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“From the moon to the stars,
우주를 해매다,”


"Chan, wake up."

Hoshi pokes Chan's shoulder lightly, proceeding to rock the younger boy's figure gently, telling him to wake up. Chan was dead tired from playing with the other Lost Boys, and he doesn't want to wake up, but Hoshi might bring him along to his amazing midnight adventures.

"Wake up, I have to take you somewhere." Hoshi says, standing still by Chan's bed as the younger boy yawns and stretches, his eyes snapping open at the mention of 'somewhere'.

"Somewhere? You're taking me on an adventure?"  Chan asks, eyes glistening.

Hoshi scratches his head, "More or less."

Soon the two were out of the underground home they live in, striding through the forest to a place Chan knew well of; where Hoshi usually takes flight whenever he was about to fly off to the real world. He took the bag of pixie dust Hoshi handed him and sprinkled it onto himself just like how he always does, feeling his body getting lighter, his feet peeling off the ground.

Chan had noticed that Hoshi was surprisingly quiet tonight, a straight look on his hyung's face. He's been wearing that face for days now, feeling troubled and also tired.

"Are we going to the real world, hyung?" Chan asks, catching up with Hoshi "are we going to see Gaeul noona?"

The mention of Gaeul's name caused Hoshi to flinch a little, and Chan had noticed that. He always did. Like whenever Hoshi has a kind of sad expression on his face when he talks about Gaeul. How he's got this annoyed expression when he talked about the Moon. Hoshi wasn't annoyed; just bothered, he guesses.

They step into the alternate world, the world where reality always kicks in, where dreams don't always come true and where everybody grows up. Assuming that Hoshi wasn't in the mood to talk to him, Chan slowed his pace so that he trailed behind the boy in green.

Below him were the bustling cars and the blinding lights that came from the city that had betrayed him, a place where Chan believed there was no longer happiness. Horrid things keep happening to him and his family, it just never felt right.

Of course, it was selfish of him to run off onto his own, but he never knew that being a Lost Boy caused him to leave his real family forever. And there was no turning back now; no creature from Neverland could go back to the real world. They'd always disappear.

"We've got somewhere to go before we meet Gaeul," Hoshi says, an unhappy tone in his voice "I hope you're ready."

Chan just nods as a reply, unable to guess what was causing Hoshi to frown that much. Surely, Hoshi's temper isn't something that Chan's fond of, but rather than that, he's always curious of what Hoshi's mad of, because his anger's always unreadable.

The city lights seemed to disappear below Chan and Hoshi as they descended into thick trees and grass. It was surely a cold autumn, the dim street lights blinded by the thin fog although it was only early September. Chan looked around, regretting he didn't bring along his given sweater with him.

"I've got something to tell you," Hoshi says, looking straight into the dark, foggy path "follow me."

Chan's hand was gripped tight by the older as they walked through the gate. Chan was still as clueless as ever, unable to voice out a question.

He felt grass beneath his toes, the gravelly path no longer aching his skin. Chan could see several as what they would call tombstones along the way, couldn't help but feeling a little scared at the eerie feeling.

"Here." Hoshi stopped.

Chan faced forward. A tombstone was in front of them, Chan scanning the details of it despite the darkness of the night. He spotted details; a date, a year, and a familiar name.

The younger boy looked up at Peter, still unable to believe what he saw.

"This...when?" Chan asked, his eyes unable to leave the tombstone of his late mother.

"A week ago." Hoshi mumbles.

"One week ago, and you only told me now?" Chan almost yelled at the older, probably angry at how late he's gotten the news.

"I'm sorry, it was hard for me to tell you, I couldn't bear seeing you cry-"

"This isn't about me, hyung, this is about Gaeul noona. What have you been doing?" Chan shook Hoshi's shoulders in frustration "she has no one at all. Mom was her last family, and now without me or Moon hyung; just who is by her side right now?"

A wave of regret and guilt washed over Hoshi, seeing the younger boy scold him like this. It was true, Hoshi felt bad he didn't tell him earlier, but Chan was too happy of a boy to tell. He couldn't stand a look of sadness on the younger boy's face. Especially when he's lost a family member.

"Hyung, what are you doing? Snap out of it, we need to go." Chan was already a few feet above Hoshi, pixie dust bag in hand.

"Where to?"

"I want to see Gaeul noona."

"Chan, it's midnight, she's-"

"She's not asleep," Chan says firmly, shooting Hoshi a look before flying off "I just know it."


Mingyu had left hours ago as Gaeul woke up to empty silence filling the house. She trudges back to her room after discovering she had fallen asleep on the floor, where her now nonexistent sofa used to be. God knows how long she was asleep; it was embarrassing enough to know that Mingyu knew.

She closed the door behind her as she stares at her room, the only remaining memory of her family and herself. Her desk was taken away, although thankfully she had succeeded in persuading her aunt not to take her vision board that was filled with her studies.

Dinner alone was definitely not the same. Sure, Gaeul had no problem with not having friends at all, but family; family was different. Family was the warmth during a cold, cold winter. Family was the always open arms to embrace you in times of hardship. Family was everything.

Mingyu was none other than a friend, though Gaeul admit she had started to feel comfortable with him. But there were also some sides of herself that she hasn't shown to him just yet, because Mingyu was none other than a friend.

Gaeul plops herself onto her bed, sinking into the mattress. Her room felt even more spacious after her furniture were removed, and the silence that seemed to dance in the room seemed louder than ever. Silence isn't something mute; it always speaks. Just loud enough for you not to hear.

She wonders, what does she usually do at this time of the night?

Gaeul remembers. She gets off her bed and pushes her windows open; a gust of cold air greeting her. She looks up at the sky; at the clear crescent moon and remembers; Jisoo was no longer to be seen.

Her heart dropped, both at why it wasn't raining that night and why Jisoo wasn't there these days. Why rain? Gaeul hated the rain, but it was better for that to happen rather than not being able to see Jisoo without a reason at all.

She hesitantly shut her windows again, although partly hoping that Jisoo would appear and call out her name, but that didn't seem to happen.

Suddenly her windows busted open, the weight of someone on top of Gaeul's body. Gaeul struggled as she tried to make out who the person who crash landed into her room was; but she was kind of expecting it was him after all.

"Noona!" Gaeul was cut off before she could even complain about anything, pulled into a tight hug by her little brother. She returns the hug, trying to blink back tears after knowing the fact that the family has existed again. For now, at least.

"I'm sorry," Chan says, seeming like he didn't showed any signs of letting his sister go. Neither did Gaeul. At times like these, family needs to stick together.

Hoshi swiftly lands in Gaeul's room, eyes on the two siblings. Gaeul looked up at him, rushing over to give Hoshi a quick hug too. Peter admits; his heart did skip a beat; but he knows her heart belonged to only the Moon and none other.

"The house..." Chan trails off as he looks around the almost empty room. When he looks outside, both the living room and his rooms were empty. Gaeul just smiles faintly, unable to say anything.

"They did this to you?" Hoshi asks, joining Chan who was looking around the house "Humans are horrible after all."

"That's a silly thing to say; you're one yourself." Gaeul replies, sittung crosslegged on het bed. Hoshi just shrugs, refusing to tell her that he was only half.

"Noona, come live with me in Neverland," Chan suddenly says, causing both Hoshi and Gaeul to stare at him in shock "it's always fun and happiness there! We go on lots of fun adventures and we'd play in the forest all day and get caught by Captain Hook, but that's okay because hyung always rescues us."

Hoshi scoffs at the younger's words, "It's because you midgets don't know how to sit still that you're causing me trouble. But dude, Gaeul living with the Lost Boys? No way! She's not even a boy to start off with! I'm pretty sure she'd be disgusted at all your nasty habits-"

"Oh c'mon hyung! She'll be fine!" Chan turns to look at his sister hopefully "right?"

"I, well-" Gaeul stutters, unable to make up her mind.


"I...I kind of made a promise."

"To who?"

"To Jisoo," Gaeul answers almost immediately "I promised him I'd show him around Earth."

"What?" Sputters Hoshi in utter disbelief, having to replay what Gaeul said in his mind "no way! You're being ridiculous right now!"

"I know he can turn human!" Gaeul fights back "Neverland's ruler can do it!"

Hoshi squints his eyes suspiciously at her, "Wait...how do you know Neverland has a ruler?"

"Yeah, we've never told you anything about that." Chan adds.

Gaeul scratches the back of her neck, "One of the Lost Boys told me...a few days ago."

Hoshi facepalms, "Stupid Seungkwan, blurting out unnecessary information. This is why we can't bring him through the second star."

"But it does mean that the Man in the Moon can become human, right? I mean, there's a way; a path." Gaeul asks hopefully, hpping to receive positive feedback from the two boys. Chan was just in confusion, but Hoshi was shaking his head.

"I disagree. It's completely impossible to beg Junhui to do somethimg. That one arrogant ass midget." Hoshi complains.

"You're the midget," Chan retorts "you're shorter."

"So are you." Hoshi smiled sarcastically.

Gaeul was probably sure Hoshi blabbered more about the Crown Prince and how he wouldn't give a damn about some human's arrogant request, but she was also deep in thought about something else. She opens her mouth to speak, silencing Hoshi and Chan.

"If I come see the King myself, he'd probably agree, right?"

Hoshi blinked twice. Chan's mouth gaped wide open.

"ARE YOU NUTS??" Hoshi flicks Gaeul's forehead to snap some sense into the naive girl "Even I can't go see the King, moreover you! A mere human from the Real world!"

"If I don't try then I'll never know," Gaeul says stubbornly, frowning at Hoshi "I know this is a really selfish request; but just once; just for my happiness."

Chan bit his lip, unable to tell his hyung's answer. Sure, he pitied his own sister, especially after having everyone by her side leave her, even Chan himself. But what could he do? Hoshi would yell at him for interfering.

"Please?" Gaeul pleads, looking down to meet Hoshi's eyes.

Hoshi sighs. He takes off his hat and ruffles his hair, proceeding to cross his arms.

"I completely disagree."

Gaeul's hopeful eyes faded, drooping.

"You just can't fall in love with the Moon, alright? The King himself has said so. He met up with the Moon just to tell him that. The Moon can't fall in love with a human. It's against the Oath."

"That's all the more reason why I should go see the King myself."

Hoshi groans.

"Just..how stubborn are you?"

"Very," Gaeul replies with a smile "if you know me well, that is."

Chan opens his mouth to interfere, but Hoshi shuts him up, pulling the younger boy's arm to get up.

"We're leaving," Hoshi suddenly says, avoiding eye contact with Gaeul "it's almost daybreak."

"Wait you're leaving? Just like that?" Gaeul chases after the two boys who were already at the window, although Chan looked like he still didn't want to leave "you still haven't given me an answer!"

"Well here's one; a big, fat, no." Hoshi replies sharply. She'll admit, it did hurt her quite a bit, but what could she do. He was really against this.

Familiar goldish white powder fell onto Gaeul's feet, watching as the two boys practically bathed in them. Hoshi stuffs his satchet of pixie dust back inside his right pocket, balancing himself as his two feet parted from the ground. Gaeul just watches in admiration, the thought of flying felt so surreal.

Peter Pan swings her window open in one swift motion, flying out of the room, but Gaeul catches his arm just in time.

Maybe not this time.

Gaeul felt her foot trip on her windowsill, her hands flailimg as if trying to grasp for something. She was prepared to fall down onto the grass and break her arm or something, she's going to fall-

Maybe not; Gaeul almost fell down from her window from tripping on her windowsill while trying to grab his arm, Hoshi being able to catch her just in timr  before she fell off.

They just stayed silent fot a few seconds, their pulses running fast. Hoshi was still floating in mid air, Gaeul looking down in fascination.

"How about a thank you?" Hoshi asks, smiling sarcastically. She didn't budge.

"We're all human beings, Peter, including you," Gaeul says firmly, staring seriously into his eyes "we're humans, and we feel things. We have emotioms. You can't deny that fact."

"Look, you-"

"Listen to me!" Gaeul grabs both of Hoshi's cheeks and pulled him closer to her face, his eyes widening at the sudden close of distance.

"Love is a powerful matter, you cannot stop it. Nobody can. Once two people fall in love, they create a bond, Hoshi. It's an unbreakable one."

Her words sounded strangely familiar, that feeling as if those words rolled out of his tongue only recently. Which they did. Gaeul's words were what he told the king. He had said it himself.

Hoshi stares. He could clearly see her freckles. They were like constellations.

"Give it a thought, Peter." Gaeul says, letting go of Hoshi's cheeks "not even the Oath can stop me; not until I hear it from the King himself."

Chan coughed. He had witnessed the whole scene, trying not to be too awkward in mid air.

"I'll get going. Shut the windows tight." Hoshi tells her, refusing to reply her statement. Gaeul had a look on her face as if she was displeased, but she couldn't stop them; it was almost daybreak after all.

She could only watch as the two boys flew away, waving back at Chan from her window. Gaeul heaves a long sigh; consisting of mostly disappointment. No clouds were covering the Moon, and the moonlight was as bright as ever; but where was he?

Gaeul gets up on her feet to climb onto her bed, dreading school tomorrow. Mingyu would probably come to approach her first tomorrow, which is something that she wasn't truly fond of, because wherever he goes eyes are always on him. Eyes would probably be on her too, since she was going to be with him. Attention is such a bother.

Three sudden knocks on her window. Her head whipped behind, hoping that it was Hoshi or Chan or maybe a miracle, but all she sees was a stupid piece of paper, with ratchet handwriting.

' Night of the half moon, destination; Neverland.

'p/s: wear decent clothes.
  - peter pan '

Gaeul's smile on her face was too big to even try to hide it.

It's finally happening.

Gaeul was going to Neverland.



I LOVE THIS CHAPTER i mean imagine jow excited gaeul is and how hoshi's just digging a grave for himself but its ok bc its gaeul

Notice how gaeul just naturally becomes herself aroumd hoshi i mean she doesnt do that to strangers

NEXT CHAPTER WILL FEATURE MINGYU I LOVE gaeul mingyu interactions theyre both idiots

Yall someone tell me abt toppdogg hansol and the killing himself thing is he ok pls tell me

Shitty editing indeed im sorry im sleepy bye have a nice day

- sinceerely cee

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