Chapter 24 : My Feelings For You!

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After some light time between the two, Sanskar decided to spill out one of the secrets of his life to her. You know, it's said that 'No one is perfect'. Sanskar's situation was no different. He took a deep sigh and closed his eyes.

Sanskar : I really wish Swara, that as much as your parents are proud of you, your father is proud of you, I badly wish that my Bade Papa was the same as your Baba. I really want him to encourage me in my works, but...

Swara rose her head from Sanskar's shoulder where she had been lying on. What was he telling her?

Was his father unhappy because he was pursuing a music career?

She spranged her head from Sanskar's shoulder and looked at him with shocked expressions....

Swara : Sanskar, what are your trying to say? What happened? Is your father not happy that you are...

Sanskar (calmly) : What to say Swara. You don't know even if I've well spent my life still I have many things missing, which is always there in a normal life! Imagine you are the son of a biggest businessman and living in a mansion when people barely notice you. He won't even bother if you are there or not. To be frank, everyone in my house is very loving, but he was never happy with me doing a job on music! Even if the job is well-paid and well-developed! My Papa.

Swara : (guilty) Sanskar, I'm so sorry...

Sanskar : (looked at Swara confused) Sorry? Why?

Swara : Because you had to say all this and remember all this... I think you might need some time for yourself.

Sanskar chuckled. "No. Honestly, I am used to it since my childhood. It doesn't affect me anymore."

Swara was initially reluctant but Sanskar's genuine and assuring smile made her change her thoughts.

Sanskar : Let us go for now. We have interview as well.

Swara nodded her head and before Sanskar was about to turn, Swara called him.

Swara : Sanskar!

Sanskar (looked at her) : Yes?

Swara : (smiled) Thank you once again!

Sanskar (amused) : For what?

Swara : For everything.

Sanskar : Come on, cut on these formal things. We are best friends, right? And much more than that too.

Swara : Actually, you are right. And yes, all the best for your interview.

Sanskar : (smiled) Pleasure is all mine. All the best to you to, Ms Journalist!

Swara rolled her eyes shaking her head before both of them headed out of the room together.


The long wait was over. The Music company had arranged for a demo interview today!

Zack and the spot boys had an entire room set up for the interview, and Swara couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. Though it wasn't the first time she was doing this, but something just felt so different with Sanskar being around.

The main objective of the Music Company was to make it look like an interview. In a way, it was Swara's training as an intern and an opportunity to know Sanskar better, though he just had to act like a typical music job pursuer.

Sanskar (whispered to her) : All the best. I know you will make it better than anything else.

Swara : Thank you.

Zack : Both of you can begin. All the best to both of you!

Swara (formally smiling) : Alright Mr Maheshwari, thank you so much for being here with us for sharing some of the most amazing things you would like to share with your fans!

Sanskar (smiled professionally) : Alright Ms Gadodia, you may begin! And I would also love to share some of my great experiences I have ever had with my colleagues! From my journey as an intern to I became the assistant professor of this company. Ask me anything and I'll answer them happily!

Zack smiled at Sanskar's statement. Swara took a deep sigh and gave everyone a smile.

Swara : So Mr Maheshwari...

Sanskar (interrupted) : Aahhan! I don't like formality. You can simply call me Sanskar.

Swara rolled her eyes sighing. How could she expect Sanskar Maheshwari to be natural for once?

Swara : Alright Sanskar, it is an honour to meet you! Please, could you share some of your experiences with us? When did you first join this Company as an intern?

Sanskar : Two years ago, I was just an intern. But even though I was one, I had already found a family here. Looking one way round, it's like my second family.

Swara : Okay, so.. what's your own definition for Music? Do you have any?

Sanskar : Well... (genuinely) For me, Music is therapy. Music moves people. It connects people in ways that no other medium can. It stirs the strings of your heart! Whenever you are hearing a song in ninth cloud, you will feel the happiness in the song. But whenever you are emotional, you will always understand the meaning behind those lyrics. Basically, I guess it acts as a medicine for mood.

Swara : Would you like to share with us that what made you fall in love with music?

Sanskar : Well, according to me that's not something for which you require to fall for! It just depends on your mood. Whenever you hear it, you have a specific mood for it, right?

Swara : What's the first thing you started playing?

Sanskar : When I was ten years old, I informally learned guitar by my own. Playing it myself made me learn each and everything related to music! That's what increased my passion for music. I love striking tunes of different songs. I do everyday. My favourite song. I sing to make myself feel good and confident in life! As I said, it connects people.

Swara : Well, Sanskar, that really sounds amusing. But what they mark for you exactly?

Sanskar : (smiled) Many unsaid things! It's the... unspoken feelings people around me have!

Swara felt strange suddenly as if he was saying it to her. She jerked all her thoughts and knew how to keep her job.

Sanskar : Music is just the people around me in my life. For me, music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe. It gives wings to the mind. It gives flight to imagination! It gives a charm to life and to everything! So, I might say it's the nature around me and my own life that makes me love music each and every second. They inspired me to love music!

Swara smiled at his generosity.

Swara : We love your thoughts regarding music. And we also liked the way you expressed them to us! What's more, here people are already getting moved by your thoughts!

Sanskar (teased) : And I love the way you are doing your job, Ms Gadodia. After this, I would love to have a word with you.

Swara narrowed her eyes at him and Sanskar laughed silently. He was teasing her! The nerve of him...

But she decided to pretend that she did not hear it so that she did not spoil her interrogation. And in this manner, the 'interview' continued with Swara bombarding Sanskar with formal questions and Sanskar answering all of them with enthusiasm. Just then in a few minutes...

Zack : Cut!

Swara and Sanskar turned their heads towards him.

Zack : We're done with the first half. The second half will be conducted after a short break.

He got up and all the spot boys dismissed all the arrangements there for some time, leaving Swara and Sanskar in the room alone. Sanskar winked at her.

Sanskar : That was not bad, Ms Gadodia.

Swara : Shut up! I told you not to pull anything stupid.

Sanskar chuckled and both of them left the room with Swara shooting glares at him, which he responded to by a shrug.


The four friends got together at the cafeteria. If was finally lunch time and Swara wouldn't admit it but she felt very exhausted. Taking a responsibility wasn't an easy thing to do! It required her entire one week of practice, and now it was worth it.

Swara : I don't believe this!!! Kavita, you too!

Kavita (chided) : Then what was I supposed to do? Still tell you about my feelings for Sahil when I wasn't sure myself?

Swara : But at least you should have...

Sanskar (narrowed his eyes folding his arms) : You know, Sahil also did not tell me anything about it.

Sahil : Accha! You don't tell me Sanskar! (smirked) I still have many things to reveal to Swara.

The words made Sanskar's face go all pale.

Sahil (smirked broadly) : You won't believe that what things we have hidden from you, Swara! Once you get to know them...

Sanskar (immediately) : SAHIL!!! My Bro... Have you and Kavita done with your patching up? Well, you both didn't tell me and Swara that how better you both are doing!.

And Sahil knew he was already a target. Kavita and Swara got thoughtful at their own places. These boys were crazy!

Sanskar (whispered to Sahil) : My Mr Innocent Bro, I know how to turn the tables quickly! Next time, please think a thousand times before trying to degrade me.

Sahil : Sometimes I really think where have I landed myself by befriending you.

Sanskar : That you should have thought before trying to spill that to Swara!

Sahil : Uff!

Swara : What happened to you two? What did you start talking among yourselves?

Kavita : These brothers are just unbelievable.

Swara : Haan na.

Kavita : And what about Sahil and my patchup Sanskar? We didn't have a fight or something, did we?

The words made Sahil happy beyond control.

Sahil : Really? We never had a fight! Wow it means...

Sanskar (hit his head embarrassing him) : Duffer! She's saying na that you both never had a fight.

Sahil : God. Bro. From when did you become my enemy?

Sanskar (whispered to him) : Since you tried to open up my plan to Swara!

Sahil : God. I said sorry na.

Sanskar : Okay...

Sahil (smiled at Kavita) : Kavita, actually I want to talk to you in private.

Kavita (opened up) : Ohh! Sahil! Actually even I had to talk to you!

Sanskar (whistled) : Wow! Looks like here the new story begins.

Swara : Yes!

Sahil : God, let us talk at least!

Kavita : Yes. We didn't even talk and here you both started.

Sanskar : (smirked) So someone was teasing me with 'Delhi Wali Girlfriend' thing since night. So it's time for a payback Broo!! Go, you and your 'girlfriend', go and talk there in the corner.

Sahil : This Sanskar. He never leaves a chance to irritate me.

Swara (shocked) : Hainn? What? Delhi wali girlfriend? Who is that?

Sanskar (tongue tied) : O.. O.. Ugh.. It's nothing.. Swara..

Swara : Arey tell me...

Sahil (happily) : Ha!!! Swara, I'll tell you who is she!!! You'll be surprised to know...

As soon as Sahil was going to spill the beans, Sanskar immediately placed a burger inside Sahil's mouth so that he couldn't speak further.

Sahil : (angrily, trying to speak) Ugh! Broo!

Sanskar : (laughed) Kya hua? Arey.. Actually I thought you might need to eat something! So that you could speak in full power and energy! So I fed you this burger! Happy eating Bro!

Sahil took out the burger from his mouth but obviously took a small bite and looked at Sanskar angrily. If looks could kill, he would have already dug Sanskar's grave with zero honours, no matter if that meant losing his best friend.

Soon, Swara, Sanskar and Kavita bursted into laughter.

Swara : (suppressing her laugh) Oh god.. Sahil! You're so funny!

Sahil : (to himself) I won't leave this Sanskar. God just give me a chance.

Kavita (irritated) : Saaaahil!!! God! I want to talk to you!

Sahil (immediately swallowed the entire burger in one go) : Oh.. Oh.. yeah.. Coming Kavita..

Kavita : Swara, Sanskar, I suggest you both also go and start practising.

Sanskar : (smirked) Well, I see you have found a good way to kick me and Swara away from you both.

Swara : See Sahil. You've snatched away my best friend from me.

Kavita : (pointed out) : Remember Swara! One day I'll be saying the same thing to Sanskar!!!

Sahil : Don't mention that Swara! That's not my fault that I snatched your friend from you! It's her fault that she has fallen in love with me!!!

As soon as he might dread to realise what he just said, Swara and Sanskar widened their lips into their own world famous smirk and Kavita was taken aback. A tinge of redness appeared on her cheeks as she looked everywhere but Sahil, whereas he just smirked.

Kavita (tongue tied) : I.. Sahil.. I am going!

And she just walked off from there blushing hard. Swara slapped her forehead looking at Sahil.

Swara : You know what, you are a dumb head!

Sahil : (narrowed his eyes) Madam, care to elaborate?

Swara : Seriously Sahil! The reason she wanted to talk to you was she wanted to confess her love for you!!! Even though you know she has feelings for you but she wants to say it directly to you herself. But you ruined her plan by blurting everything out!

Sahil's face fell. Was she serious?

Sahil : W-What.. B-But I..

Swara : Now I can only suggest one thing which will help you in sorting out things with her. Go and straight away talk to her now!

Sahil : (scratched his head) Seriously? And you think she can regain her confession?

Swara : (smiled) Yes, don't worry. I know her better than anyone else. She will confess her love to you.

Sahil smiled to himself. Just the thought of Kavita being in love with him gave him the happiness and excitement which no one else gave.

Sahil : I'm glad that she loves me! I promise to love her throughout my life.

Sanskar (cleared his throat) : Ahm ahm. Take all your love oaths and promises later, first go and confess your love straight away to your would-be girlfriend! Okay?

Sahil (beamed) : On it!

And with that he ran from there as if his life depended on it. Swara looked at Sanskar.

Swara : I guess we should also leave now.

Sanskar : Right.

Swara : Actually, can I say something to you?

Sanskar : Yes sure, what is it?

Swara (chuckled) : You know, this is the first time you didn't poke your nose between a group discussion! It truly came out as a miracle! The great Sanskar Maheshwari was in the silent mode today.

Sanskar (narrowed his eyes) : Excuse me, what do you mean by 'poke my nose in between'? Are you trying to say that I talk nonsense everytime?

Swara : Everytime?! Everyday!

Swara was still laughing her heart out at the lameness that was created just now but all Sanskar could hear was those chirpy giggles that made him numb at the moment. Was it possible to fall in love with someone's laugh? Here Swara was laughing and all Sanskar was doing was smiling watching her. In a way, he was the reason behind her laugh. And, her smile too.

Sanskar : (smirked) I see you are becoming bolder! I mean, initially also you were bold only but now more...

Swara suppressed her giggles leaving a sigh and looking at Sanskar. She expected him to tease her again but he was actually smiling looking at her... and that made her stare at him with a smile too.


All the necessary things were rearranged once again with everyone back to their own places. The camera was shot and SwaSan who were sitting opposite to each other faced each other with a sigh.

Swara : Alright Sanskar, it was a great experience talking to you last time. Since we all are back here after a short break, I guess we could continue our talk. So, tell us something about your journey in music world. Did you practise singing?

Sanskar : Not really. Actually, I never practised because I never wanted to. Since I'm not any musician in any angle. When I came here in US, I was just like any other city boy. When I took an internship here, I was later appointed as the assistant professor of this Company, and that's what I came into being! Well, music is a hobby for me, that's another thing that I actually love it. In my childhood, I never dreamt of becoming anything like that or else doing any career in music. But then, I took it as my passion and my hobby.

Swara : Okay. So we assume that, you never thought that you would do a career in music in your next future.

Sanskar : Yes.

Swara : What is it that you would have become, if not any career in music?

Sanskar : (shrugged) I have my engineering degree too. Before I had any idea I would end up here, I was a engineering aspirant. After my graduation, I was going to search for job but due to some personal reasons, I didn't. But once I complete my years here, I am going back to my hometown, India.

Swara kept her face professional but she felt something cracking inside her. He would leave? Like.. really?

Swara : (smiled) Well, that's sad that you will be leaving, Sanskar. Here people will miss you very much.

Sanskar : Yes. And so will I. But don't you all worry, I will always stay in contact with my colleagues, and my dear ones!

The statement made Swara and everyone else smile too. That meant their beloved would never forget them!

In this way, Swara kept interrogating Sanskar accurately and Sanskar answered all of them in his own way. Soon, after some time, they reached at the bottom of their interview. Swara shooted her last question to Sanskar.

Swara : Till now, you have told us a number of things about you! Once again, thank you so much for being with us here, Mr Maheshwari! We have come to the end of all this. Is there anything more you would like to say? Would you mind saying a few things to everyone watching you today?

Sanskar cleared his throat and smiled. It was time for the most perfect answer he could give, and nobody had any idea what was coming. As for Swara, she just stared at him anticipating for an answer.

Sanskar : (smiled) Guys, make music a part of your life. Make it your passion, make it your love! I guarantee you all, no sooner or later, just like a guitar strikes it's own strings, you'll realise your heart too stirring some foreign feelings into your heart! The sooner you go near someone special in your life, sooner you feel the strings of your heart stirring! In no time, you'll realise you are in love with someone who, was since the beginning, very close to your heart! In no time, you will realise that you've fallen in love with the most special person of your life! Well, something very similar has happened to me too and I am ecstatic that I am lucky to find such a person in my life!!!

And in no time, he moved his eyes towards Swara and gave her the kind of smile as if only she was the one to whom he showed this kind of smile, as if he meant each and every word of his for her. At this point of time, everything in the audience came into a standstill. No one could move, utter a word, after hearing what their beloved just told them. As for Swara, she was beyond shocked... or rather say surprised!

Would he be precise? Would he directly say what she yearned to hear the most all this while from him? The answer he gave her knocked out every sense she had and the time seemed like betraying her by freezing her.

Did he actually confess his feelings for Swara through his answer?!

"C... Cut!"

Zack's stammering voice floated across the room and every one came back to their senses.

Zack : Thank you so much Swara and Sanskar for the help! Excellent job Swara! Once again, you proved your talent! We are proud to have an intern like you!

Swara couldn't say anything as she was still numb. Sanskar's answer was still ringing in her ears, her mind trying hard to find the hidden meaning behind it. And the realisation dawned upon her very hard and at the moment she felt like she was the happiest person living. Suddenly, her heart became too heavy as she travelled her gaze towards Sanskar, who in turn was still staring at her... with that smile!

The room was getting empty slowly as the people walked out of the room after the most amazing interview.

Sanskar got up from his chair and whispered in Swara's ear.

Sanskar : And yes, what I said to you right now, don't think it's just for interview. I meant each and every word I said, Swara!

And he walked out of the room leaving Swara leaving her to see her inner conflict. Sanskar smiled to himself.

He knew it that this was the day!


"Oh god!!! We missed Swara and Sanskar's interview!!!"

Kavita panicked running here to there... Sahil was running behind her. Both looked like Tom and Jerry.

Sahil : (fed up) God Kavita! Don't worry.

Kavita (looked at Sahil) : God Sahil! First of all, hamare confession ke chakkar mein we forgot the most important event!

Sahil immediately came closer to her. He gripped her waist romantically making Kavita gasp in shock.. or rather surprise!

Sahil : So what? At least we both got to know that we both love each other!

Kavita (got shy) : Sahil! Someone might see us... Leave me...

Sahil : (grinned) No.

Kavita : Yes!

Sahil : No!


Sahil and Kavita both got shocked hearing double voices. Just then, they saw Sanskar approaching towards their direction.

He was back so early?

Sahil : Uff! Why is this Bro always after ruining my romance?

Sanskar : I heard that, Sahil.

Kavita chuckled and Sahil made his puppy face.

Sanskar : (smirked) I don't have any advantage in ruining your romance anyway.

Sahil : Anyways, you've finished so soon?

Sanskar : (shocked) So soon?! It was since an hour that Swara and I began!

Kavita : Oh my goodness.

Sanskar : (shrugged) Anyways... I have some work to do. I'll see you guys later. (smiled) Bye.

Kavita (confused) : Sanskar! Where is Swara? I thought she must be with you...


Swara was pacing up and down near the pool in her office garden. (The same pool where Swara played that colourful water balloon prank.)

She was trying to think hard about what Sanskar had actually meant at that time... Those words were again and again ringing in her head as if learnt them by heart.

Had he actually tried to confess his feelings for her?

Then, did that mean he had feelings for her? But then...

Swara had an idea that Sanskar was having feelings for her. His actions already made her feel like that. But then... hearing it indirectly for her was trickier to accept than she thought.

Swara : (to herself) So Swara, he said that you realise your feelings as soon as your heart makes sounds of pumping, when you go near someone special!! So, by this.. A conclusion appears. Who is special to Sanskar in his life? And it just sounded like he was meaning me.

As of now, she was not clear even about this fact that Sanskar was her secret admirer or not! Was he the one who was writing letters to her all this while, or not. And all of a sudden... this confession...

No. No. No. This was all messed up! There's got to be some meaning! And the meaning was...

What if he was her secret admirer?

"Well, don't worry I'm going to answer your questions very very soon!!!"

A voice rang in Swara's head. It was the same angelic, charming voice, of the same person who was the love of her life.... When Swara's turned her head behind, to her shock a strong wind just blew away her shawl off her neck and in no time, it spreaded out like a feather while flying away. But unknowingly to both people cum soulmates existing there the transparent shawl had landed on his face, making all the image blur infront of his eyes.

Swara who had in no time realised who he was, just smiled as her shawl was playing on his face. In no time Sanskar surprisingly removed away the shawl from his eyes and then got a clearer vision of Swara, the love of his life, his Swara, infront of his eyes......

Swara (exclaimed in shock) : Sanskar!

Sanskar : Yes baby, now you were thinking so much about me, so how can I leave you like that!

Swara : Sanskar... Listen... I want to ask something! Right now! Please!

Sanskar : Kyun?

Swara : (hyper) Ufff!!! Ab uske liye bhi kyun? It's not always necessary to give reasons. I just want to talk, means I want to talk.

Sanskar smirked and that highly brought Swara on the edge now.

Sanskar : So, Ms Jhansi ki Rani wants to talk to me! Sounds interesting.

Swara : Listen, if you're more interested in fun right now then I'm sorry but I'm really serious right now! It's not a joke, please listen to me! Woh... (gave up) Huh! Okay fine. You know what, just leave. Who am I expecting to be serious for this once anyway?

Swara sighed giving up angrily and turned to go but only to find another shocker. Before she even took a step, Sanskar raised Swara high in air and soon rnough she felt her entire being falling inside the pool, even before she could realise anything. Next moment she found herself floating inside the pool. Sanskar started laughing hatd until Swara dug her head out of the water and looked at Sanskar with super angry eyes.

Sanskar : (laughed) Wooohoohoo! Now that's what ladies and gentlemen we call a pool war.

Swara : (yelled) What the hell Sanskar! Why do you always throw me inside the water??!!

Sanskar : (smirked) Well well well, you only said I should be serious.

Swara : Like this!!??

Sanskar : (folded his arms) My art of being serious.

Swara : (sarcastically) Wow! Claps for Mr Maheshwari! His art of being serious!

Sanskar : Ssshh! Didn't get me fully? Wait let me show you!

Swara : What...

But before Swara could even speak something further she suddenly got shooked with many water drops flying on her after Sanskar too jumped inside the water... Swara was taken aback.

Soon, Sanskar dug his head out of the water and winked looking at Swara. All Swara could notice is the completely drenched Sanskar but even that couldn't stop him from staring at her. For a moment, no words were spoken at all. Both were staring at each other in a much newer light.

Was this how 'confessing our love' felt like?

Sanskar smiled and started taking slow steps towards to Swara and by now she had completely forgotten to breath. The effect Sanskar had on her was something indefinable. She felt all her senses tingled at the moment, while Sanskar's warmth was slowly embracing her soul. Closer Sanskar came, harder it became for Swara to control her bottled up feelings for him and moment by moment she also started losing herself.

When both finally stood as close as just one inch difference to each other, facing each other, Sanskar in no time cupped Swara's cheeks making her forget the world around her.

Swara : Is.. Is this how you be serious?

She still failed to understand everything but she still let herself go with the flow. Never in her entire life she had been so nervy and confused about something.

Only Sanskar Maheshwari had that power in him...

Sanskar : (winked) See, I was serious! First I pushed you in the water, and then even I came with you here.

Swara : (stammered) Your.. art of.. being.. serious?

Sanskar (smiled) : Yes! Because I'm really serious right now Swara and I want you to know something.

Just looking at his genuine smile on his face, it was clear that he was really true to her and himself at that time! At this moment, Swara could hear only his voice as he leant on her shoulder, slightly brushing his wet cheek against her, making Swara realise what the word 'pleasurable touch' really meant!

The evening sun was just about to set with painting away the entire sky into red-pink-golden shines. Both of them looked at each other intensely, with those sparkling smiles on their faces, their beautiful eyes expressing their longing love for each other. They were looking at each other as if both have craved a lot for this special moment between them...

And they had!

Sanskar raised his hand out of water and caressed Swara's cheek making her close her eyes. His mere touch had this much effect on him!

Swara : Sanskar, You won't tell me that what did you mean by your answer?

Sanskar smiled with his cheek still resting against her and his chin touching her shoulder. He raised up his arms and wrapped them around Swara... as warmly as he could. As dearly as he could. And Swara's heart skipped several beats.

Swara (closed her eyes) : Sanskar!

Sanskar : Sssh!

Swara's eyes shot open and Sanskar leant back.

Sanskar : (smiled) Sometimes words are not needed to say something. Sometimes it's your eyes that say everything! It is said that our eyes are the mirrors to our hearts! So, it means that right now whatever you can see in my eyes are actually in my heart too! And what I'm seeing with my eyes, is in my heart too! So by now, you must have understood what I meant.

She did! She did!

Swara : So, Sanskar, is it that you.. you too feel for me the same as I feel for you? Ha Sanskar? Tell me! You don't know, how much I have waited for you to say this!

Sanskar : (shrugged) Why don't you see that yourself?

Swara : Matlab?

Sanskar : Matlab.. Umm.. Alright!

And before Swara could react Sanskar had put Swara's wet dupatta all over their heads, covering both of them by the shawl. Sanskar made sure that this was their comforter. He gripped Swara's waist closer to him and Swara gasped.

Swara : Sanskar.. Are you sure?

Sanskar : So finally it's time for the moment which I had been waiting for since days!

Swara : D.. Did you remember that I had confessed my feelings to you that night?

"I remember each and every moment we spent that day together, Swara! And that's the reason we both are standing here today, together, confessing our feelings for each other!"

Sanskar sighed and suddenly for Swara, it just sounded like a dream...

"Swara... This is our destiny and we are destined to be together!"

He also had feelings for her!!! Undoubtedly, she knew it, but hearing it directly from him was something so delightful to her and it sent a wave of ecstacy into her...

"Swara.. You might have come to know by now that your Secret Admirer... (chuckled) Anyway. I was just waiting for the moment when you'll confess your feelings to me, that is why Swara, I planned all that. I want you in my life, Swara! I want to hear your heart every second, every moment..."

It was official : Swara Gadodia was the happiest woman alive!

"So hear my heart, Mr Maheshwari! For it's strings won't stir if you're not there with me!"

And with that, Swara had the most beautiful smile on her face and Sanskar had the most beautiful moment. Swara nodded her head looking at him and now finally it was Sanskar's time to show her what he meant to her! He wanted to show her what place she had in his heart and his life! It was time he was going to express that Sanskar Maheshwari loved Swara Gadodia with every beat of his heart, and every fibre of his being!

Sanskar lowered his eyes and leant closer to her. Swara too leaned closer to him trying to raise her toes which were inside the water so that she could match his height. Soon, their faces were leaving no distance between them and they comforted themselves more inside the shawl so that their moment did not get disturbed. This was the moment they both were waiting for! This was the day they were waiting for!

The beautiful golden sun was already witnessing the special moment of two souls...

This was surely, a wonderful beginning to their story!


Precap : Sanskar & Swara's self confession!

Unexpected? I know!!!

Waiting for your feedbacks guys! Please, I request each one of you to leave your feedbacks in the comments. Don't just vote. Your feedbacks mean a lot to me, and in a way I get to know that readers are enjoying the story. So, please do not hesitate to leave a comment. ❤

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