Marinette and the little door

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful and really cool kingdom of New York and the kingdom was ruled by a beloved King and his four sons and two daughters and friends and they also adopted a girl with magical and indestructible 80 foot long Vampire Red and Platinum Blonde and Vampire Black and Rainbow and Golden blonde and Emerald Green and Dark Purple and Fire Red and Dark Pink and Crimson Red hair and Vampire Red eyes and vampire pale skin and her name is Marinette Hamato. One day Marinette was in her Adult baby girl and a two-year old nursery and she was playing with her dolls and plushies and she was dancing and singing songs and writing diary entries and songs in her journal and she her a knock on her door and she said come in and her dad said that they moving to Pink Palace Apartments in Oregon and she was sad and upset and she said that she didn't want to move but her dad said that it's the best for her and she told her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends that they were moving to Pink Palace Apartments in Oregon and they were really shocked and surprised and upset about the move and they packed up their things in their suitcases and in boxes and they put them in the carriage and they got in the carriage and they went to Pink Palace Apartments in Oregon and they grabbed their suitcases and boxes and they put them in their new spare rooms and they met the Jones family and they introduced themselves to Coraline and her sister Y/N and their parents and they were out in the garden and they saw a boy named Wyborn Lovat but they can call him Wybie and they were having a lot of fun talking to him and they went back to the house and they saw a bunch of wrapped up newspapers and their parents gave them the newspapers and they thanked them and they opened them up and they saw a doll that looked just like them and her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends thought that it was a little bit weird and Marinette thought that it was really cute and adorable and when it was bedtime they got on their pajamas and they grabbed their dolls and they went to bed and they heard a little squeak and they saw a mouse with button on its eyes and they followed the mouse and they saw a tunnel and they looked and they saw another little door and they went through the tunnel and they opened the door and they crawled out of it and they smelled something that was really good and yummy and they went into the kitchen and they saw the other mother and they were shocked and surprised to see her and Marinette told her she's not Coraline's mother and her mother didn't have buttons for eyes and she told her she's her other mother and they went to go see the other father and he made up a song about them and they told him that the other mother was waiting for them for dinner and they went back into the kitchen and they sat down in the chair at the table and they said grace and they ate dinner and they had desert and they told the other parents that they need to go to bed and the other parents took them to their bedrooms and they went to bed and they woke up in their spare bedrooms and they went downstairs and ate breakfast and they got dressed and they went outside and they saw the neighbors and they got their names right and they had tea and they chatted and Marinette and her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends said goodbye to them and they went back to the house and they had dinner and desert and they went to bed and they saw the little mice again and they went into the other world again and they went into the garden and they saw a lot of great things and they went back into the house and they had dinner and desert with the other parents and they went to the circus with the other Wybie and they went to bed and they woke up in the spare bedrooms and they got dressed and they went to the other world again and they had lunch and they saw the show and they liked it and the other parents gave them boxes and they opened them and they saw buttons and they were surprised and shocked to see two big buttons inside the box and they told them that they weren't going to stay in the other world forever and they crawled through the tunnel and they were back into the living room and and they knew that their parents were gone and they went to the neighbor's house and they got a triangle of their own and they went back into the other world again and they were getting their parents back and Marinette found the ring, the control handle and the ball and they went back into the house and she grabbed the snowglobe and they went back into the tunnel and she closed the door and she locked it tight and they were back in the living room and she closed the door and she locked it tight and they saw their parents come in and they ran up to them and they hugged them and they got rid off the button key but they kept the dolls and and they had a garden party and they had a sleepover and a secret siblings and friends club and they told a lot of crazy secrets to each other and they were having a tickle fight with each other and they were playing the this little piggy nursery rhyme on her feet and toes and they were watching tv shows and movies and dancing and singing songs and playing with her dolls and plushies and they were watching the flying fire flowers and they looked at the stars in the sky and Marinette made a lot of wishes for her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends and they will always be together and they will always love each other and whenever they get into a brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other Marinette is always there to help her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends and they wouldn't get into another brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other again and they lived happily ever after The End.

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