Prologue : The Date

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(The frontyard of the Church)

-Mao: *sigh*....

-Amelia: Hey...

-Mao: Oh hey, what do you want?

-Amelia: I came to check up on you.

-Mao:...he bribed you again did he....

-Amelia: It was a good deal, okay!

-Mao:...Well it doesn't matter anyways...I won't be able to see her so what's the point...

-Amelia: you know all of us are just looking out for y-

-Mao: OH MY GOD, YES! YES! I fucking know okay? So stop shoving it in my face!

I've heard it one BILLION times already!



-Mao: I just ! Wanted to...ugh...whatever...

-Amelia: Hey...anything else you wanna get off your chest?

-Mao: he told you didn't he...

-Amelia: well...that and you only told us the 3rd one...

-Mao: So? gotta use that to insult me too?

-Amelia: no...?

-Mao:....*sigh* alright, you think you can handle it ?

-Amelia: ahem...tell me, my child...what do you hold deep in your heard? Let me be an ear for your words.

-Mao: Wow that was...painful to hear.

-Amelia:'s a first for me...

-Mao: heh it's not even in your profession!

-Amelia: Well consider that humiliating event as payment okay!? Hurry up!

-Mao: Alright...alright...

(10 minutes later)

-Amelia: oh...

-Mao: Yeah...a bit of a pushover amirite?

-Amelia: Pft! Never though you were THAT much of a doormat.

-Mao: you know why i'm so desperate, this could be my only chance of finding love again...or atleast it should've...

-Amelia: Hey...maybe it wasn't your final chance after all...

-Mao: What do you mean?

-Amelia: *mumbles*'s just that...well....someone who does find you "attractive"...might not be so far away..

Suddenly, they hear a russle by the Church's fence wall. It was Lottie who was russleing the fence.

-Mao: Lottie?

-Lottie: Oh hey! There you are, and um...who's that?

-Mao: Huh? You don't remember? She's-

-Amelia: Nunofya-

-Lottie: Nunofya?

-Amelia: Nunofya. As in Nun of ya goddamn business !

-Lottie: um...okay are you ready for the date?

-Mao: Nah...not exactly...i...i can't see exactly you anymore...

-Lottie: wait...what? Why?

-Mao: Because my brother said that you were put it bluntly...a golddigger...

-Lottie: A golddigger!?Why would he say that?

-Mao: I don't know, but whatever he said you were, it doesn't matter because he doesn't even let me go outside! Much less see you.

-Lottie: Well can i talk to him? Maybe i could try to-

-Amelia: I don't think that's going to well, Lottie...

-Lottie: Well why don't we just talk like this then? We could use some signals to call eachother...

-Amelia: Not gonna work, he patrols around the Church every 10 mins. I'm suprised he didn't come here already.

-Lottie: really?

-Amelia: Not to mention, There're two other people in the Church, both are not specifictly fond of you either.

-Lottie: this true? Do they hate me that bad?

-Mao: Unfortunately...exceptions are more or less hated and ridiculed... Trust me...i know first hand how it feels, love...

-Lottie: well i...guess it could'nt be helped. Here, take this!

She pulls out a pocket-

-Amelia: A pocket knife!?

-Lottie: Oh please don't misunderstand! This knife was given to me when i was accepted into my community.

-Mao: Really?

-Lottie: Yeah! Look at the handle, it says "Red Cross" that's our community's name.

-Amelia: What's it like?

-Lottie: We live in a city like area and the people there are really wonderful! They accept all people of all race!

-Mao: That sounds incredible!

-Lottie: Uh huh! Here take it, from one exception to another! I...wish you all the best...

-Mao: Yeah...i guess it's farewell...*sigh*

-Amelia: Alright fine!

-Mao: ?

-Amelia: There's a way i could get you out of here...

-Mao: Wait really?

-Amelia: LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR! This is more of a last farewell kind of thing okay? I still hate her freaking guts so if she comes here again, i'll gonna fuck her up 'kay!!

-Mao: Alright...keep your voice where's the secret exit?

-Amelia: Hey i'm not doing this for free y'know!

-Mao: Really?

-Amelia: *puff up cheeks*

-Mao : alright! alright! What do you want?

-Amelia: *looks at Lottie* We'll be right back...

-Lottie: O-of course.

Both of them move behind one of the pillars.

-Mao: Okay, let one on me.

-Amelia: Six days from now, before the day we get out of Karuma. There will be a fireworks festival near the border walls between Karuma and Libertalia.

-Mao: yeah and?

-Amelia: want us to go and see the fireworks.

-Mao: Oh sure! Me and Lottie can definitely take you-

-Amelia: No, just you and me...watching the fireworks...together...

-Mao: Just you and me?

-Amelia: Did i studder!? If you don't want to, i'll be taking my leave now!

-Mao: Alright! Jeezzz...

-Amelia: so...promise? *shows pinkie*

-Mao: Heh...Promise!

*locks the pinkie*

-Amelia: Remember, you brake that promise? I'll drag you down to Hell it self , got it?

-Mao: Wouldn't have it any other way.

-Amelia: *blushes*

Both of them went out of the pillar.

-Amelia: Alright! You turn around now!

-Lottie: Me?

-Amelia: YES You! I'm not going to give out this info to freaking strangers!

-Lottie: Okay...okay...

Both of them whisper to each other.

-Mao: why are you so hostile to her ?

-Amelia: Nunofya

-Mao: okay forget i asked...

-Amelia: Now i'm starting to regret helping you...

-Mao: Come on now, i'll be back before you even notice it.

-Amelia: alright, go...

-Mao: Thanks Amelia, you're the best!

-Amelia: yeah...sure...

-Mao: hey...

-Amelia: huh?

Mao gives Amelia a hug. Her face turns bright red, then Mao goes out the secret exit.

-Mao: Hey! Kept you waiting huh?

-Lottie: Oh, i don't mind.

-Mao: Hey, i'll be back before 6 okay? Don't worry...

-Amelia: sure...

The both of them were going to leave, but Amelia calls out.

-Amelia: Hey!

-Mao: Huh? careful...

Mao winks, gives her an okay symbol and heads of.

(6h30 PM)

-Guyn: Grrr...why hasn't he came back yet?

-Amelia: i...

-Guyn: I can't believe after all that, YOU helped him escape...

-Amelia: he just seemed so depressed and i felt bad for calling him names...

-Guyn: I know, Amelia... But all of those could heal overtime. But he can't heal if he's dead you know!

-Amelia: Are you even listening to yourself!? How could you say that he's dead!

-Guyn: hmn....whatever, i'm going to go look for him...and after this? Both of you are GROUNDED, understand?

-Amelia: yes...

Suddently, the front gate started making loud noises outside. But every knock, it gets quieter and quieter until it stopped .

Guyn signals the others to shut the lights, lock the doors and hide. He grabs a metal pole nearby and readies himself. He opens the doors and immediately

jumped back to a defensive stance.

The person outside was Mao, he was battered, bruises all over and his left arm was broken...the shock froze Guyn in place, as he couldn't start to process

this, much less move.

But the silence was broken when Mao let out an exhausted voice.

-Mao:...i'm...*cough* sorry...

-Guyn: MAOOOOOOOO!!! -

Mao fatigued body couldn't stand any more, he fainted. Guyn finally snaps out of his state and rushes to his beaten brother. When Mao's body just slightly touched the ground, a voice called out.

-???: Maou!

-Maou: *snore*

-???: Maou! You lazy fuck! Wake up! Don't make me come in there!

-Maou:*snores loudly*

-???: Motherfucker...can't believe this cocksucking...*keys falling*

-???: OH GAWD DAMMIT! *opens door* Alright! Boy! Get ch'our ass up and go do som'in


I did not waste 5 goddam years for you to pretend to be fucking wasted.

-Maou: Awww...come on made me lose my beauty sleep.

-Boss: HAH! It's gonna take a lot more than a few naps to get that thing on your head to be called a "face". Bitch be look'n like dropped dung pies.

-Maou: Mmmmmm tasty...

-Boss: Fetch me a batch of corpses and i might throw in a lil som'in extra, just for you.

-Maou: *Yawn* Now that, me like.

-Boss: Then get up and get out there! *slams doors* *keys falling again* GOD DAMN IT.

-Maou: Same crap...different day...

*Title card*


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