Chapter - 10

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Cabir: what.... What are you saying Navya...? 

Navya: okay... Don't get me wrong but I am asking you... That does Manik like Nandini or something like that sort of thing...

Cabir: okay firstly I don't know that where is that coming from... I mean why do you think so...?

Navya: see Cabir don't get me or Nandini wrong... Yeah don't tell this to anyone... Especially Manik... The thing is that today when Manik was with Nandini... She saw a certain amount of concern in his eyes for her..   And after this Nandini asked me that is their something like this... She actually asked me do I feel whether he likes her.... But I thought I should ask you cause if there was something like this you would be knowing in case their is something like this...

Cabir: Do you feel their is something like this... Manik feels something for Nandini...?

Navya: why does everyone has to ask me....

Navya nagged like a kid...

Cabir let out a chuckle on this move of Navya...

Cabir: okay jokes apart...!  I am seriously asking you this Navya... What do you think ?

Navya: okay don't judge me for whatever I say...

Cabir: Navya I would never do that... Trust me...!

Navya: the thing is that I feel that Manik himself doesn't knows what her feels for her... Its like he is also trying to find out what is this that he feels for her.. And to be honest if it were on me I wouldn't rush into things.. And its Nandini we are talking about even if she would like or love Manik just for instance okay... Then also she wouldn't speak a word nor will she express her feeling towards him.. Towards him what... If it were anyone else she wouldn't let a new person enter her life on any circumstances..!!

Cabir: but why would she do this..

Navya: Cabir you know everything.. I thought you would understand...!!

Cabir: I just know somethings okay.. Rather than that I don't know anything how am I supposed to know..

Navya: The thing is that you know her own brother despises her, he wants to kill her... Every time she leaves the house she has a thought that maybe this is the last time she is seeing that place...  Every minute of her life is a risk she takes... And under such situation what do you expect from her Cabir how would she act... This is the reason she doesn't likes to go with anyone.. In-fact she hardly goes out with me, bhai and Trisha.. She always fears that if just because she hangs out with them.. What if their life is in danger to.. What if something happens to them.. So she is damn adamant on not getting into new people...!!  She would die rather than express her feelings...

Cabir: ohhh.. Actually I am a bit shocked I don't know what should I say... I hope this thing ends for one and all and Nandini can live a fear-free life... I think Nandini should give herself a chance..

Navya: yes she is ready to give her life a chance she is already on treatment to stop her supplements, anti depressants and pills... But she is not yet ready for relationships... Not until at-least this matter with her brother gets over...!!

Cabir: Navya please do tell me if I can help you guys in anyways.. Apni si lagti hai Nandini...

Navya: sure Boyfriend..!!

Cabir: ohh I thought I was talking to Navya...

Navya: ohhh you want to talk to Navya...

Cabir: you are unbelievable Miss Girlfriend...!!  Okay girlfriend I'll call you once I get back home okay... Miss me..

Navya: already missing bye...!!

Saying this Navya hung the call...

Cabir's P.O.V

Okay... That was too fast...

I was thinking about having a word on this matter with Manik and here the rest of them already know this thing...

Well buddy your eyes speak volumes.. Even a stranger can predict what's going on...

I drove to studio to talk to Manik..

The whole way only thing which I was thinking, was how am I going to initiate this topic...!

Well I am Cabir Dhawan.. I can figure anything out... Toh yeah toh sirf chota sa topic hai...

Chal Cabir lag ja kaam pe..!

I halted the car in studio's parking lot.

I walked inside the studio when I heard Manik talking to someone..

I am sure if I'll ask him he'll tell me what's going on....

Me:Hyy buddy.. 

I saw manik leaning on the table and going through some paper with a pencil in the hand.. and hanging up the call

Manik: hyy cabir tu yaha iss waqt..

Me: yeah actually i visited the mansion uncle aunt told me you left for studio to complete some work.. What's left...

Manik: yeah regarding that I was going through the tunes I already checked them they are all set and now I am going through this negotiations of the deal I had to make some changes so I was marking them so that we don't have anything to do the day after tomorrow cause we won't be free for the whole day tomorrow ...!!

Me: did you make any plans for tomorrow far as I know we had no plans..

Manik: yeah..!!

He said while still busy in reading the terms..

Me: ahem ahem...

I fake coughed to gain some attention so that I could ask what is the matter what are the plans and of-course something more important than this the actual matter..!

Manik: yeah..!

He said finally looking at me...

Me: will you please enlighten me on what plans do we have tomorrow that your are completing all of the work that too this late...?

Manik: yeah woh mom dad asked me to like hangout so that nandini can have a positive environment so that she can get well early and also since navya is the same navya you are getting married to i mean if you guys say yes then and also since dev is back we haven't spent much good time so i was thinking to meet tomorrow so that we can hang out and navya and nandini can also like gel up with us ..! what say...? how's the idea...?

well I came to ask something else and here he is making new plans which I dont even want to deny.. I think I should ask him... yeah lets get to work cabir..!

Me: manik you know right that you can share anything like any damn thing with me ...

Manik stopped doing his work and looked at me with a question mark face..

Manik: yeah I know ...

Me: you know that what ever you share and say I wont judge you right...?

Manik: yeah I even know this...

Me: Okay .. bye I am leaving..

I don't know why but suddenly I didn't had the guts to ask him something like this... I know him..I trust him that if their is something like this he'll tell me straight away if I ask but still I felt nervous..

Cause I didn't had the guts to hear a yes as an answer.. Cause I know that if he is falling for her.. Their's nothing i can do about that and from what navya said i know nandini is not ready for something like this even if she likes manik back...

I am afraid for my friend.. I don't want him to suffer...!

I started walking towards the door..

Manik: stop..!

Manik: stop right there or else you wont see the face of tomorrow

Shit Shit..! what the fucking hell am I going to say to him..

Come on cabir you can ask him.. Go for it .. You don't know still whether he likes her or not right ... relax take a deep breath and ask him even if he likes her you will be there for him always.. relax ask him straight away...

I took about turn and faced him..

He gave me 'whats up with you look'

Manik: out with it right now..

Me: out with what my brother..

Manik: ohh your brother.. now their's definitely something wrong with you.. what's up with you and all these sudden questions.. out with it right now cabir..! And don't you dare fucking say nothing I am not taking that for a answer..did you get that..

Me: okay okay fine don't get soworkedup I will tell you but youll have to promise me something in return..

Manik: and why would I do that without knowing any of the matter..

Me: no...! first you promise me that you won't freak out...

Manik: cabir you're testing my patience..

Me: no first promise me that you won't freak out after what I am going to ask you..

Manik: arghh ... fine I won't freak out and for your info i am not a gay..

Me: what no I wasn't going to ask you that..

Manik: so what do you want to ask me...

I joined my hands and looked upwards praying to god to give me the strength to face his reaction and to still stay alive from his wrath..though he doesn't gets much angry but still ...

Me: okay do you love Nandini..

Manik: what....!

He replied to my question and his eyes ready to fall out of his sockets.. I can say that this question took him totally he wan not at all expecting something like this from me..

Me: what is not an answer to my question manik.. answer my question..

I asked him with a serious face and after all this is a serious matter..!

Manik: nooahhhhh!!

He said adding an extra layer of a and h to the word 'no'.

Me: manik this is not some joke answer me honestly...

Manik stood their with a confused expression...

Finally taking a deep breath and composing himself he answered to my question..

Manik: no cabir no I don't love her... but yes I do like her I mean I am attracted to her in a way that I don't even know why in the first place..and by attraction I mean not physically and by this sentence I don't mean to say she is not attractive physically..She is very beautiful.. The innocence on her face makes my heart skip a beat.. But what I meant to say was I am attracted to her soul.. I feel like I wanna know her.. inside out.. I want to know everything about her.. I feel protective towards her... I feel like I don't want any evil eye to touch her.. I... I.. I don't even know cabir that how can I feel so strongly for some one who I have met like for what 4-5 days now.. I don't know what it it.. its not love but I think I might fall for her ...

Manik replied to me and sat with a thump on the nearby chair

okay.. that was this simple but....

I was baffled by his answer.... his emotions are deep.. I don't know whether he realizes it or not but I think he is going to fall in love with her...

I don't know what should I answer him when he asks me that why did ask him this question..

Should I tell him that Navya asked me to.. oo no no navya didn't asked me to straight away ask this to manik it was my decision to ask him..!

Should I ask him to forget about her .. or should I tell everything about Nandini to him..

No its her secret not mine..

And besides that he'll be heart broken to know this... I don't want him to get hurt.. I have never seen him feeling this for any girl..

Besides the fact that nandini is the first one.... he hasn't felt anything for any girl till now..

Shut up ... my brain shouted at me ... no jokes.. my brain retaliated again.....

Or maybe manik can make her feel something for him with all the love and concern that she will also love him in return..

We have sen his care and concern for nandini when he had just met her for like few hours..

Yes I'll be their for him if he is heart broken or anything but this is a wonderful feeling and he should experience it .. and maybe this could be  just an infatuation that he isn't able clear his feelings.. Understand them even.. Whatever it is...

Yes, I'll be their for him to pick him up whenever he falls.. I won't stop him and neither will anyone else.. 

Suddenly I heard someone yelling my name loudly and shaking me..

Only after few seconds I registered that it was manik.

Manik: where did you zone out buddy..

me: nothing..

Manik: okay my turn.. why did you ask me this question can I know and also a request.. now since that you know all this please try to keep this in your big always hungry stomach.. trust me the day you spill this that day will be your last day you see the face of the earth..

Ouch my stomach growled loudly on being insulted...

Anyways I need to answer him..

Me: your eyes speak volumes and more than you can ever say buddy..

He was looking at me with a scrutinized gaze and as soon as I answered him his gaze softened..!

I walked towards him and kept my hand on his shoulder..

Me: there's nothing wrong in feeling for someone .. But I just want you to know that if your feeling are not reciprocated then try but don't give up and then also if they are not accepted then don't worry learn from it and move forward in your life.. And you should no this  that no matter what you will always have me beside you whenever you look okay..!

he nodded his head.... though through the confusion in his eyes told that he doesn't knows what I was talking about..! But still he trusted me..!

Me: okay manik its quite late now and I haven't even had my dinner .. did you had your's..?

Manik: nai chal even I am very hungry.. tu chal I just get my coat.. and by the way their's a new cafe and also they have private lounge ..let's go their its walking distance and we will come back to studio and then leave for home..

Me: okay..

Manik grabbed his coat and we where on our way out..

Manik: mm cabir I was thinking that we'll have a day in at my house.. Mom dad bahar jaa rahe hai meeting keh liye doo-theen din badh ayenge and also the its long since we have hanged out at my place toh..

Me: arre totally fine..

Manik: waise cabir mein bhulunga toh nai but just remind me to take viraj's file its quite confidential and studio mein rakh keh kahin bhul na jau toh I'll take that file home with me..

Suddenly hearing viraj's name all the things related to nandini came to my mind.. I haven't yet told navya that the viraj who is nandini's brother and behind her life is actually a good friend of mine and our group and also our business partner.. and besides that I never knew that nandini is viraj's sister amd to topit all virajis always so friendly and lovely to every one.. he even considers mukti and riddhima as their sister and he treats latha as his own daughter.. I don't understand why such a nice person could be so cruel to kill his own sister.. I feel like their is something more to this story.. it feels like some kind of hidden mystery..!

Also I need to talk to navya about the answer manik gave me and thismystery I feel like..

Me: okay dila dunga yaad tujhe waise bhi mere sivaye kon hain tera..

To which we laughed loudly..

We had our dinner with little conversation about music and business and plans regarding tomorrow..

We took a walk back to the studio.. being unsuccessful at hiding our faces and giving a bunch of photos to the media..

We hurried our way towards our home before they could click some more pictures..

It was along day ..

I reached home.. freshened up took a mental note of talking to navya about this matter and nodded of to the land of dreams wrapped in the blanket of sleep...!




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