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Previously in Mario and Sonic's Pokemon Adventure

Mario, Sonic and co went to different places to search and catch legendary pokemon. it wasn't easy but after trying hard they were able to get them. Our heros take a well earned rest, but not for long as soon as they learn that Bowser has gone to an island, and knowing him he's up to no good as usual. What is Bowser doing this time?,find out In today's part.

Mario ,Sonic and Luigi went to the island where Bowser went via  a boat they found along the way. Mario tells Sonic and Luigi to wait in the boat while he checks if the coast is clear.

Mario then walks deep into the island and after walking for a bit he sees Bowser.

"Hey Bowser!!",Mario said but not in a happy way.

Bowser turns around to face Mario and he roars, annoyed to see his arch nemesis.

"So we meet again Mario" the koopa king said.

"It's been a long time. Were you using your vacation to devise a plan to kidnap Peach again? ",Mario said.

"No, I would but that will be later. I'm going to awaken and capture the embodiment of the land". Bowser said.

"Too bad I'll kick your butt and stop you as usual." Mario said proudly.

"Don't get so cocky, thinking you'll always beat me!. Bowser said angrily. I challenge you to a pokemon battle.

Yes they are going to settle this pokemon style. Mario and Bowser wanted to give their usual fighting a break so they decided to do this.

The battle started, Mario brought out his "sceptile" (final evolution of treecko),  Bowser brought out feraligatr, Sceptile used "frenzy plant " giving feraligatr great damage and it fainted. Bowser brought out "Ariados",Sceptile used "rock smash" and pound. Ariados flew at a distance but however it got control of itself and landed, it used "string shot" to lower Sceptile's speed. Sceptile used "fury swipe" making Ariados faint. Bowser  brought out Nidoking. Sceptile used "leaf blade" and rock smash and Nidoking fainted instantly. Bowser was defeated.

"What ?!,how did I lose to you ?!!, matter my plan is still going well. I'll crush you later but right now I have BIG  things to do.",Bowser said.

Bowser then leaves the scene and Mario chases him until he reaches the entrance of a big cave. Mario then sees the cave heavily guarded by 20 armored koopas.

Mario would have challenged them to a pokemon battle but it would take forever to beat them all so he resorted to fighting he then jumps into them and all you can hear is the sweet sound of butt kicking!!!

Mario, after seriously beating those koppas. He then resumes pursuing Bowser by going into the cave known as "Magma cavern". It was a dark cave rumoured to be the resting place of a legendary pokemon.

At magma cavern........

"Mamamia !!, this place is- a- hot!!" Mario said." Hmm...mabye Bowser went straight ahead."

"Where do you think you're going?",Sonic and Luigi said in unison.

"Ah!!,..oh it's just you guys. I thought I told you guys to wait for me." Mario said.

"That's what we did,..for 45 minutes. You said you'd be back right now." Sonic said.

"Bowser is here and he's up to something that I want to stop. Now you guys wait here until I get back.

"Hold it!", Sonic said before Mario could take a step." We're coming with you. You're not gonna go and stop Bowser by yourself are ya?"

"No!..yes!....I mean no...ah!..nevermind let's go" .Mario said confused of what to say.

They went deep into the depths of the cave. While getting to their destination they fought 20 more koppas and after walking 10 meters they saw Bowser looking at a giant red pokemon sleeping in a pool of boiling hot lava.

"Bowser!, what are you doing?!, do you want to wake up that gigantic red  pokemon?!",Mario scolds.

"Yes",Bowser replies." I'll  control it to make more land to expand my castle."

"Wait?!, what do you mean by "make more land?!",Sonic asked.

"It seems you morons don't get it",Bowser said in a" You guys are hopeless tone". "This pokemon you see here is the legendary pokemon "Groudon", the embodiment of the land. In ancient times,it was the one that shifted continents."

"No way!",Sonic said in a shocked tone.

"It's an extremely powerful ground type pokemon. Now time for you to wake up and serve your new master!!"

Bowser then takes out a "blue orb" A special ancient artifact which has a connection to 3 legendary pokemon. He then raises it and it starts to glow. All of a sudden, Groudon quickly open its eyes and it woke up. But Groudon became wild and let out a loud roar and escapes.

"What happened?!!",Bowser asked upset.

"You  see?, you made it angry!",Mario answers .

" How is that my fault?!, mabye I took the wrong orb. But it was supposed to work", Bowser said.

"You woke it up that's why it got wild. Thanks to you ,look what this will result to later.", Mario complains .

"Hmph, I'm going to look for it and control it." Bowser said before leaving the scene.

"Great!,Sonic said sarcastically, "now we have a crazy legendary pokemon on the loose."

"Which can cause earthquakes and extreme heat", luigi adds.

"Wait!, how did you know?",Sonic asked luigi.

"I used my pokedex duh!" Luigi said.

"Thanks for the info",Sonic said sarcastically.

"Hey!!, you're the one that asked",Luigi shouts.

"Would you two knuckleheads Quit it!!, we have a problem here!, Mario snapped. Now let's go back to the castle to see if we can solve this problem.

The 3 went back to the castle but to their surprise  on TV they learnt that Dr.Eggman has stolen a submarine and used it to go underwater.

The 3 then head to central city harbour and asked permission from the people responsible for using the submarines and followed the evil doctor and went inside an unknown  underwater cave called Marine cave.

At marine cave........

"What is  this place? ",Mario said while getting down the submarine.

"I don't know",Sonic said getting down too."but I think it's another place where another legendary pokemon might be sleeping."

"So you fools followed me?!", Dr.Eggman said. "How did you now?"

"We knew it was you anyway",Sonic said.

"Plus,we heard your name on the news,telling us you stole a submarine.",Mario added."Couldn't you make your own?"

"My resources are running a bit low at the moment so I couldn't.....Hey!!!, don't play smart with me. You think you'll stop me?,"

""What makes you say that?",Sonic asked.

"This!",Eggman replies before pressing a button summoning 2 guard robos. Have fun when I awaken the pokemon that sleeps here." Eggman then leaves the scene leaving the 3 to his guard robos.

"Initiating battle mode", the first guard robo said in its robotic voice.

"Shoot, guess we have to take out these tin cans if we want to continue. Said Sonic.

"Ok, let's take out the trash",Mario said.

Sonic dashed and performed a triple homing attack sending one guard robo flying for Mario to run and smash the head with his hammer. Luigi ran towards the 2nd guard robo and somersault over it and uses the "thunder hand" technique shocking the robot with electricity. The other guard robo gave Sonic a "solid knuckle","paralyze dagger", and "electric shock to send Sonic flying to hit the  cave walls making sonic bounce in the air and it flew and gave a heavy "air knuckle". Mario however gave it a serious uppercut and double jumped in the air and did the "chopper bros attack" by spinning his hammer giving the robot great damage and finished it with a heavy knock with his hammer and it exploded. Luigi was punching the other guard robo and sent it flying towards Mario with an electric beam. Mario swang it back to luigi with his hammer and Luigi uppercuted it with his hammer then As soon as it cane close to the ground the bros finished it with the "cyclone bros" attack and it exploded. The 3 continued to pursue Dr.Eggman and went further deep into the cave where they saw a giant blue water pokemon busy sleeping in a pool of water.

"So you still were able to catch up with me?, you persistent punks!!

"Not funny",Sonic said.

"Shut up!!",Dr.Eggman said.

"What have you come here for anyway?",Mario asked.

"To wake up the "lord of the sea stand to expand the sea for me to create an underwater factory which I'll use to conquer the world".

"As usual",Sonic added which annoyed him.

"Was that really necessary?", the doctor asked annoyed.

"Kind of" ,Sonic answered.

"Your face won't be so smug once I beat you in another pokemon battle."

"Bring it on", Sonic said.

"Oh so that's why you were annoying him,you wanted to fight him in a pokemon battle again.

"Of course. Let's go chubby.",Sonic said.

"Ok......rat face."

"Still isn't funny"

"It's not supposed to be  funny!!!",Eggman said angrily. Arggh!!lets just go.

The battle started and Eggman brought out "Lairon(the evolved form of Aron),Sonic brought out Blaziken and it used blaze kick and and double kick to to send Lairon flying to smash the wall and it fainted. Eggman brought out "Alakazam"(the final evolution of abra), it used "psy wave" on Blaziken giving it heavy damage and used psychic and Blaziken fainted. Sonic brought out graveler and and told it to use "stone edge",unfortunately Alakazam dodged it and used psy wave on graveler giving it some damage. Graveler used "rock blast" giving Alakazam heavy damage and it fainted. Eggman brought out "Metagross"(the evolved form of metang), it used metal claw which was super effective and graveler fainted. Sonic brought out Greninja and it used water shuriken but Metagross dodged it and used psychic giving it heavy damage. Greninja ran at top speed and used cut Metagross took little damage and used metal claw on Greninja and used earthquake. Greninja however evaded the attack,jumped high into the air and threw 3 water shuriken quickly at Metagross which resulted in an explosion causing dust to cover it. However Metagross used protect
Which protected it from those powerful attacks. Metagross used iron head and used "zen headbutt" giving Greninja great damage. Greninja got tired and charged up energy and used "Water circuit" in which it creates a big water shuriken and water surrounds it and throws it at Metagross. That attack was too powerful for Metagross to handle so it fainted.

"No!!!, I lost again.",Dr.Eggman said annoyed that he lost twice.

"Still haven't improved."Sonic said.

"But I soon will once I wake up this legendary pokemon."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you",Mario warned."You see Bowser did the same thing...but.

""But I don't care",Eggman said cutting off Mario. He then takes the "red orb" it glows , kyogre wakes up and the ground starts shaking as it roars and gets wild and escapes.

"Huh??, where did it go?...didn't I used the right orb?", Dr.Eggman said.

"You used the wrong one, way to go genius",Mario said.

"Why you obnoxious brat!!",Eggman said.

"What was that pokemon anyway?", Sonic said.

"The legendary pokemon kyogre",Eggman answers." In ancient times it caused heavy downpours  causing massive floods, it has the ability to control water."

"Now thanks to you , you've also waken it up. You made the same mistake that Bowser made."Mario said.

"You mean Bowser woke up Groudon?",Dr. Eggman asked.

"Yes".Sonic answered.

"Hmm...,looks like I have to go after it. I'll see you loser ms later.

Eggman then leaves the place. Mario,Sonic and  luigi did the same thing and went back to the castle. And to their horror 2 giant  pokemon have been spotted in central city lake .

To be continued.........

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