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There was a knock on is door and he lazily opens one eye, and immediately knew that he was an hour late for his job.

He overslept.

It was last night, when he used every last bit of his power to increase the brightness of the moon, which was worth it, since he was happy to see the girl and her mother get home safely.

The man leaves his small space inside his home and goes outside to sit on the bench by his house, only to have his head bump into something- or someone, to be specific.

"Moon hyung! You're awake!" The boy exclaims and pulls him into a hug, then proceeds to let go "gosh, we were so worried about you."


"We thought you were dead. Anyway, here's something I got from that girl you like." The boy picks up a box from the ground and hands it to him, causing the man to lose his balance considering it was quite heavy ; and that he was paper thin.

"She gave this to me?" The man asks in disbelief.

The other boy nods, "She did. I was just helping with delivery, by the way. I gotta run now, the Lost Boys might get into trouble again, those bratty boys. See ya, Moon hyung!"

The man watches as Peter Pan flies away and leaves him in his own planet, in his own world, alone.

"Thanks, Pan!" The man shouts, audible enough for Peter Pan to hear, but he just flies and doesn't look back.

Let me tell you something ; the man's heart was pounding so hard that it could rattle the whole moon if possible.

He was so happy.

He stared at the box. Wrapped in wrapping paper, a one with a design. It was coloured, pink and blue and hearts and he wondered if paper was edible in the beginning, tearing a small piece of it and puts it inside his mouth, then immediately spitting it out, grimacing at the bland taste.

The man doesn't know these objects ; paper or sellotape, or a box, or a telescope. He made a conclusion that these items were what humans use for a living, everyday.

When he finally opens the box, there was a silver telescope placed inside it ; still ever so shiny and so new like nobody's ever touched it before.

And it was new. The girl gave him the one she got for her birthday, since she already has another one of her own sitting by her window.

The man was fascinated. What kind of object was this?

He studies the piece of silver, rolling it around and finally, puts it to his right eye.

How surprised he was to see the image of earth largened, as it was easier for him to see.

It wasn't like he couldn't see what was happening around earth without the telescope, it was just that using his pure eyesight to zoom into earth used up quite a lot of his energy, leading him to need more sleep.

The man started to play with the telescope, zooming here and there, everywhere, and when he was finally pleased with it, he finally focuses on his target.

Ah, as expected. The girl was sitting by her window, only that this time she was sleeping, with a telescope in her hand.

She was probably wondering why the moon hasn't appeared yet even though tonight was the night of the wanning gibbous.

He took his time studying her face features. She wasn't too thin like he was, and her hair went right below her shoulders, those raven locks. The girl had chapped lips, and those lips were the only thing about her that was pale.

The man chuckled at the sight of the girl almost drooling.

He didn't even need a telescope to know that she was just beautiful, he knew ever since his first tine seeing her. Only that with the telescope he could take a better look at both her perfections and imperfections.

And now he knows that she has dried lips from the lack of water. Short, uneven, bitten nails and freckles on her face which he found was the most charming that he badly wanted to plant soft kisses on them, wanting to tell her that she was beautiful.

Even if his dreams were so far away, knowing that the girl believing that he existed was already enough to make him happy.

He wondered if the girl will ever wake up. Sleeping was a big need for humans, even for him himself. He decided to let the girl rest.

But another thing he realized about her was her cheeks were tainted pink along with her nose, tissues scattering her seat by the window. There were dried up tears on her cheeks, as if she cried herself to sleep.

He was curious, what happened? He wanted to know, and part of him regretted not waking up earlier to hear her story, or maybe just witnessing what happened to her with his own eyes. Ah...he should've been there for her since she was crying again.

The man lets out a sigh.

How will they be able to communicate with each other? Could she see him through her telescope? Could she hear his voice whenever he spoke? He wasn't sure - he himself rarely even speaks. Only soft mutterings and murmurings to himself, that he wasn't even sure how his voice sounds like.

Living on the moon for about twenty years now, he doesn't know what he looks like too. Were there mirrors on the moon? Of course there weren't. He couldn't do anything about it. He knew the moon better than anyone else.

Maybe, from what humans saw they think the moon is a wonderful place to be in - minus the requirement of oxygen - and they said it was a good place to escape to. Well, he thought they were wrong. What could you do with only moonstones and lumps of ice?

Or maybe, it would be a wonderful place to be. Only if there was someone with you, on the moon.

He's gone through extreme loneliness, he's surprised that he didn't even die from the lonely process.

The man in the moon thought again, was loneliness made for him to feel?

Oh how nice it would be to have someone with you, that would lessen the tears, lessen the emptiness, lessen the cold.

That was why people say that the moon understands how certain humans feel. Uncertain, lonely, sad, covered with imperfections.

Yet so many look up at the night sky and admire their imperfections that was actually their beauty ; shining this whole time.

He wanted to quickly get rid of his loneliness already. Although Peter pan visits him once in a while, he doesn't stay to have talks or to play or to get to know each other. He just visits to make sure if he was in good condition, and that happens only once in a blue moon.

Like today, helping the girl deliver her present to him.

The man wanted to talk to her so bad. He's just one step closer to make a friend.

He doesn't mind the distance - being able to look at each other was already enough. Though he knew ; the more he grew closer to the girl, the more greedy he would be.

He would want to talk to her and grow closer to each other, he wanted to lessen the distance and fill the space between them.

He wanted to see her, standing right in front of him.

And of course, all his hopes of talking to the girl were crushed ; he was stuck in the moon for eternity. What more can you say? He is the Man in the Moon after all. It's quite obvious.

Even though he can't deny the sad reality that slaps him, deep down in his tiny heart he still has a small glint of hope that he would be able to escape from the moon, one day. Because to him, the moon was his reality, and the earth would most probably be his escape. His runaway.

There was a lot in his mind ; surprising for a young man like him.

He looks down at earth again and sees the girl still sleeping without moving an inch anywhere. Obviously she wouldn't wake up till dawn comes, and he misses the chance to talk to her again.

And so to thank her for giving him this amazing object in which he'll treasure it for the rest of his life with all his heart, he starts to find a moonstone with a soft texture.

Once he did, he sat down and starts carving the cold stone, copying the shape of a heart that was on the wrapping paper. He had never been so concentrated in doing something his whole life besides controlling the moonbeams.

The heart wasn't a perfect one and he knew it, he wasn't too good with his hands. He places the moonstone inside the box, closes it then takes the remaining seven balloons and ties the box to it, fascinated that it was floating. He made another mental note to find out how things float. So much more to learn from the human world, he thought.

The man stands on the highest peak of the moon and with all his might throws the box downwards, and it goes down back to earth like it was a meteor going to hit the land anytime.

He smiles, pleased at what he made as a return for the girl.

And so, the next day Gaeul wakes up to piles of dirt scattered everywhere around her backyard, a deep hole buried in the middle, with a familiar box that she knew what it was.

Soon, she realizes that it was the box that she gave to the man in the moon, and she opens it with something else on the inside.

It was a stone, quite oddly shaped but she knew he tried. And there was a message for her written on the stone, too. The handwriting wasn't as neat, but it was enough to be able to read.

And she knew that the Man in the Moon got what she gave him.

'Thank you so much - Hong Jisoo <3'


so basically i have this habit of updating this everyday and staying up late to write

bc i like doing this, to be honest, even tho ill regret not sleeping at school later on lmao

anyway im trying to figure out how they contact each other, so im sorry if i keep repeating the same sentences lol im like half awake rn

but hey thank you so much for reading this

and who do u guys think peter pan is? ((;

- Cee :>

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