Chapter 9 - Painfully problematic

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Steven instantly let's go of my hair. He places his hands under my armpits before yanking me to my feet. With my body being far too frail to support my own weight, I feel myself collapsing in Steven's hands which forces him to hold up a deceased-like body.

"Do your ears fail to work or have I not voiced my query loud enough!?" Marcus furiously questions while stepping into the little room.

Oh no, he's going to see my boobies too.

"Her nurse required her to remove her clothing for an IVT, sir. But she refused to cooperate and tried to get away. I had no choice but to stop her, sir." Steven defends himself.

"By killing her!? Look at the damn thing! She's worth nothing to us if she's dead Steven!" Marcus exclaims as he walks over to me and lifts my chin to examine my features. I can hear the outraged tone in his voice. I want to pull away so badly from his touch, but all the strength I had in me five minutes ago disappears into thin air.

What does he mean I'm worth nothing if I'm dead? I thought he couldn't care less about killing us if we didn't cooperate, I wonder.

Marcus instructs Steven to place me on the bed and forces him to carry me bridal style in doing so. I can hear his exasperated sigh but he does it anyway. Just as he's about to lay me down, an audible gasp makes its way to my ears and the room falls silent. A silence which lasts only for a few seconds of course.

"What have you done!?" Peggy yells with both shock and frustration, her footsteps growing louder.

"And where have you been?" Marcus questions, causing her to stop dead in her tracks. 

With my body now sinking into the bed, Steven takes few steps back. I can tell she's so focused on my limp body in Steven's arms, she barely notices that Marcus is right there. Her startled state once she hears his voice only proves my theory.

"Sir!", she takes a quick moment to gather herself appropriately. "Apologies, sir. I exit the room to fetch the stirrups and speculum. Without them, I cannot perform the IVT on the girl. I didn't have them previously in the room as it was a new procedure on the list." Peggy explains herself ever so calmly.

She went from 'I'll kill you and your unborn child' to 'my voice can tame and put any beast to sleep' in matter of seconds.

I find enough strength in me to open my eyes and rotate my head from left to right, but that's about it. The rest of my body decided to take a break from normal everyday functionality. Steven sees this and steps closer to me. "She's awake sir, but too weak to move. Should I remove the rest of her clothing?" I stare up at Steven wide-eyed, with tears begging to be released.

Oh, now the dickhead can ask? Where were these manners before? Shoved deep up his ass? Because I sure as h- okay Jess! That's enough.

"Sir with all due respect, I believe Steven's presence agitates and frightens the girl. As she is blanched and spooked. That's why she's being so painfully problematic." Peggy speaks up before Marcus can reply to Steven's request.

"Cowardly blanched..." Steven mutters under his breath so only I could hear him.

"Steven is only doing his job." Marcus replies to Peggy before turning to face Steven. "However. I believe it's best you stay posted outside the room. Only enter should she call you for assistance." I see Steven wanting to protest against Marcus's orders, but decides to shut his trap and do as he is told instead. He shoots one last glare my way before exiting the little room. The type of glare that yells 'don't start with your shit again or else'.

Marcus looks over to Peggy and says, "Should she try anything, you know which punishments are allowed. Don't hold back on her simply because she's weak. She needs to know who's in charge here." Then he exits.

Punishments!? Like what Steven's been doing to me hasn't been punishment enough!.. I think to myself.

And Peggy freaked out because he hurt you in a way that causes her more 'work'... So.. What possible punishment won't bruise or be visible? I like your thinking Jess. Yes I'm going insane being here, but so what. I need a voice to keep me witty and Jess is definitely that voice. Even though it can be annoying at times.

Peggy walks over to me with the stir- and spec- something. Remembering the name of those things is honestly the least of my worries right now. She hooks the stir- thing apart to the end of the bed in an upward direction. More at a 45° angle. Then walks over to me after she leaves the spec- thingamajig at the edge of the bed.

"Vivian, I don't choose your evaluations. But if you give me any more problems, I have no choice but to do exactly what Marcus told me to. Trust me. You don't want to be punished. Rather get these things over with. You will only make it easier on yourself if you just obey us." She stares desperately into my eyes waiting for a response. I almost feel sorry for her. I can sense the honesty in her voice.

Are you delusional? Don't trust the bitch!! She's one of them. Like I said before, I need a voice like Jess's in my head.

Having barely any strength left in my body, I don't find the need or energy to argue. So I simply nod my head in agreement of understanding. Besides, I need them to believe that I trust them and will do whatever they want me to. Especially if I want my exit plan to follow through and by the looks of it, it won't be today. As I need to regain my strength back first.

Peggy's face allows a small smile to creep across it when she realizes that I won't fight back anymore. Then she gently grabs my shorts and underwear before removing them. She goes over and grabs a gown off of the desk. Those type of gowns they put on patients in hospitals. She places the gown over me, ties it behind my neck and straightens it out till it reaches my knees.

"I need you to shift down to the edge of the bed for me and place each leg on a stirrup."

She picks up the spec- thingamabob. It takes a while but eventually, I'm able to move my body down the bed and lay in the most comfortable yet uncomfortable position ever. Peggy tells me to relax before she sits down on the chair that she pulled closer to the bed.

"What's an IVT? I thought it was called a pelvic exam." I ask out of curiosity. "IVT stands for Imposed Virginity Testing. And it's a basic violation of human rights. But since you were kidnapped, human rights don't apply with these people here." She explains without looking up to me.

Not that I would have seen her in any case. My legs are too high up and the gown is blocking my view of what she's doing. For about five minutes straight, nothing happens. Okay, This is weird. I was expecting pain. "External exam completed," Peggy mutters and gets up to grab the file then sits back down. I can hear the flipping of pages as she opens the file to write down whatever it is she has to.

"Okay, I need you to lay completely still now. The speculum will feel cold, and odd if you really are a virgin," she says and before I can protest... What the Gehenna is that thing!? Cold and odd doesn't even begin to describe it. There are certain objects that just do not belong inside of your body and this thing is one of them.

My soul is begging me to extract myself away from this virgin torture contraption. But I can't, any more problems from me and Steven sure as hell wouldn't mind punishing me. So I lay here, at the edge of the bed, with a piece of metal inside of me feeling violated. I can't help but allow the tears to stream down the sides of my face. At this very moment, I'm defenseless and weak.

I've been so caught up in my own world that I barely notice Peggy taking the thing out. "Speculum exam completed," she mutters again. Grabs the file and writing what a shock it is that I'm not Kate; the scarlet girl who slept with my ex-boyfriend. A feeling of relief washes over me as Peggy gets up.

Finally, she's done. Or so I thought before I see her replace the gloves she's wearing with a new pair. She comes and sits back down in front of me. 

"This is the last part of your IVT. I need to check your female organs; being your fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix and uterus. I-"

"You seem to know a lot for someone who's just a nurse." I cut her off. She couldn't keep doing all the talking. I had things on my mind as well.

"I studied to become a doctor. I had two more years left before graduating, but-..." This time she cut herself off, realizing that she might be saying too much. "Nevertheless. That's not important right now. I have to get this done. So you might feel slight discomfort or pressure, but it shouldn't hurt. If it does you need to tell me," is all she says before her gloved fingers go right up Charles street. Her other hand presses on the lower part of my belly. It's most certainly unpleasant but not in the least painful.

After she's done messing around inside the Christmas turkey, she removes herself from me and peels off the gloves. "Bi-manual exam completed," again with the muttering as she writes down in the file. Hopefully for the last time.

She closes the file and puts in the desk, walks over to me and helps me climb off of the bed. I actually have more strength in me than I realized now that I'm back onto my feet. But being sexually harassed both ways and naked to the core, I am not in the mood to fight. More in the mood to sleep. A deep, long and peaceful sleep.

Peggy hands me my clothing and I quickly put them back on. Leaving the gown on the bed along with my vanity and self-worth.

"Why did you keep informing me of what you were doing during the IVT? I mean, you work for kidnappers, so shouldn't you not care? Because it takes a pretty heartless person to do all this to another human being." 

Right now, it's just Peggy and me in the room, with no cameras. I have to take advantage of the situation and get as many answers from her as I possibly can.

"Vivian, I can't tell you why I work for them or anything for that matter regarding me being here."

So much for finding things out.

"But I'm not heartless and I don't prefer doing these-", her hands waver about gesturing to nothing as she's clueless how to finish her sentence. But she continues either which way, "I care enough to inform you because I believe, as a doctor... nurse, a patient should always know what's going on with their body. Regardless of circumstances. And I also didn't need you freaking out and making everything complicated, again." 

Well, I do sort of know more than what I did before. So this wasn't a completed wasted opportunity.

'Oh'  is all I mouth back to her. She informs me that I am done for the day and need to go back to my room to eat and rest. 


Not this guy again.

Steven comes in looking furious, before realizing that I wasn't doing anything wrong. Not yet at least.

"What?" He says with a note of boredom in his brawny voice. "Escort her back to her room. She has to rest." Peggy states sharply. And eat! I telepathically remind her. I don't care if it worked or not. I just want to leave.

Steven forcefully grabs me by my upper arm and practically pushes me out through the doorway. 

"Don't bruise her any more than you already have! She's been through enough!" I hear Peggy yell from behind us before she closes the door.

Maybe she's actually not all that bad. I mean if I really think about the overall picture here-.. My thoughts get cut off as I make contact with a hard chest.

A chest that didn't belong to Steven.

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