House Of Lies

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful and really cool kingdom of New York and the kingdom was ruled by a beloved King and his four sons and two daughters and friends and they also adopted a girl with magical and indestructible 80 foot long Vampire Red and Platinum Blonde and Vampire Black and Rainbow and Golden blonde and Emerald Green and Dark Purple and Fire Red and Dark Pink and Crimson Red hair and Vampire Red eyes and vampire pale skin and her name is Marinette Hamato. One day Marinette and her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends were in the living room and they were watching tv shows and movies and she asked Nikki and Chloe and Zoey to take her to see the four plays called Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella and Rapunzel and Snow White with her new friends and they told her that they had to go do their homework and she said that she will see the four plays called Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella and Rapunzel and Snow White another time and Donnie asked them where were they going and Nikki and Chloe and Zoey told him that they're going to the mall and he said that they told her that they had to go do their homework and they told him that it was a little white lie and that it wasn't a big deal and Donnie recorded everything that happened and Shinigami came back home with her new hairstyle and she asked them what did they think and they said that they liked it and she said thanks and the others were talking about her hairstyle behind her back and Donnie recorded everything that happened and Mikey made Marinette and her family and friends and her new friends some algae and worms and he asked them did they like it and they said yes and they hid the algae and worms and Donnie recorded everything that happened and he went into his room and he created the lie-detecting glasses and he said that he was going to correct the problem and Marinette and her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends were lying and they heard Donnie's glasses and they were getting really and literally and extremely tired of it and Donnie was surprised when he saw Marinette and her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends and they told him off about his lie-detecting glasses and he said that he was bringing peace to the family and then Donnie went to bed and he put the glasses on the table and Mikey saw him asleep and he put cotton balls in his ears and he signaled them to get the glasses and Marinette picked the lock with her hairpin and she got the glasses and she tossed them to Karai and she caught them and she passes them down to April and she passes them down to Shinigami and she passed them down to Casey and he took them outside and he passed it down to Slash and he destroyed them and they went back into the castle and they went to bed and when morning came they had breakfast and Donnie asked them what happened to the glasses and they were telling him a bunch of lies and they heard a camera and her dad asked what was that and Donnie said that he put cameras around the castle and then April started to attack the camera but it had a bubble around it and she bounced back and Donnie said that he made sure that it was protected from any attacks and Leo told him that it wasn't right and that he can't force this on them and Donnie said that it may sting at first but he's doing this for their own good and Shinigami came back from the hair salon and she asked Marinette did she like it and she told her that it was the worst hairstyle she had ever seen and that they're were bald patches everywhere and there was a random rat tail in the back and Shinigami was really and literally and extremely disgusted at her and she ran out of her room and Slash asked Nikki and Chloe and Zoey what did they think about his novel and they told him that it was boring and lame and that he wrote ten pages about a garden and Slash took them back and he said that he thought it was a metaphor but it was fine and they started to tell the truth against their will and they sat at the dinner table and Donnie joined them and Mikey told them that he made algae and worm casserole and he saw their disgusted looks on their faces and he asked them what's wrong and were they hungry and Marinette said that she hate to say it but thanks to Donnie they had no choice and she told him that it was really gross and disgusting and repulsive and April said that it smelled like expired pop tarts in a sweaty gym bag all week and barbequed garbage with expired ranch dressing and rotten eggs mixed with dynamite and Karai said that it smelled like a dirty cat's litter box and Shinigami said that it smelled like dirty diapers and a skunk and Mikey said that they liked it the other night and her dad said they didn't like it then and after he went to bed they had pizza gyoza and Suppon Nabe (Turtle Soup) and he took the casserole into the kitchen and he gave them cereal and they went to eat in their rooms and Donnie felt really and literally and extremely terrible and he told them that he made a mistake of forcing them to tell the truth and he apologized to them and they forgave him and he made a plan to get rid of the cameras and Marinette and her dad and brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends told a bunch of lies and the cameras exploded and they were really excited and happy and Mikey told them that all of that fibbing made him hungry and he asked them did they want any of his Hawaiian pizza surprise and Donnie said that would be wonderful and he squealed in excitement and he went into the kitchen to make it and Marinette told him that he was getting the hang of it and her rat father said that he'll get the take-out menus and Donnie learnt an important lesson it's not okay to force anyone to tell the truth against their will and that they will do it on their own and they had a sleepover and a secret siblings and friends club and they told a lot of crazy secrets to each other and they were having a tickle fight with each other and they were playing the this little piggy nursery rhyme on her feet and toes and they were watching tv shows and movies and dancing and singing songs and playing with her dolls and they were watching the flying fire flowers and they looked at the stars in the sky and Marinette made a lot of wishes for her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends and they will always be together and they will always love each other and whenever they get into a brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other Marinette is always there to help her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends and they wouldn't get into another brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other again and they lived happily ever after The End. 

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