02 - Not so Shiny Advice

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"Mari-san, what's wrong?", Dia asked as we began to talk inside her house, sitting on a couch and table.

"Kanan still hates me."

"What are you talking about?"

I didn't say anything for a moment, putting my head on the table to show how frustrated and bored I am.

"Hey, say something."

Then I got up immediately, slamming both my hands on the table.


"So?", Dia says it so calmly as if nothing is really wrong with Kanan.

"So? SOOO?!! Dia, how could you say that so calmly?!! Doesn't that sound like you don't care. YOU SO SELFISH!!"

"Cut it out Mari!! I am just saying I don't see any reason why you should make a big deal out of it!!"

"What do you mean?!"

"Mari, what day is it?"

"Huh?.....ummm....it's ummm....gosh, I HAVE NO WATCH!!"

"It's been four days since you and Kanan made up. Even though you guys have indeed made up, the wounds have not yet healed completely. Did you honestly expect that everything will be 100% back to normal after one day?"

"Of course, Dia-chan!! Just like in the soap operas!! Once you give your partner a hug, everything is okay from that point!!!"



"sigh....not really funny, Mari-san."


For some time I stayed at Dia's home, bored and depressed. I wanted her help, since I believe she knows some helpful things. I noticed that Ruby wasn't around. Maybe she's with Chika right now to practice?

"Listen, Dia. I want to make the first move on Kanan. We need a date so we can officially make up! You should help me out, understand?"

"But how can help you with that?"

"Give me some advice, Dia-san! Don't say you can't give me one, you and Kanan have been together for two years so don't even try to hide what you know!!"

"Mari, there's no reason for me to hide things from you. Let's see........advice, advice......"

Dia thought as hard as she could. Meanwhile, I looked at her so sharply, my eyes SHINING with anticipation for her wisdom. My face and the amount of attention I showed annoyed Dia for a bit.

"Mari, cut it out - OH I HAVE SOMETHING!!"

Dia snapped her fingers as she had her eureka moment.

"Tell me please!!!"

Dia turned towards me with excitement. The look of her smile was.....very telling....

"Simple: learn from u's!!"


"You heard me!! U's know a lot about romance!! You should visit their website since they did answer some questions related to your situation!!"

"Really? You think I can get ideas or learn something from them?"

"Of course!! I mean, don't you see all the stories, novels, and radio dramas out there!!? Rin and Hanayo are totally chained with each other!! Kotori and Umi are sooo caring for one another, though at times Eri-sama likes to butt in for a love triangle!!"

"Dia.....", it looks like she's doing again....

"....Nozomi is soo gay for Eri!! And the two of them are an inevitable match together!! But do you know what is undeniable? The NicoMaki ship, AAAHHH!! Hate to say it, but those two were destined for each other!! The ship is sacred. SACRED!! You can learn so much from them!! Wait....oh right, Honoka doesn't have anybody to be with....I feel sad for her, but still, she can have a - "

"Dia, have you been reading too much fan fictions about u's online?", I casually asked.

"THEY. ARE. NOT. FAN FICTIONS, MARI-SAN!! THEY. ARE. FAN FACTS!!!!", Dia says with enthusiasm.

"Hehehe....alright, thanks, Dia....I'll be off now....", I said as I slowly walked towards the door to leave. Dia was too distracted with her words that she turned around the other side, not seeing me walk away.

"Yes, you must know them. They are fan facts!! You don't deserve to be a u's fan if you do not know those ships!! Buu buu desu w - ", I closed the door quickly as Dia continued to talk to herself. I feel bad for Dia going off-topic again. Blah blah blah, I don't care what she is saying. Nothing but nonsense. SHE IS SUCH A NERD!!!

I will just simply try again. I will ask Kanan out personally!!

I headed straight for Kanan's house. Luckily, she was there. I approached her with a smiling face. Also, I brought something with me.

"Mari, I thought I told you already. I'm not interested in - ", Kanan responded, she expected that I wanted a date from her. Instead, I pulled out a flyer which tells something valuable.

"What's this?"

"A new diving suit!! I believe this one suits you better. Let's buy it, I have the money!!"

I should convince her to do this with me....

"Alright.....", to my surprise, Kanan agreed to buy it. Wow, did I really manage to convince her?!!

However, Kanan reached out her hand as if she wanted something.

"Eh?", I said with a confused look on my face.

"What? You said you have the money, right? Give it to me, so that I can buy it on my own!!"

No way, she's outsmarting me!!?

"Wait....Kanan, ummm.....this suit is available in a very far away store. If you want, I can use the helicopter and bring you - "

"Nah, no need to waste your fuel, Mari-san. I'll just take the train."

"Kanan, I warn you. This suit might run out of stock earlier than you expect it. You need someone to accompany you in distracting would be buyers from getting this suit first!!"

"Oh, someone to distract? Good idea - "

"Then let's go!! - ", I thought I had Kanan, but.....

"....I'll call You-san and Yoshiko-san. Those two are really good at distracting people."

Hell. She is outsmarting me. I'm getting really desperate.

"Kanan......please......let me help you...."

"Hey, you know what, I have a better idea."


"I won't buy the suit. I already have one and I am content with it. Plus, I don't have to bother anymore time for it, it's not worth it."

"Kanan, this suit is - "

"I don't care about the suit, Mari. I care about you. You think I am that dumb to fall for your bribes?"

Jesus. She found it out. I'm caught red-handed.

"I know what you're up to. You're trying to make this "let's buy this" request as an excuse to hang out with me. I'll say it again, I am not interested. So Mari, please back off already, before I really start losing my patience with you again."

Kanan left and walked away to the town. At this point, I was more than ready to hit her in the face. It is getting really annoying.


"Do you want to fight me again?"

When Kanan said that, however, I hesitated to chase her. For a moment, I suddenly panicked because I was afraid that we would go back to what we were before. I....I didn't want that.

Still, as Kanan walked away further, before I lost sight of her I shouted:


My attempt was a failure, and when I tried again later she wasn't around. I couldn't find her. And even when she appeared, she kept ignoring me.



A/N: Next chapter will come sometime next week. I have to update my other fanfics so I might need some time to get everything done.

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