6• Feeding each other

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Late in the morning, at about 9 am Nandini woke up. Yawning and stretching her hands up in the air, she sat upright on the bed. She looked around and the surrounding felt unfamiliar and that was when realization hit her it was Manik's room. She remembered sleeping on his chest while listening to his rhythmic heartbeat.

She looked around, her eyes scanned around the room for Manik but he was nowhere to be seen in the room. She plopped out of bed as she tied her hair in a messy bun and adjusted her clothes a bit.

She opened the room door and walked out of the room, only to witness Manik asleep in the couch. She shook her head slightly, smiling at his innocence.

"We already have done it and yet he is shy to share the bed with me." She walked towards him and on reaching him, she knelt down on the floor and stared at his content face. "You look so cute even while sleeping."

She wasn't tired of looking at him even after minutes of staring. His eyes slowly flickered open and for a moment he thought he had been hallucinating her. But when realization hit him, he immediately got up in a jiffy.

"Good morning." She wished him as she jumped on her feet and got up.

"Good morning." He said, looking the other way. "Did you have a nice sleep?"

"No I didn't but may be if you had held me in your arms the whole night then I would have had a good sleep." She said with a poker face.

"Uh um I will go and make breakfast." Manik changed the topic. He was totally flustered. He couldn't help but think how in the world had he landed up with such a straightforward and flirty girl? But nevertheless he liked her company.

"You cook too?" Nandini was surprised with the new found information.

"I do." He shrugged as he made his way towards the kitchen.

"But I hope it is edible enough. Otherwise I will eat you." She said as she followed him to the kitchen.

He deliberately bit his lips listening to her. "Don't worry I have been cooking for myself for years now."

"I don't know how to cook? So I will watch you cook." She said, smiling widely. He looked at her and smiled.

He scanned through his refrigerator and took out two eggs. A while later he had been beating the egg together in a mixing bowl when Nandini back hugged him. His body stiffened.

"It's too cold." She made the lamest excuse but he didn't mind instead he smiled.

"Can you cook for me forever?" She said, softly as she rested her head on his back.

"If you allow me then I surely will." He said, softly as he put a bit salt and pepper in the bowl.

"Promise?" It wasn't like her, asking someone to promise her something.

"Promise." He said. She hid her face in his back, smilingly.

"Nandini could you pass me the pan? It's behind you."

She turned back and passed him the pan. After passing the pan she was again back to hugging him and he didn't resist either.

After about twenty minutes the breakfast was finally ready. He had made pasta with omelette and tea. Nandini sat on the kitchen slab and opened her mouth, indicating him to make her eat.

"Come on feed me." She insisted, opening her mouth.

He couldn't help but smile seeing her childish side. He took a spoonful of pasta and stuffed it in her mouth.

"You are quite good at cooking." She complimented, chewing her pasta.

"I told you I have cooked for myself for years now."

"Manik you should eat too. Let me feed you " Nandini said, chewing the pasta.

"No I can eat myself unlike someone present in here." Manik said in a mocking way to which she giggled.

"And that someone isn't me." She giggled. She tried taking the spoon from his hand but he didn't give her a chance to take it. "Manik I have other ways to make you eat. Shall I try them or what?"

"What do you-" His words died in his throat when she leaned towards him with a mouth full of pasta and kissed him. She knit her hands in his hair and pulled him closer, kissing him dominantly.

He stood there frozen as she pushed her tongue inside his mouth and by the end half of her pasta was in his mouth.

She broke the kiss, smilingly. "I told you. I have my ways."

His face was tomato red and with his lips slightly parted he stood there frozen. "Now eat it. Otherwise I won't talk to you." She said and he gulped the pasta in his mouth in a go.

"Now feed me." She said, opening her mouth and he stuffed the morsel in her mouth as he tried to get his mind straight.

She took the spoon from his hand and this time he let her. She stuffed a spoonful of pasta in his mouth and he chewed it, making a bad face.

"Now you eat yourself. I am not feeding you." He huffed.

"Manikkk but I know you enjoyed it." Nandini said, chewing the morsel. "It's written all-" She coughed and he immediately made her drink water, rubbing her back lightly.

"Nandini no speaking while eating." Manik said and she made a bad face, making him chuckle.

"Only if you feed me, I will stay silent." She kept her condition forward and he agreed to it.

She ate three to four spoons in silence and she was again back to talking.

"I like you so much." She confessed, chewing the pasta.

"Nandini no speaking." Manik reminded as he tried to hide his smile

She took the spoon from his hand forwarded the spoonful of pasta towards his mouth. He ate it without any complaint.

"Did you realize we shared the same plate today?" She said over enthusiastically as she stuffed his mouth with a big slice of omelette.

Manik couldn't help but stare at her smiling face. She was happy sharing this small moments.

"We can share it again if you want." He said with a poker face as he took the spoon from her hand. Her smile grew wider. He forwarded the spoon full of pasta towards her.

"Manik I can't eat anymore." She covered her mouth, nodding her head in no.

"Nandini this is the last one." Manik forwarded the spoon towards her mouth.

"Manik please I am full." Nandini said with a cute pout.

"This is the last one please." Manik made an equally cute face, making Nandini go all 'aww' on him.

"This one's last, promise?" Nandini said. This was so unlike her. Even she didn't know she could behave like this. He surely brought out different shades of her.

"Promise." Manik said and she opened her mouth. Manik put a spoonful of pasta in her mouth.

"Nandini now drink tea." Manik said bringing the cup close to her lips. She finished the tea in one go and smiled at him. He kept the plate and cups aside.

She stretched out her arms indicating him to carry her. He lifted her gently and carried her till the basin.

She washed her hands, face and splashed a little water on Manik. He made a bad face and before he could get hold of her, she ran.

"Nandinii." Manik shouted, running after her and she ran to the other room. Her giggles filled the house, making the surrounding more pleasant.

Soon he caught hold of her hand and pushed her against the wall, sandwiching her in between him and the wall.

"Manikk." She tilted her head slightly, biting her lower lip. That was when he realized their position and he backed off almost immediately.

"My shy boy." Nandini shook her head gently. "It's Sunday do you have any plans?" She said as she walked past him.

"Nandini." He called and she turned to look at him.

He looked right in her eyes and finally let the words slip out of his lips. "I like you too."

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