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"Herro. Mai nemu isu Kanan!"

I keep dreaming this exact encounter with Kanan-chan about a decade ago. When we first met. At a beach's coastline with the sunset behind me and purple sky covering the heavens above.

"Umm....Who you? What you want from me?!", I said to the friendly girl (in Engrish of course) with blue hair tied in ponytail. She hid behind a fountain, popping out her huge head with a huge smile in front of me.

"Me. Want to. Be. Yoru. Frendu!!", she said as she pointed her little finger to me then to herself.

Gosh, I was so shy at the time. A Japanese girl coming to me for friendship? I never believed it at first. Especially in the way this girl introduced herself to me. Speaking in broken English in order to help me understand her. It frightened me at first, especially when another girl was hiding beside her, watching me silently and acting kinda dumb and curious.

To think that first encounter with Kanan and Dia.....would change my life......

I always feel like crying whenever I recall that fated day. Cuz I became who I am because of them. Those two....that girl....I owe everything to them.

"Let. me. HUG. you!!", little Kanan said.

"ME?!! No, I don't want!!"

"Mari. HUG!! HUG!!!"

I once thought....


That I might never.....


...I might never....see her this happy to me ever again.....

"Mari. Hey, Mari wake up."



".....zzzz....snore......AHHH!!!", I said as Kanan touched my nose.

"Mari-san. Wake up."

"...ngghh...huh?.....ahh, Kanan-san....good mornin - "

"Please, get off me first."


"Mari......you're on top of me. Please get off."

My eyes opened widely to discover what was going on. I was sleeping with Kanan inside a room. I was on top of Kanan. My body over her, my face so close to her as if I wanted to kiss her. This was my position while I slept.

"Mari.....please? You're too close."

"AHHHH!! Ummm....ummm...sorry, I did not mean too - "

"Grab me like a hugging pillow?"

"........(blushing)...SORRY!! KANAN!!!", I got up immediately away from her. It was so awkward, my body made the first move on her before I even intended to do that. Though honestly I did like that sensation.

I looked around. We were in a classroom inside the school. The chairs were arranged to the side, allowing a space for both of us to sleep in. On the floor, there was a little bed and one pillow. It was Saturday. I looked at the window and found it was raining outside.

"Why are we here?"

"You forgot? Mari, we spent the night here at school after dismissal yesterday. Well.....we were forced to. There's a typhoon going on outside since yesterday, so obviously we couldn't get out of here unless we put ourselves in harm's way."

"Oh, I see....well, good thing I am the Director/Principal of this school. I have the keys here to lock the school whenever I see it fit.", I said with relief.

I sat there for a while, staring at the window.

"Gosh, the weather is so freaky...."

"You too."

"Eh?! Oh come on Kanan, I never meant to be on top of you like that!"

"You're still a freak, Mari."

I walked towards the window and looked through it to find indeed it was still raining. There's some flooding going on, but the rain itself seemed to be weakening. I am guessing that the other girls are okay at their respective homes.

"Let's get back home once the rain clears up, okay?"

"Sure, Kanan-san."

As we waited for the rain to weaken enough for us to go home, Kanan took a look around the school. I just followed her around, cuz there's nothing much to do here.

"You miss this school, huh Kanan?"

"Not actually."

"Well, at least you finally begin attending classes!! Being absent for so many weeks isn't good for you, you know."

"That was because of Dad's injury, right? Also, you being here just turned me off...."

"Knock it off, Kanan. You don't have to remind me that!!", I replied positively.

Kanan eventually went to the clubroom - that same old room where we used to meet up in when we were idols two years ago. Kanan approached the whiteboard where some lyrics that we wrote on back then were still there.

"I am surprised that these lyrics are still around here."

"Well, that is the power of the ink pen, right? LONG LASTING!!"

"I'm relieved.", Kanan touched the board carefully with her hand. Meanwhile, I looked around the clubroom. Chika and the others really did a good job cleaning and rearranging this old place.

"Mari-san......are you....."


"...Are you alright now? I mean, after all that fight we had...."

"Kanan, you're hug was enough to fix things!! Don't worry, I am VERY OKAY!!"

"Listen.....Mari. I might not be around with you for a while."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I still have to look after my dad. Also, I might go to the library to read some books so I can get back to studying. Do you mind?"

"NOT AT ALL, Kanan. They're important things you should do. Don't hesitate!!"

Time passed and we continued to look around until the rain settled down a bit.

"The rain's alright now. We should get back home now."

Kanan brought out her umbrella, I didn't bring one. I locked the school's gates. Together, we walked out of school and headed home. It was still raining, but not very much.

As we walked by, I couldn't help but feel so comfortable with Kanan by my side. Being with her makes me smile so much. I feel so warm inside knowing we are both so close with each other. Especially after all that fight we had. Two years of fighting, I am so glad all of it is over.

I leaned my head on Kanan's shoulder, she doesn't look too happy with it.

"Mari, don't move around so much. We have only one umbrella."

"I don't mind getting wet."

"You should, Mari. You ran all the way to school while it was raining days ago remember?"

"Because I was reaching out to you, Kanan."


We continued walking, once we were getting near Kanan's house, I began to feel it was time to make a move on her. I feel so excited just thinking about it.

"Hey, Kanan...."

"What's up?"

"Kanan-san.....when can we hang together? You know....a date?"

However, I got an unexpected response.

"Not interested."


"I don't have time for it, okay?"

"But Kanan...."

"Sorry, my answer is "no". You can't change my mind."

It turned me off that she said that while looking so irritated. I suddenly felt cold, as cold as the rain is around us. I am confused as to why she acted like this.

No....even back at school....she didn't seem interested to either look or hang with me.

"We're here now. I'll be off to my house now, I'll let you borrow my umbrella. Get home soon."

I reached out her hand, preventing her from leaving. I looked at her with concern.

"Kanan, don't tell me you're still not okay with what happened between us."

"Mari, I'm okay. Don't worry, I no longer hate you or anything."

"But why would - "

"I'm not in the mood, that's all. Nothing deep, Mari-san."

Kanan took my hand off her hand. Then with a smile on her face, she patted me on the head.

"Go home now, alright. I don't want to see you get sick. Let's see each other again tomorrow.", she said to me before going back inside her house.

For a moment, I stood there. I feel really uneasy that she is hiding her feelings again. I feel like she is trying to get away from me - again. I don't want to think about it, but I couldn't help it.

I got back home and I proceeded to head back to bed immediately. Something didn't feel right.


Eventually, tomorrow arrived. It was 5:49 AM. I woke up not feeling sleepy cuz I am so impatient. Though I had my doubts, I immediately headed back to Kanan's home straight away. I got there to find that she wasn't there. I quickly headed to the beach and found her riding on a boat. She was with Riko-san.

"HEY!! KANAN!!", I shouted but she didn't hear me. Kanan was preparing to dive underwater with Riko-san.


Kanan heard me. But she just looked at me and then dived underwater with Riko. HOW FRUSTATING!! She is trying to ignore me!!? She is giving Riko a fun time, but what about me?!! Without hesitation, I swam towards the boat, not caring if my clothes got wet.

I got onto the boat, waiting for Kanan to come up there. It was a refreshing swim but it did not matter to me!!


Then....Kanan called me.

"Mari?!! What are you doing?"

"What am I doing?!! I am waiting for yo - "

I looked around to find Kanan on the beach with Riko. She and Riko both looked at me with a confused face. The hell?!! Now, I am the one stuck on the boat, while she and Riko are at dry land?!! F@#% this!! Kanan, stop messing with me!!

"Sorry Mari, gotta go. Riko wants me to help out with something. Just get that boat back to the docks, alright? Bye!!"


Kanan left. Darn it, what gives?!

Geez....anyway, I drove the boat back to the docks (good thing she taught me how to do it many years ago.) By the time I got there, Dia was standing by.


"Mari!!? Why are you here?!! I thought it was Kanan riding the boat - "

"DIIIIAAAA!!!", I rushed towards Dia and hugged her so tight.

"Hey!! Get off!! What is wrong with you - "

"Kanan was so mean!! She is messing with me!! Help me out!!"

"Geez, calm down - "


After bothering her with my actions, Dia brought me to her house, so that we could talk about what is going on. Something is wrong with Kanan, I need Dia's help.

Kanan, I'll get you, I swear!!!


A/N: Next chapter is currently underway. Stay tuned for it tomorrow!!

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