17. His unrequited love

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Only a very few of you thought that Aryaman was being honest and I can totally understand why majority felt that he had a hidden motive behind that message. Aryaman is someone who doesn't give up so easily but then he's also someone who has his own pride.

And c'mon guys if you put yourself in his shoes, you might then come to know that it's really hard for him too. If you guys have never had a second lead syndrome then it's a different story though 😅.

(P.S: Though I love the first lead but I am someone who sympathize with second leads a lot and I suffer from second lead syndrome quite a lot.😅)

Do tell me how you feel about second leads?

And enjoy the update ❤

Aryaman gulped the glass of his drink in one go as he melancholy looked at the busy dancing bodies and the atmosphere only irked him. The alcohol wasn't helping him either. He had drank a whole bottel of beer and he was still sober.

"Arya we meet again." A voice hit his ears and he turn to look at the person, only to fake a smile.

"Hey Inaya." He said.

"It's been long since I didn't see you in this pub." She said it loudly as she took a seat beside him.

"Yea it's been a while since I came here."

Inaya bend towards him and said it in his ears,"The music's too loud. Let's go out."

"I am fine here." He said.

"This is so unlike you. You never missed a chance to be alone with a girl."

"Inaya I am not in mood today." Aryaman said as he kept his glass aside and walked away. He looked at his phone screen and there were a few notifications but not that one notification of her message that he desired to see. He sighed.

"Why am I still in love with you Nandini?" He could feel a knot forming in his chest. He breathed in slowly before walking out of the pub and then into his car.

He unlocked his phone and surfed through their photos in his gallery. And that only made him feel miserable. "We used to be so happy together but I ruined it all." He closed his eyes in frustration.

He looked at all those photos for one last time before selecting all of their photos but he just couldn't click the delete button. Instead he clicked the back button several times and threw his phone in frustration.

"I don't want to give up on you but then I can't even hold onto you. You have moved on but I still haven't." He hit the steering wheel with his hand, irked and frustrated. "I am still in love with you. I am so sick of my own feelings-" He closed his eyes in frustration as he let the tears slip down his eyes. "and now I am going to put an end to this unrequited feelings of mine."

He wiped away his tears and picked up his phone. The tempered glass of the phone was cracked and it irked him more.

He opened the contact and called his father.

"Hey my son." His father's cheerful voice hit his ears and it made him want to cry even more but he held it back.

"Dad I submitted the application for transfer."

"I already got to know that from the administration. So where do you want to transfer this time? I will handle all the paper works."

"Dad." He paused. "I want to come back home."

"Is something bothering you son?" He asked and for a monent Aryaman fell silent before saying,"No dad. I just miss you and mom."

"I miss you too son. Then I'll book the flight tickets."

"Thank you dad."


"Manik you sure you want to do this?" Nandini asked yet again as she looked at the huge gate in front of her.

"Yea..." He nodded his head as he rang the doorbell and Nandini looked at him, nervously.

"Manik is it necessary for you to introduce me to your grandma?" She adjusted her skirt.

"Yea of course and don't worry my granny would love to see you. She really loves it when I bring my friends home." He smiled cheekily.

"Manik you sure?" Nandini said and right then the door clicked open. She nervously smiled as she looked ahead.
"Alya." Manik said and just by looking at the girl standing in front of her, Nandini could feel all her nervousness fly away.

"Is she the one?" Alya asked, looking at Nandini.

Manik nodded his head and the next moment Alya jumped forward and hugged Nandini.

"Wow wow." Nandini was surprised as Alya clinged to her.

"Ohh hi I am Alya, Manik's friend." Alya said as she broke the hug. She had a big bright smile on her face and that only made Nandini smile. Nandini wasn't the type of person who liked people with clingy personality but Alya, she had this cheerful aura around her that Nandini couldn't deny it.

"I am blocking your way. Let's go in."
Alya said as she walked ahead.

"Don't mind her. She has always been very cheeky and clingy." Manik said as he walked in and Nandini too followed him in.

"Granny I am home." Manik shouted as he saw his grandmother . He ran to her and engulfed her in a hug.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too my precious." She patted on his back. "You have grown taller than before." She said as she broke the hug.

"Granny Manik's brought a special someone home." Alya jumped in between them.

Nandini bowed down her head a bit. "I am Nandini, Manik's fri-" Nandini started but he cut her off.

"She is my girlfriend granny." He said as he stepped a step back and stood beside her. Nandini's eyes widened on Manik's statement and she nervously smiled. She had never for once felt this way. It was so unlike her.

Granny smiled as she looked at Nandini. "I must admit your choice is beautiful Manik." She patted Nandini's head a bit. "You don't need to be nervous my child. Feel home."

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