Excerpt X - The Moons Highest Point

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The wind blows. The sky is cold, yet not rainy. Perfect. It is almost time, Dynise. Its almost time. I look up at the top of the mountain, and then, the moon touches its tip. I yell loudly, the end is now, Dynise! We now end the reign of the devil! He flies high into the sky, and below, it was said that Dynise blotted out the moon, before diving down into the Capital at blurring speed! He scoops and shreds into four buildings, then swinging back up and spiraling around the castle. I already see people erupt into the streets. I yell to Dynise, telling him to hit hard and fast. He nods, diving down and blazing through at least seven more buildings, keeping his sharp claws out to end their terribly evil lives. We scoop back around, the knights leaking out of the castle like blood. It worked, Dynise. They're distracted. Drop me in the upper castle! He swoops around, going barely above the highest spire of the castle. I jump, a gust of air and fear before I hit the spire. I get hurt, but I've been worse. I look up to Dynise, and arrows are being shot at him, but he is too elegant to be hit by them. He looks back to me with his golden eyes, and I nod to him, thanking him for everything as I head down the stairs into the darkness. It begins to storm, which is unfortunate but Dynise will be okay. I reach the bottom of the stairs, large windows showing the battle erupting outside. And on the opposite wall is the throne door. Its finally time! Hahahaha! I open the door slowly, it being pitch black inside accept for the windows. He says who's there, but I do not answer, slowly walking closer. Then, the moonlight comes out behind the clouds, revealing my mask and knife to the light. Ah, the Manslayer, he says, seemingly already giving up.

"I have no idea why you came here today, or why I am your next victim, murderer. But hurry and get it over with."

I throw my mask to the ground, angry at how effortless he's making it.

"You wanna know why, your majesty?! Do you?!"

I swiftly bring my knife to his fat neck, the pig. He pauses for a moment.

"No, not particularly."

"Shut up! SHUT! UP! You will sit there, and you will listen, you damned tyrant! Your supposed knights killed my family, and one of them tried to rape my mom! Then, they were going to try to kill me to cover the evidence! And I know about you, too! You're a has-been who let out prisoners to make your people think your kingdom was safe! HAHAHAHA! Look how safe it is now! Heh... Heh..."

He stutters, completely dumbfounded.

"I, I never ordered anything like tha-"

"I don't fucking care! They died by my hand, and I fucking ate them! I ate them..."

I begin crying, breaking down a little.

"Then, then! You hire Mercenaries to kill me! ME!!! And they are the reason my arm looks like it was mauled by a wolf pack! I almost died, if not for that dragon, outside!"

He seems to understand things a bit more, but I love the terror in his face.

"And now, and now! You! Yeah, you!"

I press the blade against his neck.

"I'm gonna kill you, and eat you too!!! Ha! Ha ha! HA!!!"

He gasps, and then I violently stick the knife into his giant stomach. He screams.

"This was my fathers knife, Tyrant... Only if you had actual knights to help you now..."

I slide the blade out, then flipping it around, striking his heart from above as he yelps, turning the blade so more of the blood comes out. The blood gets on me, and for some reason it causes me to laugh uncontrollably! Then I hear the throne room door slam open, so I turn around to see those filthy bloody men. I continue laughing, pulling the blade out of the kings heart and with hands shaking I point it at them. They run, like cowards. I laugh, getting on my hands and knees, putting the mask back on. I am Forae... The Manslayer... I begin looking up, laughing really hard despite my ribs being in total pain. I walk out of the throne room slowly, looking out the window. Suddenly, my body freezes, as I see Dynise... Lifeless. I shiver, tears dripping down between the dragon skulls sockets.

"They killed him... They fucking killed him..."

I shiver once more, gripping the blade tight.

"I'm sorry, Dad..."

I stab the blade into my stomach, whimpering and turning the blade slowly.

"I'm sorry... Dynise..."

I collapse... The blood covering me one last time.

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