chapter 6

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Nandhini pov...

Next morning...
Warm bright sunrays woke me up from a deep sleep, as I opened my eyes I saw him, the most beautiful view...Manik was deep asleep as he snuggled me. After lots of tries to release myself from his warm arms without waking him up, I was finally successfully able to release myself from him and getting up from him. I rather stay in his arms but I thought of making breakfast because last night Manik didn't eat well, so after freshening up I went to the kitchen to prepare him breakfast.

Since Manik was upset with the latest happenings of yesterday I decided to cook his favourite food to make up his mood. I was busy preparing the breakfast when I heard manik's shout, so I turned off the gas and ran upstairs in a hurry when I finally reached him I found the love of my life sweating and shouting my name, seeing him like this broke my heart in pieces, so I instantly ran to him and embraced him in a tight hug while whispering sweet thoughts in his ear to make him calm down. I wanted to reassure him that I would always be here.

Manik pov...
When I woke up in the morning  I was alone in the room, I thought nandhini too left me alone like the others. My heart started racing as her name left my lips, I kept shouting her name louder and louder, until I heard footsteps approaching the bedroom door, was it her? Was nandhini still here with me? Soon she was standing in front of the door, her eyes were filled with worry, I could see how frightening she was by hearing my screams. She was still here with me, she didn't abandon me. She came running hearing my shout when my eyes met hers I just ran and hugged her, I needed to know that she was real.

"Why did you leave me alone in the room?" I asked her "I got scared thinking you left me" I breath those words out while swallowing the tears of fear from losing her too.

"How can I leave you? I was just making breakfast for us" she replied in a comforting voice. She asked me to get freshen up to which I nodded, she kissed my cheek and went back downstairs to finish her planned out breakfast for us.

After freshen up I came out to see nandhini setting the breakfast on the bed, she smiled as I approach her and we feed each other the amazing feast prepared by nandhini. After some time we both lied on the bed, holding each other hands, and I was hesitating to ask her something. I could feel that she sensed that I was holding something back as her expression changed suddenly.

Nandhini pov..

I could feel the air between us changing, Manik's eyes soon become watery and his hold on my hand become tighter. Was he afraid to tell me something?

"What do you want to say? I know that something is worrying you. Why are you hesitating to tell me something when you know you can tell me anything? Manik, I'm not running from you..." He looked straight ate and smiled at my words.

" I took a decision for us both. Will you accept my decision wherever that might be? Will you trust me, nandhu?" He sighed as soon as he finished asking me this, I knew that he was scared to lose me as much as I was scared to lose him, and was not a bone in my body that wouldn't trust the man in front of my eyes, so without even thinking about it, I simply told him yes and smiled. I would always trust him with my heart.

Listening to that he hugged me tightly and said thank me and for trusting and respecting his decisions. I could still sense some fear in his words.

" Thank you Nandhu for staying with me. You mean so much for me and I can't envision my life without you, but I also feel that I can't stay here any longer" he paused before finishing what he was trying to say. Was he trying to break up with me?

"Manik, what are you trying to say?" my heart was cracking at every passing second, I wasn't ready to lose him, not now, not ever. I couldn't face him anymore, my eyes dropped and I wish I could stop him from saying the words...I felt his touch softly lifting up my chin and making me face him. His eyes were watery again but were fulfilled with love. Was this the eyes of someone who was about to break my heart into a million pieces?

"I am planning to leave India along with you to live a new life. I know nandhu you love India very much and leaving this country will be tough for you but please I don't want to live here where I lost my everything, please accept it. Please say that you will leave with me" he wanted me to go with him, he wasn't breaking up with me! He wanted us to be together. I jump into his arms and hugged him as tight as I possibly could.

To which I broke the hug and said "Yes! Manik my heart will follow you to wherever place you want us to go! India is very dear to me and leaving this place will be very difficult for me but leaving you alone is something that I cannot do. I can't live without you, so obviously I will come with you." I told him as I broke our hug, only to see the biggest smile on his face and to be embraced in another hug as he wrapped me with his arms as he whispered: "I love u Nandu". My heart almost explodes with so much emotion...

"I love u too Manik"

We both laughed with happiness in our hearts and together we both said Manan "Humesha forever".

After sometimes we both left to murthy mansion to take permission from my family.

After reaching there chachi was very happy to see her sona munda. After spending some time with them we told them all that has happened yesterday. Amms was also there when we told them, they were all shocked and angry on fab 3.
When manan told them that we were thinking about leaving the country they were even more shocked. After composing themselves Amms asked us to marry first. Although we both felt that marriage was in our plans we also felt that we needed some time for that to happen, we didn't want to rush to which they understood and granted us happily.

But the question remains...

Where manan will go?

Will fab 3 realise their mistake?

Sorry for late update



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