Welcome to your new home, baby! It's special, just for you

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Marc kept punching, and kicking at the trunk lid, trying to get it open any way he could. He couldn't stand to be in there any longer, he hated enclosed spaces, and he couldn't call for help because a piece of cloth was tied around his mouth.

He just wanted to find the bastard who did this to him, then... He would...    Well, Marc's a pacifist, so he doesn't really know what he'd do in a fight.

The car finally comes to a stop, much to Marc's relief and horror. What if the bastard who kidnapped him was a murderer who did this to all of their victims? Or what if he was going to be auctioned off? Or even worse...

He started to cry when he heard footsteps. 'This is it.' He thought 'What'll happen to me?'

The lid opened, the moonlight shined on Marc's face, making him turn his face away so he couldn't see his captor.

"Aw, look who's awake." He heard the very familiar voice say "I was afraid that I used too much chloroform." The captor slid his hands underneath Marc, much to his displeasure, lifted him out of the trunk, and began walking

Marc caught a glimpse of his kidnapper and instantly recognized the red hair and bluish-green eyes. It was Nathaniel, his ex-boyfriend, cradling him in his arms

"I'm so glad I got you back. We'll never be separated again! Everything will be different, baby. You'll never leave me, and you'll always love me!"

Marc could hear the clear signs of insanity in his voice. What had happened to Nathaniel ever since they broke up? Has he been planning this?

After what felt like hours of him walking, Nathaniel stopped in front of a small house in the woods

"Welcome to your new home, baby! You love it, don't you?"

Marc's cursing instead came out as small whining through the cloth around his mouth

"I'll take those cute little whines as a yes!" He walks up to the door, ignoring the boy struggling in his arms, and walks into the house

It looks cozy. There's a living room, a kitchen, one bathroom, and one bedroom much to Marc's chagrin.
Nathaniel set him down on the comfortable bed then kissed him on the forehead

"I want things to be better this time." He cooed "I don't ever want you to leave me. You'll be here with me forever, love." He ignores the small whines and wraps his arms tightly around Marc

"Without you, I'd probably just snap." Marc was pretty sure that he had already

Over time, Marc had come to accept his new life with his deranged boyfriend. Sure, he couldn't leave the house, he had to wear a collar around his neck that had a tracker, and he couldn't call or text anyone, but Nathaniel treated him well.

He didn't hit him or yell, there was only cuddling and constant praise, something Marc had missed when they broke up. And Nathaniel was his only source of interaction, so without him, he'd probably snap too. They needed each other

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