Frozen Fire Fever

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful and really cool kingdom of New York and the kingdom was ruled by a beloved King and his four sons and two daughters and friends and they also adopted a girl with magical and indestructible 80 foot long Vampire Red and Platinum Blonde and Vampire Black and Rainbow and Golden blonde and Emerald Green and Dark Purple and Fire Red and Dark Pink and Crimson Red hair and Vampire Red eyes and vampire pale skin and her name is Marinette Hamato. One day it was Marinette's birthday and her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends were having a surprise party for her and her dad told her brothers and sisters and her friends to wake her up and they went to her room and they woke her up and they said happy birthday to her and she said thanks guys and they said your welcome Marinette and she got dressed in her birthday outfit and they started to sing a song called Making Today a Perfect Day and they told her to follow the red string and they lead her to a lot of presents and Marinette started to notice that her brothers and sisters and her friends were starting to get a little bit sick and she asked them were they okay and they said yes and they were taking her to a lot of places in the kingdom and they were getting a little bit worse and she was getting a little bit worried about her brothers and sisters and her friends and they kept leading her to a lot of gifts and she told them that it's just too much and that they need to get some rest but they said that they're fine and they needed to get to her birthday thrills and they started to climb up the clock tower and they showed her the last gift and they started to fall off and Marinette dropped her gifts and she caught her brothers and sisters and her friends in her magical and indestructible hair and pulled them towards her and she felt their foreheads and she knew that they've got a fever and that they're burning up and she said that they have to put this day on hold and they said that they have a cold and she took them back inside the castle and they apologized to her saying that they wanted to give her a perfect birthday but they ruined it and she told them that they didn't ruin anything and that she wanted to get them to bed and she opened the door and the others surprised her and Marinette was really surprised and so was her brothers and sisters and her friends and they gave her a couple of more presents and a giant cake for everyone to enjoy and her brothers and sisters and her friends blew out the birthday bukle horn and she got them into bed and she said that this is the best birthday present ever and they asked her which one and she said them letting her take care of them and they were having a sleepover and a secret siblings and friends club and they told crazy secrets to each other and they were having a tickle fight with each other and they were watching the flying fire flowers and they looked at the stars in the sky and Marinette made a lot of wishes for her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends and they will always be together and they will always love each other and whenever they get into a brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other Marinette is always there to help her brothers and sisters and her friends and they wouldn't get into another brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other again and they lived happily ever after The End. 

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro