Excerpt IX - Infamy

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In only months, the mice of man that were of the Capital called me the Manslayer, a murderer who wore a dragon mask, riding a dragon in deep nights to hunt my prey. Its a pun on Dragonslayer, how cute. I finally have the kings attention, and he has finally barely attempted to defeat us. They tried climbing the high mountain, our humble home. And they died before they could even reach the top. I've finally learned how to speak the Draken language, so I could communicate with Dynise. It is said that I have brought fear to the Capital among its commoners, and with the illness that spreads among them, now is the time for us dragons to strike the castle. The King and his horrible knights will feel my pain. Tonight, when the moon reaches the highest point in the mountain, the end comes! I tell Dynise to be ready, and to prepare to destroy as much as he possibly can while I hunt the crown. He is serious, but he is also scared for me. He believes my seek of revenge will fix nothing, and that it won't bring my parents back. I laughed at him, saying what parents? Heheheh... The ones who Shine will never Shine again... For they will bathe in their own blood, and the king shall watch as I turn my fathers blade around his heart! I tell Dynise thank you for everything, and if anything happens to me then flee. He really doesn't like this, but he follows because he thinks I'll be safer with his help... It makes me feel bad, but I need to do this. I tell him to please be careful, and I ask him to drop me off in two places in the early dusk. I leave a letter at the thieves guild and another with the street of beggars. It is a warning to flee the city before the moon reaches the highest point in the mountain. Hopefully they heed my warning. The casualties they are are no longer my cause. We go to the ledge outside of the cave, and I get on his back, placing the blade my father gave me to my side. To think... This all began when I was ten... And now I'm seventeen... After seven years, I'm finally ready. If I die tonight Dynise... Thank you. For everything.

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