Chapter - 11

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Manik's P.O.V

Well very good morning all of you...!

I think it's been ages since I woke up on my own without the sound of the alarm which irritates me to the core... I mean seriously some machine thingy-waking you up.. It's gods grace.. No actually the one who made this is to be appreciated that at-least we have the choice of selecting whatever music we want...

I got up from bed and went straight to bathroom finished my chores and had a nice warm shower.. I decided to wear simple ripped jeans with a plain white tee and a pair of FILA disruptors shoes

As I was walking downstairs my stomach grumbled with hunger..

And as soon as I entered the dinning, what I see is everyone already sitting and having breakfast..

Like woaahh.. by the way by everyone I meant mom and dad only but wait even Cabir is here great...

It's 8 in the morning and what the hell is he doing here...

Me: what are you doing here Cabir ? That to so early in the morning..

Cabir: good morning to you too Manik..! Aunty uncle as your son is growing up I guess even his manner are like fainting away..

To which I just rolled my eyes..

Mom: yeah teach him something Cabir ..he is growing useless day by day..

Do I even  need to say something..Mom always has to say something and this Cabir also

Me: shut up you drama queen and spill up why so early in the morning..?

Cabir: nothing much.. I was free so I thought I'll drop by at your house.. but then aunty told me you were sleeping and she insisted me to stay back for you know I can resist everything but food..

Me: yeah yeah I know... god knows how does your trainer keeps up with you eating all this junk ..and god knows what sort of ultra good metabolism has he given you after eating such food also you don't gain a bit of weight...

Cabir: first's first did you just called aunty keh hath ke desi ghee keh parathe a junk....? aunty mein apki jaga hota toh yeah bilkul bardasht na karta... and by the way thanks for the latter part though..but hyy don't pry with an evil eye on my metabolism you monkey...

Mom: even I won't tolerate this cabir don't worry .. he isn't getting any breakfast at home today fore-sure..

My mouth was left hanging open..if possible my jaw just touched the ground.. how does this cabir always gets what he wants...  

Me: mom I was not talking about your food or home-made food... I was talking about all those Starbucks coffee he gulps down on the name of needing caffeine and eating all the roadside junk and also always eating out side food... wait let me call shreya aunty she'll bring you on the right have my mom I have your mom..

All this while dad was trying so hard to control his laughter his face was literally red...

Dad: ohh stop even you neo stop now cabir eat , manik you should stop judging his food habits and neo you know he loves the food you prepare..

Me: I couldn't love you more dad ...

Finally after finishing my breakfast and making two stops at two different Starbucks to get this hippopotamus his morning dose of caffeine he asked me to drive to Navya's house....meaning Nandini will also be there..

We reached at their house and parked the car now the uncle who was the watchman already knew us and let us in without calling nandini and asking her to let us in...

We rang the bell and guess who opened the door..

There she was Nandini 'I don't know her middle name' Murthy in all her glory..

Sleepy yet little puffed eyes a cute little pout which turned into a generous smile on seeing us..

Her hairs were little bit messy wearing a simple white tank top and very short black shorts and a cute-ish black and white slipper..

I didn't realized I was noticing her so deeply until I felt someone shaking me.

Nandini: to earth manik.. where are you lost..?

"IN YOU" was something I wanted to reply but I was good at excuses.. 

Come-on you guys can't seriously blame me after the amount of media I have to handle I obviously have to be good at excuses ...

Me: nothing I just remembered something...You look cute..

'Fuck my life...! take that back you idiot Malhotra', retorted my mind..

Why the hell am I behaving like a drunk person without even touching alcohol..

Nandini was obviously feeling awkward..

Nandini: mm thank you..

I guess that was my insanely awkward clue that she was awkward and bit nervous but yeah she definitely didn't felt bad..

Nandini: anyways why are standing at the door still come in make yourself comfortable..I'll be back in a bit what would you like tea, coffee or anything else...? 

Me: mm no thanks I just had my breakfast.. By the way where is Navya...?

Nandini: I guess she is still asleep and cabir is no where to be seen soo he is probably waking her up..

End of Manik's P.O.V.

In Navya's Room..

Cabir's P.O.V.

Well I know I left Manik with Nandini alone but he looked so adorable adoring Nandini I didn't had the heart to disturb him so I signaled Nandini that I was going upstairs and left her to deal with Manik..

I entered her room and saw her sleeping with such a calm and serene face..

She looked so peaceful and pretty...Gosh am I already falling for her..?

One thing I know about Navya though, I know nothing much about her is that she is very honest and kind in reality I mean past days being with her ,spending time with her I know this that she is also not afraid of saying and expressing what's in her heart..

Damn I didn't had the heart to wake her up.. But who said I have to wake her up I sat on the side of the bed she was facing..

I was noticing her beauty those long beautiful eye lashes, her pretty chubby cheeks which gave her sweet childish sort of innocence ,her perfectly plump lips and her soft milky skin..

Damn I didn't have such sort of patience and such detailed thinking for anyone ..

Is she the really one..?

I was slowly caressing her face, I guess that woke her up..

She slowly opened her eyes and oh her brown orbs which I always feel like drowning in..

' Good morning'', I said with the utmost admiration I had for her.

'Morning cabby', she replied with a sweet smile..

I slowly bent down to her level and gave a little peck on her forehead..

Well I so wanted to kiss her on lips but I didn't want her to think that I was desperate..

As I moved a little up, when she pulled me from the collars of my tee and kissed me on my lips..

Did I mention I actually felt like firecrackers bursting in the background..

Let's be real I have had flings and I might have made out with a number of girls obiviously after all they also wanted the same and I am no saint but just on one single touch of her lips I am all blown away..

 My heart melted at the way she tenderly handled the kiss and the light yet cool breeze coming through the windows didn't help much but added more to the intensity of the kiss..

There was no such stupid thing as bells ringing in the background..but bells surely were ringing throughout my body..

God help ..! The way her lips molded with mine was something out of my logic I didn't even realize when the intensity of the kiss increased and we were already reaching out for more of each other..

After a while gasping for breath we broke the kiss and I ended the kiss with a small peck on her forehead..

Can my morning be any better..

Should I tell her that I am already blown away by the honesty her kiss held for me.. Should I tell her that I love her already..!

I still stared at her because something in me did not let me take my eyes off the beauty lying infront of me..

Angels are for real. Hence proved.


Because the one meant for me was right here infront of my eyes and trust me when I say this I can't be more thankful enough of the universe for sending her into my life..

Me: so morning started on a beautiful note..

Navya: definitely and next time don't ever hold yourself back from expressing anything you want to express.

Me: how do you do this always navya? Like how do you know that what I want to say or do or any of it..?

Navya: that's for me to know and you to find out..!

Me: okay and did I mention how beautiful you look this morning..!

I said as a matter of fact.

She really looked like the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on.

Navya: thank you.. Can I say something..?

Me: you don't ever have to ask..

I said as a matter of fact..God she is being all innocent and cute only I know how have I still haven't kissed the day lights out of or or wait did I just before few second..! Can I just make her mine already..!

Navya: marry me already. Will you please? If this meant having such beautiful mornings to wake up to.. 

God is this girl even real.. See told yaa she is honest and fearless..

I stared at her for few seconds and I guess that made her awkward.

Navya: meaning I meant like not directly and no pressure it was just like a reference for like how good I feel when I am with you also that doesn't mean you have like marry me like its fine if you don't want to marry me like see that doesn't imply I don't wan....

And just like that before she could even complete her sentence which I guess she won't have been able too cause I really made her all awkward by staring at her. I grabbed her with a light pull and placed my lips against her taking her in on the kiss..

And this one was just as beautiful as the last one. I guess this is what and how it feels like when you are with the right person. In this very moment I knew that she is the one the, one I would want to spend my life with , the one on whom I can count to understand me without me telling her , the one who you can't just imagine your life without. And for the first time ever I felt a strong urge to protect someone,to shower all my love and to provide all my love to someone so much that she would not think of anything else..!

As the kiss ended with me leaving a few pecks on her lips before parting I hugged her as tight as I could.

I holded her hands and looked straight into her eyes to see any bit of hesitation but there were none..

As I held her palms into mine I stared into her eyes telling her,

Me: I could not possibly slide a ring on your finger right now cause I don't have one on me but I would surely love to do so to show the world that you are now mine to call and that no one should lay their eyes on you cause you are all mine.. I want my morning to be as beautiful and memorable as this morning and there is no one I would like to do it with except you.. So Miss Navya Patel will you please do me the honors and hold my hand for the rest of my life .. I might stumble I might fall I might not even know how to convey myself many times but I am ready to learn it and experience it all with you by my side and I know we haven't know each other since so long but with you I feel like I can possibly fight a dragon if its possible.. Will you be my friend ,my soulmate for the time I have on this earth and more.. Will you please Marry me...?

And just like that I asked her the question ... Nothing so fancy nothing so sparkly.. Not a dream kind of place and situation but still the best moment I would cherish my entire life..

And just like that sometimes the best of the memories are made in the most simplest way with nothing so glittery but still soo gold that you could cherish it for your entire life time..

Navya was literally in tears her beautiful blackish brown orbs were misty and she still somehow was the prettiest  girl I have ever seen..!

Navya: Yes a thousand times yes..Till death do us apart.. cliche but with you I still love every bit of it.. 

And then she did the most innocent thing she could ever do she just hugged me while whispering in my ear,

Navya: its just been few days and I already feel like you rule my heart..!

And with this she parted and kissed my cheeks holding my face in her hands..

Navya: Mr. Cabir Dhawan I already hate the fact that you can make me weak in my knees and melt my insides with this one look of yours..!

See fearless I told you .. Can this tiny girl be anymore flattering .. For a second I blushed like a girl.

Navya: you are blushing .. OH MY GOD.... THE CABIR DHAWAN IS BLUSHING..

Can ever have enough of these cute antics she keeps on pulling on me ..!

Me: you have the tendency to do all sorts of stuffs to me Navya..

I just kissed her forehead..

Me: well get freshened up I guess I'll put my culinary skills into use till you come for breakfast.. Do you want anything specific..?

Navya: no but just something light..Not a fan of heavy breakfast..

Me: anything else princess..!

She just stared so goofy - ly at me and nodded in a no sticking her tongue out..!

And she just pecked my forehead and left to get all dolled up..

Sometimes its not necessary to say I LOVE YOU or anything else like this.. In some situations the precious moment is being with them and just the simplest of words could make the best of memories that would literally make your heart flutter..

Saying her to get ready quickly I headed downstairs to make some breakfast for her and the other cute munchkin that is Nandini..

And obviously I have to get some help cause I ain't no chef Vikas Khanna ..! 

Cabir's P.O.V ends.

As Cabir came down he saw Manik sitting it the couch and Nandini was no where to be seen..!

Cabir: you are such a sloth bear bro.. I tell you..

Cabir said to Manik in almost such a adorable face with soo much of happiness and peace lingering in his expressions..

Manik: well thanks for the compliment brother and one more thing.. I know there is something you are so happy about and before you say anything its fine you don't have to tell me straight away I know you'll eventually tell me so I won't force you..But just know this whatever it is if it makes you happy even I am happy and I am always going to be there by your side..

Cabir always knew that manik was his best buddy and that no one knew him better than manik but today he just saw this come true..Cabir didn't even hint him about anything but yet there he was manik his brother, his friend who only took one look to know that he his buddy was happy about something and at peace about it..

Manik's P.O.V.

I just knew as soon as I saw Cabir that there is definitely something that he just had and the peace and the happiness his face was radiating was something worthy..

To say that cabir was the most fun loving amongst us and its not like he was not able to come to the terms to the fact about her death or that he forgot to smile he knew he had to be strong for his parents cause they also lost their eldest child.. But I knew that a part of him was lost forever when he lost his sister Naina to a car accident ..He was too close to her to just get over her loss sometime.. and maybe some loss are not be mourned over some losses just stay with us forever no matter how hard we try ..!

I always knew that this was going to be the most tough on him rather, though Suraj uncle and Shreya aunty are their parents I knew what Cabir had with Naina ..Naina di well she was epitome of strong and gorgeousness.. She even loved me the same as Cabir cause I always nagged to everyone about not having a sister and she was always there for me since childhood .. Even I still miss her so much sometimes.. I had so much to look upto her everytime there is a problem I always think how would naina di tackle this situation and I get answer to my problems immediately..

Seeing him like this after so long actually made me soo happy that I would run through hell to make sure that Cabir has what he wants and that this smile stays on his face forever..

And before I could even finish saying what I was trying to say Cabir just came and hugged me..!

While I was still sitting I hugged him back and not to be insensitive but if anyone literally even if a single person walks in right now they could interepret the whole situation in a wrong manner and as if god directly heard what I asked for not to happen there I hear nandini's voice..

Nandini: oppps I am sorry I'll come back later..!

She said what anyone would have said but anyways what's the use now that the ship has already sailed..

Cabir got up a bit misty eyed...

I seriously want to know now what has happened to him but as I said I'll wait..

Nandini saw him and immediately apologized,

Nandini: mm I am sorry I didn't mean to...

Cabir: no no its fine just a thing between brothers

Cabir said dabbing his eyes in order to not let the tears roll down..

I know if it something so special he would definitely be missing Naina di and would have wanted to share this with her first..

Nandini: are you okay Cabir..can I do anything for you...

Cabir nodded,

Cabir: yes I am missing my sister so much right now would you please hug me..

Cabir said this with so much of adoration that nandini literally bobbed her head and ran into his arms..! okay new bonds forming..

Well I guess the only bond not forming here is between me and Nandini..

Well dear god if you literally hear everything I request you not to do then why don't you hear this request of mine hmm?

Since they were to busy hugging each other I clicked a picture of them silently to give them this later as a suprise..!

Manik: okay okay bharat milap katam hua..

Nandini literally asked something to cabir totally ignoring the fact that I was here and asking them something..

Nandini: are you fine now Cabir bhai..?

She asked cabir with utmost adoration for him..

Cabir: yes little sister.

After a while three of us were sitting and just talking where it was just Cabir and Nandini talking while I was shamelessly ogling at Nandini..

Cabir did hinted me sometimes here and there to stop what I was doing but anyways I was Manik Malhotra.. I was not going to listen to him anyways.

But it was then I realized that I should have listened to him as nandini asked me

Nandini: Mm excuse me manik sorry if it sounds a bit rude but is there something wrong with me or like did I say something wrong cause you are staring at me 

Shit why did they even name me Manik which by the way means gem I should have been named as "ullu ka patha"..

Manik: umm no sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable well I was just admiring the bond you and Cabir have..!

Huh I am Manik malhotra obiviously I was good at excuses..

"Shut up you Idiot,don't you know your name how many times are you going to repeat your name you Idiot Malhotra",retorted my brain..

I mentally face-palmed myself,but the worst was yet to come 

Cabir: would like to have the same bond with Nandini..!

And this was the last nail in the coffin.. I know the meaning of blood drying out from your veins now..!

Firstly, Nandini walked in on us in that situation

Secondly, this idiot sitting here like a fat ass mm actually fit ass whatever he is an ass is asking me to have what sister sort of relation with Nandini..

Jaan hi na leh lu mein tumari Cabir Dhawan...!

My jaw touched the floor but thank god.

No like literally Thank god I saw riddhima calling me and I excused myself out on the pretext to attend the call stating it as important which by the way I could have attended here only had this Idiot Dhawan not asked me such a stupid question...!

Riddhi: bro where are you the investors have been calling you like crazy..!

It was then I realized I forgot to bring the other phone which is usually work stuff and stays with my P.A but since I was on a leave I forgot the phone at office itself...!

Me: good morning to you to riddhi, I forgot my phone yaar..

Riddhi: thought so manik malhotra... Now listen being sarcastic and exchanging pleasantries can wait, there is a change in the venue they are saying that there is still demand for tickets even after the show being sold out a week ago...! And to discuss this they have called.. They want to meet all five of us in an hour ot two..

Me: what okay and what do you and karan think we should do about this?

Riddhi: to be honest Manik most of our fans have loved the fact that we are punctual and consistent...Now changing the venue could lead to more damage if at all we decide to change the venue there will be many people who might cancel altogether cause who knows what venue we will decide and there is no stadium or hall or ground within the 25 kms radius of what we have decided on now..for many people even the distance could be the problem ..

Me: god this is crazy sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed with so much of the tickets have been on sale for like just 8-9 days ago plus the concert is what like still a month and half away ,I can't believe people love us soo much.

Riddhi: I know right.. And manik I was even thinking that since we are nearing our annual break why don't we do a tour before we take the break..!

Me: see this is why I call you the heart of Macaroons .. but you know that because of the work load we have, we decided for a single concert and not the tour....! Mmm lets do one thing meet me at Nandini's house I'll send you the location and then from here we'll head straight to the studio also please pass mukti on this information cabir is with me I'll tell him..!

Just as I was about to speak more,

I heard karan's voice in the background on the call,

Karan: babe back in here you I can't sleep without you..!

Riddhi: In a minute love..!

Me: eww gross you guys..go do whatever adult thing-y you were doing... I'll talk to mukti wonder why you were so mad now..

Riddhi: well whatever and yes why are you at nandini's house..! Is there something I am missing here..!

God why do I have such good friends..Okay not that I am complaining...!

Me: woaah Cabir he wanted to meet Navya soo plus we thought that since we have nothing to do we all can you know just meet and chill up..

Riddhi: Ohh okayy see you in an hour...

I then called mukti..

She answered the call almost after 5 rings..

Mukti: yes manik..

Okay her voice sounded weird..

And as I was about to speak further I heard Abhi's voice in the background

Abhi: I am not yet there bae...come back..

Mukti: mee too, back in a minute sweetheart...

Me: gross gross gross..eeww

Mukti: is this what you called for manik? seriously I am going to disown you!!!

Me: huh whatever meet me at Nandini's home in an hour I am sending you the location the investors have something to talk about regarding the location of our venue .. continue you adult thing-y..

Mukti: aw manik you are so cute..

Me: byee..!

I hung up the call before she could tease me...! I know I know it should have been the opposite but yeah.. I guess I'll be teased by them until I find someone and after that and after that...!

I walked back inside to see navya , nandini and cabir sitting on the dining table waiting for me ..

Me: mm cabir we have to leave after sometime actually something came up with the investors..!

Cabir: shit yaaar we were supposed to have fun today..anyways..

Navya: good morning Manik...!

Me: morning navya..! by the way what are you guys waiting for..

Navya: we were actually waiting for you lets have breakfast..

I looked at cabir with a shocked face... This guy had a god knows many parathas, gallon of coffee and now he is filling his plate up with the Upma ... Does he has a never ending well in his body in the name of stomach...!

Me: seriously just had breakfast at mine..!

Cabir: seriously bro stop prying on my food with evil eyes..!

Nandini: forget him what would you have do you want anything specific..?

AWWW...! How sweet .. she cares for me..

"Cares ..! my foot she is asking this out of common curtsy ", retorted my stupid brain..!

"Ohhh so you agree that you are stupid then",retorted my heart..!

Me: mm just black coffee without sugar..!

Nandini: sure..!

She said with a smile handing me a cup of black coffee after a while..!

We just had a fun conversation about everything soo stupid and normal affairs.. by we I mean mostly me and navya cause cabir was busy in food and my dear nandini turns out to be a silent spectator..!

Well breakfast was a nice way of getting to know navya a bit more..


Don't think that I was just going to let Cabir marry a girl his dad just asked him to .. I know I am sounding possessive here but I know that cabir deserves the best and I also know that she means something to him but that also means that I'll observe Navya more carefully I know she is good and maybe be perfect..

But khair Cabir hai toh mere dil ka tukda , asse hi thodi na kar dunga approve..!

And by the looks of it I think I might have already approved Navya for Cabir cause I can see that glint of happiness in his eyes..

End of P.O.V

Post lunch the other members arrived at Nandini's place they all greeted each other and The Macaroons left for their meeting with the investors..!

Nandini and Navya left to discover near by places for which they started with Infinity Mall.. One of the most famous malls of mumbai..

These place is an ocean for dreamers. Everyday thousands of people would migrate here in order to pursue their dreams and ambitions and a bunch of them even being successful in finding what they wanted all along.

These liveliness is something out of the world...! Mumbai is a city one must visit atleast once in their life lifetime..!

Nandini and Navya also did shop for some Indian traditional clothes as the theme of Cabir's parents anniversary was Indian traditional. Also they did some shopping for Karan and Trisha too.

They did some more shopping and had th delicious "Gol Gappas" for dinner and then they  finally settled on going to Marine lines..

What better way to know a city than its shores..!

Navya: by the way nandu I wanted to say something..

Navya said while diverting her gaze from the sea view which laid infront of her..

Nandini: arre out with it already

Nandini said licking her delicious mango flavoured ice cream which she just happened to by from a local ice cream vendor..!

Navya: mm I sort of asked Cabir to marry me..

As if explaining the shock nandini went into the ice cream she was holding on to so dearly,just fell off from her hand

Nandini: WHAT...?

Navya: ohh stop it nandu don't be so dramatic. Actually I just kind of said it in a flow but then Cabir literally praposed me..! And trust me I know you might be thinking that how can I say yes and all this but seriously it just feels soo right to be with him. I am so comfortable and so me when I am with him. I think I am falling for him.

To this reaction Nandini did nothing but just jumped on Navya hugging her to the best she could..

Nandini: I knew something has happened when I saw you coming downstairs for breakfast. I knew from the radiant smile that was glowing on your face but I didn't wanted to push you so I just thought that you would tell me when you are ready and trust me Navya I am so happy that I just want the entire world to celebrate your happiness right now and I don't think you could find someone better than Cabir. I know I haven't know him for a long time but for you he just feels like the perfect guy..

Nandini poured out her heart with misty eyes. She has always wished nothing but the best for Navya and today when she has that , all she wants is for her to be happy and in love.. There is literally nothing she wouldn't trade for Navya's happiness..

As if understanding her dilemma Navya just wiped away her tears and took her in a protective hug.

Navya: I know nandu no one would be as happy as you. Thank you for always being there..

Nandini: you don't have to thank me idiot. Infact if there's anyone who should be thanking anyone then its me ..thank you for always being there for me, for giving me a family and for looking after me.. Now enough of this crying let's get another icecream for which you are paying by the way. And then head home as its already quite late. Plus you have an early morning video conference to attend and I have a meeting to attend so lets go..

They were so happy with all the things happening, they would have literally not let go of this moment ever only if the knew what was in store for them.

Only if they knew that this just the beginning of the storm waiting to uproot their lives forever and change them.

In a good way or a bad way was a question which would be answered only as the time passed by..!

Only if they knew!

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