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Rohit's POV

Honestly, I had only seen this kind of situation in movies and all, but here I was facing the same situation. I was getting married to my manager and if that wasn't enough, my teammates started being the idiots they are. They tease me and Rits whenever they get the chance to, basically the whole day and night too.

Earlier during Ipls, me and Rits used to travel together too, but now If we are seen together even when we are discussing about the team, that idiot yuz or harry would start whistling and Vi!! Don't even get me started with him.

He from god knows where got some stupid romantic music  (I blame Nush for that) and edited mine and Rit's pics and rest my friends you can imagine. He dared to send that mv to everyone in the team and honestly I have never wanted to kill someone this bad.

"And Mr. groom to be!!, are you thinking about your soon to be bride??" came the voice of the idiot of the century.

"You wanna be killed?" I asked irritated by his antics.

"No bub, I am just excited to meet my Bhabhi, and you are really mean! I'm hurt" he dramatically placed a hand on his chest and pouted. I glared at him.

"Vi for the sake of god! stop teasing me!" I pleaded him.

"oh hell nah! It's not like you don't want to get married to her. I know deep down, you are feeling butterflies in your stomach" he smirked at me. I groaned and started to walk away, when an idea popped into my mind.

"Well, I think Nush needs a more responsible fiancé, hmmm...... yeah that  Raj guy is a great option......" I said pretending to think

"don't you even dare to!!!" Vi tried to act cool, but I could see the jealousy spark in his eyes.

"you know Nush thinks he's really cute and sweet guy" I tried hard not to laugh.

"she what??" Vi looked ready to commit a murder. Honestly I'm so happy that my sister fell for him. They are perfect for each other, tailor made. I wouldn't have agreed if it was someone else but Vi. The way Vi treats her like a queen, the right way she should be treated, as her brother I feel relieved.

I smiled at him and said "relax idiot, she only loves you"

"huh?" he looked startled

"come let's go and practice now, Mr. soon to be brother in law"

"yeah, let's move brother in law" I frowned at that, huh?

"wait!! how come I am your brother in law?? You are marrying my sister, remember? not the other way round??" I said trying to explain the situation to him.

"I know that, But you are marrying Rits, remember?" Vi said as if it was the most obvious thing.

"oh yeah..." I nodded in realization. He grinned and pulled me towards the ground to practice.

Ritika's POV

"oh and this dress would be good for the reception and this too....and those and..." Nush was a shopping freak, and trust me I am not lying. We are at this really fancy mall from 5 hours and that girl still has energy to shop. Kudos to Vi for handling her. Now I know why Ro always tried to escape when she mentions shopping.

"Nush, we don't need to purchase the whole mall you know" I said to my best friend as I saw her move back and forth from one stall to another. 

"Come on Ritz!! It's our engagement for god's sake!! show more enthusiasm!! Come on!! After all you are getting married to your long time crush" She said the last line in a teasing manner. I glared at her.

"shut up!"

"you didn't deny it"

"Oh!! that dress looks pretty" I said and ran towards a far corner, away from my maniac of a bestie.

Anushka's POV

"that girl really did escape me" I pouted and followed her.

Me and Ritz were shopping for our upcoming engagements. I was shopping for her and she was for me. Why?? It's cool and exciting!!

"where did that girl go" I muttered under my  breath as I walked aimlessly in the mall trying to locate my childish bestie.

I looked for half an hour and still no luck. I started to get worried. Where was she?? was she alright??

I decided to look inside the washroom. But, she wasn't there. Okay I was worried as hell now. Where is Ritz???

I called her, but she didn't pick. I tried again, 'The number you're trying to reach is switched off'

What?? Did someone deliberately switch the phone off?? I started to panic and dialed Ro bhai's number. He picked on the second ring.

'Nush....This fiancé of yours is a.....' 

"Ro.....I can't find Ritz anywhere" I whimpered thinking of all the possible things that could have happened. And those were nothing good

'wait?? what?? Is this a prank NUsh??'

"No bhai.......R....Ritz.....Mil nhi  rahi (can't be found)"

There was a little shuffling heard on the phone, then I heard Vi's voice 'Don't worry we are coming Nush' and he cut the call.

He sounded distressed too. I shook my head trying to get the negative thoughts of what could have happened to her... away and informed the security and then started looking for her again.

I decided to go look in the basement, maybe she went there.....

I was passing through the basement when I heard a whimper. I sprinted towards the direction the whimper came from, It was Ritz voice. Please god....Let her be safe.......

"Give me the money now!" A man looking like a goon yelled and Ritz whimpered again. I froze to my spot. If I dared to move they would see me and I won't be able to save her. With shaking hands I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed bhai's number.

'Did you find she safe...'

"In the" I couldn't complete my sentence as one of the goon found me and snatched my phone away.

"oh my if it isn't the famous actress Anushka Sharma.....AWWw....what a nice view, here to save her best friend"

"Leave her alone" I yelled and sprinted towards the leader, but two oh his men grabbed me.

"N....Nu....Nush" Ritz said in a scared voice. Oh my this is not good!! Ritz already suffered a trauma in the past. I need to do something.

"I am here! Don't be scared Ritzzz...I" before I could say anything else I heard police sirens and footsteps echoed throughout the basement.

"Hands up" The goons tried to run away but got caught. 

"Nush.....Ritsss" Rohirat yelled and came running towards us.

"are.....are you...okay nush" Ro looked so worried, I nodded and he hugged me tightly. I reciprocated the hug.

"where is she" he asked and I nodded in her direction. We ran towards her direction.

She was crying badly and shivering. I swallowed a lump in my throat and hugged her tightly.

"shhh....shhh....I am here sh......" I tried to soothe her, she cried for sometime.

Ro and Vi too bent to our level and hugged her. We stayed there for sometime, hugging her. After she calmed down. Ro gave her a piggyback ride out of the mall and took her towards his car.

"I will take her somewhere take care of nush" He told Vi and hugged us. 

"Take care" Vi said and I nodded. Vi gave Ritz a last hug and kissed her head. Then Rohika left from there.

"Are you okay" Vi asked worriedly, I nodded and he hugged me tightly.

"I was so worried" he cried

"I hope she is okay...." I said. I was so worried for her. But I think sending her with Ro was the best option for now.

"me too" he said equally worried.


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