Love Marriage?

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Sorry for delay had network issues.....


"Rits....." Ro started and everyone looked expectantly,

"Aurgh!!! I can't do this"Ro whined

And everyone sweat dropped, Vi looked not at all pleased

"Oh you can't even propose properly" Vi complained scowling

"As if you have a degree in it"

"I can do better than you"

"Show me"


"I knew it, you just know boasting and all"

"Excuse me....i'll show you idiot" With that Vi walked to Rits and looked at her, everyone looked confused,

" know Ro is.....erm...Ro.....sleepyhead, lazyass, slowpoke, kumbhkaran and all, he irritates the heck out of me"

"Hey!!" Ro pouted, and everyone laughed

"As i was saying......i know he's not like me, and he's not perfect but.....i assure you....this guy is the best.....he'll take care of you, he'll be the most sweetest person you know and he'll........and you'll fall in love with his selfless we all love him and he'll be there as you support and you'll be his support.......soo......." Vi went in his knees and held Rits hands....,

"Will you be my bhabhi???.....will you marry him and become my SIL..." And saying that Vi stood up before Rits coukd say anything, she was standing there too shocked to react a smile on her face,

Ro just stood shocked, staring at Virat,

"This is how it is done....see i'm the best" Vi pulled his imaginary collers up and smirked at everyone's face

"You can't beat me"

"Oh shut up!!! I can do better" Ro grumbled when he saw everyone praising Vi, Ro's eyes burned with determination to defeat Vi,

"Do it then" Vi shrugged

"Sure" he said and took Rits hand and went on his knees,

"Rits......ever since i saw you.....wait!! I'll do something original" Ro grinned

"You have this effect on me, that positive energy you radiate, it's so calming.....i tend to forget a lot of things......and I can't promise not to unintensionaly forget our aniverseries......but....remember one thing......i'll never forget to take care you.....never forget to tell you that how important you are to me......i'm not sure whether i'm the best option like that idiot said, but......i'll never make you regret your decision.......i'll take care of you always.....and i hope you do too........and this marriage thing seems......weird and all ofa sudden thing......but, i guess we'll be the best partners and maybe along the way.....during our journey....we may even fall in love......and i promise to be the best to you.......somethings can never change, like me being forgetful.....but i'll try to be the perfect husband for you......and you'll always one my am happy that you'll be my wife"

With that Ro stood up, everyone's mouth was hanging open, with confusion, except for Virushka who were grinning ear to ear, when Ro turned to look at Rits she had tears in her eyes and her cheeks were as red as a tomato,

"Now that was one heck of a proposal" muttered harry still in shock,

"Atleast now......the marriage won't be called arranged......... ........maybe it's a love marriage now" Nush said grinning and eveyone looked beyond confused,

"Wait!! Love marriage.....marriage????" They yelled

"What does that mean.........i mean i know what its meaning is , but.......what??? " asked yuz, and kul nodded

"I mean.......why you people seem to be hiding something" asked harry in a suspiciuos voice, Rah narrowed his eyes at Harry and gave him a look

"Of course they are hiding something idiot" jass muttered annoyed at his bestfriend's stupidness, but hurt a bit that his bhaiya didn't tell him

"Are you going to tell us or not" asked shikh

"Tell us Ro" said jadd

"Rooooooo" said ayesha and riva

"Stop it!!" Yelled Rohika and everyone shut up,

"We were,.......we were going to tell you.....just a bit later"

"Why, didn't you tell us ??" Asked jass in a hurt voice

"Kiddo......see guys.......we just came to know about it sometime ago...."

"Oh..." nodded kul understandingly


"Spill the tea guys!!!"

"Can you for once stop with your......never mind" muttered kul

"Back to the topic....tell us" harry said

" remember yesterday........."

And Ro Told everyone what happened and they nodded undestanding everything,,

"And then Vi dragged you with us" jadd said nodding

" that's why you were grumbling" shikh nodded

"Wow" said everyone when the story finished



Back to the story.........

"So that ship is sailing" yuzi happily clapped his hands, and everyone looked at him

"Weirdo" muttered everyone laughing at yuz

"What you don't know what ship means??"

"Ship, as in the ship in the sea...." asked jass

"No" yuz said

"Never heard of it, then" they said

"Oh!!! I'll tell you then"

"A ship is , basically a pairing that we like ......erm. Virushka is the ship name for Vi bhai and Nushkie bhabi" and everyone nodded

"Oh!" Said jadd

"It's not necessary for the ship to be romantic people just like two people's bond....they'll make a ship name for Rohirat"

"What's that now" grumbled kul, pouting

"It's the ship name for Rohitaaaaa bhai and Vi bhai" yuzi told everyone


"Now is get it"


"Shut the lights and go to sleep now" they heard mahi bhai's voice, as he approached them

" didn't sleep" asked Ro nervously

"How can someone....when few idiots are shouting and yelling"

"Ohh"😅😅😅everyone gave bhai a sheepish grin and stood up,

"Let's sleep now" said Vi and everyone ran to their rooms

"Idiots" bhai said and left to his room


"Thank god bhai came"

I think i should sleep too,

As i laid on my bed, i heard my phone buzzing indicating a notification,

I checked it to find

"I ship you two" it was a message from Vi, i smiled,

"I ship you!!!" Kul messaged

"I ship Ro and Rits" harry messaged

"I ship you with him" messaged shikh

"I ship you people, too😂😂" messaged Jadd

"I ship Ro bhai and bhabhi" yuzi had messaged

"I ship you two, too😉" rah's message read

"Congo diiii.....i ship rohika" messaged Jass

"Aww...thanks guys"

"Sleep NOW!!!" Bhai messaged

"What's with this ship all are telling me tommorow" bhai messaged again

"I wanna know too" texted jinks

"Good night now" bhai's text read and all of them went offline,


It was a message from Ro,

"Rohika, i like the way it sounds😉"

And i giggled and slept


That's it for today

Bye bye!!

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