Chapter 2 : The Kidnapping (Part 1)

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(18h30 PM/ The Ruined Apartment)

A white fox demi-woman is living in a room with two of her demi-children. One is a boy, roughly 14 years old, has wolf ears and tail. The other is a girl, only 4 years old, has fox ears and tail. Both of them have white hair like their mother. They're speaking in Karunese

-Mom: Okay, the meat is almost done. Just a few more minutes.

-Boy: Looks like it, mom.

-Girl: Wow! This looks and smells so good, no less than a 5 'ster resaugant'.

-Mom: Hey, since when have you learnt those words?

-Girl: I learn them from a ma-ger-zin i've been reading. It's on the floor over there.

-Boy: How many times have you read that magazine, sis?

The girl starts to count with her fingertips, at first the mom and the boy thought it was cute. But when she passed the 20 mark, the mom looked sad. Sad that she couldn't provide for her children, sad that she had forced them to live here, sad that because of her...they never saw their father aga-

-Boy: Mom! The meat! It going to-

-Mom: Hm!? Oh my goodness...oh no...

-Girl: It's burned...

-Boy: It's alright! That's the part that i liked best, i really like the charred bits.

-Mom: I'm sorry kids, guess mom isn't at her best today...

-Boy: Oh don't be like that mom. Come on, here's your portion.

-Mom: You kids eat, mom's not hungry...

-Boy: O-okay then, if there're some left, we'll give it to you.

-Mom: Make sure you savor it, okay?

-Girl: Mom, did you get a 'new work' ? How did you get this meat?

-Boy: Shh! Don't ask mom that, okay?

-Mom: Oh no Kazue, it's fine. Today i just got lucky, that's all...

-Girl: Lu-c-ky? What's that? Is it some kind of...ummm.....can you give us an ex-am-pel?

-Mom: Well...yesterday, your mom got into a bit trouble at work...but then a nice man showed up and helped me.

-Girl: Woah....a mannnnnnn...

-Boy: What did he do mom?

-Mom: I guess you could say that he "took care" of my customer. After that, he shared some of the loot with me.

-Girl: What 'id' he wear?

-Mom: Well he has black hair, he wore a white shirt, black shorts and his most recognizable clothing is his black jacket with the sleeves rolled up.

-Boy: Did he introduced himself?

-Mom: No...but he did say his name was-

The mom was interrupted by loud banging that came from outside the door.

-Maou: Hey hey hey! Rent!

-Mom: quick hide!

The children hid in different spots.

-Maou: Open up! Or i'll bust down the door and kill all of y'all.

The mom put on a hoodie and opens the door.

-Mom: Greeting sir...

-Maou: Gimme Rent!

-Mom: Wait, it's you!

-Maou: Yeah it's me and i want you to give me your stuff!

-Mom: Oh um right err... Oh! Would you like this cooked slice of meat?

-Maou: Oou! All of it, is for me? You should have!

-Mom: Umm wait!

-Maou: Hm? what...

-Mom: Could you maybe save a piece for...

-Maou: *nom* sorrie *nom* Already went down the gutter.

-Mom: O-okay...

-Maou: Oh! Cheer up, you brought yourself at least 3 more days. Also since i'm here, do you happen to see a... err.... wait let me...ah a "Female Demi-human with White Hair and Fox ears". So see any of that around here?

-Mom: Umm, i don't see anyone like that. I'll keep a look out for her okay?

-Maou: Oh? Wow look at that, and here i though "good neighbors" weren't a thing anymore. Welp imma be going. Farewell and all that smuck.

She wait for him to get far enough then closes the doors. The children slowly comes out of their hiding spots.

-Girl: That was so scary...

-Boy: Yeah, and he even took our dinner as well.

-Mom: I'm sorry kids...

-Boy: Don't worry mom, i can go plenty of days without food. I'm a boy, i'm strong right?

-Mom: Yes you are strong, but you still need to eat to maintain that strength you know.

-Boy: Speaking of eating...

The boy pull out a piece meat from his pocket.

-Boy: Here it's my portion, i made sure to not let him sniff it so it's not as good but-

-Mom: Oh great, now you two can at least eat that while i go out again.

-Boy: Mom wait! What if he comes back again....

-Mom: He won't Kazue and if he does, i'm going to-

-Maou: -to what?

The three of them are shocked as they see Maou from the emergency staircase outside the windows.

-Maou: You're right kid! I would come back. But you didn't think i would do it so soon did you? And you didn't think i couldn't see through that disguise now, did you?

-Mom: Please sir, we mean no harm to you.

-Maou: Well yeah duh, 1 woman 2 children versus me? I think the odds are a bit in favor of *points to self* THIS direction's no?

-Boy: Mom! Sis! Run! I'll hold him off!

-Maou: Ahh! No one escapes!

Maou rushes to the little girl, pushing past both the mom and the boy. He picks up the girl and points the gun in the air.

-Maou: Ah bap bap bap, no body moves or the girl gets it. I don't know what she gets but i- HEY! No biting!

-Boy: Wait don't hurt her! Take me instead!

-Maou: Nah kid, the only way to lay my hands off of her is you three being cooperative. I've been given orders to bring you a Specific place at a Specific time, so pack your bags, hide your faces cuz we going on alleyway trip! YAY!

The boy and the Mom reluctantly pack up their stuff, which...was unsurprisingly quick considering they are dirt poor so cut to the next chapter's time and place stamp-Oh! Ok great.

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