16. His message

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"Her phone is still switched off." Manik let out a sigh as he stuffed his phone into his pocket. He adjusted his tie a bit and looked at his reflection in the mirror.

The meeting was about to begin and he was hell nervous. Although he had managed the company for almost three years but still he had never for once personally attended any meetings, seminars or gathering.

"Shall I not attend the meeting?" He said to himself. He took out his phone and looked at his phone screen. "The meeting will start in half an hour now. What should I do? What should I do?" He panicked as he walked to and fro in his office cabin.

"I walked inside the office just fine. So nothing will happen." He tried to calm himself down but he failed miserably.

Right then he heard a knock on the door and that made him concious. He sat down on his seat and then said,"Come in."

The door opened and 'he was shocked' would be an understatement. "Nandini." He got up from his seat.

Nandini entered the cabin, closing the door behind her.

"What I mean why I mean from where-" Manik was totally confused as to what he should be saying. So he simply walked up to her and pulled her in his embrace.

But she immediately pushed him, making him stumble a few steps away from her. "What did you say on the phone? I am your friend. Right?" She threw her bag at him and it hit him right on his head.

"And who the hell was that girl? And how in the world did you let her squeeze you?" She was angry. She hit him on his chest.

"Ow ow ow... it hurts." He wailed as he held both her hands.

"Nandini she is just my friend and nothing more." He tried explaining but she wasn't someone who was going to be convinced so easily. She stepped on his foot and his hold on her hand loosened. She pulled her hand from his hold and glared at him.

"You better have a way to convince me otherwise I am in no mood to leave you." She snapped.

"Nandi-" He started but the knock on the door didn't even let him complete.
He looked at the door and then her.

"Come in." Nandini said even before Manik could respond.

One girl of about Nandini's age entered the cabin and looked at both of them. "Uh-uh-umm s-sir t-th-"

"Stop stuttering and say it clearly." Nandini said in a commanding tone as she looked at her and Manik just silently stood there.

"You are needed in the conference hall." She said it in one breath.

"Okay he'll come. You may leave." Nandini said rather ordered.

Right after she left Nandini looked at Manik who had been looking at her all this time. She breathed in and out.

"Go before I explode." She snapped.

But he shook his head in 'no'. "I am sorry na." Manik made a puppy face.

"Manik am giving you one last chance. Go before I explode." Nandini moved towards the left and Manik too followed her action blocking her way.

"Sorry I promise I will formally introduce you as my girlfriend to all my friends." Manik apologized but Nandini just pushed him a little aside and walked past him.

Before she could take one more step. She felt a hand grab hers. She turned around only to see Manik kneeling down on his knees. He left her hand and caught both his ears. "I am sorry." He said making his best puppy face.

Nandini's hard built wall melted away in a jiffy. "I'll only forgive you just this once." She tried saying it with a straight face.

Manik jumped on his feet and took her in his embrace. "I missed you so so much. And how come you are here?"

"Cabir gave me the address to your office and I ditched all my classes for you." She said as she broke the hug.

"And here I thought you would be attending all your classes."

"Never expect that from me." She said as she adjusted his tie a bit. "I know you are nervous but at the same time I know you will do your best. Good luck."

"I will keep your words in my mind." He said. "You stay here. I will finish this meeting and come back."

She nodded and he left. Few minutes later she sat on his chair and switched on her phone. She gasped seeing the number of messages.

"224 messages."

She opened her inbox. 223 messages were from Manik and 1 message was from an unknown number. The message from the unknown number read;

"Nandini I am sorry and I know my sorry won't work. But still I am sorry. I know I cheated on you. I hurt you and I deeply resent that. I thought I could get a second chance but I guess I was wrong because you have moved on.

I realized when you are with Manik you act like a totally different person or it's better to say you are just yourself. You smile the brightest around him. You were an insomaniac but I guess it's also cured now. For Manik you even went to his hometown. This is so unlike you and it hurts to see you acting like this. But I guess it's better for me to let you go. So I am transferring to another college by next week.

I know I don't deserve to say this. But please do forgive me. Stay happy and just in case if he breaks your heart, you can always come to me. My arms are always open for you. Goodbye and take care. And lastly I know I shouldn't be saying this but I still want you to know that I am still in love with you Nandini Murthy."

So what's your take on Aryaman?

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Love ya ❤

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