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“If only there was a way
for me to get you to stay.”


The moment Gaeul steps inside her room at night, both of them have yet to say anything.

"Gaeul, welcome back. How was your day?"

She ignores him. She pretends not to hear. Anything but that.

Jisoo lets her be, deals with her ignorance. He understand how disappointed she was with Mingyu, and with herself, and she was pushing herself off the edge.

Gaeul didn't say a word to him either. She just took a shower and switches off the lights, burying herself under the blanket.

She noticed how Jisoo dimmed the moonlight for her, and almost immediately, the tears that she was holding back from morning till now which felt like forever finally rolled down her cheeks, drip by drip.

She sniffles silently. All she wanted was a friend at school.

Yet a guy came and made life even worse for her.

"Hey, I do know you're crying, actually."

Jisoo's sudden voice made Gaeul freeze, stopping all forms of breathing and also her tears, and without actually thinking twice, Gaeul peeks out of her blanket, only revealing her eyes.

It was enough for Jisoo to know how upset she was.

"Wanna talk about it?" Jisoo asks, pretending not to know a thing, when all he wanted was to teach the tall guy at Gaeul's school a goddamn lesson.

No one should mess with a girl's feelings like that. Nobody should.

Especially a fragile girl like her, Jisoo thought.

Gaeul just sits up on her bed but doesn't say anything, just continues sulking. She knows how stupid she looked in front of Jisoo like that, eyes all puffy and red and embarrassed, but she couldn't help but want to let Jisoo know how upset she was.

And how regretful she was for actually believing Mingyu.

To put it simply, Gaeul trusted Jisoo. He was someone who she knows deep down would listen to her worries. Jisoo couldn't be much happier than that, to be the shoulder that she could lean on whenever she needs to cry

"So...wanna tell me what happened?"

"It was all just a lie."

Gaeul wiped her tears away, but felt the burning sensation in her eyes even more.

"Being confessed to and keeping your hopes up too high. I'm so stupid,"  Gaeul laughs bitterly, brushing her hair back, "I should've really thought it was never true."

"It wasn't your fault." Jisoo told her.

"It's frustrating. Falling for something like that so simply…who would even like a nobody like me anyway."

"I would."

Jisoo's words just made her tears well up even more.

"I'd always like you. It doesn't matter if you're nobody or imperfect. I'll just be here for you to listen to your worries." Jisoo says calmly, knowing the girl was holding back tears,  "you know you could trust me."

Despite all her frustration, Jisoo felt the teeniest hint of guilt building inside of him. Was it because of him Gaeul was like this? Was it because he told her to believe in Mingyu's confession? Was it his fault?

"Life's never fair, is it," Gaeul mutters, "if you're just the teeniest bit odd, you're singled out."

"How are you odd?" He asks her.

"Would people think I'm odd if I say I might like the man in the moon?"

Both of them froze in silence. Jisoo came to realize something.

Gaeul just said he liked him.

"You're not.." He trails off, trying to hide his embarrassment. It was a relief that Gaeul couldn't see the slight burn of sunlight heating up his cheeks (or maybe it was just a blush) despite his pale skin.

"I am odd. There's no doubt." Gaeul lies down and takes a deep breath, drowsiness hitting her, "it's just that people in this universe are never open about anything."

"Then would it be better if I could create a universe where there's just you and me?"

Gaeul laughs at his sentence, "Idiot. You'll never be able to do that."

They paused, silent, when Gaeul, who was already yawning and half asleep, asked.

"Jisoo, would it be possible if you became human and live on earth?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't know…maybe because you're human too..?"

Jisoo smiles sadly, though he had hope plamted inside of himself. He could be with her if he wanted to. Of course there'd be a way. He needed to find a way.

"I'm afraid not," he tells her, though he made a mental reminder inside of his head fo ask this to Peter Pan.

"It's alright," Gaeul yawns again, eyes drooping, "I just thought how nice it would be if you were here with me."

"I wished I was too." Jisoo smiles back, "goodnight Gaeul."




ANYWAY im actually the one who's half asleep here so l m a o

Pls do not mind typos, flaws, etc most of the time i typed eith my eyes closed so ya

Im gonna edit this soon dw!!

So i guess thats it guys



- Cee

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