Sleep tight, I'll deal with our little annoyance

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"Nath, please." Marc pleaded as his deranged boyfriend backed him into a corner "I won't say anything, I swear!"

"Oh, Rainbow, I know that." He cooed "But I cant take any chances. Now open up." He holds up a small plastic cup filled with a red liquid "For me?" He pouts when Marc doesn't comply

Marc hesitantly opens his mouth, and Nathaniel pours the medicine down his throat, making the taller boy become less tense. He staggers a bit, until Nathaniel picks him up bridal style and sets him down in bed

He kisses Marc on the forehead "Now sleep tight. I'll deal with our little annoyance. Love you, Rainbow."

Marc murmurs something. It's unintelligible due to the sedative, but in Nathaniel's twisted mind, he's saying 'I love you.'

He grabs his black sketchbook off of his dresser. It looks normal, but when opened, the inside is carved out, and conceals a knife. Then he heads to school to get rid of another person in the way of his and Marc's love. She just knew too much

He walked into the school, not even acknowledging the students mourning over the loss of two of their friends and one of their teachers. Kim was a nice guy, but he had the nerve to question their relationship. He's had enough of 'It's not healthy', and, 'Why are you so possessive?', and, 'Is Marc okay?' That meathead had to die. The police still don't know how rat poison got in the pool

Then there was Mme. Bustier and Liar Rossi. Bustier was a... Mediocre teacher. Always blaming the victims and never the bullies. Marc was suspended because a certain sausage-haired liar claimed that he stole her work. That incompetent teacher didn't even ask for Marc's side of the story, or even bother to check the damn hand-writing. They went out very slowly. Bustier was strangled to death by an unknown assailant

And as for Lila? She somehow fell down the stairs and the stairs were covered with dangerously pointy thumb tacks. She bled to death and ruptured a lung

And the latest student? Alya Césaire. She accused Nathaniel of murdering Kim, Bustier, and Lila. No one really listened to her, since she sometimes jumped to conclusions, but she was so sure that he was the murderer, and went to great lengths to prove it

No one ever saw Alya again. She was stabbed to death in the locker room. The knife had no fingerprints on it, so police couldn't identify the killer. Just like the other three

Nathaniel came home with a smile on his face. It became inhumanly wider when he saw Marc, still in bed. Peacefully asleep like the angel he is. He doesn't have to worry about murders, or people separating him from Nathaniel

He set the now empty sketchbook back on his dresser, got dressed in his pajamas, and lied down in bed next to Marc "Rainbow, wake up." He whispered. Marc's eyes fluttered open seconds later, and he was now face to face with a murderer "Hey, baby. You don't have to worry about Alya anymore. I made sure of it."

He kisses Marc on the lips, not even noticing the terrified look on his boyfriend's face

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