Chapter 1 : The Payment

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This chapter starts with Maou's daily trash ( and corpse ) collecting.

-Maou: "~See a bad guy~ Stomp on his skull~ See a dead guy ~ Bones bones bones pile ~" Oh look! Another one to the pile~ *Whistles to the tune of Stompin' on Ants by Hunson Abadeer*

In a dark alleyway, a drug deal is going on between two guys.

-Guy 1: C-come on man, i-i can't fucking take it anymore! I NEED IT! I NEED THE POWER!

-Guy 2: Shut your goddamn mouth or ya ain't getting shit. Shit's here, now give me the parts.

-Guy 1: P-parts?

-Guy 2: What's that stutter for huh? Ya got the parts or nah?

-Guy 1: F-f-f-five minutes! J-j-just one pill, that'll calm me down...a-and then you'll have your parts.

-Guy 2: Nah man, no parts no pills.

-Guy 1: *Pulls the guy's hand* COME ON MAN! f-f-f-five minute!

-Guy 2: *Kicks the guy off* Fuck you! Don't fucking mess with me! No parts no shit!

-Guy 1: *Pulls out knife* I S-SAID GIVE ME THE DRUG!

Guy 1 rushed Guy 2 obviously with the intent of inflicting an edge based injury. But what he didn't account for is a hand grab his face and stab his head from behind.

-Guy 2: H-huh?

-Maou: Surprise surprise, it was me.

It was Maou.

-Maou: So! Let's get straight to the *Raises bloody knife* Point. What are you shitheads selling on Boss's territory?

-Guy 2: Nothing!

-Maou: Oof! Strike 1! A bit too late to say that now, considering i can smell the chemical oozing from your jacket. Let's try a different question! Why are you selling on Boss's territory?

-Guy 2: I-i was forced to sell them here!

-Maou: Oh? And by whom?

-Guy 2: Umm...uh...

-Maou: Ha! Pissing our pants yet!? You're shaking like your name got called to the front of the class. Okay, that's enough fun...Question 3! Any last words?

-Guy 2: W-Wait!! WAIT! Please don't kill me! I won't do it again! I promise!

-Maou: Sheesh man! Way to say every goddamn clique last words in the book.

-Guy 2: *sobbing* I-i-im sowry...Ah....

-Maou: Ugh...Alright then. Time for the million dollar question, the truth, spill it out or i'll spill your goddamn brains out instead.

-Guy 2: I'm from Libertalia! I just came here to make a quick profit off of these washed-up druggies.

-Maou:'re not the brightest aren't you? That drug is *sniff* crack right?

-Guy 2: Yes, it's crack.

-Maou: Well that's were the stupidity comes in. See, in Karuma, there a certain drug out there that's a "little bit" stronger then crack. Remember that alright?

-Guy 2: Alright...

-Maou: Hehe good! *changes tone* Now get out.

As the man runs away with bodily fluids coming from his face and down-below. Maou inspects the corpse next to him, he let's out a sigh because.

-Maou: As expected, you're filled to the brim with "those" things. So even IF he handed you the crack, you'd still stab regardless cause it wasn't the fix you needed. Ain't that right ~You little waste of life you~

Maou strips him clean and leaves him dead. After a few more rounds, he heads back to a small bar called: Bear Beer and Butcher. He parks his cart full of corpses and heads in.

-Maou: ~Tadaima~ (I'm Home)

-Boss: Okaerinasai... (Welcome back)

New Entry!: Boss: (30 yrs old, F, Demi-human: Bear)

-Maou: Hey how about a cup of clean water for the working man ?

-Boss: Well, it depends on the corpse pile and quality of the bodies.

-Maou: What qualities do they have left? How many maggots are in them? They're DEAD!

-Boss: I know, i'm just kidding. Here, I gonna go check the cart.

Got 1 x Clean Water.

-Maou: Sorry, me too dum to get Granny jokes.

Used 1 x Clean Water.

-Maou: ~Ah~ That hits the spot.

-Boss: *Peeks through the door* Oh yeah, the package came in today.

-Maou: *Chokes on straight WATER* *cough* Where!?

-Boss: Below the counter.

Maou takes and rips the package open like a kid on Christmas morning. Inside the package was a single Slug Shell. Maou grabs his Sawed-off Shotgun and quickly puts the shell into the gun.

-Maou: Ooooooo, a perfect fit!

Got 1x Slug Shell.

-Maou: And now that i got one, i can just take a man's life. Point and click.

-Boss: Yoink! *Yoinks the shell out of Maou's hand*

-Maou: Hey! Gimme back my baby, ya old sack of flesh!

-Boss: Nuh uh, do one more errand. Then you can have it.



-Maou: *sigh* That's cold....that is cold.

-Boss: Oh quit whining, you're making my knees hurt. Go collect the rent from the apartment dwellers, if you see a Female Demi-human with White Hair and Fox ears, take her and her children to go to this place at this time.

-Maou: Why?

-Boss: Well lets just say a vehicle will get 2 of them out of here. To where they will never return here.

-Maou: Jeez, a bit much for an eviction notice ? But wait, 2 of them ? I don't know but "Her and her children" kinda sounds a bit more than 2 right?

-Boss: Well...i'll think something.

-Maou: ~Yeah sure, this is totally gonna work out~

-Boss: Move it, that ride is going to get here any minute !.

-Maou: Alright, i'm going I'm GOING!


Next Chapter 2: The Kidnapping.

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