Chapter 10 - No one told him to provoke me

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And there I go falling hard on my back from the impact. One would think I wouldn't, because Steven was holding my arm. Emphasis on 'was'. That asshole let go of me the instant I bumped into Frank. He stepped aside like Frank was the police and I was a bag of weed that didn't belong to him.

"Woah, don't go falling for me just yet," Frank responds as he reaches out a hand to help me up, "Go fix your damn eyesight first".

Just when I think here are finally gentlemen in this forbidden hellhole, he has to go and make a statement like that. At least he's willing to help me up. Which is much more than Steven ever does.

"The hell cat can pick herself up. She's used to it by now," Steven says as he rips Frank's hand away and out of my reach.

"I told you not to call me that!"

He's really starting to chap my hide. Heaven alone knows what I've done to deserve being in the presence of such an unnerving man.

"You yelling at me is really starting to piss me off." Steven grits through his teeth.

I'm the type of person who will keep to myself, know my place and blend in rather than stand out. But do not piss me off! I'm not much of a fighter, but I never back down from an argumentative fight. Kidnapper or not, he will not treat me like an overused washrag, throwing me around as he pleases just because my appearance insults his paedophile pupils.

"I guess that makes two of us now doesn't it!" I yell, fisting my hands into tiny balls of fury.

Steven raises his hand to smack me across my face and I immediately shut my eyes to await the impact of pain that's about to spread throughout my cheek. Except nothing happens. My eyes peel open as soon as someone grabs onto my arm and pulls me closer to them. That's when I see that Frank blocked Steven's hand from connecting with my face, causing Steven to look even more outraged than before. But a quick look from Frank and he instantly calms down.

Well, slightly calms down.

"Listen up and pay attention. I'll say this once and once only. Steven isn't the type of man to be messed with. If you want to survive here you better get your act together. It's only been the second day and he already wants to kill you,"

The feeling is mutual.

I rip my arm away from him and spit at him angrily, "Guess you kidnapped the wrong person then".

"Finally something I can agree on," Steven mutters next to me and I have to stop myself from placing a request to be returned where found. Stolen actually.

"You were a last minute option and we can easily replace you if you misbehave any longer," Frank speaks up, "So quit this bullshit while you still can".

I roll my bloodshot eyes at his comment. "Always with the damn threats. You make me question whether I actually want to live or die," I say with a note of exhaustion. All I want to do right now is to go back to 'my' room. The bruises Steven caused are starting to ache terribly.

"A big mouth for such a weakling. I'd be carefu-" Frank begins but gets cut off as a nurse exits one of the other little rooms and calls his name. He grudgingly marches his way over to her and enters the little room.

Steven remains silent and grabs my arm to continue our walk. "What? Cat got your tongue?" I ask sarcastically, still annoyed by his presence.

"Listen here virgin Mary. You want to keep your v-card? I'd suggest you shut up then!"

And just like that the confidence I had in me mere seconds ago, disappears as I realize that he is being serious. I decide not to throw another smart remark his way, but to rather remain dead silent. Just as we start walking, Frank exits the little room dragging a girl out who is clearly hysterical and frightened to death. It's the girl who placed her own life at stake when she got into the damn vehicle.

Hitchhikers these days. Always placing their trust into the wrong hands. Flat out ignoring societies 'stranger danger' warning.

I catch a look of defeat and helplessness in her eyes as we make eye contact. Her mere foundation which makes her, her... Destroyed. All in a days work. Her vulnerability overpowers her so much she seems almost disabled as she hangs onto Frank's arm for support.

Suddenly I find myself incapable of carrying my own weight as I drop to the ground, onto my knees, at the sight of this poor girl, knowing that part of her current frantic state was mine not to long ago. The only difference being, I still had and have my fight left in me. If it wasn't for Peggy's semi reassurance and kind heart, regardless of the situation, I wouldn't have regained my strength. Strength to stand up for myself. Strength to push forward and try and make it out of this.

"Didn't Frank warn you not to fall for him? Heck as if I care. I knew you were the sugar daddy type." Steven says nonchalantly while looking down at me. He clearly understands my current state, but doesn't give a flying crap about it. He is a selfish and thoughtless ass.

There are certain buttons people don't know they push in me that causes my mouth to blurt out words my brain doesn't even get to process beforehand. "Sugar daddy my ass you heartless mutant! Females are not a collector's item! What the hell is wrong with you, you sick freak of nature!" I hatefully fume his way while picking myself off of the floor. Frank and whatever her name is are a long out of sight.

Not that I don't care enough about her to remember her name, I've just forgotten.

"Shut the fuck up!" Steven yells in my face as he grabs my shoulders and shakes me uncontrollably once I stand up. His eyes shoot bullets into mine and I know there's no way to get out of this line of fire. The only thing to do now is to shut my mouth to prevent a lovely new shade of purple to my skin.

So I do just that and stare back at him with an equally antagonized expression. We glare at each other for a while before he moves his one hand from my shoulder down to my arm. He applies an unnecessary pressure as his hold on me tightens. He begins walking towards the glass-paneled door and I unwillingly follow.

We make it through the door and walk reluctantly down the long corridor. Once we reach the end, we turn left into the hallway where the girls' rooms are. Or at least I try to turn left. That is before Steven decides to walk closer to the wall instead of giving me a decent amount of space. Just as we turn the corner, I try to squeeze myself through, but fail as half my body smacks right into the wall.

"What a catastrophe. You're like a can of worms. It's pathetic, to be honest," Steven announces as he yanks my body to catch up with his.

I feel the need to throw a hateful remark his way, but the pain surging throughout my body forces me to remain silent. A few seconds is all I need to catch my breath and to push aside the pain. Although I have a feeling this man won't give me a decent break.

"Peggy won't be impressed to find out that you purposely injure yourself to make her work a living hell. Not that it isn't already," he continues with that same annoying tone as we near my room door.

Come again, I did what now? I question myself. Honest to the heaven above, he takes delusional to a whole new level.

"You caused that you spiteful being!" I yell at him, trying to pull my arm out of his grip. To which I actually succeed.

"Always so angry. No wonder you look the way you do." Steven's unbearable nonchalant voice speaks on. He arouses a raging anger inside of me that is on fire!

"What makes me angry is the fact that you are completely oblivious to the feelings of those around you!" I ferociously blast at him.

No one told him to provoke me.

"That's it you raging bitch!" He exclaims in a murderous tone as he wraps his claw-like fingers forcefully around my wrist and drags me off to an unknown location.

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