friendship and enemies

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Chapter 3.....

It was finally lunch time. Students were very hungry and were whispering and talking to each other as they made their way to the dining hall. The smell of different flavors floated through the air. Maria and Farite sat next to each other as they waited to be served. Everyone had eager faces. They were served a plate of mac and cheese. Maria didn't waste any time and dug into the food. The cheese melted under her tongue. It was overwhelming. They were served fried rice with chicken. The rice was soft and tender. Even the chicken was nice and it wasn't even over cooked in the slightest.

They had spicy chili as the last meal. The flavor danced around Maria's tongue. Maria thought back to what the HeadMistress said and agreed. "This is the best school!" "I feel so relaxed" "It isn't so bad here at all" "I'm getting used to things too" she thought and smiled as she finished the chili.

She looked over and saw that Farite was equally enjoying herself. They were served dessert next. They were served cool milkshakes and lemonade to drink. Maria choose strawberry milkshake and drank it. It tasted so creamy, bubbly and sweet. She drank it down. She even grabbed two blueberry muffins and ate them as well. They were served some more, but Maria was quite full.

Suddenly Farite started laughing. Puzzled, Maria turned to her in question. When Farite collected herself. She told Maria why she was laughing. "It's because you look so happy when it comes to food" "You even ate a lot!" "Well of course,'' said Maria in reply. "I love food a lot you know!!" she said huffing and pouting. "So much that'll you'll marry one" said Farite.The two burst out laughing. Maria shook her head and stuck out her tongue childishly. "Now that I think about it you seem very excited" "Why?"

Farite filled her right in. "Right after lunch we get to choose our familiars!" Maria gasped and squealed excitedly, with an air of impatience. As soon as lunch was over. Farite grabbed Maria's hand and dragged her to the pet room. It was downstairs in the labyrinth-like basement beneath the school. Lots of girls were there already gazing in wonder at each cage. Maria passed each of them and there were so many animals. Foxes, eagles, and cats.

A particular animal caught her eye. It was a snow white wolf with golden eyes. The wolf had that look about it that gave her shivers. It looked like it knew something. It's eyes followed Maria and gazed into her soul. She froze in place and wondered what to do. She felt herself being called to it and she unfroze, before slowly walking with hesitancy toward the wolf. It didn't bite. Instead, it merely gazed at her with an intense curiosity and wonder. She carefully opened the cage and she scooped up the wolf. It's fur was soft and it smelled of ash and morning dew sap. Quite specific for a wolf. It should've smelled like anything else, but that. She looked to see that Farite had already picked one. Farite's pet was a black kitten with gray eyes.

It purred when Farite stroked its fur. They all went back upstairs. Maria asked Fulta how to connect with her familiar. Fulta replied saying it's easy.

"You just need to drink each other's blood and you say out loud your names. Maria nodded in understanding. They both did the process. Maria was too full from lunch to eat dinner so she skipped it and went straight to bed with her familiar. She changed into her pink pajamas full of hearts and opened the window. She plopped on her bed and sat up, then she looked out the window. The wind blew gently making the curtains sway.The sky was full of bright stars that glowed so bright, you might as well think they were winking at you. "So beautiful," she said, murmuring. A soft and low voice rang out. She whipped her head around to see the wolf licking its paw in content. She stared at it thinking she imagined the voice.

The wolf stopped and sighed,then asked annoyed. "What's with the stare?" Maria was scared out of her mind. She screamed and jumped as high as a kangaroo before landing back on the bouncy bed. "Y-you just talked!!" "Indeed" said the wolf. Silence filled the room. Maria decided to speak up again. "What gender are you?" she asked. The wolf paused and then replied. "Male, '' he replied.

Maria nodded and she hummed in deep thought. "What should I name you?" she thought outloud to no one in particular. He just shrugged. "I got it," she exclaimed after a while. "I'll name you Sean" she said giggling like a little kid. The eyebrows on the wolf's forehead rose in question. "Whaaat?" "I think it's cute!"

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