Chapter 2 : The Kidnapping"-s" (Part 2)

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(19h00 / Through the alleyways)

Maou and the family are going to their destination by foot through the dark alleyways.

-Maou: Ah~~~nothing like a good walk to keep your blood pumping. Ain't that right fellas ?

The family stay silent...

-Maou: Awwww, don't feel bad. Although you did make me chase to the little girl which did made me a lil winded. Wasting some energy but i forgive you al, cause that piece of meat was a mouthful of bliss, man.

-Mom: g-glad you enjoyed it...

-Maou: Oh sure did! In fact, i even give you a lil something something. Here.

Maou gave 3 piece of Mystery Jerky to the family.

-Maou: And as a bonus, you can ask me anything.

-Boy: Why are you doing this...

-Maou: Because! It's kinda boring, y'know, walking this long-ass road trip from point A to B. So i'm doing this to kill sometime while we're at it.

-Boy: Not what i meant, why are you doing this.

-Maou: Oh thaaaaat~, yeah no clue.

-Boy: Huh? You don't know?

-Maou: Yup! Far as i know, you guys are just package deliveries, and i'm the delivery man. Part time delivery man, part time garbage collector, full time badass.

-Mom: *raises her hand*

-Maou: Yes, the Milf!

-Mom: Do you remember that day?

-Maou: Well it depends, what kind of day? When was the day? And why should i care about said day?

-Mom: That day, when you helped me with that guy, you gave me his clothes and jewelry and that help me buy some food and that piece of meat. Do you remember?

-Maou: Oh! So you were that bish who got absolutely railed on, right?

-Mom: Uh um...yes...that's right.

-Boy: Really? Mom..i..

-Maou: I'm glad that you told me.

-Mom: ...really?

-Maou: Yeah, now i feel even less guilty for eating that meat. Considering it was actually MY doing that got you that piece of meat.

All of them went silent, but the mom's and boy's eyes were obviously on Maou. Filled with disappointment that their supposed saviour was just another crook. Maou then shifts his attention to the little girl, who is sitting for some reason...

-Maou: Ok, time for the million dollar question...Again! This time, the honor goes to the little sitting furball over there.

The girl got surprised and hid something behind her back.


-Maou: Yup, our destination is just around...i'ld say... 50 steps left. So better ask before it pass.

-Girl: i-i um don't have anything to ask...

-Maou: Wha-? Come- use your little head. Where's that childhood creativity? Like how are babies made? What do rainbows taste like? What did it felt like to live before 2020? Or-

-Girl: What about blue balls?

Upon hearing that, Maou fucking loses it and starts wheezing. To give you an example of what it sounds like, here's a imaginary picture of a whistling kettle.

-Maou: *coughs* wha-? Haaaaaaaaaaaaa, well then. Seems like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, if you know what i mean *continues wheezing*.

-Mom: Kanae! How did you know that word!? I didn't teach you that!

-Kanae: But mom, these are balls are color blue right?

In Kanae hands were tiny blue balls, similar to marbles. Maou seeing that, without any hesitation, fucking soccer kicks the blue balls out of the poor girl's hands. She cried loudly, both the mom and the boy hugged the crying Kanae, before the mom shouted at Maou.

-Mom: What do you think you're doing! Why did you kick her!

-Maou: I THINK i was saving her life, you know what these are? *points at the blue balls*

The mom ignores Maou and comforted Kanae. Maou rolls his eyes and proceeds to stomps the blue balls.

-Maou: (Oh great...things was just getting happy and then "you" showed up. Whatever, just a few more steps and i'm finally gonna get my precious shell) Hey! Quit moping around and get moving! We're almost there anyways.

But there was no noise coming from the family.

-Maou: Hey! I said get a move on! What, you guys need a fucking 5 minutes cuddling session or something? What's going on!?

-Boy: There's strange floating blue eyes staring at us.

Maou turns around to see 2 glowing blue eyes staring at him.

-Maou: Ah fucking hell...What are you looking at? Actually, better question is what are you NOT looking at because damn, you ain't blinking once!

The eyes begins to move towards him.

-Maou: Well, considering you like to look at things so much. How about you look at this.

Maou pulls his sawed-off shotgun out of his satchel and aims it at the eyes direction. The eyes seems unfazed and keeps on approaching him. When it reaches a light source, a slight-built, heavily malnourished, middle aged man with missing and rotting teeth, little hair and has what seems to be severe insomnia which can be seen bag under his eyes.

-Maou: Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you coming right to me? Bold move...good...

The man began to move rapidly, basically running full speed at Maou. Maou quickly puts away the gun and pulls out his metal bat, he tells the family to hide, grips the bat over his head and readies himself. As the alleyways were kind of narrow, the size doesn't allow for much horizontal movement so he only has one shot.

When the man is just within range. Maou takes a deep breath and says:

-Maou: Saves me the hassle of getting CLOSER!

Maou swing down hard, leaving a gaping hole on the man's head, blood and dark blue goo splatter everywhere. Maou bashes the man's head in till it turns to red mush.

-Maou: Gah! Fuck! And it got everywhere... (+ Nasty)

Maou uses 1 x Water Bottle.

Maou no longer feels gross

1 x Empty Bottle acquired.

-Maou: What a waste...

Maou looks back at the family, they were all crouching down. Their mother shielding both their eyes and their bodies from potential harm. The scene is enough to make you wanna just stop for a second...

-Maou: How long are you gonna just sit there!? Up! Up!

The family looked up and saw the man's head was in pieces, they were shocked and horrified by the sight but Maou couldn't care less. Maou hurried them to the designated spot, there was no one there so he was sort of relieved.

-Maou: Finally! Something goes my way for once! This calls for a celebratory leaking! I'll be taking you-

Maou grabs Kanae's arm.

-Maou:-with me.

The girl cried loudly, wrestling and trying to bite his hand. Seeing this, the mom and boy rushes to Kanae but gets frozen in their tracks by Maou's gun.

-Maou: Oh come on, i though we have been over this already. *Wiggles the gun in their faces* Give me like 30 seconds. I'll be right back.

Maou walked back to the alleyway's exit but Kanae just cries louder and louder so Maou just choses the alleyway across the street.

The boy rushed to go with his sister but the mom held his hand back.

-Boy: Mom let me go take her place, please.

-Mom: I would go instead if i could but...i fear the worst if we go against him. You saw what he did to that glad that i learnt THIS about him, but i learnt it too late...

-Boy: But we can't just sit here and wait for our deaths. We need to do something!

-Man: And do something we shall.

A voice can be heard from an alley behind them, out came a man wearing a blue shirt and sweater, coupled with blue jeans, blue scarf and goggles on his head to top it all off. He comes to them, hands in the air and with a smirk on his face.

-Mom: *hug her son" Who are you...?

-Man: Whoa whoa calm down, i'm part of the Hero Commission Party.

-Mom: That doesn't ring a bell....

-Man: Listen, time is ticking so i'll keep this short, me and my crew from Libertalia are planning to take Maou and we need your help

-Mom: NO! Leave us alone!

-Man: *shushes the mom* Hey, do you want what happened to the guy before to happen to you? Or your children? Think about it.

The mom stops for a second, then looks at her son.

-Mom:...alright, i'll do it.


-Maou: Finaly, after a minute of searching. The perfect place to take a leak.

But when he ready to go, he sees Kanae just...staring. It's not like he's scared because one, he's older than her by a mile. Second, the girl is just one drop away from bawling her eyes out so he has nothing to fear.

But he's just felt...uncomfortable.

-Maou: Ahem...y'know we look AWAY when someone is "watering the plant" okay?

-Kanae: I-i don't get it...

-Maou: Look just do me a favor, turn to the wall then count to 50.

-Kanae: Oh, two,..

-Maou: (There we go, i can't fucking believe this, being this uncomfortable just because of a child...Whatever...just a few more minutes and this family-sitting business is over at last....)


-Maou: (Why do i have a bad feeling that something might go wrong, i mean i have the child as hostage so there's no way they would just...leave her right?)


-Maou:( It's not like they could just y'know vanish into thin air right? That'd be...that'd be...)

. . .

-Maou: Ah fuck...

Maou pulls his pants up, grabs the girl and ran back to the meeting spot. Lo and behold, they were gone...yup...vanished, poof, just disappeared...After that, to add insult to injury, a totally non-suspicious white van with the name "Herman Diaz Transportz" pulled up in front of them.

-Driver: Hey, sorry to ask but have you seen three white haired demi-human anywhere? Looking for one white fox woman, one white wolf boy and one white fox little girl. Hey! That girl kinda looks close to the description, i'm betting that's her right? Where's the other two?

Maou inhales deeply.

-Driver: S-sir? Are you all right? Do you need some rest?


Kanae hears that, quickly cover her ears. The driver, also hearing that, also closes his ears.



Next Chapter 3: The Kidnappen-ings (Part 3)

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