Chapter 4: Margot's Birthday... Sort Of!

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It's 2 weeks now till Margot's birthday and Jake is hard at work trying to plan the trip away, he has the location and everything booked ready for them but he just needs to get the most important thing, so he enlisted some help in his best friend, Duncan, his girlfriend Jennifer and Jake's sister, Kelly, Jake knows what he wants to do but he just isn't sure which one.

Jake: ... Alright, you can't tell anyone else. This doesn't leave this little bum ass table.

Jake's sitting with them at a small little cafe table inside the local mall, their quite lucky today because not too many people are coming over to them and bothering their day, most, nearly all celebrities are happy for you to come say "Hi" but it can get annoying when you're with your friends or family.

Jake: So, I need your help with a pretty simple thing. I want to ask Margot to marry me.

Jennifer and Kelly both didn't expect him to say that while Duncan has a smile on his face, he knew about Jake's want to marry Margot for weeks now but he's a little worried that people and Margot will assume he's only doing it because she's pregnant but he's not, asking the Aussie to marry him has been on his mind for months now but it wasn't till recently did he actually realise how much he needs her and wants her to be happy.

Kelly: Holy shit! I'm so excited!

Jake, Duncan and Jennifer actually jumped a little from her outburst but Jake was quickly clamed by his younger sister hugging him, the small commotion caught a little bit of attention but most just went about their days while Kelly continued to hug her brothers neck while slightly jumping up and down on the fairly sturdy chair.

Jake: Yeah, me too but I still need my eardrums.

Jake chuckled while Kelly apologized letting him go, he knew that she'd be happy for him, he remembers when he first met her, she was only a 9 year old girl and her parents wanted another child but couldn't have anymore themselves, their mother got really ill when Kelly was born, so they opted to adopt and after they heard about Jake's story where he was given back over and over again, they took a shot in the dark.

Kelly: Sorry, J. I'm just really happy for you, after all the... You know.

Jake smiled to her as he pulled her into a side hug once he moved their chairs closure together, they all knew what Jake had experienced when he was a kid, he told Duncan once they first met, he didn't have to but it makes things easier because that way people know how to tread around him, Jake hated that he was like that once upon a time but now he's a perfectly normal boy.

Jake: Trust me. I know, Margot's the on I want to spend the rest of my life with. That's why I need you guys', well, mainly you twos...

Jake was talking to them all but was more needing the girls for this part, he's known Duncan for years now and isn't even sure if he has ever worn jewelry in his life so picking out an engagement ring isn't really something Jake wants to ask him for, Jennifer and Kelly however know what a girl likes in gems.

Jake: ... I need help picking a ring.

Jake isn't afraid to ask for help anymore, he was when he was first adopted but now it's like water off a ducks back, it's easy for him, especially when he has great friends to help him with it, Kelly was more then happy too and so where Duncan and Jennifer, so they finished their drinks, Jake actually got another one, he's been planning this birthday for a while now and is pretty drained from the long nights making sure everything's booked and ready to go, he waited till she was asleep to do it, that seemed like a good plan at the time.

Jennifer: How much you looking to spend?

They made it to the jewelry place, they probably couldn't find a more fancy place in the entire mall, there's even a doorman, just because, he's not a security guard or anything, he's literally being paid to open and close the door, Jake didn't see the point in that but also didn't know how much he's looking to spend, so he sort of just shrugged to the OSCAR wining actress while Duncan just seemed to be hypnotized by the shiny things.

Kelly: Well, your supposed to spend 3 months salary. So how much do you make with the Jets?

Jake was a little taken back by that, what if you're working a normal 9-5 and want to propose, then you have to pay 3 months wages just for the ring, that doesn't seem all that fair but Jake doesn't have a regular 9-5, he was born into wealth and has his own thanks to the 7 year contract he signed with the Jets nearly 3 years ago now.

Jake: Uh, without additional fee's... Around fifty Million a year. 

Jennifer didn't expect him to say that, Duncan's one of the highest paid blockers in the NFL but he's only getting about thirty five million a year, not that it's bad because Jake at one point was the highest earner in the NFL, though now Mahomes is with that huge contract he signed with the Chiefs, Kelly though kind of expected that, she knew her brother was loaded.

Kelly: So you have to spend twelve million on a ring.

She laughed at her brother while he looked at her like she was completely crazy, sure he can do it and nothing will change for them but one thing he learnt when he was younger is the value of money, he's never going to spend that on an engagement ring, though they are going to try and talk him into it.

Duncan: She has a point, you want Margot to be happy, you gotta spend the green.

Jake flipped him off while he shrugged to it, sure he wants to spoil Margot, sure he wants the world to know how much he loves her and how much confidence he has in her that she'll say yes but that price is a little over the top in his mind anyway, so when he went to wave it off, one of the store clerks came over to them like a Shark would blood in the water.

Tiffany: Hi, I'm Tiffany. Can I help you find what your looking for?

Jake went to explain his situation but before he could, Kelly and Jennifer took over, Jake and Duncan could only watch as the girls literally found the most expensive ring in the store and asked to buy that one, the store pretty much gave them a parade while they walked out the door, Jake with the engagement ring in a small little bag.

Jake: Remind me never to ask you three for help again. My Accountant's gonna kill me.

It's official, Jake has spent exactly $12,640,500 on Margot's birthday, one of the gifts literally just cost him $12.5 million, he didn't want to spend that much on a ring but apparently he's just bought the third most expensive engagement ring in history, only beaten by Grace Kelly's which was valued at near $45 million and Jackie Kennedy Onassis, who's ring is valued at $20 million, Mariah Carey is now 4th with a ring worth $10 million.

Duncan: They reeled you in good there pal.

Jake could only nod as he's just bought the ring because the three girls seemed to team up together for him to buy it, next thing he knows, their walking out the door while Tiffany's doing backflips around them, Jake doesn't regret it though since Margot will have it for the rest of her life... that's the plan anyway...


... Today's the big day, well, sort of, it's not quite Margot's birthday but Jake wants to take her on holiday for a couple of weeks, that's where he plans to ask her to marry him, he was going to do it today, for her birthday but then thought about it and opted to just make it a random thing, she he needed to get her something else as well, he can't just give her one gift after she changed his life on his birthday.

Jake: Wakey wakey...

Margot stirred from her sleep with a small smile on her face from the feeling of Jake's arm's holding her close to him, pampering her shoulder and neck with little kisses as she slowly woke up on this really nice morning, which is a change since it was raining yesterday, in the summer, it was raining yet some people still say global warming's a myth.

Jake: ... I have something for you.

Jake's been actually pretty excited about showing her the gifts, one of which was really quick notice and was surprised at how quickly they got it done, though in return he's agreed to be the poster boy for the company for the next year, Jake didn't mind because it's not like he'll only be able to do that one thing, he still has his partnership with Under Armour so it's cool.

Margot: Now? Can I at least have a coffee first?

She rolled onto her back so she can look up to him as he stayed leaning on his side, she clearly thought he was talking about the other thing that most men need help with early in the morning but Jake wasn't talking about that, that can come later but he just chuckled and moved to reach the bedside table across her.

Jake: Not that. Get your mind out the gutter.

Margot smiled while he was reaching over her, she has to admit that she was hoping it was a little morning fun, she's woke up in quite the mood this morning, her hands moved either side of Jake's body and stayed there when he sat up with a small plain white envelop in his hand, Margot has no idea what it was but she had a small idea when he smiled to her.

Jake: Happy Birthday.

Margot didn't understand why she's getting it now since her birthdays not for a few more weeks, so she sat up and in doing so, made Jake moved back to his side of the bed, both sitting up while she took the plain white envelope from him, Jake just kept his small smile while she looked baffled.

Margot: It's not my birthday for a couple more weeks. What is it?

Margot asked while taking the envelope from him and sitting against the headboard, Jake still watched her while she looked it over, clearly for some sort of clue as to what it is, Jake though was too excited to sit there and just watch her fiddle with the gift.

Jake: It's something, stuff... alright it's a pony. Just open it!

Margot chuckled to him as he really wanted her to see what she has for an early birthday gift, she wasn't sure what it was but when she opened the envelope and saw it, she should have guessed what it was in a few try's, it's always that way though, you try to think of what it could be but never get it, then when you see it, you realise it couldn't have been anything else.

Margot: 2 weeks in Lisbon!?

Jake nodded excited to see her face when she pulled out the two tickets for them both, Jake didn't need help picking the place, they both love traveling and it's a place they've both wanted to visit for a while now, it's also supposed to be beautiful over there so in Jake's mind that's the perfect place for him to ask her that special question.

Margot: Thanks baby. I love it. When do we leave?

Jake took the tickets and showed her the time stamp, he had forgotten himself so he double checked just for his own sake, but he wasn't done and put the tickets back down then pulled her out the bed and towards the door, last night her other gift was delivered, Jake was excited because he's actually not seen this thing yet, it was really a last minute thing because he's decided to leave him proposing till their in Lisbon.

Jake: Close your eyes.

Jake stopped them at the front door of their home then turned to her and waited for her to do as he said, once Margot closed her eyes, Jake peaked his head out the door and saw it sitting there with a pink bow sitting on the hood making it look like it's wrapped up, Jake then took Margot's hand and lead her outside, stopping her a little bit in front of her gift then whispering for her to open her eyes, while his chin rested on her shoulder and his arms wrapped around her, he got a front row seat to her reaction of her second gift...

... Margot loved it, she loved it so much that she jumped into him, wrapping her arms around his neck so his arms can wrap around her and spin them on the spot, he was happy he made her happy, a 2 week vacation to Lisbon in Portugal, a custom model of her favorite car in her favorite car colour, it's perfect so far, now he just needs her to say "Yes" when he needs her too...


(To Be Continued)

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