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Minghao had found it hard to fall asleep the night before. Not just from the heartbreaking news that gaeul had broken to him just hours before dawn broke. Not just from the anger that he couldn't suppress even if he wished it to. Not just from the most heartbreaking wails he had ever heard come out of Gaeul, for not being able to save his father.

But also because his heart broke at the weighing doubt that he would be able to forgive Gaeul after what she had told him.

But could he be the one to blame, for feeling that way? He hasn't seen his own father in years, and the one time he gets information about him is when your friend tells you that he's dead, all because she couldn't save him.

Minghao wishes forgiveness would dawn onto him; engulf him and overpower the grief that he had drowned in the dark of the night, but as dawn broke and the sun rose; nothing of that sort felt present in his heart.

As the guards escorted both of them down the tower, both of them knew their fate that was drawing near. The price of that royal treasure were their lives, although they were wrongfully accused, and their lives weren't even worth taking in exchange for a truth with no evidence. But that was how things had always been, hasn't it? The authorities would do anything in their stead to save their reputation, even going as far as accusing someone for crime, for as long as their name does not get tarnished, and their capabilities were not to be doubted.

As they reached the bottom of the stairway, they were now accompanied to the main building of the palace, where they would be made to stand in front of thousands; witnessing their death, their punishment. Minghao stole a glance towards Gaeul, who dared not look into his eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy, swollen and lifeless; and anyone would say that this was a normal reaction to someone who would be receiving the death penalty the next morning, except Minghao knew that those tears weren't tears of fear, but tears of guilt for not being able to save her friend's father.

And Minghao wanted to let everyone know about that. He wanted to let everyone know that Gaeul did not bat an eye towards death, she did not fear so. She jumped from a plank knowing well that it would be worth a sacrifice for the life of a friend. She wailed and wailed for forgiveness when breaking the news of his father's death to him. Minghao wished everybody would shut up about the state Gaeul was in; for he knew that Gaeul did not waste a single moment thinking about death at all, but rather; what she would have done if she could turn back time to the events right before the ship was set to flames.

In a way, Minghao's heart broke for her. He knew that she was filled with regret.

When they were finally left alone in a temporary cell, Gaeul finally gathered the courage to break their silence.

"Minghao," she croaks, voice so groggy and throat so obviously sore from endless crying. "Minghao, say something. You haven't said anything to me since last night."

Gaeul looks up at him hopefully, her eyes glassy and engulfed with sadness. Minghao feels his voice trapped in his throat.

"Minghao please," Gaeul pleaded, voice breaking. She reached for his hands through her chained wrists. "Please, say something, anything. I beg you, please."

Minghao feels his eyes well up with his own tears now, and he hates himself for finally breaking down at this moment. He willed to himself that he would not cry no matter what today, not even at the spot where their lives would be taken away, but the sight of Gaeul was so heartbreaking, he did not dare to seem so heartless in front of a friend who was so earnestly, sincerely, begging for forgiveness; as if Gaeul would not die if Minghao had not forgiven her. As if her heart would not stop beating even if there was no more blood running through her veins. As if she would not rest in peace if he didn't say anything for closure, for the very last time.

"Gaeul," Minghao finally chokes his words out, her name coming out barely above a whisper, as if it was only the two of them left in this world. "You're okay."

"We'll be okay."

As if all weight had been lifted off her shoulders, Gaeul falls to her knees and cries.


As punishment neared, criminals were made to face the royal family for the very last time.

It was seldom the case that small cases of petty thieving required them to actually face the royal family, except that this was no petty thieving case, and Minghao and Gaeul weren't really considered petty thieves. In the eyes of the public, at least, they were real violent ones. The most dangerous, or so people have heard.

The trumpets announce the arrival of the Prince, Junhui walking in, the velvety cape following him as he walks in. Minghao and Gaeul were seated right in front of his throne, kneeling, with white hoods covering their faces. It was said that criminals had no right to look at the Prince.

The announcer makes his compuslory statements; the backstory of their crime, the severity of it, their names and identities, and the punishment that was waiting for them. Gaeul squeezed her eyes shut at the thought of being beheaded, but she knew that there was no hope in asking for a miracle, when all hope is lost.

Even so, at least she knew that Minghao forgave her.

While the royal announcer recited his scroll, the sound of footsteps inch closer, and a pair of heeled leather boots come into sight. Although Gaeul had her head down, she knew well that it was Junhui standing in front of them, with an expression of devastation and hatred; and expression of which proved that he should have never trusted Gaeul in the first place. Bringing in a mere human from the real world was a mistake, and he curses his naivety for it.

"The audacity you fools  have in you to trick me."

Junhui clicks his tongue and turns on his heel, climbs back up to the steps where his throne was, and sat there, towering over the two accused individuals.

Minghao shot him a glare, and for a second, Junhui wondered if it was somebody he knew.

"And with that, the Royal Family announces the decapitation of the accused, named Gaeul and Xu Minghao, for the crimes they have committed onto the stolen treasure of the Royal Family and the Mermaid Kingdom, which has spanned across centuries and centuries of the Neverlandic year-"

The door to the palace burst open without warning, receiving a chorus of gasps from the sudden intrusion. The royal guards stand guard; their spears pointed ready at the unfamiliar uninvited guest who interrupted the hearing.

Except that the guest was not quite unfamiliar after all.

"Jeonghan?"  Gaeul heard Seungcheol whisper.

"Whoa." Jeonghan stepped into the palace, using one finger to lower the end of one of the guard's spears, "Could you, um, maybe tell them to not direct this extreme aggression at me?"

Junhui quirks an eyebrow, part furious at the interruption they did towards his morning, "What brings you here?"

Jeonghan scans the room, and his eyes finally fall onto the two clothed figures dressed in white, kneeling at the very end of the stairway of the throne, their heads draped in a white hood.

"Oh Gaeul," Jeonghan breathes, rushing over to run towards the two before being stopped in his tracks by another spear.

"Explain your presence here, Your Highness." A guard shoves the spear closer towards him. "You may be a prince, but if you are not going to respect the formalities of our Kingdom, then I see no reason why I should respect you."

Jeonghan blinked.

"Guards," Junhui ordered sternly, sighing. "Spears down. Let him come in."

With those words, Jeonghan comes running to Gaeul and Minghao, who were still kneeling at the very bottom of the throne. He pulls the hood off of their heads, brushing their hair back with streams and streams of reassurances muttered underneath his breath, pulling each of them into a hug. Junhui begins to open his mouth in protest, that he did not allow for such prisoners to be treated with kindness, or taken their hoods off unless proven innocent; but Seungcheol had raised a hand to stop him from intervening.

"Everything will be okay." Jeonghan said, brushing the tear away from Gaeul's cheek, and giving her the most beautiful smile known to man. For some reason, it made her feel like crying even more.

Unfazed by the attention on him, Jeonghan stood up to face the Prince, expression hardening after consoling the two, "I have come to make an announcement."

"Speak." Junhui replies.

"Your Highness, these two are not guilty for the treasure that has been stolen; both the treasures of the Royal Family and Mermaid Cove."

Another chorus of gasps ensues, this time even louder, followed by even more chattering by the witnesses. Gaeul and Minghao's eyes widened at Jeonghan's statement. The truth was revealed, rightfully so. But what did Jeonghan have that could prove their innocence?

"This is absurd. The royal guards have informed me that they found these two on the shore with heaps of treasures in their hands." Junhui argued in disapproval, tilting his head towards the two. "What proof do you have to say otherwise?"

"Your Highness, have you thought of asking for proof from the guards yourself before putting them in this state, then asking me for my own proof?" Jeonghan snaps back, viciousness rarely ever seen from that man, which shocked everyone rightfully so as they were only aware of Jeonghan as this kind soul who worked in the kitchen, being a representative from the Mermaid Kingdom to learn about the human world. "Fine. I have brought my own witnesses to testify. Please allow me to bring them in."

With a nod of approval, Junhui watches as several people walk in. First, a strong, middle aged man with long, white hair drifting down his shoulders. A massive tridon in one hand, and the other balled into a fist. On top of his head was a crown made out of conch shells, and what followed behind him were several other men who had the same crowns adorning their head, except smaller. The moment the man entered the room, a wave of serenity flooded the space, followed by the smell of a salty breeze, reminiscent of the sea.

Next were familiar faces. Peter Pan, whistling nonchalantly as he walked in, followed by the pixie Tinkerbell and the two familiar Lost Boys who's expression lit up the moment they saw Gaeul.

Last but not least, a man who took several delayed steps from the other groups, wary of the crowd inside the palace; and he was awfully familiar. White beard and age lined his face. Eyes which looked the same as Minghao's, and Gaeul recognized that face instantly.

"Dad?" Minghao breathed, letting out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding in. He felt his legs turn to jelly, then turn to stone next; for it was so hard to take the steps forward to get to his father. And his own father; in disbelief of how much his son had grown, took several seconds to recognize who the boy in front of him was, before taking in the features that was his eyes, exactly the same as the ones he had, before engulfing him into a hug that seemed to last for eternity.

Gaeul too felt her breath hitch, unable to believe how Minghao's father was still alive.

"Your Majesty," Junhui bowed the moment the strong man walked forward, brushing past Jeonghan. He nodded his head back in reply, and raised his hand.

"Greetings, Your Highness. Pardon my intrusion. I would like to ask for your forgivenes for showing up unannounced to today's event." The man's voice booms through the hall, and Gaeul swore she heard the sound of crashing waves. His voice resonated just like a storm, and dissipated the same way the seas seemed to calm right after. "However, I have important matters to discuss with you today."

"That's my dad," Jeonghan whispers to Gaeul, pointing to the man with the trident. "Y'know, ruler of the Mermaid Cove." Gaeul looks at Jeonghan, wide-eyed, as if him dropping that information to her was the most casual thing ever; as if saying his dad works as an....accountant or something.

"That explains why he's- well. It makes sense." Gaeul managed to say.

"It has come to my knowledge that these individuals were accused of a crime they did not commit. We were lucky enough to be able to get here before anything happened to them," the King of Mermaid Cove gazed at Gaeul; to which she instantly kneeled and bowed, for she felt the aura of stormy seas the moment he looked into her eyes. He chuckled softly. "Rise, my dear. There is nothing to be afraid of."

Hearing that makes Gaeul feel reassured, but not enough to feel as if she had finally escaped from the accusation.

"These fellows here were only victims of Hook's kidnapping," The King made clear, voice booming through the hall once again. "They only managed to escape through burning Jolly Roger to ash; and the treasure to which they found on the shore - Hook had placed them there to smuggle them after the Prince's coronation."

"After the ship burned to ash all of Hook's men fell into the sea - and we were able to catch them and hold them hostage quite easily. As of now, they are in the dungeon of the Mermaid Kingdom, protected by our royal guards with no chance to escape - they are underwater after all."

Junhui raises an eyebrow out of suspicion, "How did you know that Hook's men were falling into the sea? How did you prepare to capture them in time?"

The King rolled his eyes and sighed, "Well it seems that my idiot son over here caught them intruding into one of their coves to steal our pearls and decided it was a good idea to follow them himself," The King smacks the back of Jeonghan's shin with his trident, Jeonghan groaning in pain but laughing after. "But we were able to know that he was in danger through the message that we received from the conch shell necklace he wore, which drifted back to our kingdom perfectly in case of emergencies.

"And it was thanks to this young lady," The King looked at Gaeul with such gentle eyes, "who kindly let us know about Jeonghan's status just as he asked her to - by throwing his conch shell necklace into the sea." The King smiled, gratitude reflecting the horizon in his eyes.

"And that's how we tracked Hook. We knew Jeonghan was on Hook's ship when chaos ensued. So we waited for the right timing." The King returns to speak with a serious tone, readjusting his grip on his massive, golden trident. Gaeul's eyes widened.

"You were on the ship too?" She asks in disbelief, stomach dropping at the fact that Jeonghan could've died in there alone with Minghao's father, assuming that none of them made it out safe. "I could have left you dying!"

"Shh, relax. We mermen have evolved into more capable creatures than you think," Jeonghan laughed, waving his hand in the air dismissively. "We don't shrivel up and die from a fire. The evolution of our species has made us more stronger to survive, especially in circumstances where we may need to adjust in the human world."

"And that is why I'm still alive to this day," Minghao's father adds, looking gratefully at Jeonghan. "He shielded me in a water bubble as we fell into the sea - and although the damage from that fall was great, the mermen took good care to heal me in a very short period of time."

"I'm so sorry I couldn't make it earlier, Gaeul," Jeonghan sighed and grasped her hand apologetically. "We had to wait for Minghao's father to wake up from his recovery sleep. Damage from a fall that high was not very good in the first place; what more having to heal in an environment the human body is not used to."

Gaeul looked up at Jeonghan, studying his eyes, "Do you mean....you waited for Minghao's dad to wake up before saving us?"

"We had to - otherwise there would be no proof - or witness - for us to testify with."

Gaeul could feel it, her heart thumping loud in her chest once again. Does this mean Minghao and her were free from any accusations? Does this mean the punishment was called off?

Does this mean that both of them were proven innocent?

Gaeul looks up at Junhui, trying to read the expression on the Prince's face. He seemed deep in thought; weighing the evidence and statements that had just been presented by not just anybody, but the King of the Mermaid Cove himself; a figure to be respected even if he was royalty himself. A figure to be respected, with opinions and proof more solid than any other, especially if he wanted to maintain the peace of the diplomatic ties between the two coexisting kingdoms.

"Oh come on Junhui, there are limits to your ego. Just admit you're in the wrong already." Peter Pan quips carelessly, only to be greeted by twelve spears pointed at his face. He laughed nervously in response. Gaeul rolled her eyes.

Junhui shot the boy a look, and returned to pace around the room, deep in thought. After a brief discussion with Seungcheol, who then proceeded to call several juries into the room - a brief discussion ensued between all of them - and the Prince returns, facing everyone out in the hall.

"The Royal Family and Court has finally made its ruling," the Prince announces, loud and clear. Gaeul held her breath.

"for Gaeul and Xu Minghao to be found not guilty of their crimes which have been based soley on accusations; and the court requests an apology from the Royal Guards in charge of arresting them on that day, followed by the retraction of their positions of the Palace's Royal Guards. And therefore - the punishment for these two individuals have been lifted, and they are now deemed as innocent citizens from now on."

It felt like hours had passed although it had only been seconds, as Gaeul was still processing the words that had come out of the Prince's mouth himself; before she realizes that she was being pulled into a hug by Minghao, and he had no intention of letting go, it seems. Gaeul was still processing for what felt like minutes, before she finally placed her hands on Minghao's back, patted them several times, and sobbed into his shoulder.


Can you believe im just churning these chapters out on a whim like

is this what years of not writing does to you

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