Chapter 5: Holiday! (Part - 1!)

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Jake is busy packing their things up for their early flight in the morning, he made sure to get them a Private Jet over to Lisbon for their two week vacation before Margot's massive schedule for Barbie kicks off, Jake does want to support her during this but he also has pre-season to get ready for, it's going to be a busy few weeks for them both which is the main reason, Jake wants them to take a vacation, to unwind before hell breaks loose.

Margot: You need to relax.

Jake looked over to the bathroom in their room as Margot came out wearing one of those hot lingerie, nightie things that women wear, Jakes not sure what their called but it drops to her thighs and is held up by straps on either of her shoulders.

Jake: I will once we are on the plane to paradise.

She chuckled to him while climbing into the bed, Jake isn't far behind, he just has a few more things to pack, their not going crazy, their just packing, mostly clothes and their own personal cleaning stuff, Jake doesn't like using the stuff in hotels, he'd rather use the stuff he knows he likes then the stuff they want to give him for paying nearly $500 dollars a night for a hotel room, yeah, he pays for the penthouse every time.

Margot: You know, I never asked...

Jake stood up right, ready for bed himself, wearing a pair of sweats and shirtless, he used to sleep with a shirt but now it just makes him feel stuffy and uncomfortable, so he doesn't bother, Margot doesn't seem to mind either as she sat on her side, looking over to him, her legs curled and leaning on her stretched hand.

Margot: ... How much was your family worth, before the crash?

She knew his parents died in a car accident, a ca crash that Jake too was a passenger, luckily he was in the back and had his seat belt on so he got out with a broken arm and a small headache, his birth parents though weren't so lucky and perished in the crash, Jake told her all about that but she never brought up his money, she didn't care about that, she's just curious now.

Jake: Oh, I'm not actually too sure. When I was given it at 18, it was around $15 Million.

Margot nodded with a small nod, it's a lot to grow up with that's for sure, it's also a good reason to adopt him or take him in like 4 other families did before the Adams', only half of them treated him right though, Margot still feels bad that he went through all that on his own, he seems okay with it now, yeah he went to therapy and all but sometimes a little more is needed.

Margot: O ~ I hooked a rich boy ~

Jake laughed to her as she sat there, he looked over to her then tossed what he was doing and joined her on the bed, he shared a kiss with her as he stayed on his hands and knees while she stayed in her place, her right hand going to the back of his head and held him in place for her to kiss as much as she wants.

Jake: I'm so lucky to have you. Like...

Margot smiled to him as he meant it, they've been together long enough to know when someones being genuine and when the others not being 100%, Jakes being 100% right now as he took a deep breath and looked down to her lap, seeing her tummy as he did and remembered their baby growing, that cheered him up a little.

Jake: ... Going through all that, losing my parents, then the other families, I just never thought I'd find anyone like you.

Jake moved to sit on his butt, his legs crossed in front of him, Margot wanted to be closure to him as he spoke from the heart, so she climbed on top, her legs wrapped around him as her arms wrapped around his neck, their both looking forward to this vacation but right now their together and that's all that matters to them right now.

Jake: Your my Angel from Heaven.

Margot never stopped smiling as Jake's hands wrapped around her, his left hand moving to her stomach and resting on her soon to be baby bump, he can't believe that he's in this much love and going to be a father, after everything he's been through, Football and the Adams' saved him, he knows that his birth mother would love them for it, he remembers that much about her but she wouldn't have loved them as much as Jake loves Margot right now.

Margot: And your my knight in shinning armour. Your not the only one that was broke when we started dating. You helped me as well.

Jake was now the one to smile as she had a point, when her and her ex-husband called it quits she was pretty heartbroken, they had been dating since collage and been together for years, only a couple years back did they get married, Margot didn't think she'd find that love again after they broke up, now she seems happier then ever.

Margot: We're just perfect for the other. And together we can do anything.

Jake knew she was right as he nodded and leant forward, his forehead pressing comfortably against her chest as her hands held him there, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, Jake chuckled while his hands held his waist, both just enjoying the moment together before their long vacation away from the 120 mph New York city to the sunny, warmth of the much more relaxed Capital of Portugal...


It's been a couple of days since they arrived in Portugal, they spent the first 2 days getting used to the different time zone but that was easily done, the next few days has been them enjoying the amazing city of Lisbon, neither had been before so it's a nice new change of seen, no hectic schedules, no friends or family not nothing, just the two of them probably enjoying their last vacation as childless people, with Margot's tour coming up and Jake getting back into Game Shape, who honestly knows when they'll next get away.

Margot: I miss my car.

Jake smiled to her as they walked down the cobble street, her left hand in his right as they headed towards the beach, it's beach day, the suns up, there's not a cloud in the sky and it's near 34 degrees so the last thing they wont to do is spend it locked away in a hotel room, Jake didn't mind too much as Margot put her right hand around his arms and rested her head on his shoulder.

Jake: I'm glad you like it. It was a really rushed thing.

Jake told her about her new Audi being ready for her birthday but with this trip, their not going to be at home for her birthday, so he asked if they could get it too them early and they did, Audi killed it for the timing and there doesn't seem to be any side affects from the rushed time, they did warn them that a few of the buttons and what not might not be working properly but they'd fix it when they got back, only thing is, they don't need it to be fixed, it's perfect.

Margot: I still miss it. It's my new toy.

Jake chuckled to her as he put his arm around her, Margot held his right hand that's now draped over her right shoulder, he pulled her close to kiss her cheek, he can't put into words how happy he is right now but he can show her, this is how he does, taking her to places she wants to go, calling her beautiful everyday, making her feel like she's a million dollars, which of course she is.

Margot: Here, take a picture.

They have literally just got to the beach, they barely even got to put the stuff down when she tossed her phone at him, Jake knew her password so it wasn't too much bother but he did wonder why she wanted to do it so soon, Jake didn't ask and just took the picture she wanted...

... Imagine looking that beautiful on a daily bases, it's incredible to Jake that she actually loves him, she could defiantly have whoever she wants but she picked Jake, she fell in love with Jake and now their having a family together, it's strange how the world works.

Margot: I'm not gonna look like this again for a while.

She said a little disappointed about it but also excited, she does want to be a mother and is looking forward to holding their little bundle in her arms after these 9 months but she already knows the side affects, the mood swings, the baby bump growing more and more, the plus side is the crazy hormones, that'll be fun.

Jake: Stop it. You'll be beautiful.

He made her smile again as he planted a kiss on her temple after she sat on the warm sand beside him, Jake's leaning back on his palms while Margot sat just beside him, his arm stretched behind her, Margot didn't think anything bad about the baby, but her body will change over the next few months, she's just trying to catch the moment, piece by piece.

Jake: You know what we should do...?

Jake asked moving to put his legs around her and his arms, hugging her to him while resting his chin on her shoulder, looking down to the pictures on her phone of them over recent weeks, just loving life and really happy about their future together, seeing all the memories, it gave Jake an idea, and old school idea but an idea nonetheless.

Jake: ... We should get one of those polaroid things and document your pregnancy...

Margot closed her phone and leant back into him, Jake's arms holding her comfortably as they both just took in the sight of the clear blue water, the nice warm weather and vast families around them enjoying the beach, there isn't many beach's in New York, not this nice anyway, that's why most people go abroad for the Summer, the Winter in New York is amazing.

Jake: ... We can look back at them in 16 years, when our daughter has a bad attitude and question what we were thinking.

Margot chuckled to him as Jake laughed a little, it was a funny thought, kids get like that when they become teenagers but they have a long time till that happens, the baby isn't even showing yet so they got a good 13 maybe 14 years before they have to start worrying about.

Margot: Daughter? No, it'll be a boy. Mothers intuition.

Jake just shrugged a little, he'd be happy either way, they have a daughter then the boy's will have to go through a Star NFL Quarterback and if they have a boy then he can following in his dad's footsteps, of course he's not going to force him into it but it would be cool, imagine a second generation Bryce in the NFL, you can't go wrong.

Margot: Come on, let's go swim.

Margot got out his arms and took him into the water, it's warmer here then anywhere they've been before, maybe not California, they've gone swimming in LA before and the sea there isn't too bad, just more Sharks but that's a one in a million sort of chance over here, so their not bothered by that.

Margot: Bet I can hold my breath longer then you.

Jake nodded as they both went under the water, it was amazing to see Margot in the water with the sun shining through the waves, it was like time slowed down form them both as they shared a small kiss, Margot though cheated and sucked the breath out of his mouth, Jake had to jump back up out from under the water, washing it clear from his face and brushing his hair back.

Jake: That's not fair, I know you can hold your breath longer then I can.

Margot pushed him a little as he was talking about more then holding their breaths under water, he wasn't being PG, Jake chuckled though and grabbed her in his arms, holding her out of the water a little, she leant down though to kiss him while apparently someone was nearby catching pictures of them, some freelancer trying to make a buck by prying into their personal lives, neither of them are going to let this guy ruin their vacation though, they're having a great time together...


Small question. I wasn't going to write Smut in this book but would you like to see a small Smut next Chapter, Yes or No?


(To Be Continued)

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