Chapter 23 : He Is Her Comfort

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Before Sanskar could react, he heard a vital blasting shriek...


Sanskar turned around only to find Swara in front of him. The expression on her face looked like she would accept anything happening around her but him... Sanskar suddenly grabbed the stack of papers and held it behind his back before Swara could step ahead.

She's here. Why not tease her a bit?

Swara : Sanskaaarrr!!!!!

Sanskar : (chortled) Swaarrraa!!!!

Swara (angrily) : How dare you touch my things!

What if Sanskar found out that a secret admirer had been writing letters for her since weeks? She was too scared for his reaction for the whole thing. Things between Swara and Sanskar had been too good and now Swara feared if something came between their blooming relation as a barrier between them. But she hid her worries under the façade of her anger...

Swara : Sanskar... return those papers! Please.

Sanskar : (chuckled) Why? What is so much in it? All I can see is it is an empty paper with nothing.

Sanskar felt bad to see her helpless but in a way he was enjoying those cute expressions on her face.

Swara : (threatened) Sanskar, listen, this is the last warning!!! Give that back to me.

Sanskar : (smirked) Fine then. Chase me and get your papers.

Swara : Please Sanskar!!!

Sanskar started hopping around the bed trying to hide from Swara and she gasped angrily.

Swara : You...

Ahhan! Challenging Swara Gadodia?

She started chasing him and tried all possibilities to snatch them from him but all went in vain. He was too strong and his 6 feet height did not help her at all. "Sanskaarrr!!! You're so dead!!!" She shouted whereas Sanskar giggled.

Sanskar : Ohh! Looks like the mighty Swara Gadodia is tired.

Swara : Give that to me!!!!

Making another attempt, she finally managed to get hold of him... or say get hold of his shirt and that resulted Sanskar to almost laugh at the sudden ticklish feeling but his giggles did not last long as he lost his balance and apparently, taking Swara's support resulted in her too losing her balance and within a quick moment, both of them were lying on the bed with Swara above him and their lips almost touched each others...


That's how Sanskar and Swara reacted. Their eyes shot open as Sanskar immediately came back to his senses and helped Swara up.

Sanskar (genuinely guilty) : Swara I am sorry.. Are you hurt? I really did not mean to do this.

Swara (stammered) : I.. I am fine.

Ignoring whatever happened between them right now, Sanskar just simply nodded and left the room taking his phone and handed over the papers to a flabbergasted Swara.



"Your secret admirer..."

Sanskar cut off immediately as he thought it might not be the right time. To ignore the embarrassing situation, he just gave a slight smile to her and left, leaving Swara with thousands of unanswered questions!


It was morning finally and the start of a new week...

Swara was still not over whatever had happened last night. Unknowingly or knowingly, indirectly or directly, she had her first kiss with the man she came to love and trust the most... but the situation was awkward. She never planned everything to go that way. Yesterday when Sanskar saw those letters, she was thrilled. What if he would have misunderstood her? And he had almost come to know that there was someone else other than him who admired her. How would he had felt?

But the slight smile on his face said otherwise...

This boy was confusing her! There were so many questions unanswered and here this boy had already done the honours. Was he really happy that she had an admirer? But how! Sanskar felt something for her, didn't he? The time he spent with her already spoke a lot. The way he looekd at her already explained a lot. They weren't 'just friends' but much more. Why didn't he feel bad then?

All this had got to mean only one thing... A slight part of her heart was agreeing what was in her mind. She was slowly untying the knots and coming to a conclusion.


Secret Admirer...

There's got to be some connection!


Swara came and sat to the chair opposite Kavita on their dining table. Both were having their morning breakfast.

Today's day was a challenging day for Swara. Today she had to take Sanskar's interview. She wouldn't admit it but she kinda felt nervous to face him after what happened last night... They were almost on a verge of losing their first kiss!

Kavita : Sahil and Sanskar could be here anytime to pick us up, I guess we should be fast now!

Swara nodded her head as if drowned in her own sea of thoughts. And Kavita finally noticed it.

Kavita : Swara.. you're fine, right?

Swara : Kavita. Actually... I wanted to share something with you.

Kavita : What is it? You know you shouldn't hesitate while sharing anything with me.

Swara (smiled) : I know.

Kavita : What is it, then?

Swara took a deep breathe and closed her eyes. Kavita's expression changed into a worried one.

Swara : Kavita...actually it is... I think that...

Kavita nodded as Swara took a deep breath. It was high time to conclude what she thought!

Swara : I think that my Secret Admirer is... is... none other than Sanskar!!!

And this statement was like a blow for herself. Really? Would Sanskar mask himself as her secret admirer and write letters to her to make her feel so special?

Kavita (shocked) : What!!! Really??? But how can.. can you be so sure that its Sanskar?

Swara : You know what, now I am sure that it's him!

Kavita : Can you tell me from where is this coming?

Swara : (sighed deeply) Actually, Kavita. I know there are so many things unsaid, but a very strong part of my heart says that it's Sanskar! Until last night, I wasn't very sure but now I am... (looked at Kavita) Kavita, trust me, I can spot so many similarities between my secret admirer and Sanskar. Most of the times, I feel so connected with these letters and at the same time with Sanskar too, whenever he is with me. I always saw my Secret Admirer even though I don't know who he is! You know the charm he holds in his writing, right? But then... Why do I feel so strongly attached towards his letters? As if he means each and every word. And so far, it's one of the qualities of...

Kavita (confused) : Sanskar?

Swara : Even when I didn't discover my Secret Admirer yet, I'm somewhere having this strong feeling that he's my Secret Admirer! And trust me, no one has that guts to go to his crush's building and hide the gifts and letters in the Reception! I'm sure Sanskar is planning something...

Kavita (impressed) : So... are you telling me that you are feeling that Sanskar is confessing his feelings for you through his letters?

Swara : But why would he do this? This is so not him. Now he is confusing me. First... his smile last night and then yesterday when we were almost going to kiss...

Kavita : One minute... (shouted) WHAT!!!

Swara (closed her ears) : Oh god Kavita. You do have a loud voice. It's nothing like how you are thinking. It was unintentional. Actually last night... he had come to my room as he had forgotten his phone here.

Kavita : Really?

Swara : Yes.. and then you know what happened? He found secret admirer's letters!!!

Kavita (shocked) : What!!! Then how did he react?

Swara : That's why I am confused! He didn't react at all. Not a tinge of sadness... only the guilt if I was hurt because of him. He was actually teasing me by snatching those papers from me and then, he slipped and then I was above him. So...

She suddenly remembered something from some of the swirling memories in her brain but as soon as a realisation stroke her...

Swara : (shocked) Wait!!! Was he in his senses when I accidentally confessed my love for him that day on Holi?

Kavita (calmed her) : Swara... listen...

Swara : But how can this be possible!!! He didn't say anything to me!

Kavita (shrugged) : Might be or might not be. So, well, what are you going to do to fix it?

Swara : Now if I have to sort everything out then first, I have to find out if what I am thinking is true.

Kavita : What?

Swara : If my secret admirer is actually Sanskar!

Kavita : And how are you going to start?

Swara : I haven't thought about that yet. But as of now we have to leave for office. We had to go early today, right?

Kavita (smiled) : So what are we waiting for?

Swara : Let us get ready fast. Because they will be here any minute to pick us up.

Kavita : Okay.

Well, Swara Gadodia was determined to find all her answers!



The four entered the office premises. Sahil and Kavita excused themselves for a while in an attempt to talk to each other. Well, Kavita had promised she would reply to Sahil's confession today! On one hand, Swara and Sanskar were happy for their friends but at the same time their minds had other thoughts lingering in their mind.

After what happened yesterday, Swara wasn't ready to face everything. But Sanskar seemed quite normal to her. His behavior felt like nothing embarrassing happened last night. So, Swara was slowly becoming comfortable...

Sanskar (cleared his throat) : Ahm.. ahm.

Swara looked at Sanskar coming out of her thoughts.

Sanskar : Still not out of your night dreams Ms Daydreamer? It's morning now! And you are in Office!

Swara : Daydreamer?

Sanskar : Ooh! Achha hai... I thought you weren't in your senses. Atleast you heard what I said. (chuckled)

Swara : (rolled her eyes) Whatever.

Sanskar scrunched his eyebrows a bit hearing nothing but 'whatever'. Something was odd here.

Sanskar (pretended to frown) : Only that much?

Swara : Actually no... (remembered) Sanskar!!! I actually need your help.

Sanskar : Yes, tell me.

"To find out if he is my Secret Admirer, all I have to do is first know his handwriting. Okay, now this sounds like a plan!" Swara made a mental note to herself before looking at Sanskar.

Swara : I wanted today's schedule!

Sanskar (confused) : Schedule? Is there any special reason?

Swara : (shrugged) Yes! So that I know where I have to work accordingly. Can you please write down? I have a spare paper. You can write it down there.

Sanskar (smiled) : Okay.

And within a few seconds, Swara handed over a pen and paper to Sanskar as he sat down somewhere writing the schedule, and Swara sat besides him.

She narrowed her eyes all over the paper which were now filled with timings. Sanskar was writing and he pretended like he didn't notice Swara leaning over what he was writing. He smiled to himself.

But as soon as he was going to complete a word, someone from the workers came and called Sanskar...

Sanskar : Haan! Coming! (looked at a puzzled Swara) Swara, I'll write it afterwards. You don't mind na?

Swara : No, it.. it's okay. You go.

Sanskar smiled and walked away from there leaving an inconvenient Swara behind.

This was harder than she thought! Now she didn't know when she would encounter Sanskar personally because they were going to have a hectic meeting in some time.

Talk about bad luck!


It had been a hectic meeting for many hours and as soon as the meeting ended, Swara's work began. She hardly got chance to approach Sanskar so now, her attempt on findjng out about Sanskar being her secret admirer just went out of the window. Maybe, some other day!

As for now, she carried some important files in her hand which she had to give to Sanskar. She walked towards his cabin, drowned into her own sea of thoughts when suddenly she crashed to someone who was in as hurry as her. Both collided with each other.... And papers immediately fell from Swara's hands.

Swara : Ouch!

Person : Aah!

Swara (raised her hand in surrender) : I am extremely sorry.

Swara could hear a fuming sigh but without acknowledging it much, she squatted down to pick up the papers but little did she know that a pair of extremely enraged eyes were watching her mercilessly!

Swara got up as soon as the papers were in her safe hands but got extremely taken aback as she saw the woman infront of her still fuming at her.

Swara (shocked) : Aaliya ma'am!

But then what came as a bigger shocker to her was that the water Aaliya was possibly drinking was now all over her strands. And Aaliya was flushing with anger and Swara couldn't help but feel a bit scared. She was her senior and was a strict personality here. Probably the only person in this company who wasn't as fond of Swara as others were.

Aaliya (shouted) : Kya hai!!! Can't you look around and see that except for you there are other people too walking around! My dress got wet because of you! Now what will I do?

Swara was taken aback at her sudden outburst.

Swara : Ma'am... Look, I am really sorry. And this was not supposed to happen but...

Aaliya : (sarcastically) Wow!! Great... After all the mess you've done to me you'll say sorry! Hai na Ms Swara Gadodia?

Swara : Ma'am, it's just that I had to deliver these important papers to Sanskar immediately so...

Aaliya's eyes widened on hearing the familiar name as she registered Swara's words. She immediately snatched away the papers from her.

Aaliya : I'm working with him! Anyways, these were supposed to come to me as I'm the owner of these papers.

Swara : Oh, okay. And, sorry once again!

Aaliya gave her a glare and that's when Swara took it as her cue to leave. But she stopped dead as another shouting voice made her shocked.

Aaliya : What the hell is this!!! This is all wet!!!

Aaliya stopped Swara from going while Swara stood numb. She noticed the wet papers.

Swara : Ma'am, it's just wet at the edges. Nothing's wrong with the papers. Whatever information you need...

Aaliya : (cutting her) Shut up!!! Just shut up!!! You don't know what you have done, right?! First of all, you people can't walk properly and just make things difficult for people around and then you try to give explanations to hide your mistakes! First you all do stuff and then you have the audacity to speak. Gosh... (shouted at the pitch) Hey... Heyy!!! People... Just look around!!!

A few people from the staffs started gathering there on hearing noises. Kavita also came there. She was shocked to see an absolutely fearful Swara.

Kavita (ran to Swara) : Swara... Swara what happened? Are you alright?

Swara was speechless while Aaliya continued her publicity...

Aaliya : (shouted to everybody) What kind of people you all hire in this company? A careless, irresponsible girl, like her? (pointed Swara) Just look there! The one whom you all consider as the best intern! Just see! (showed her hairs and dress) She threw water on me. (Swara nodded her head vigorously) Just look... Arey look!!! And, okay forget about me, but, (showing the papers) She is so irresponsible that the result is in front of you all! Such important papers and now it's all wet!

A few people still looked on at both Swara and Aaliya with questions in their eyes. Swara was extremely guilty for what happened. Tears were slowly filling their eyes when Kavita suddenly spoke up...

Kavita : Before you blame my friend for anything, just don't forget that you are ruining your own impression here by creating such a big ruckus!

Swara : Ssh Kavita.. It's okay. It was my fault.

Aaliya (angrily to Kavita) : Shut up!!! Don't forget I'm your senior!!! Don't forget your position here! Just lower your tone and talk...

"...Well, I think it's you who should lower your tone and then talk, Ms Aaliya Mehrotra!"

There was a moment of pause as they recognised the voice. As for Swara, she could recognise his voice in a million sounds... Soon everybody's heads were towards Sanskar, Sahil followed by Zack.

Swara (whispered) : San.. Sanskar?

Aaliya got shocked as she saw Sanskar in front of her acknowledging her. She immediately changed her expression and ran to him but Sanskar trespassed her and stood in between. Aaliya followed him...

Aaliya (trying to show off) : See na Sanskar! People in our staff have always been responsible, and this has to be maintained everytime! But this Swara! First she made me wet and then these papers which you were going to give me...

A part of Swara's heart wrenched as if she feared something she wouldnt believe.

How was she so clingy with him? Was Sanskar her friend? Her behavior with him explained a lot.

But next moment what had happened was beyond her expectations...

Sanskar took the papers from Aaliya making her dumbfounded and he saw the printed words at the edges which were faded. But that was the least of his concerns. Sanskar's eyes searched for Swara and he finally saw her but at the moment he was shattered when he noticed those black orbs filled with tears... He looked at Swara with concern etched over his face. He gave her an assuring gesture but she was too numb to respond. Sanskar turned towards everybody. No matter what he had to stay strong.

Sanskar (to people out there) : Can I have a pen please?

One of the people lended him his pen still unaware what he was trying to do. Swara looked at him as Sanskar immediately made his way to a couch out there and sat there down writing something on the faded words very carefully, leaving everyone to understand that he was just deciphering those faded words. After sometime, he finished writing and then ran to Aaliya.

Sanskar (giving her the papers) : Happy? The information you wanted is now clear. And yes, you can see it yourself that it just took hardly a minute! So, I don't think there was any need of creating ruckus over here, atleast in public. You do know that's uncivilised, right?

He then turned to other people making Aaliya narrow her eyes and making others shocked... especially Swara. So that meant she wasn't his friend or anything.

Sanskar : I was watching Swara and I don't think she had any fault. She wasn't the one who was enjoying in her headphones! And you...(turned to Aaliya) Don't try to act oversmart infront of me! As far as I know you, you were very much involved in timepass.

That was another shocker but bfore Aaliya and others could understand anything else, Sanskar immediately snatched out the earphones from her ears making her wince and he showed them to everyone.

Sanskar : You all can see, right? That's what was going on! Now we all know the one who was not paying attention while walking around.

Sanskar : (calm) Don't consider yourself as a queen, get it? We all are a family, and we all don't call each other as 'Sir' or 'Ma'am' because we all are closely associated with each other, not only for work purposes. Get it? And yes, people may like a person or dislike but definitely, criticism is the worst thing a person can do. From next time, just take care that you don't cross your limits like you did today.

Sanskar walked aside and stood near Swara and held her hand. Swara noticed her hands getting tied to Sanskar's. Her blurred vision could also clearly see how their hands were entwined to each other perfectly.

A few people there started taunting Aaliya. Aaliya Mehrotra was always known in the company for her bitchy attitude and rude behavior and Swara stood nowhere near her.

Accepting her defeat at last, Aaliya moved from there with a disgust on her face.

Sanskar : You.. are.. not at fault, Swara!

Zack came to Swara.

Zack : I apologise to you on behalf of her for the ego she has.

Swara (immediately) : No Zack, its okay, why are you apologising? Maybe, it was my fault too.

Sanskar : No Swara! Swara...

Swara immediately walked off from there towards a room leaving Sanskar's hand leaving him all shocked.

Sanskar : Swara!

Kavita : Sanskar, it's ok... Even if all the misunderstanding is cleared, you know that feeling, right?

Sanskar : I need to talk to her, Kavita. She must be feeling so bad. I just can't see tears in her...

...He cut off before admitting it in front of these two who were yet to sort out their own feelings for each other.

Kavita : Sure, you talk with her. No one can make her feel as comfortable as you can make her feel.

Sahil : (teased a bit) Come Kavita, let my brother be with his Delhi wali Girlfriend for a while.

Sanskar rolled his eyes.

Kavita : (laughed) What? What was that? 'Delhi wali Girlfriend?' Who's she?

Sanskar : Please stop it both of you. This isn't a time to crack joke. Do you even realise what the situation is?

And without any further arguements, Sanskar left from there leaving a gaping Sahil and a shocked Kavita behind.

Sahil : (shocked) From when did he start caring so much about her?

Kavita (hit him) : He already did. It's you who noticed it so late. (narrowed her eyes) No wonder you are a prick head.

Sahil (smiled) : Well.. do you know that this prick head is in love with you?

And the words were enough to make the entire world freeze for Kavita as Sahil winked at her...


Swara faced the blank wall infront of her as she couldn't stop her tears. She had never felt so bad before. Even though she knew it was Aaliya's plan to defame her, the thing was why did she want to defame her? What bad did she do with her that she didn't like her?

All of a sudden, there was a sound at the door. Assuming it to be a knock, she immediately wiped her tears but before she could wipe all her tears, Sanskar had opened the door and caught her...

Sanskar : Caught you.

Swara moved her eyes to some other direction. She tried to smile.

Swara : Thanks.. Sanskar. For supporting me out there.

Sanskar : Are you serious, Swara?

Swara : W-What? It's.. okay..

She smiled but like every time, her smile did not reach her teary eyes.

She turned her head towards the wall in front of her and started wiping her tears. Sanskar noticed it and walked towards her keeping his palm on her shoulder. Why did Swara always hide her pain from him?

Sanskar (calmly) : I think that was enough. You can try to hide your pain from everyone else, but not from me.

Swara : I'm okay Sanskar... Please stop it.

Sanskar : Accha? Really? Then why these tears?

Saying this, he raised his thumb to wipe her dried tears and Swara could feel something warm in her heart. No one could make her feel the way Sanskar made her feel.

Sanskar : Now don't control yourself.

Suddenly, in a shocking moment, Swara's tears again made their way across her cheeks and she immediately wrapped her petite arms around his waist... making Sanskar highly shocked. Swara sobbed slowly in his embrace and in no time Sanskar's arms wrapped around her too, as he brought her closer to himself. He was feeling pain seeing her in this state.

Swara looked at him and once again both of them were completely immersed into each others' orbs... No words were spoken between them, just the eyes and feelings were enough...

Sanskar : Swara don't cry na.. Come here..

He held her shoulders and dragged her near a couch. He made her sit on the couch delicately and he sat besides her.

Swara : I don't know anything Sanskar. I am feeling guilty and... very bad too. I don't know why is Aaliya like this with me. I did not even do anything with her. She tried to defame me like this... Is it that have I done something wrong which made her hate me? But what have I done? I never talked to her or anyone else rudely. I never did anything bad to her... Then...

Sanskar : You did not do anything Swara! And it was not your fault! That girl, you don't know her. She is very arrogant. I know her since two years. She has a very bad attitude and she is nowhere as good as you are. You are getting me?

Sanskar kept his hand on her shoulder and Swara eyed down blinking her eyes not allowing her tears to come out.

Sanskar : Don't think what others think about you! Don't see who dislikes you or hates you. Don't see anything that lowers your self confidence! Get it? And never ever say that you have done something wrong, when you haven't, at all! I am proud of my best friend! Your mom and dad must be proud to have a daughter like you! Back there in India, they know you are making them proud! You are wonderful, Swara. Look Swara, you should look after your well-wishers, not ones who degrade you. You know what why? Because they are clearly jealous of you. And so is Aaliya. Just leave her. You should always see and care for what your well wishers do for you. You should see and care for those who love you and truly care for you!

Swara looked at him and there she stuck herself... His large brown eyes were inviting her beautiful black eyes to meet his.

Sanskar : Do you think I am saying all this just for the sake of saying it? No, Swara. This is what I know about you! And we don't care for what others think about us! All we know is we are happy together! Okay?

Swara's eyes again filled up but this time not because of pain, but because of her emotions which she had buried deep down her heart all this while...

"Ssh! Don't cry..." Sanskar cooed very tenderly pulling her into a hug again. Swara just quietly rested her head on his shoulder and he allowed her to take her time to compose herself.

Swara was wondering one thing...

How could somebody have this much effect on her? How could somebody's touch and embrace feel so warm and soothing?

Now doubt, he was her comfort and her solace.

After some time, he delicately broke the hug and slowly planted an intense kiss on her forehead, surprising Swara. The action made her shut her eyes.... He then wiped off her tears with his thumb.

Sanskar : People say that these tears that we allow to come are actually the pearls we are wasting! And you know, these pearls...

He gathered a falling tear from her cheek and Swara looked on intensely...

Sanskar (showed the tear to her) : This is what you are wasting. These pearls are enough to touch anyone's heart, you know?! I suggest, you stop wasting these precious pearls...

Swara's lips twitched slightly as she felt Sanskar's warm smile warming her heart.

Sanskar : And I'll always be with you! Don't worry for anything!

He cupped her cheeks making Swara shiver by his touch. They exchanged smiles and Sanskar put his hand around her shoulder.

Sanskar (in his mind) : Can she just tell me herself that whom she is thinking to be her Secret Admirer? And I'll be more than happy to give her the surprise of her life!!!

He smiled to himself as he finally felt things taking a turn!


Precap : SwaSan interesting Interview. And a surprise which will leave you all unexpectedly crazy...

Yes guys, Sanskar was our Swara's Secret Admirer! So, what's next, huh? 😉 Waiting for your feedbacks!

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