fact.

Swara (rolled her eyes, her amused smile never leaving her lips) : Whatever.

Sanskar : Okay. So now can you?

He forwarded the guitar to her. Swara looked at the guitar and looking at Sanskar, she slowly held the guitar and put on it's belt around her torso, making herself sit comfortably.

Swara : I'll try.

Sanskar (sitting closer to her) : If you want I can also help?

Swara : No. It's okay I'll do! (smiled)

Sanskar unknowingly didn't move back to his original place but watched Swara with something flickering in his eyes. Swara took a deep breathe and glanced at the silent yet beautiful scenery around her and then begun striking tunes. Just the same way how Sanskar's fingers moved on their own accord across the strings, she closed her eyes and started singing expressively while Sanskar gazed at her as the first word escaped Swara's lips. Right now, the look Sanskar held for her was something she never saw before, yet it felt so heavenly and lovely.

Haan Aaa Oo...

Main Jaan Ye Vaar Doon

Har Jeet Bhi Haar Doon

Keemat Ho Koi Tujhe

Beinteha Pyaar Doon

Main Jaan Ye Vaar Doon

Har Jeet Bhi Haar Doon

Keemat Ho Koi Tujhe

Beinteha Pyaar Doon

Saari Hadein Maine Meri

Ab Maine Tod Di

Dekar Mujhe Pata Awaargi Ban Gaye

Haan Hasi Ban Gaye

Haan Nami Ban Gaye

Tum Mere Aasmaan

Meri Zameen Ban Gaye

Aaa oo... Aaa...

Swara smiled opening her eyes and finding herself in Sanskar's embrace. Sanskar closed his eyes smiling and feeling the purity of each word said by Swara. Their hearts were erratically beating screaming their love for each other...

Kya Khoob Rab Ne Kiya

Bin Maange Itna Diya

Warna Hai Milta Kahaan

Hum Kaafiron Ko Khuda...

Kya Khoob Rab Ne Kiya

Bin Maange Itna Diya

Warna Hai Milta Kahaan

Hum Kaafiron Ko Khuda...

Hasratein Ab Meri

Tumse Hai Jaa Mili

Tum Duaa Ab Meri

Aakhiri Ban Gaye...

Haan Hasi Ban Gaye

Haan Nami Ban Gaye

Tum Mere Aasmaan

Meri Zameen Ban Gaye

Oo... Aaa... Oo...

Swara smiled finishing her song and then looked at Sanskar. She found herself being stared intensely by him. It's like his eyes were screaming what was in his heart for her.

Swara : I am done, Sanskar. So I guess you can stop staring at me like that.

As soon as Swara teased him, Sanskar tried controlling his smile as if suppressing a chuckle.

When would the day come when she would realise that there was a lot more behind his gaze on her!

But little did he knew that she already knew that!

Sanskar (diverted the topic) : You are a quick learner yaar. You learnt playing guitar in just one trial.

Swara : (chuckled) Maybe, you're an amazing teacher.

Sanskar (smiled) : Or maybe you're a lot more amazing.

Swara : You know what? You seem pretty different whenever you talk something like this.

Sanskar : Because I talk something like this only with you.

For a moment, as Swara looked at him, her heart skipped a beat. He gave her a warm smile, the smile that melted anybody but in Swara's case it was far above melting!

His smile melted her heart.

After a few seconds, Swara and Sanskar both saw figure of their friends and they could make out from the corner of their eye that they were Sahil and Kavita who had probably... finished making out? After some time, they left for home, each of them having something strange in their hearts.


They were all back to their houses.

Swara was as usual rocking on her chair reading her favourite magazine. Reading was something that kept her hooked as she loved reading very much. In simple words, it was her hobby and her passion!

But today... even reading did not work to distract her mind from someone else.


'Secret Admirer...'

Her mind was too preoccupied by these two thoughts. It was high time she had to untie the knots!

"Today's day was weird." Kavita muttered to herself in disappointment while making her way inside the room, cursing herself. Ever since they were back, she was just looking like a lost puppy who was unsure of what will happen next. Swara narrowed her eyes at her.

Why so much confusion in accepting someone's feelings?

Noticing Kavita's lost expression, Swara got up and gripped Kavita's arms.

Swara : Oh god Kavita! Why are you so lost? Sahil just proposed you, he never asked you to reciprocate na! In fact I think, it was very rude on your part. He confessed his feelings to you and you.. didn't reply anything to him. I saw his gloominess. You neither said yes nor you said no to his proposal so he was also confused about you.

Kavita groaned putting her head down on the desk.

Kavita : Problem is not my feelings about him Swara! I.. I just don't know what should I do. It was all very sudden for me. The moment he confessed me his feelings.. I just.. I was just shocked. Actually, I never saw him that way so I'm too confused...

Swara : Kavita! You're just thinking too much. All you have to do is just tell him that you accept his feelings! (sighed) Okay tell me one thing. Do you also like Sahil?

Kavita (half smiled as she thought about him) : I do like him but.. even then. I never thought I would see him that way.

Swara : It's okay. Because I know that all you need is some time to think. But Kavita, I would suggest you one thing. Sahil proposed you but he didn't ask you to reciprocate his feelings na? So don't worry and I suggest you give some time to your heart to think about him! And baat rahi uske sudden confession ki, then that's not something which is holding you back. I know it. All you guys need is some time to get settled. Just go and listen to your heart and then you decide if you want to accept his love.. or not.

Kavita thought a bit and left the room. Swara decided to give all the time her friend needed to think about it.

But she was sure of one thing... Kavita did like Sahil! And she would be more than happy if they were together.

Swara : (chirped to herself) You and Sahil will make a great pair Kavita, I'm damn sure.


"Swara!!!" a fast voice made Swara spring up in shock. What was it that her best friend shouted like that?

Since tomorrow they had their office, Swara had been consciously preparing for her interview since hours. And now...

Swara : (looked at the person in front of him) Kavita! What? You made me scared damnit!

Kavita : Arey leave all that! First see this...

Kavita showed Swara a piece of paper and just the first look of it made Swara realise what it was.

Swara : So it's again he! But then why are you shouting like this?

Kavita : (sighing) Trust me Swara, this time you won't believe what he has written! I mean it's a lot different from his original writings. I saw a little bit.

Swara : What!? Kavita please. You are freaking me out. Show me the letter.

Swara grabbed the letter and started unfolding it, only to find the shock awaiting her.

Dear Swara,

I am so glad you liked my gift Swara. You don't know how special it is for me. Thank you so much for accepting my feelings. I know you want to know who I am, but please give me some time. I'll tell you soon who I am. Hope you agree with me.

Maybe it would be the last letter from my side. Because very soon, you will come to know who this person is. And just know that this person is someone really special to you, or maybe would even be! With the days passing, you must have come to know that I am someone near your heart already. You know this person very well, Swara. Trust me.

And yes, here's a token of thanks to you. For a girl, as beautiful as you, as pure as you, and as loving as you, here's a red rose from my side. Please do accept it. :-)

Yours sincerely,
Your Secret Admirer
(Very soon I'm going to remove this mask of your Secret Admirer and will reveal to you by my next letter that who I am!)

And Swara found a lovely red rose attached to the edge of the letter.

Swara (out of breath) : Who this person is? And why do I feel so connected with his words? Somewhere, he feels so much like Sanskar...

Wait!!! What?! Sanskar?

Sanskar... as in... her Secret Admirer?! NO!! This couldn't be possible! Why would Sanskar write letters to her? He wasn't the kind of guy who masked himself. He was always an open book who would just say the first thing that came in his mind.

"Nooo!" Swara muttered to herself as if talking to her mind making Kavita frown.

Kavita : What no?

Swara (sighed) : Kavita.. I.. I just need to talk to my secret admirer once. This is not happening. I have to clear things. (to herself) This is becoming trickier for me. I have to find out who my secret admirer is or else things will get tangled up even more. I am seriously going insane. Why do I feel this much connected with my secret admirer? And why does every word seem so... familiar to me! Is it really someone so close? Who could it be!

She had only one way to find out!

Reply to her secret admirer for one last time!

And this time, she wanted to demand him to let her know who he was. She had decided it! And no one could stop her now. Not even Kavita.


Swara was sitting down on her desk, her eyes shifted to the stack of letters her Secret Admirer had written. She repeated each and every word that she was penning down in her new letter..

Swara : I'm sorry, Mr Secret Admirer. But I really can't take it anymore. Even though I like your friendship, I just don't know how can I..

..."Excuse me!!!!! I'm sooo sorry to disturb you at this hour but, I'm not getting my mobile phone yaar!!! I think I left it in your handbag! Just excuse me haan..." Came a quick voice and the voice itself made Swara stop dead in her place. Her eyes revolved around the room only to find a distressed Sanskar Maheshwari who was hopelessly pacing here and there in her room finding her handbag.
Even without her approval.

Swara : Sanskar! What in good heaven are you doing here in my room at this hour?!

Sanskar : (sarcastically) Oh! Obviously not to give you a night greet.

Swara (flared up) : Sanskar!

Sanskar (looking here and there) : Sorry yaar but it's really important. I forgot my mobile phone here. God. (looked at Swara) Where's your handbag?

Swara : What? But I don't think your phone is here. Kyu ki mujhe lagta hai.. I cross checked.

Sanskar : (pointed out) Swara! This won't be good haan.

Swara chuckled looking at his childish expressions. Well, he definitely needed it a lot!

Swara : (chuckled) Thikh hai baba don't worry. Don't make that puppy face because anyway that doesn't convince me.

Sanskar : Are you telling me where it is?

Swara : Wait. I'll just come. (assuringly smiled) It's there with me.

Swara made faces to herself and excused herself to leave the room.

Pheewwww! Sanskar sat on her soft bed and lied down spreading his arms. He sighed deeply as if feeling the fragrance of the room he was in.

Sanskar : Wow... What a lovely room! As lovely as Swara! The saying 'Your room speaks a lot about you' is perfectly true in this case.

He then got up and he suddenly happened to see the stack of some papers. He narrowed his eyes as he took a closer look at it...

Secret Admirer's letters!!!


Precap : A twist is coming up in SwaSan's life! Time for some spice and drama now...

Let me know your views on today's chapter ❤

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