Her side

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"What do you mean you people are getting me married"

"Listen...it's time now....and he's the best guy" dad said trying to convince

"May i know...who this Mr. Perfect is" like really, a guy that managed to impress my parents who is it???-

"You know him" huh???how may i be knowing him mom

"No i don't" i said

"There is a possibility that you have a crush upon him" she said hinting

"What.....wha...what do,....you.....mean"

"You know what"😆

"Mum..i'll....i'll just go to bed now"

After that i cut the call and went to my bed,

It can't be him???

I mean what the hell, i won't be able to say no then😭😭
Cuz i have a tiny crush on this idiot cricketer, and i happen to be his manager, crushing on my own client??

Can't help, he's so humble and cute, sweet and....... *ding*

"I hate my life" it was a message from him

Me- why what happened??

R- you know i got the news that my mum arranged me to someone

Me- ohh...you don't know to whom??

R- well....u see....i cut the call without asking for the name

Me- i am surprised😑😑

R- hehe😅😅

Me- so what did you say

R- nothing....not like they'll listen to me😥

Me- oh that's ....erm...

R- i know right,

Open your door

Me- huh?

And then there was a knock on the door

*Knock* *knock* (who's there😂😂)

I opened the door to find Ro smiling at me, ( A/N you'll soon find out what was he doing there)

"Hey" he said and walked in, it was normal for us....but now that  i am getting married to him........i mean possibly......so it was awkward for me...,..as he wasn't even aware of whom was he getting married to,

"Hmmm" i said and as he practically laid on the couch, i sat on the bed

"You seem worried" he said and i gulped

"Nah...just tired" i dismissed it off


Just then his phone went off, he picked it up

"Yeah mum"

"We already talked about it"

"No i am not marrying anyone"



"We need to talk"

With that he cut the call,

He seemed to think of something and then said

"Why didn't you tell me"


He looked at me expecting me to say something, but i just kept quiet,

"Gosh!! I need to clear my mind" he said stood up and went outside the room

I sighed,

"This was one heck of a day" and with that i laid on my bed, i was not able to sleep,


*knock* *knock*

I got up from my bed and opened the door to find Harry smiling and evil smile, jass glaring at him, Vi standing holding a grumbling Ro, jinks looking done with them, jadd laughing and bhai sighing, shikh talking with kulcha,

"Why are you guys here" i asked confused

"What??? You don't remember" yuz came all of a sudden and yelled,

"Ermm....no i don't" i said looking at them

"Being with Ro is affecting you" Vi said and jadd laughed, and i wasn't at all blushing

"What the hell did i do" Ro muttered under his breath,

Awwww......what!! Get a grip girl

"You know you lost the bet, right" asked yuzi smirking, catching everyone's attention, and i realised, they were here for what jass calls as "the family meet" which all of us have whenever we all are free,

"Are we late" asked sakshi bhabi as all the wives came,

"Nah not at all" said harry

"Okay then let's start now, come lets move to......whose turn is it?? Whose room??"

"Mine" i said and everyone entered into my room


"What are we playing today??" Asked an over enthusiastic jadd

"How bout.........truth and dare" smirked Vi looking at me and ro, does he know????

"Noooo.....plsss nooo" i whined

"That's a great idea" said anushka joining in and smirked at Ro okay....she also knows???, and Ro just huffed at her

"Yeah lets play truth and dare" harry grinned

"I mean yeah we can play" yuzi said and kul nodded too

"What say bhai and bhabhi" asked jinks

"Yeah we'll play" answered bhabhi

"Then count me in too" said jass and jinks too nodded

"Are my sweet bhabhis playing" asked yuzi innocently

"Lets play" after everyone agreed they all sat in a circle,


Jadd took a bottle from the counter and spinned it,

And it stopped, with it's one side facing Anushka and the other side facing Virat!!!!

"Oh lemme take this" Ro grinned 😈😈😈😈, and Virushka visibly gulped,

"You ask Vi and lemme handle Nush" rits joined in and ro nodded

"Sooooo........truth or dare Vi" Ro smirked

"Erm....truth" Vi decided to play safe,

"You are no fun" Ro said, having forgotten about what happened earlier over the phone with his mum, the convo with rits and him telling Vi, and Vi in turn telling nush.

"Sooo.......tell me?? What did you initially think of nush" Ro asked wiggling his brows, he already knew the answer but he loved teasing Vi. Morever, he loved the embarassed look that Vi was having now

"What do you mean???" Vi yelled glaring at ro, the latter just shrugged and grinned; Mahi bhai was having hard time controlling his smile looking at Vi's face; jinks and shikh were grinning; Jadd and harry were already clutching their sides laughing hard, even the innocent jass was smiling, yuzi ready with a cam, kul whining about his Vi bhai,

"Ohh...i wanna hear it" said rits happily,and nush gave her a look

"Nooooo" Vi trailed "bhai...save me"

"He is not saving you" sakshi said

"Mmm....even i wanna hear cheeku" bhai said and Vi looked betrayed

"Huff*........alright.........i first met her during the shooting of an add, and to be honest,i.......i ....instantly developed a liking towards her, her....nature, her......yeah she was great and her humbleness got me, i was nervous 'bout working with her, but....we instantly clicked and........after some time....yeah that's it...." Vi struggled to continue and the ladies awed while the men smiled,

"Awww.....that's so sweet....nush... did you like it" asked rits smirking at her bestie,

".....yeah.....it was so sweet of you Vir" nush's acting skills saved her, as she maintained a poker face, but inside she was having butterflies

"That's what i thought.....now it's my turn to ask you" rits said

"Yeah ask rits" sakshi nodded

"Truth or dare"

"Dare" nush was not scared, but she should have been

"Well......i dare you to....."


What could be the dare???

Do Virushka know bout Rohika's marriage thing??
Don't forget to like and comment,

Part 3 would be there soon!!!

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