Chapter 22: Surprises here and there

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It had now been about three weeks since the breach in the city and everything seemed to be back to normal. But however, there was one small difference about a couple of miles from Beacon Academy there was a base being built. This was the base for the US Marines that were now on Remnant, after the breach of Vale it was decided that the Marines needed a base of operations to stop any further attacks that might occur in the future. The materials to build the base were being provided by both Vale and Atlas to ensure the base could handle any threat that came at it.

Team MARN meanwhile had their work cut out for them as now had new toys to play with since they liberated the cars from the white fang train. But as cool as the cars were the team decided they needed to be modified in order to be useful in combat situations. But in order to finish the modifications in a timely manner they were going to need some help and seeing that Nick was pretty much the only one who knew about what to do to make the cars up to military standards. Luckly teams RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY decided to pitch in and lend a helping hand to the marines to help improve their cars.

The group had only gotten the Mach 1 mustang and GTO Judge done with modifications as the sheet metal on the cars had been reinforced with thicker metal on the inside of the metal. The undersides of the cars also had armor protection incase an explosion went off under the car. The engines were also given upgrades as well to increase the power output and the brakes were also upgraded along with a few other things on the cars. The upgrades however did not change the appearance of the cars at all so people wouldn't know they are upgraded.

Michael was alone in the garage looking over his hellcat seeing where it needed to be armored and upgraded. He then opened the trunk of the car to see if there was any place on it that needed to be armored. But once he looked inside the trunk, he then saw a large square wooden crate. The WW1 veteran then pulled the crate out of the hellcat's trunk and then placed it down on a nearby workbench.

"What is a crate doing in the trunk of the car?" Michael thought out loud. Wondering what would be inside the crate he grabbed a crowbar out of the toolbox and wedged it under the box lid. With one big push down on the crowbar the wooden lid on the box cracked open and the WW1 veteran slid it off revealing something interesting. A round Black, Red, and white shield of some kind.

"What was this doing in the trunk of my car?" Michael asked himself. He then picked the shield up out of the box it was sitting in. But as he held the shield in his hands, he noticed that it felt light but also sturdy and strong. "I've never seen or felt a shield like this before, what is it made out of?"

While looking over the shield the other side had two leather straps attached to it so it could be held by putting the arm through one and your hand holding the other. Michael then held the shield by its straps getting a feeling for it. Then the door to the garage opened as Nick then walked inside looking for the WW1 veteran.

"Hey Michael, the Major wanted to see us for a meeting." Nick said but he then noticed the shield in Michaels hands. "What's that?"

"It's a shield I found in the trunk of the car." Michael answered then seeing some papers also in the box the shield was in. "I think this was something the white fang had stashed in the car to keep it hidden."

"Why would they want to hide something like that?" Nick asked seeing Michael take out the papers in the box along with a flash drive of some kind.

"I don't know, maybe it says so on these papers and this thing?" Michael said holding up the flash drive.

"We'll look at it later, right now the Major wants to see us." Nick said.

"What for?" Michael asked putting the papers and flash drive back in the box.

"I don't know he said it was urgent though." Nick explained. "Now come on."

"Right behind you." Michael said as he decided to bring the shield with him following the team leader.

Time skip...

Michael and Nick then made their way inside a dark classroom closing the door behind them with all the window covers blocking out all the outside light. In the back of the Room there was a Modern-day Marine operating a laptop and right next to him was Major Gordon Randall the one in charge of all the marines that were on Remnant. He was in his late 40s with brown hair, light blue eyes, fair-skin, and looked younger than he was. He was not the only one in the room though as Teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and SSSN were all in the room along with Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, and Penny. The rest of team MARN was also present in the room as well.

"We're here Major." Nick said.

"Glad you two could finally make it." The Major replied.

"Why have you gathered us here Major?" Ironwood asked.

"It's for a very important reason General, start the film." Gordon said to the marine on the laptop. "I hope some of you brought snacks, this may be a while."

"Good thing I brought some!" Sunn exclaimed bringing out a bag of snacks for everyone present in the room.

"Oh, thanks man your the best!" Ryan said grabbing one.

"Yeah thanks man." Alex said also grabbing one with a drink.

"Cookies!" Ruby exclaimed grabbing a bag of cookies.

When everyone grabbed the snacks they wanted everyone sat back down in their seats as the screen the lit up starting up a video of sorts and the group thought they were just in here for a movie of some kind but, that changed rather quickly when the title of the show appeared on the screen.


"What the heck is this?" Jaune asked.

"Why is our team's name on the screen?" Ruby asked her teammates.

"What exactly are we about to watch Major?" Michael asked.

"Something that will tell us what the future of Remnant will hold." Gordon replied as he sat back in his chair.

Everyone's reaction to when they saw what they were watching was a bit surprising to them to say the least. Teams RWBY, JNRP, CFVY, and SSSN were all shocked and confused to what they were about to watch the same could be said for the group of adults in the room as well. Team MARN were all confused as they had no idea what they were about to watch.

Meanwhile in one of the Dorm rooms...

At the same time Cinder and her allies were plotting their next move in their dorm room on their quest to take down Beacon.

"Everything is going according to plan." Cinder states as she browses through her scroll.

"Of course, it is, otherwise we'd be found out already." Mercury pointed out while doing push-ups.

"Yeah, that's true." Emerald added. "But what about those new people who just showed up?"

"If our plan goes the way it should, they will hardly be an obstacle." Cinder said. "They may have showed up and stopped the breach from spreading far, but when the time comes for Beacon to fall, they will not stand in our way."

Cinders two followers then look at her like if they knew what she was doing.

"Are you sure?" Emerald asked. "They seem like formidable opponents from what I saw."

"Once we bring all the grimm to the city and the school grounds there will be nothing they can do to stop it all." Cinder explained.

"Okay if you say so." Emerald said.

(A/N: Try me Cinder B*tch)

Back with the others...About a few hours after watching Volume 1-7...

After watching the last episode in volume 7 of RWBY the group were a bit quiet after the screen had turned black. As the teams tried to gather their thoughts at what they just watched for the past few hours. Then Jaune then stood up from his seat and clean himself off and then made a bead-line towards Ozpin and readied a punch. But before he could even reach the headmaster Michael jumped from his seat held the blonde from the back.

"LET ME GO MICHAEL!" Jaune shouted in rage. "HE NEEDS TO PAY!!"

"Jaune calm down!" Michael tried to reason. "None of that has happened yet!"

"That doesn't mean it won't happen in the future!" Jaune retorted back just then Nick also grabbed onto Jaune from the back preventing him from going forward.

"But none of that crap has happened yet!" Nick pointed out. "We have a chance to change all of it!"

"How do we know he won't change any of his decisions from watching that!" Jaune shouted in anger and it was then Pyrrha came to Jaunes side.

"Jaune calm down!" She tried to reason. "From what we saw and now know we can change it!"

"How could you be so sure Pyrrha?" Jaune asked. "You just saw yourself die!"

"But we can change it!" Pyrrha pointed out. "We can change our fate!"

It was then Jaune finally calmed down and stopped trying to go after the headmaster of the school.  With a few deep breathes the blonde huntsman in train sat back down in his seat having calmed down from his rage.

"What, was all that you showed us Major?" Ozpin asked turning to the Marine Major.

"The future of what is to come." Gordon replied as he walked up to Ozpin. "This world is a web series of sorts where me and the rest of the marines come from."

"And where do you and your marines come from?" Ironwood asked as he was still shocked as to what he would do in the future.

"Well, this might sound crazy, but we are not from this world." The Major started. He then started to explain to the people who were from Remnant who they really were and how they had all got on Remnant in the first place. As he was telling them team MARN was taking a backseat to this explanation as they were still trying to process that they world they were in was considered fictional and something of a show of some kind. But their attention soon turned to the shield Michael was in possession of.

"Where did you get the shield Michael?" Ryan asked.

"In the trunk of the Hellcat." Michael answered holding the shield by its straps. "I kind of like it."

"Why was it in their?" Alex asked.

"I'm not sure." Michael answered. "But if the white fang was trying to hide it, I bet they had a good reason to."

"Was there anything else with it when you found it?" Nick asked.

"Well, there were some papers and a flash drive of some kind." Michael answered. (Before anyone says anything he learned about flash drives during his time in class.)

"Hmm, maybe we can take a look at that flash drive and papers after this." Nick said. "Figure out why they were hiding it."

"Good idea!" Michael said. "Maybe I could put it to better use."

However, as the group of marines were chatting about the shield the WW1 veteran now held in his hands it was then a certain red huntress in training then approached them noticing the new weapon.

"Hey, where did you find the shield?" Ruby asked.

"Oh, it was in the trunk of one of my cars." Michael replied showing to the young huntress who started looking over it. "Its light but feels very strong."

"OOHHH! So cool!" Ruby said as the Major then gathered up the group and made an announcement.

"Alright everyone, what you just saw was the future of what's to come." The Major started. "What you saw here doesn't leave this room, understood?"

"We'll keep our mouths closed." Coco stated.

"Not one word!" Sunn replied.

"We'll never speak a word about it!" Jaune said.

"We'll keep it to ourselves." Ruby replied.

"But how will we know when the time is right to stop it?" Jaune asked.

"When the tournament starts." Gordon replied. "Thats when we have to be ready."

"So, we prepare for it sir?" Michael asked.

"Yes, that's correct Private." Gordon replied. "We have just over a month to prepare, so my suggestion to all of you is to train as hard as you can to prepare."

"You can count on us Major!" Nick replied. "We'll make sure we are in tip-top shape by then!"

"Good, all of you are dismissed." The Major concluded as the students then all walked out of the classroom leaving the adults in the room. "Just be sure to not use your scroll too much general, Cinder has access to it."

"How do you plan on getting the virus out of the system Major?" Ironwood asked.

"I'll have some of my hackers get to work on it." Gordon answered. "In the meantime, we do what we can and prepare for the future, and Ironwood."


"If you turn your back on us, it will not end well for you." The Major warned.

"I assure you major it will not come to that." Ironwood said. "Especially after volume 7."

"Is there anyone else who should see this?" Ozpin asked as Gordon then handed a list of names to Ironwood and Ozpin.

"The people on these pieces of paper." Gordon replied. "And be sure you don't lose this paper, it is very important."

"Understood." Ironwood said putting the paper in his pocket.

"Now, I believe we all have our jobs we need to do, so well talk again another time." The Major said leaving the room.

A little while later....

After the meeting Ozpin sat alone in his office looking out to the view outside his window sipping his coffee. As he was looking out at the view, he couldn't help but think to himself of what the future held ahead of them. But if Major Gordon and the rest of the marines could find a way to change the future who knows what major events could change as well. But then the sound of footsteps broke him out of his deepfelt thinking.

"I knew it was only a matter of time before you showed up here again." Ozpin said turning his chair around to come face to face to a man wearing a black cloak, mask and goggles.

"Do the rest of them know?" The figure asked.

"Of what is to come? Yes." Ozpin answered.

"You know what could happen if they change what happens." The figure pointed out.

"I'm well aware of that." Ozpin said. "But I don't believe anything is going to make them change their minds."

"This is way too important Ozpin, for the sake of the timeline, let Beacon fall." The figure stated coldly. "We can't risk the effect it could have on the future."

"I'm sorry David, but that choice isn't up to me anymore." Ozpin said. "It is beyond my control now."

The figure now named 'David' then sighed heavily and shook his head.

"You'd better do something about it headmaster, otherwise then next time we meet will be different." David said and turned around to leave. But as he did a shield very similar to Michaels was reveal on the strangers back but, this one had the colors of red, white, and blue with a sliver star in the center of it and some marks and scratches on it due to it being used in combat over a exdened period of time.

David then hopped through one of the windows of the office and disappeared out of sight of the headmaster who only had a look of concern on his face.

"You can't change what the others are planning to do David." Ozpin said to himself. "Not even the rest of your knights could can try and stop the change that will happen."


And another chapter done! And another mystery person in the story now!

Who is he? And who are the Knights?

Find out more soon!

Also, if you want Follow @Knight-tom if you want to know more about his Knights!

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