7• In your heart

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"So you are packing up your stuffs to move in to another apartment near the college." Nandini said as she followed him inside his room.

"Yea." He said.

"Then I will help you pack."

"No it's not needed." He denied her offer almost instantly.

"What do you mean it's not needed? It's absolutely needed and after all I am your girlfriend. I should help you."

"W-What did you just say?" He deliberately bit his lips on the mention of girlfriend.

"I am your girlfriend, aren't I? After all you just confessed your feelings to me." She smiled as she came in front of him to see the look on his face. As she came in front he abruptly turned his face to the other side. He was totally flushed.

She laughed softly. "I like you so much shy boy." She confessed as she came on her tiptoes and pecked his right cheek lightly. He couldn't help but blush harder.
"Okay so tell me what-" Her words died in her throat when Manik pulled her by her hand and lightly pecked her cheeks too. And this time even she could feel her cheeks heating up, just with the mere touch of his lips.

"I like you too my bad girl." He said before turning around to maintain his composure. She touched her heated up cheeks and couldn't control her smile from growing wider.

She took a step towards him as she covered up their distance and engulfed him in a back hug.

His body stiffened with the sudden action but nevertheless it took just a matter of second for his body melt under her touch.

"Manik I know I am a bad girl and may be I will always be the same. But will you still be with me?" She voiced her insecurity out as she hid her face in his face.

Though it might only seem like words but Manik knew the deepness of those words.

He slowly turned around to face her. Holding her gently by her shoulder, he looked at her right in her eyes, which held innocence and the feeling of loneliness.

"You are only my bad girl and I wanna be this bad girl's boy." He engulfed her in his warm embrace and kissed the top of her hair gently. "No matter whatever happens I am always going to be there for you."

After a moment of peacefulness, Manik slowly let her go. And that was when realization hit him hard, he almost ran to the bathroom. Closing the door, he leaned against it as he recalled his words.

He could feel his cheeks and ear totally heated up. He covered his face with his palm. "I must have been insane. How did I even say those things? Now how will I even meet her gaze?"

Right then he heard her loud voice from the other side of the door,"Manik I know you are totally flushed but come out."

"N-No it's not like that." He replied almost instantly as he squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment.

"Manik."This time she banged on the door. "In the count of three if you don't come out I won't talk to you." She declared, leaning against the door from the other side.

"On-" She hadn't even begun her counting when she heard the door click. She stepped away from the door when he opened it. She couldn't help but smile looking at his red face.

"I am not flushed. Okay? It's just that the temperature is too much that my face is redden." He tried to clarify as he walked past her. That made her chuckle softly.

"I like you more when you blush and-" She could feel her heated cheeks. "And I liked every word that you said to me earlier."

"You didn't find it cheesy?" He turned to look at her.

"S-So what if it was cheesy?" She tried hard not to blush but he could clearly see the red hue on her face and that made him smile. "I liked it and I guess that's what matters."

"Uhh I will go pack my stuffs." He changed the topic as he walked towards his room, smiling cheekily.

After he was out of her sight, she touched her cheeks. "I have never felt this way." She then placed her hand over her heart and she could feel the loud thumping heartbeat.

A few minutes later, she too entered his room after composing herself. "So when are you moving out of this place?" She asked as she stuffed his books in one of his bag.

"The day after tomorrow." He replied as he folded his his cloth and kept it in the suitcase.

"By the way Nandini."


"Where do you live?" He said as he looked at her.

She turned to look at him. "You will know it very soon."

"What does that mean?" His forehead scrunched in confusion.

"Umm I live somewhere near you." She winked at him as she walked towards him.

"Near me?" He questioned with confusion written all over his face. She let out a soft laugh as she crawled on the bed and sat crossed leg right in front of him.

"I live-" She paused, looking at him.

"You live-"

She placed her right hand on his chest right over his heart and said, "Right here in your heart."

He made a bad face. "I am serious."

"And I am serious too. Or is it that there is someone else in your heart?" She pouted, faking a sad face.

"I didn't know you could be this cheesy." He smiled as he pulled her cheeks lightly to which she made a bad face.

"Don't pull my cheeks." She complained, rubbing her right cheek and taking the opportunity he pulled her left cheek as he laughed.

Rubbing both her cheek, she glared at him and leapt on him, pinning him to the bed. She then tickled him with a sheepish grin on her face the entire time.

"Haha Nan- haha dini stop haha." He laughed hysterically. After much struggle he finally was able to hold her hand and in a swift moment he rolled to the left, pinning her to the bed. Both her hands were locked above her head.

She looked at him and he looked at her. "You shouldn't have done that." His voice was low.

"Then punish me for what I did?" Her voice came out as a whisper but he heard it.


Note: So sorry guys for making you all wait. I am having my board exams and most probably there won't be any update next week. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you
     Love ya ❤

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