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"It's melting!"

Gaeul quickly places the stone inside the freezer and runs back outside, trying to figure out how to fix the garden. So she decides to start from square one ; from planting back the seeds to watering the rest of tbe plants, making sure that the piles of dirt were no longer there.

Gaeul glanced at the watch. School's starting in five minutes, and she couldn't care less.

Skipping for once wouldn't hurt.

What part of school did she like anyway? School didn't seem too important to her.

Well, the astronomy club was. And despite being the only member of the club, the principal decided to disband it. She thought it wasn't fair.

Gaeul takes a shower and lies down on her bed.

Mom's probably coming home late again, she thought. Of course she wouldn't mind.

Her head was pounding at the thought of what actually happened last night ; were they really the Lost Boys? Was Chan one of them?

Did Chan really choose to leave her?

Gaeul sighs. She had to respect Chan's choice. Maybe, just maybe, Neverland was a much better place for him to be.

He deserved to be happy.

Gaeul kept telling herself that she's going to be okay without Chan by her side. She's going to be fine. The man in the moon was there for her. She always knew he has.

Gaeul smiled to herself. What if they were able to communicate? She couldn't wait to hear the stories about the moon.

The stories that she's been waiting for, all her life.

What if the illusion of the man in the moon was real? What if he was good looking?

Gaeul smiles to herself.

Ah...finally I've finally found a friend..

She lay down on her bed, surrounded by complete silence. There was nothing going on. Her life was boring. Her mother has work all day and her father passed away...and now without Chan by her side she has to get used to the loneliness.

Even if she says that she's alright by herself, she wasn't. But she just kept smiling and dealt with it. She had to.

Gaeul wasn't like the students in school. She was smart, it's just that people don't expect her to be. She loves astronomy more than anything ; people don't understand her.

She's waiting for the day when she'll get thr chance to run away just to see the stars. Gaeul wanted to feel it, the thrill of being able to lay down on the grass and just stare at the sky.

Unfortunately, she's stuck in this small space called home.

There was a knock on her window. That startled her.

She thought it was nothing, ignoring it for the first few times. But the knocking didn't stop, making her feel bothered by it. She got up to her window and opened the two panes.

Greeted by a boy floating in mid air, their faces just a few inches away from each others.

Gaeul stumbles and falls backwards, terrified at the sight. The boy lands inside her room.

"You're...from the other day.." She manages to bring the words out of her mouth, despite being shocked from what she was actually seeing.

"Sorry to startle you," He mumbles sheepishly, giving her an apologetic smile "I just came to visit, by the way."


"I got bored,"

Gaeul nods. It was hard for her to believe the sight in front of her.

"Are you real?" She slowly gets up and walks closer to the boy, proceeding to pinch his arm.

"That hurts!" He yells, and Gaeul quickly pulls her hand away.

Gaeul mutters a soft sorry and proceeded to ask him a question, "Where are you from?"


"Neverland exists?"

"Of course it does! People never seem to believe about it huh," the boy pouts and crosses his arms, floating once again in mid air as he crosses his legs.

"Who are you?"

"Peter Pan!" The boy grins and sticks one hamd out to her "the name's Hoshi, to be honest, but I'm just well known as the boy who never grows up."

Gaeul reaches for his hand and shakes on it.

"So...you know Chan?"

"Yeah! He's one of the lost boys."

"Why doesn't he want to come home?"

"Neverland is his home, he's meant to be there."

"How do you know?"

"Well," the boy starts, sitting by her windowsill "there are certain children who get kidnapped and taken to Neverland. It's for their own good anyway, they'd be dead if they weren't taken."

"What do you mean, dead?"

"You see, these children are kids who just wanted to end their life at such a young age. Such pure souls that haven't done anything wanting to end their presence on earth. They don't deserve it."

"So...Chan wanted to die..?"

The boy in green frowns at that question, and leaves it unanswered, knowing that would hurt the girl. Gaeul felt like the worst person on earth for not caring enough for her brother.

"Anyway, it's okay, he's fine now," The boy assures her with a warm smile, his eyes disappearing as he did so "you can still contact with him through me, of course."

"How can you go from Neverland to Reality so often?" Gaeul asks him. The other Lost Boys had their limits, but this boy could visit anywhere and anytime he wanted.

"No idea. I was made this way I guess?" The boy chuckles and got up to his feet "anyway, Moon hyung said thank you to you, for the present."

Gaeul's ears perked up at the sentence.

"He...he got my present?"

"Of course he did! He was so thankful for it, I delivered it to him by the way." Pan says smugly, wiggling his eyebrows at the girl. Proceeding to almost losing his breath when the girl envelopes him into a sudden hug.

"Thank you so much," She whispers, and the boy couldn't help but blush.

"S-sure. Anywho, I'll get going now, stay in your lane alright?" He pats her head and the girl nods.

"You're free to visit again if you want," Gaeul says to him, watching as the boy floats out her window "tell Chan I said hi."

"Thanks," He replies.

"Oh and can I ask you a question before you leave?"


"Is there any chance that I could talk to the man in the moon?"

The boy didn't like that question, he knows everything, but he couldn't crush her hopes.

"Of course you can! With that telescope it'll be easier to see each other."

He swore Gaeul's eyes sparkled for a split second, then she blinked him back to reality, "Thank you."

"No big deal. I'll see ya sgain." He waves goodbye before flying off, back to where he belonged.

His pace slowed down when he looked up at the darkening sky, the moon ready to appear for the night.

"...They can't fall in love."





- Cee

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