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  Previously in Mario and Sonic's Pokemon Adventure

Mario,Sonic and Luigi went to an island to find out what Bowser is planning and after pursuing him further they soon found out his plan to awaken Groudon. After Bowser wakes it up it gets wild and escapes.  Bowser goes to look for it which the 3 go back to the castle to receive news that Eggman stole a submarine, they go and chase him and after a few battles, Eggman still wakes up Kyogre and it does the same thing. Now both legendary pokemon  are fighting near central city at the lake,will Mario and Sonic save the day ?or will the city become a battle arena for the 2 giant combatants. Find out In this part.

At central city lake (  raining heavily)..

Groudon and kyogre are fighting viciously causing the ground to shake as it rains heavily.

At the other side of the lake.........

"Woah!, that's a pretty intense fight.",Sonic Exclaimed.

"And if this keeps up the city might be destroyed",Mario states.

"Look at Dr. Eggman and Bowser!", Luigi says while pointing at them in the distance.

The 3 went  further to the two.

"Groudon!,enough of this, I understand the full power of your rage but if you keep this up you'll destroy the entire city.",Bowser said.

"Kyogre..please stop!!,..why isn't it responding to the red orb?!",Dr.Eggman said.

"That's because you're using the wrong orb",Sonic answers."It rather made it wild.

"So couldn't you match the orbs to these pokemon according to their colour ?",Mario asked

"You guys better go back to grade 1 to learn how to match colours",Luigi said.

"Shut up!!",Eggman and Bowser said in unison to luigi", this isn't the time for jokes!".

"Ok, let me handle this ",Sonic said like he know what he's doing. He brings out Greninja and commands it to try to stop them from fighting.

"IDIOT!!",Bowser and Eggman said in Unison"

"What ?",Sonic said like he has no idea what they are talking about.

"Look who is asking",Eggman said.

"Two giant legendary pokemon are fighting and you just sent that tiny pokemon compared to them to stop them.",Bowser said.

"Haven't you heard "a small thing makes a big difference"?,Sonic asked.

" Haven't you heard the phrase "bigger is better?,,Bowser asked.

"Don't worry Greninja's got this.",Sonic assures.

Groudon gives Greninja a powerful mudshot sending it flying to Sonic direction and slams Sonic against a tree making it faint.

" And  how's that working out? ",Dr.Eggman said.

"Didn't we tell you ?, you think you're smart.", Bowser adds.

Sonic then gets up, dust himself and puts Greninja back in its pokeball.

"At least it's better than you guys just standing there telling them to stop fighting",Sonic said.

"But your idea didn't work",Bowser said.

"That's why I'm gonna try another plan".

"Which is?",Dr.Eggmsn asked looking sternly at Sonic.

"To ask someone something, I'll be right back",Sonic said before running really fast to Professor Willow's lab.

Sonic goes to professor Willow's lab and tells him about the two legendary pokemon but he already knew about it. Sonic then asked him if there is a way to stop them. The professor tells him there is only one pokemon that can make them stop which is Rayquaza. He told Sonic he must find it. Sonic then goes back to the lake within 5 minutes.

At centralcity lake side...........

"I found out how to solve this problem.",Sonic said.

"And what is the solution?",Dr. Eggman asked.

"We need to summon the 3rd legendary  pokemon to calm them down.

"What?!, there's a 3rd one?!",Bowser said surprised.

"Yup, the legendary pokemon called Rayquaza.",Sonic said.

"That green snake- like pokemon that flies around the ozone layer for hundreds of millions of years?!!",Dr. Eggman said.

"Uh huh",Sonic replied.

"But where are we going to find it?",Eggman asked.

"In the ozone layer you moron".Bowser answered.

"Like you know how to get there. Your omega doomship I made for you is still  undergoing repairs  and modifications, most of my aircrafts are still under development. And my egg carrier doesn't have enough energy to  go that high.",Dr. Eggman explained.

"I can get Tails to allow me to use his plane the "tornado" to fly there",Sonic suggests.

"Oh yeah it might work",Eggman said sarcastically. "Have you been to a biology class?!!!, Do you have any idea how high  the ozone layer is?!!, you have to fly around the world to find that pokemon.

"We'll just fly quarter of the full circumference of the ozone layer to find that pokemon. Then we'll just come back if we don't find it.

"He has a point though. Anyway since when did you  started talking like a smart guy ?",Bowser asked.

" I may not be extremely  intelligent but I ain't dumb",Sonic said.

"Just go and get Tails's piece of junk and step on it you nitwit",Eggman bellowed tired of waiting.

"Ok I'm going !, Sonic said, responding to Eggman."But Tails's plane isn't a piece of junk. It's not like yours that produces excess carbon dioxide."

"Now you're getting on my last nerve hedgehog",Eggman says grumpily.

"See ya",Sonic said before dashing really fast to look for Tails.

At Tails lab......

Sonoc came to Tails lab to see him busily fixing something.

"Hey tails can I use your tornado to fly around the ozone layer?",Sonic said like it's normal doing that.

"What?!!",Tails said shocked."What for ?".

After explaining everything to him.....

"So you want me to allow you to use my tornado to look for it around the ozone layer?,Tails asked." I may have used it to fly very high before but not "that" high. I'm not sure it can go that high.

"Wasn't your tornado able to fly around that area the time we used it to chase Eggman and discovered the lost hex?( from sonic lost world for refrence)

"Well..yeah....ok. Let's go after I make some adjustments.

"Yes!",Sonic said happily.

"But I'm flying ",Tails said.

"Hey I wanted to fly",Sonic pouted.

"Last time you flew the tornado ,we nearly crashed a mountain and then you lost control and we ended up lost in a forest.,Tails said looking seriously at Sonic.

"Oh..right",Said Sonic who chuckled nervously while rubbing the back of his quills.

Tails, after making some adjustments to the tornado soon got inside along with Sonic and they flew high into the air and soon got very high close to the ozone layer. At first Sonic was panicking a bit after seeing how high they were from the ground. And said mabye he'll add "heights" as the 2nd thing he's afraid of. They flew around for 3 and half hours but no sign of Rayquaza. They flew for another 2 hours but no luck. Tails then landed at sky pillar were they though they might find it there. They searched and searched but they still didn't find it. They were about to leave until they heard  something.

"I can't believe we haven't found Rayquaza yet",Sonic said

"Don't worry, we might just have to keep searching. ",Tails said.

"I know but it's taking forever.",Sonic responded. Sonic then heard something. "Do you hear something?"

Tails also hears it."Yeah....it sounds like someone chewing bones.",Tails explained.

"Or something",Sonic added before both of them looked at each other."okay this might be weird but do you think that's Rayquaza?".

"Mabye, I haven't heard of it chewing bones. I hope their not the bones of people it's eating.

"Stay here,I'm going to spy to see if it's Rayquaza".

Sonic ran and went behind a rock where,and looked in the direction where the sound is coming from he then checks.........and to his surprise it was.....Beerus??.

"Huh??..Beerus?!,Sonic said surprised to see him here.

"Beerus?, What are you doing here?

"What does it look like I'm doing?, I'm eating KFC chicken",Beerus said.

"Hey can I have some?",Sonic asked since he was hungary.

Tails elbowed Sonic's shoulder.

"Hey what cha do that for ?!",Sonic whined.

"We didn't come here for that",Tails said.

"But I'm starving after spending 5 and a half hour looking for Rayquaza."

"Did you say "Rayquaza?",Beerus asked.

"Yeah, why?,do you know where it is?",Tails asked.

"Well,this might surprise you, but I caught Rayquaza long time."

"You have Rayquaza ??!!",the two said.

"Yes, but why are you looking for it?",Beerus asked.

Sonic explains every to Beerus. After that the 3 went back to central city lake via Tails tornado whiles Beerus flew there.

At central city lake........

Groudon flies backwards to smash a building near the lake due to kyogre's powerful hydro pump. It retaliates by using mudshot sending kyogre flying 3m away and falls back into the water. Kyogre then comes back to the surface and roars, Groudon also roars and gets angry.

"Sonic better get here before this entire city becomes Groudon and kyogre's battle arena.",Dr. Eggman said.

"I'm fine ,since my castle is far away from this place.",Bowser said.

"But my lab is at Night Babylon which is close to this place. Where is Sonic anyway?!!",Dr.Eggman said getting impatient."He's fast on land but slow on air".

Sonic and Tails come as Tails lands his tornado.

"What took you so long?!!",Eggman complained.

"Just relax at least".Sonic paused as he saw the destruction what the 2 pokemon caused."Woah...this fight has gotten worse."

"And it will get even worse if they don't stop",Bowser said.

"We would have been here faster if it wasn't for the storm kyogre caused"

"So these are the two legendary pokemon fighting ?",Beerus said as he came and saw the two pokemon.

Rayquaza then comes and the weather comes back to normal.  Rayquaza then roars and the 2 suddenly stop fighting and both pokemon go back to where they came from.

"Well that's done. Rayquaza return",Beerus said as it went back into the pokeball making Eggman and Bowser open their jaws and eyes  in shock.

"What?",Beerus said as he saw them look at him.

"You own Rayquaza?!",Bowser asked still surprised.

"Yeah, Ok see you guys,right now I'm going back to train my pokemon. See you at the tournament.

Beerus then leaves. Followed by Bowser and Dr.Eggman.

"Ok guys let's go home and rest since everything's back to normal. And also get our last gym badge. The 4 leave to rest.

To be continued........

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