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So in this fanfic Rohirat aren't married yet, Rits is Ro's and the team's manager, Vi and Anushka are in a relationship (soon to be engaged).

What happens when Ro and Rits parents decide to marry their kids off to eachother?

Would love happen?



"Oh god i am late today , Mum i am going " said Ritika to her mother rushing downstairs.

"Ritu sweetheart you woke up, listen i wanted to talk to you about something important" said her mom.

" mumma not now, i'm already late" She pleaded " I have to reach there on time otherwise Ro's gonna laugh at me for his whole life" and left hurriedly from there.

"But ritu...." her mother trailed and then huffed and said " this girl, what would I do with her"


"God! I'm going to be damn late and Ro's gonna mock me for it..." i said to myself and drove to the hotel team India was staying in, I am their manager after all.

"Goodness , finally I'm here!!" I exclaimed and parked my car and ran to the coach's office.

"oh looks like someone is early" said Vi. I scowled as everyone present in the room laughed and surprisingly even Ro was there. I'm never going to hear the end of it! I lost my bet.

"So as everyone is here now we can start" said Ravi sir and he started his discussion. When it was over I sighed.

"So you lost the bet" Ro said smirking to which I pouted and nodded.

" wow , you know Ritu you should do this 'bet' thing more often at least he got up early for it" Vi said with an amused expression. " you know it would help me alot, 'cuz i have to wake him up always" Ro made a face and glared at Vi.

" what is your problem Mr. Cheeku , my sweetheart , you need something" Ro tried to be intimidating, but Vi just laughed it off.

" come you slowpoke , lets practice" Vi dragged a whining Ro along with him.

" cute" I muttered unknowingly and came back to senses when someone behind me cleared his throat.

"cute, what's going on?" Harry asked, wiggling his eyebrows and I glared " none of your businesses" I deadpanned.

"Well you see, you were praising my cap, so it's very much my business " Harry replied in a matter-of-fact voice and smirked.

"You know Mr. Hardik Pandya , everyone is practising there, and you should be there too." said Jass coming inside and glaring at him as harry gulped.

"Yeah I was just moving , Jass! bye bye...." Harry said and ran from there.

" Thanks kiddo" I gave Jass a smile and a pat on his back as he went from there saying " di i have to go now and check whether that idiot has started to practice or not"

Time skip⌚⌚

Everyone is gathered in the ground practising when suddenly Ro's phone rang indicating a call from his mom. He went to corner of the ground and picked up the call.


"Hi mom , how is it going" I asked

"Ro i am fine and how are you? " came mom's voice.

" i am alright mom just practising , is everything alright" I i asked her worried.

"All is well here , but you see i called you to inform you about something, please promise you won't freak out..." mum said. I scowled,

" mom but what happened ??..." i asked when mom interrupted me "promise you won't freak out" she said, i sighed,

" ok ma i won't, but tell me what's wrong" i asked worried.

"We fixed your marriage with...." before she could complete the sentence i shouted at the top of my voice" WHAT!!!" everyone in the ground turned their faces towards me but i was too shocked to respond and cut the call.

" bhaiya, what happened?? is everyting alright" asked jass caringly as i registered what my mom said "Ro , what happened??" Asked a very worried Vi

I sighed and told them what my mom said and went from there to my room to clear my mind. Vi followed me after assuring everyone and jass and harry followed him.

"Bro its alright , ... you know...." Vi trailed as he found it difficult to explain , harry looked perplexed and my poor innocent chotu looked worried about me , i smiled and patted my lap and jass took the clue and laid with his head on my lap and harry being the possessive idiot he is laid on other side of my lap.

" But how could.... i mean.....i thought... rits and you...." harry struggled to say, and i looked at him

"What do you mean by me and rits"

"Oh nothing....i need to catch some sleep...good night" saying this he slept, there only, on my lap, jass sighed and i ruffled his hairs

"Sleep if u want....i don't mind" i said and jass too dozzed off

"So....." Trailed Vi

"What would i do" i asked and looked at him

"Who is the girl?? You are getting married to" and i realised

"I don't know"

"Woah" he muttered


That's it for the first part,
Don't forget to drop comments and press the star🌟, 😉😉

And thanks to Niyati25 for the cute cover!!!

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