wave of light

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Chapter 4…..

  It was the next morning and Maria woke up yawning. She stretched and got up to wake Farite up. They both got up and got ready. This time Maria wore different clothing. She wore a dark pink tank top with dark blue jean shorts. She put her hair up in a ponytail with a white ribbon. She wore flat black shoes and her necklace to finish it off. Sean was waiting for them outside. Farite told Maria the name of her familiar. The cat was a female and she was named Atrocia. Maria smiled and said “Cute!”  She also told Farite about her familiar as well. She grabbed her wand and the four of them went for breakfast. Maria and Farite were served pancakes, while their familiars were served their own food. Maria dug into the soft and smooth pancake with sweet sticky syrup on it. Maria helped herself after, to hot oatmeal with brown sugar. She looked over to see Sean devouring the chicken given to him. After a satisfying breakfast the students rushed over to their first class. Maria and Farite  had potions again. 

Maria put her wand in her pocket and rushed off with Farite. Maria placed herself behind her cauldron. The teacher said they were going to make an invisible potion. The teacher gave a signal and the students started. Sean scurried in and sat down to observe the students. Maria gently poured crushed herbal leaves and the water started boiling ferociously. She added the dead body of a frog and fog started to rise out of the cauldron. She added an eye of a newt next and the water turned a dark shade of blue. A terrible smell rose from it. She added rose petals next. It shook slightly. And finally she added a scale from a dragon.

Maria began to stir. The thick liquid bubbled as she continued to stir. When finished, the purple fire underneath died out. Maria stepped back and brought a small glass potion container. She used it to scoop some and she closed it with a cork lid. She shook it and opened it. Everybody was done by then. She drank down the bitter hot drink with a scrunched up face. Maria felt her body shimmer and vibrate. She felt lightheaded and her body felt like it was being stretched. She dropped the bottle on the floor gently and looked at a mirror beside her. She couldn’t see herself. Satisfied that the invisibility potion worked, Maria decided to have a little fun. 

     She sneaked behind Farite and shouted boo. Farite’s reaction was priceless. She jumped high like a cat and shrieked. Farite looked around but saw no one. Maria tugged at Farite’s shirt and ducked. Farite was now annoyed. “Who’s there?”  “Show yourself!” Maria whispered in Farite’s ear. Farite’s eyes widened. “Maria it’s you!” she exclaimed in surprise. Maria giggled in response. The two’s playful banter was interrupted by the teacher, who scolded them sternly about playing in the potions room. The two sheepishly apologized. Their potions teacher gave everyone a quick important tip after surveying their potions and grading them. “Not all spells need to be recited out for the spell to work, meaning you just have to think and your magic will flow through you to do your bidding”  “While other spells you do need to chant out loud” 

 “Everyone is born with magic and as we move through life we adjust to the flow of magic around us” “And while we’re at it, it becomes easier to absorb magic as well” “But we can only adjust so much, before we have to work hard to control the magic with our will”  Students nodded briefly as a response that they understood. The teacher smirked at the dazed looks on the students. “To make sure that you properly understood, I’ll give you a test” “If you happen to fail it, then you’ll stay back some more to study before going to your next class” The students groaned in a mixture of surprise and protest. The day went by quickly. Everybody cleaned up, then headed out for lunch time. Maria helped herself to a salad bowl and spaghetti. The girls were tired and they had a long day ahead of them. They went to bed, skipping dinner. 

 It was morning and the girls woke up. They got ready and packed their stuff and wands since they were gonna be staying in Meadow for a month. Maria wore a light pink cotton shirt with a dark blue jean overall. She wore a pink and white shoe to match. She added blood red lips and she wore her golden locket to finish it off. She tied her hair in a bun.  Farite complimented her, smiling. “Thanks, you look good yourself,” Maria said. “Why thankyou madam,” Farite said. They both walked out with their stuff. Maria gasped and ran back to get her broom which was happy to see her.

Farite got hers as well and they both went out to meet the class in front of the school. Ms Dymond did roll call, then they all took off on their brooms to Meadow. They arrived and landed their brooms on the ground. They got settled after securing their brooms. 

Maria and Fulta shared a room together. Maria jumped on the bouncy bed with joy like a little kid. Ms Dymond gave a warning. “Be careful and take a buddy with you!” “When done with exploring and sightseeing then come back to the inn!” Maria and Farite went from place to place laughing. They saw amazing sights and even got to see the apple blossom tree. It was very pretty. 

They passed by shops and ate food. Folks around them were humming and dancing to the music flowing in every direction. Following that they visited a park next and proceeded to ride some boats on a crystal like lake. The sunlight bounced and skimmed over the surface.They both came out of the park soaking wet and laughing uncontrollably. You needn’t even need to ask, what happened to the two. Farite, while still giggling, uttered a quick spell. A strong gust of wind swirled around the two and toppled them over. The two were dry alright, minus their messed up hair. They straightened their hair and at that moment the fireworks went off with a bang in the sky. 

  The fireworks were so bright and beautiful! The girls gazed wistfully with a bit of awe. It was truly magical in it’s own way and they would never forget that moment. The two wrapped up the day by getting themselves painted  and they each went back to the inn with a painting of them. Farite immediately fell asleep. As for Maria she read a book and took a warm shower to unwind. Then she dressed up in her pjs and went to sleep peacefully. 

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