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"I owe you my life, Your Majesty."

The Mermaid King stops in his tracks the moment he hears her voice, and proceeds to laugh heartily. His laugh resonated in Gaeul's ears like the pleasant sound of crashing waves.

"Please, there is no need to thank me. Perhaps it would be best to thank your friend over there," he pointed towards the familiar boy in green with his trident. "He desperately asked for our help when he knew that you and Minghao were captured, and well; he certainly did a great job convincing us. I believe I would not be able to sleep at night if I knew the fact that I let two innocent souls die from something that could've been prevented."

Gaeul stared up at him with gratitude in her eyes. She couldn't bring herself to say anything, for having a King himself be willing enough to testify for your innocence was something that Gaeul had not prepared for.

"You are a brave one, my dear, and I hope you don't lose that spirit anytime soon." The King smiles back at Gaeul, large hand patting the small of her shoulder. Both of them hear footsteps approaching them - the same heeled leather boots with gold engraved into its sole - and watched as the familiar Prince approached them.

"Your Majesty," Junhui bowed, eyes on the ground. "Pardon me for my distasteful mannerisms towards you and your men's presence today. If there was any way I could make it up to you; gifts, luxuries, wealth; my family would be more than honoured to present them to you."

The King waved his hand in the air, "Please, there is no need for such flattery." He smiles, and turns to Gaeul with a knowing look in his eyes. "...unless, I believe there is something that you could do for me."

"Anything, Your Majesty."

"I suppose you could help grant this girl her wish?"

Gaeul's eyes widened, and after a pause, she asked, "My wish?"

"Why, yes," the King mused, looking thoughtful. "Didn't you come here with a specific goal in mind? It is your goal to meet the love of your life -- is it not?"

Gaeul's cheeks had obviously reddened at the mention of her love, and it was became even more obvious now that she knew the King found her flustered expression amusing.

"Your- I- Your Majesty, I can't possibly have you ask to do that for me-"

"It is the least that Junhui could do after all the trouble you went through, risking your life for so many people," The King gently pats the top of Gaeul's head. "Take it as a form of gratitude for letting me know that my son was in danger. And for returning millions of our disappearing pearls back to our kingdom."

It was an unbelievable reward -- too good to be true. Gaeul still could not believe it herself, but she found herself looking back at Junhui hopefully -- waiting for his response to what the King had just requested.

Junhui chewed on his lip, and then sighed.

"Very well," he clasped his hands and offered a genuine smile. "I will ask the sorcerers to prepare for such an occasion -- I look forward to meeting the Man in the Moon in his human form very, very soon."


"You nervous?"

Gaeul jumped in her seat, barely ready for the voice that greeted her from behind. Minghao stepped in with a large grin on his face, leaning against the door as he crosses his arms. He still had some flour on his apron; proof that he was working hard in the kitchen up until dawn, just like they always did. Except today, Minghao was dressed in their usual kitchen uniform, while Gaeul -- Gaeul was dressed in the finest garments she had ever lived to see.

To be fair, she didn't ask for it -- all this makeover and wearing something she wasn't used to. In fact, the palace maids had wanted to go overboard with it that she had to beg them to not put her in those frilly dresses that she was not used to wearing; or putting her hair in a do that was so heavy to even lift her head in. What she wore right now was everything that had been toned down to something that Gaeul was more familiar with, something that was, well -- more Gaeul.

"Hello? You that lovesick that you can't answer people's questions now?" Minghao rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers in front of her, bringing Gaeul back to where she was. It was her turn to roll her eyes.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't," Gaeul sighed, putting her head into her hands. She then looked up at Minghao, panicked. "What if he thinks I betrayed him? What if he forgot what I look like? What if he doesn't want me anymore, Minghao? What if he just.....doesn't come to me?"

Minghao frowns, the teasing demeanor on his face fading. He understands now that Gaeul was genuinely worried of her future. Courting the man in the moon was something nobody had expected anyone to do, not even the people of Neverland. Heck, half of them didn't even know he existed; the same way Minghao didn't until Gaeul told her about it. Proves how little to none the Man in the Moon's existence was to everybody else.

"Listen, that would never be the case," Minghao sat down next to her on the velvet sofa, patting her back. "Look at you -- you've come all the way here, even volunteered to spend hours and hours working in the castle just to get Junhui to grant your wish. You literally risked your life to save me and Jeonghan. You came here out of your own will just to prove how much you love the man in the moon himself."

"And if he really is up there and watching you go through all sorts of trials and tribulations and risking your own life, then it would be so foolish of him not to come home into your arms when you have professed your love through so much of your sacrifices, Gaeul. Believe me when I say that."

Gaeul tries to find any form of doubt in Minghao's eyes, but she just couldn't. Which makes it even worse, because if Minghao was confident, then it means that he's right, and Gaeul would start getting her hopes up. This was the moment she had been waiting for her entire life, but in the end, whether or not the Man in the Moon would accept her proposal was all entirely up to him. Gaeul would never blame him if he would reject her -- in fact, she would understand him more than anything. She had taken too long with her promises, and he was tired of waiting.

Humans can only love for so long before getting tired, if they aren't returned with the same amount of affection.

"But he's not human, Gaeul," Minghao flicks her forehead, and it was only then that Gaeul realized she was thinking out loud for him to hear. "You were the only one who has ever expressed your love for him. You are special. And I doubt that he would drop these feelings just because you...took too long or something."

Gaeul sighed.

"You're right. Thanks, Minghao. You always know what to say." She smiles in relief, only to regret it when Minghao puts on a smug look on his face.

"Nothing like a pinch of wisdom from all those years working in the kitchen," He says, only to be met with a smack on his shoulder.

The door creaks open, and Seungcheol pops inside.

"Gaeul," he announces, and Gaeul stands up, knowing what is to come. "It's time."


The crowd was much more than what Gaeul expected to be, although there was no reason for her to be shocked in the first place. This was the coronation day of the Crown Prince, and of course, royals from all over Neverland were invited to witness this moment go down in history.

At the same time, they would also witness the girl who would court the moon -- and it would be embarrassing if she was left alone, rejected and pushed away -- and this moment too, would go down in history.

Gaeul sighed. She walks down the flight of stairs and decides to not fill in the seats lined up across the hall, choosing to sit at the very back of it as she observes the crowd. She begins to wonder if this really was something she had envisioned; the day where she would see the Man in the Moon step on earth, and realized that she had...never really imagined it before. It was always the scene of what they would be like together after the whole process, but it never really occured to Gaeul that rejection was something that was completely possible to occur.

Coincidentally, Junhui had picked the night of which the full moon would be visible, as clear as day, as the day which he would be crowned; and specifically for this event, they changed up some traditions, pulled some strings, and managed to make the coronation event happen at night. Gaeul was more than thankful towards him for willing to make such huge changes to the tradition of the kingdom -- in fact, it made Gaeul question if this was completely possible, for she might be disapproved by the King and Queen of Neverland themselves -- but Junhui promised that it was no big deal.

Besides, some changes were for the better, no?

"Seems like you're just as nervous as I am."

Gaeul turns to her right only to be greeted by a boy in green, familiar eyes smiling back at her, but in an unfamiliar garment. As a form of gratitude, the prince had requested the Palace tailors to specifically make custom designed outfits for the coronation day, one for Peter Pan himself and more for his companions (the Lost Boys and of course, tinker bell) according to whichever design they desired. Despite gaining the luxury of being able to ask for anything (yes, anything) sowed onto their garments, Peter chose one surprisingly similar to his regular outfit.

A hat with a robin feather attached to it, only tailored to look sturdier and sharp, and a suit that was made of silk woven from the fingers of tamed sirens themselves. For some reason, it made Gaeul relax to see Peter in his usual shade of green; for it reminded her of his everlasting eternal youth, just like those trees which were evergreen.

Hoshi tries to shoot her a smile, but instead it sort of came out as an awkward lopsided smirk. Gaeul laughed at the attempt.

"What's on your mind, Peter?" Gaeul asked, placing her hands behind her back and leaning back against the wall, eyes not leaving the crowd.

"Well I- um, I think I'm nervous for the coronation ceremony- I mean well -- no, I'm- the award ceremony is- ugh!" Peter stumbles on his words multiple times and grips his hair hard, soft enough to not rip it out of his scalp. "My point is, you look stunning today."

Gaeul quirks an eyebrow, "What does that have to do with being nervous with the ceremony?"

Hoshi rolled his eyes, "Forget it."

"I'm just messin with you," Gaeul taps his arm lightly, chuckling. "Thank you for the compliment. You look stunning yourself, too. Fabulous fabrics they picked out for you."

The tips of his ears turned red, but it didn't stop him from playing along by taking off his head and bowing, "M'lady." Gaeul whacks his arm, and both of them laughed.

"Are you worried?" Gaeul asks him, sincerity in her eyes. Hoshi pauses; the spark from his laughter dying down; and then sighs.

"Yeah. I'm anxious, if you will," Hoshi sighs in defeat, leaning back against the wall just like the girl next to him. "I mean- it's just- look at you! You're finally achieving what you wanted, you're getting what you've dreamed for all your'"

"You're growing up,"

Gaeul felt a pang in her chest. To hear that from a boy that has eternal youth shouldn't have felt so...heartbreaking. And yet, it did. So much so that Gaeul felt her eyes well up with tears.

Perhaps, youth was never an advantage after all. Gaeul had imagined the amount of people that had come and go in Hoshi's life, leaving because they were no longer the same kids who would be able to play with him, no longer the same children who had all the time in the world to spend delving into their imaginations, no longer the children who thrived off of innocence. Peter has probably went through so many goodbyes in his life, and so many reunions only to find out that they weren't the same as before.

And perhaps, this childish wish of his to not see the people he loved grow up and not spend time with him anymore was all part of his eternal youth.

"Oh Hoshi," Gaeul scooted closer and wrapped an arm around his shoulder assuringly. "Growing up is something that I- we all have to come to terms with. But I promise you, regardless of how old I'll be, I'll still be the same youthful Gaeul the way you remember me now, right in this moment. I promise."

Gaeul smiles, plants a chaste kiss on his cheek and taps his other cheek.


The coronation went well as planned, years and years of tradition being evident in the ceremony, preserved to be conducted the same way for the following years and years to come. Junhui stood at the top of his throne, waving as all of the Kingdom's people waved back at him, cheering endlessly for their newly crowned King.

And as if it was due, Junhui spotted Gaeul amongst the crowd just in time, nodding.

Gaeul knew that it was time.

As nervewrecking as it was, she knew what she had to do -- they had rehearsed this exactly the night before. The palace ceiling would open, and the starry sky would come into view. The crowd chorused with sounds of amazement; to see the stars in the sky at the coronation ceremony of a king was a first; and perhaps it certainly wouldn't be the last.

Junhui called in the sorcerers, and at first Gaeul worried that he would do harm to the man in the moon, but they assured her that they were only there to perform a tradition to court for the moon in times of need. It was usually when they wanted changes in the tides at sea; but for this special occasion, it wouldn't be wrong to conduct a familiar ceremony to show appreciation towards him as well.

Except that through discovering this ceremony, Gaeul wondered if Jisoo was willing to participate. Knowing well that this ceremony was conducted only when the humans needed something from him and not because they showed genuine appreciation towards him proves that it makes him even lonelier, somehow. So if Gaeul courted him with this ceremony; one that reminded him of nothing but favors and expectations; then would he really be willing to accept it?

The three sorcerers put down several stones on the table directly underneath the sky, did some familiar chanting that they were used to, and bowed before exiting the scene. They blew out all the candles in the room with just a snap of their fingers, and all light was gone. Junhui nudges Gaeul forward, telling her that it was time.

Gaeul was well aware that all eyes were on her, but there was little to none to care about when all that mattered was whether he would be willing to accept her. Would he return the same love that she had for him? Would he still have the same feelings he had harbored for her throughout these months? Hell, it could even have been years if you compare the time to the human world, and Gaeul couldn't imagine how long she must have kept him waiting, denial after denial and challenge after challenge all along.

Gaeul looked up to the starry sky. The moon was shining brightly, reflecting the transparent feelings she had for him, as if telling her that he too felt the same. It made her feel hopeful and calm as she basked in the moonlight.

"My love," Gaeul begins, looking up at the sky. "I have missed you so much."

"It was never my intention to make you wait so greatly, so patiently for me, without sending me any signals. It was always my intention to fulfill all my tasks and seek for you the right way. And although many people have stood against us, now there is nothing in between you and me anymore, my love, except of this vast distance that separates us from each other."

Gaeul stared up at the sky. For a moment, she swore that the moon shifted in its light, but it happened so quickly that Gaeul couldn't tell if it was just her imagination, or if it really happened.

"Now that there is nothing between us, not even the universe or all of its forces can stop you from coming home to me, my love. I have always wanted you, always longed to be in your arms, and I wish for you to feel the same way I do."

"Would you- I mean- do you-"

Gaeul sucks in a breath, trying to regain her composure.

"Would you like to have this dance with me?"

Now that she had finally said it, Gaeul couldn't bear to open her eyes. She didn't want to look or see the changes around her; for neither the sorcerers know what would happen if the man in the moon himself stepped down. Gaeul kept her eyes shut for a while longer, trying to wonder if this was the right time to open them until...

....until.. well.

Still. Everything was still, as it was, the same way it had been even before Gaeul began her speech. The night was awfully silent now, not even a gust of wind in sight, not even a crash of wave to be heard. When Gaeul opened her eyes, it seemed like the stars twinkled, teasing her with the continuing silence that followed.

"My love..?" Gaeul croaked out, hoping, hoping for an answer.

Yet still, nothing. People in the hall began to chatter quietly in hushed whispers, wondering what was to happen next. Gaeul could feel her heart thumping against her chest, and it hurt so bad to keep breathing like this. She felt that familiar lump in her throat, one that she knew all too well in case it ended horribly, and her eyes began to swell with tears.

And just like she practiced; bowed down out of courtesy, and stepped out of the moonlight; just like how she had prepared if she were to be rejected.

Gaeul returned into the shadows, scolding herself to not let her tears fall as she returned to stand by Junhui's side, when he heard a small gasp escape from the now crowned king's lips.

Up in the sky, there were clouds that began to swirl, and as if the night could not have gotten any darker, it proved to everyone that it could, covering any form of light from the stars or the moon. Junhui watched suspiciously, motioning for the guards to be on standby in case this would turn out differently than they had expected; especially if they had summoned an evil entity by mistake.

But there seemed to be a faint white light peeking through some of the clouds, and it became brighter and brighter with each descend of said illumination.

And then there it was. Feet; slowly approaching lower, whirls of clouds forming at it to form steps to descend. Soon enough, the familiar anatomy of a man began to show, legs and torso and arms; all illuminated by that faint white light.

As the man made its way down, finally revealing his face in all of his glory and beauty, he finally stepped down onto the purple carpet of the palace, looking at none other than the girl who claimed to be in love with him.

And just like a dream, Gaeul could not close her mouth.

The man in the moon was right in front of her, still, and very very real, in front of her. Her, and the royal family, and the crowd, and everyone else to watch. His eyes smiled at her, and Gaeul was once again reminded of the beauty that this man held, and how his smile had never failed to make her heart feel calm even after all these months. Gaeul had almost forgotten how ethereal he was, and she was reminded of it all over again now that she was really standing in front of her.

"My love," the moon calls, voice soothing just like the subtle appearance of a shooting star. "Gaeul."

Her name sounded even more beautiful in his voice.

Gaeul ran forward, tears streaming down her face -- perhaps it wasn't appropriate to do this on their very first meeting, but she could not help it -- after all these years of want, of longing, of waiting; she finally had him, skin and bones and flesh and specks of moondust all in one. All in front of her; and she takes moments to drink in the sight in front of her, the beauty that he is and the stars that seemed to twinkle in his eyes.

The man in the moon laughs gently (and Gaeul swore it sounded like the gentle rustling of leaves) and places his arms around Gaeul and engulfs her into a hug, long enough for Gaeul to want it to last forever.

"Don't cry," Jisoo pleads, wiping the stray tear that had escaped Gaeul's eye.

"I can't help it," Gaeul whispers, looking at him in disbelief. "You are everything I've ever wanted in this universe, and now you're here."

"I'm here," Jisoo promises, and even his promises sounded as if it would stretch into eternity. "I will always be here, Gaeul."

"You promise?" she pleads, and Jisoo hates it when she does. He wishes that he could stop time forever if that meant that he could fulfill this promise; if it meant that Gaeul would stop ever trying to plead for it in the first place.

The man in the moon brushes away her hair; tucks a strand behind her ear and plants a kiss on her forehead. He leans down to plant a kiss right on her lips, and Gaeul, feeling so magically intoxicated in the Moon's charms, chased after his when he pulled away.

"I promise."


thank you to everyone who's stuck around to wait for this story to end. i am so sorry for making everyone wait like what -- three years for a better closure. but i have provided, and i am more than happy to do so.

i admit there were several ending drafts that has been lost in the process; idea banks that i have jotted down to specifically make the ending of this story a more heartwrenching one than what i've provided here, but i think the loss of that document was perhaps for the best. a good ending doesnt always have to be sad (telling this to 17 year old cee).

i do plan to make an epilogue for this book, but i won't know how long it takes to come up with one considering how i literally churned out 4 chapters in one go. i hope i can write one, though! it would be nice to have a chat right after the epilogue.

thank you for always sticking around, and let me know how you feel.

- cee.

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