Prologue : The Message

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*Character's bio*

*Character's bio*

-Mao: His family are demi-humans, their mother is Part-Dragon, their father is Part-Tiger. Life has been rough for him as for one, his parents hate each other or the fact that Mao don't have any parts of him that resembles a demi-human while his brother did (Basicaly demi-human without the demi). That came with constant bullying, harrasment (and maybe some failed attempts at finding love) but nothing they can't handle together as a semi-functional family...before the Wipe that is...

-Guyn: Mao's big bro, having both his mother's and father's "more demi of human" side. His life was more or less normal (unless you count the failed attempts of building his dream restaurant). He and Mao never really got to bond as they got their own problems, despite trying his best to help his little brother. Now with the Wipe going on, their brotherly bonds will by tested to their fullest limits.

-Amelia: She is mostly blind, although she can still see the general outline of things. At a young age, she was told time and time again that her parents were once heroes that helped saved the world but due to tragic events, she's now an orphan, working as a sister at the now ruined Church. She acts tomboy-ish and can be a bit of a bully at times. But nonetheless she's a good person...maybe...the nuns did say that she was special after all.

-James/Wang : Nothing much to say or known about them, as they are but children. Well...maybe James's really in to cowboys and western stuff (despite looking asian as f**k) and Wang love martial arts (despite looking white as f**k)

*Begin the story*

-???: I've had a fairly standard childhood... came from what you call a "broken home"

Literally...Broken home...

-???: One day you could be taking a nice stroll outside, looking up to see the plane carrying passengers. The next thing you know, your whole city gets cut off, the planes previously been carrying passengers are now carrying bombs, decimating the entire neighborhood.

"Insert picture of little me."

-???: And would you look at that, yup that's me. 15 at the time and still living with his parents. How lame is that!

-???: Clearly, it was time to move on. The rescue team took my and the other kids to the city's Church. Where there were busses transferring, one by one or should i say...20 by 20 were transferred out. But then when it was our turn, a bombing occurred nearby and they had to stop and retreat.

They told us that rescue will resume shortly....

(1 year later...)

In the Church's outdoor halls. A boy in his teen years is telling his past story to 2 male children. One has a rat tail and the other, a human, was wearing a cowboy hat.

-Mao: And that guys, is how i failed in getting a girlfriend for the third time.

-All: Whoaaaaaaaa...

-Wang : Im confused...why did you let him have her? She would've became your girlfriend, you two were totally into each other right?

-Mao: yeah...well so was he, i could tell that he'd loved her too, maybe even more than me. I can't do him like that, so i let her down easy, told him about it, he was reeaaaal grateful too, and like that we'd gone our separate ways...

-Wang : well that's lame....

-James: You're lame! What he just did was cool as fu-

-???: I agree with "Mustard Hair" over there, that was the saddest stuff i've heard in my life.

-Mao: ~Oh my god, it's the great ero-sister Amelia! Came to deliver us some of that good gospel truth~

-Amelia: Ah yes, i came bless you all with god's love and embrace...except for Mao there, strike him down.

-Wang and James: ooh~~~~Mao's in trouble~~

-Mao: that's not how it works...

-Amelia: Well anyways, Guyn told me... to tell you... to get your sorry-ass up and go help him with the supplies.

-Mao, Wang and James: Language!

-Amelia: Oh grow up ya big babies, it wasn't that bad.

-Mao: Said the christian 16 years old white girl.

-Amelia: Hmph!

-Mao: Welp! Gotta go help big bro with his big problems.

(Church's front gate)

-Mao: Hey i'm here.

-Guyn: Argh! Took you long enough!

-Mao: Well blame Amelia then...anyway what do we have here?

-Guyn: Food Mao...we have food...

-Mao: Well no shit Sherlock, ...Hm... There's not alot here is it?

-Guyn: Yeah... And that worries me...

-Mao: Huh... There's a letter on the box...let's see...

-Guyn: What does it say?

-Mao: holy mother of god...

-Guyn: Wha-? Tch! Give me that!

-Mao: *runs inside* GUYS! GUYS!

-Guyn: *gasp* my god...

(Inside the Church)

-Amelia: -And when he escaped hell with a demon babe on one hand and another one in the other...He was then called-

-Mao: Guys...*huff puff* you'd never believe what news i've got...

-Amelia: And you're absolutely right! He was called-

-Mao: Well believe it! We're getting out of here...

-Amelia and the boys: OoooOOOooo... Now we 're interested...Jinx!

-Mao: There was a letter on a box, it said that an rescue group from Libertalia will arrive in a safe zone nearby...scheduled pickup day is Sunday at night...

-James: Really?

-Mao: Yeah!

All three of them cheered in joy.

-Mao: Heh...all right...i better get going now. It's almost time for my date with Lottie.

-Amelia,James and Wang : YOUR WHAT?

-Mao: Oh right...well long story short, Amelia introduced her to me awhile back and-

-Amelia: Wait that was the red-headed chick i barely talked to awhile back!?

-Mao: eeeeeee-yes? That's one way to put it?

-Amelia: When the hell-No...HOW the hell did you guys hook-up ?

-Mao: Well didn't you also introduced her to y'know, us?

-Amelia: No? I don't give out info to strangers that easily.

-Mao: Oh...well you probably not going to like what happens next...

-Amelia: What happen next...?

-Mao: Well what happens is that...she approached me, we kind of talked for a bit, i um...exchanged some info to her and then things kinda...y'know...she asked me out on a date.

-Amelia: oh my lord....

-Mao: what is it...?

-James : Not to be mean or anything, but....

-Wang : We don't trust her... Like at all.

-Amelia: Exactly! Don't know about your taste in woman but oh boy! It's saltier than the Dead sea!

-James: No offence but her face just screams Fake!

-Wang : She's a litteral Red-Head, so that's kind of a dead giveaway?

-Amelia: Yep! And just so you know. Just because she breathe in your general direction, DOESN'T MEAN you can tell her all willy nilly about our home!

-Mao: Look! I don't know what's the matter with you guys but you accusing her of something that she never done, or will ever do!

Suddenly, Guyn enters the Church and hears some commotion .

-Guyn: Hey what's going on here? Why are you guys arguing?

-Amelia: Cause there's a total stranger !

-Guyn: A stranger!?

-Amelia: He's going out with a stranger! And they make out!

-Mao: Hey! No we don't!

-Amelia: You wish you could!

-Guyn: Mao? Please care to explain?

-Mao: *sigh* I've meet a girl named Lottie-

-Amelia: -who's a total bitch btw...-

-Mao: We exchanged some info and got to know each other a little bit.

-Amelia:~apparently not so little did ya~

-Mao: Then it just kind of happened and next thing you know, i got asked out.

-Amelia:~ho ho yeah, next thing you know, she's gonna "asking you" for our whole goddamn food supply~

-Mao: CAN YOU SHUT UP! Who's side are you on?

-Amelia: OUR side! Isn't

it obvious!?

-Guyn: okay...okay...i get what's happening now.

-Mao: Alright then! So could you please try to calm them down a bit!? I don't know wh-?

-Guyn: Mao...Mao...listen to cannot go outside...

-Mao: I mean...yeah i get that is dangerous out there but if she can do it maybe i coul-

-Guyn: Especially with her...

-Mao: What? Wha-what do you mean?

-Guyn: I don't mean to look down on your relationship Mao but you have to cut her out.

-Mao: cut her out? Why?

-Guyn: We don't associate ourselves with other groups, cause that mean inviting in their problems .

-Mao : okay? But how's that relate to Lottie ?

-Guyn: Mao think about it...Why is she even doing out there? What kind of people lets a KID out in this state? Let alone just to talk to some stranger?

-Mao: I don't know!? The same reason YOU'RE able to go out?

-Guyn: I only go outside when it's neccessary, not to go around gossiping.

-Mao: Well maybe she's just on an simple supply-run?

-Guyn: What kind of mad-man would let a LITERAL kid outside!?

-Mao: How should i know!? I never had a chance to ask her!

-Guyn: Mao listen...

-Mao: Maybe if you just let me meet her again? I could talk to her about it!

-Guyn: Mao...?

-Mao: Why are you guys doing this!?

-Guyn: mao...

-Mao: I thought that you'd be happy for me!


The room froze in silence...

-Guyn: Ah... Mao please i wasn't trying to berate you...i just...

-Mao: No...i get it...i mean...who would want *points at himself* this to be their lover anyways...

-Guyn: Mao wait... I didn't mean that.

-Mao: I know you don't...well, since i no longer have any other plans for today...i'd like to be left alone now...

Mao walks to the door but stop for a sec...

-Mao: oh yeah...if she ever shows least try to be nice...

Mao exits the room...

-James: Hey guys, i feel kinda bad for him now...

-Amelia: Come on... It not a big deal. Watch, i guarantee you he'll be back to normal by the end of the day.

-Guyn: I hope so, he's not so good at confrontations.

-Wang: I know he needed to hear what had to be said but...i feel bad for Mao...

-James: I hope he doesn't hate us after this...

-Guyn: Well don't worry, i have something that will lift his chin up! A birthday party!

-Amelia: Oh yeah, today's his birthday right?

-James: *gasp* Do we have cake?

-Guyn: Unfortunately, no. But we can try to make something out of the things we do have!

-Wang: I'll help set up the table.

-James: I'll get the food!

-Amelia: I'll help keep guard, then i'll EAT the food.

-Guyn: Oh no you don't, you'll have the special task of cheering the birthday boy up!

-Amelia: What!? Why not James or Wang ?

-Guyn: They're busy and besides, you guys never have a real conversation before so this is kind of good opportunity for an apology from us and for you two to get to know each other more!

-Amelia: Heck no! He'll feel worse talking to someone that constantly insult him... Nope, can't be swayed, sorry...

-Guyn: you'll have an extra...something we made. Okay?

-Amelia:...alright fine, it better be something with frosting...

-Guyn: Oh! Ask him to open up about his past more too, helps him loosen up a bit!

-Amelia: Jeez do it yourself, why don't you...



Prolouge : The Date

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