The Little Mermaid

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Once upon a time there was a underwater kingdom of New York and the kingdom was ruled by a beloved King and his four sons and two daughters and friends and they also adopted a girl with magical and indestructible 80 foot long Vampire Red and Platinum Blonde and Vampire Black and Rainbow and Golden blonde and Emerald Green and Dark Purple and Fire Red and Dark Pink and Crimson Red hair and Vampire Red eyes and vampire pale skin and her name is Marinette Hamato. One day Marinette and her mutant family and friends were doing a concert for everyone in the underwater kingdom and when they were finished with the concert Marinette was looking for human treasures and she found a heart shaped amulet and she puts it on her neck and she went back to the kingdom and she swam to her room and she put her things in her jewelry box and she learned about the human world and what it's like and she found a bracelet that will turn her into a human before the sunsets on the third day and she saw a pirate ship and some are girl pirates and some are boy pirates and she saw a girl pirate named Uma and she was so in love with her and she didn't want to say anything because her mutant family and friends and her new friends might find out that she likes girls and she saw that the pirate ship leaving and she swam back into the ocean and Uma started to blush a little bit and she didn't want to say anything because her mom might find out that she likes girls as well and Marinette swam back into her bedroom and she wrote everything that happened in her diary and she went to go see her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends for training and when they were finished training she heard something crash and she told her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends that she would be right back and she swam up to shore and saw that the other pirates were safely in the boat but she saw that Uma was drowning in the water and Marinette swam in the ocean and she saved Uma from drowning and she brought her to the shore and she started to sing her a song and Uma woke up and she saw Marinette and they both started to blush until their faces turned all red and dark cherry red and Uma thanked Marinette for saving her and Marinette said that she was happy to help and she swam back into the ocean when she saw Uma's pirate friends and they were checking on Uma to make sure that she was okay and Uma told everyone about what happened and Marinette and Uma started to dream about each other in the future and when morning came Marinette woke up and she swam to her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends and she told them everything that happened and her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends were a little bit surprised but they were happy for her and Uma told her mom and she was a little bit nervous but she was happy for Uma and Marinette grabbed her bracelet and she swam up to the surface and put it on her wrist and her mermaid tail turned into a pair of legs and feet and toes and she ran to Ursula's restaurant and she went inside the restaurant and Marinette and Uma saw each other and they ran into each others arms and hands and they hugged each other very tight and they let go of each other and Uma showed Marinette around the restaurant and her house and she was amazed by it and they started to sing songs and dance and they played some games and watching tv shows and movies and then when the sun was about to set on the third day Marinette said goodbye to Uma and she ran to the beach and she took of the bracelet and her legs turned back into her mermaid tail and she swam back into the ocean and she swam back into her bedroom and she was a little bit upset that she had to leave Uma and her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends saw how upset Marinette was they thought it would be a good idea to bring Uma to see Marinette again and when Ursula saw how upset Uma was she thought it would be a good idea to bring Marinette to the beach and their families and friends brung Marinette and Uma to the beach and her dad turned her mermaid tail back into a pair of legs and feet and toes and Ursula gave Uma a seashell necklace and Marinette and Uma were happy to see each other again and they had a lot of fun and they had a sleepover and a secret siblings and friends club and they told secrets to each other and they were having a tickle fight with each other and they saw the flying fire flowers and they looked at the stars in the sky and Marinette made a lot of wishes for her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends and Uma and they will always be together and they will always love each other whenever they get into a brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other Marinette is always there to help her brothers and sisters and her friends and they wouldn't get into another  brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other again and they lived happily ever after The End.

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