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Previously in Mario and Sonic's Pokemon Adventure.

Mario ,Sonic  and the others were invited to compete in the 2017  international pokemon tournament.  Series of battles took place as some trainers were eleminated and some were victorious. As it got to the final round,Sonic had an epic battle against the kanto region's pokemon league champion,Red. In the end, Red won the battle. What's gonna happen next ?, find out In this part.

At the tournament lobby.............

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?",Sonic said seeing the rest of the gang there.

"Waiting for the results .",Mario answered.

"And also waiting for the next group of trainers to come battle.",Goku adds.

"Ok",Sonic said as he sat on a chair, putting his hands at the back of the quills  and crossing his legs." I might as well relax for a bit."

" You guys are here,good the results are ready.",The host said.

Everybody got up and followed him and looked at the results on a screen on the wall.

                  Points          Rank

  1. Red- 830,000 -         Diamond rank

  2. Sonic- 720,004-               Gold rank

  3. Shadow- 680,000-        Silver rank

4. Mario-  570,000-          Bronze rank

5. Goku- 540,532  -           no rank

6.  Vegeta- 495,657 -          no rank

7.  Silver- 460,900-            no rank

8.  Tails - 450, 875-           no rank

9. Emerl- 350,600-           no  rank

10. Luigi- 290,485-           no  rank


"Well at least we've seen the results. But I'm still surprised you lost Mario."Sonic said.

"Hey at least I tried my best, plus I didn't hold back."Mario said in defense.

"I did....a little."

"What?!!, you think you're better than me if you hold back?!"

"Uh..yeah...the screen even says it",Sonic said pointing and referring to the results on the screen.

"Next time we battle,I'll make it as hard as possible!"

"Ok.",Sonic said like it's no biggie.

30 minutes later it was time for the second part of the tournament to take place. Sonic was looking at the entrance at the other side as Megaman,Bass Lan Hikari ,Goten, Trunks and Beerus along with Whis came  After 1 hour and 10 minutes, it was time for Beerus to face a certain trainer with only two pokemon.

At the battlefield.......

"Use flamethrower! ,a man said.

His Salamence breaths large amount of fire making Beerus' Golbat faint.

"Hah!, is that all you got",the man taunted." I've never fought someone this weak.

Beerus snaps and Whis teleports next to him with a chair and a drink ??.......he  puts the chair down and gives him the drink. Beerus sits and starts drinking probably doing that just to relax after standing for some time.

"What on earth is this trainer doing?!",the announcer said looking at Beerus seriously." Who does he think he is relaxing while a battle takes place?"

Beerus glares at him after hearing that comment which sends a chill  in the announcer's spine and gets scared.

"S-s-sorry!...mabye this is a stylish way of releasing his next pokemon.

"Hmph!, just bring your pokemon and stop slacking off.",the man said sternly.

"Hmph, alright",Beerus said as he threw his pokeball in the air and Rayquaza comes out and roars which amazes the spectators even the announcer was speechless.

Beerus stands up from his seat, his eyes closed with a grin on his face."hyper beam".

Rayquaza listens and loosens his hyper beam towards Salamence making it faint instantly.

"The winner is Beerus!!"

Beerus then walks away with his arms crossed behind his back.

"Noo!!.. how can I lose to someone like him?!"The man said upset. He then leaves.

At the tournament lobby....................

"Wow, even in pokemon battles you can't beat Beerus.",Goku said after seeing what happened on the TV.

"You can say that again",Mario said.

"That smug look on his face is what makes people mad."Sonic said.

"Tell me about it"

"I never knew I'll see the world's fastest hedgehog become a strong pokemon trainer.", a voice said .

Mario,Sonic and Goku then look at the figure in front of them. It was Ash Ketchum.

"Wait!,you're the world champion Ash!!!",Goku said surprised.

"Yes",Ash replied.

"It's an honour to meet you.",Tails said happily."Can you sign my autograph?".

Emerl then takes his phone and takes a selfie with Ash who didn't noticed he was coming to do that.

"Uh...Tails,Emerl, I don't think he came here for that."Sonic said with an awkward look on his face.

Emerl and Tails stopped what they were doing and went back.

"Sorry about that.",Sonic said to Ash.

"It's okay",Ash said." I saw your pokemon battle earlier, they have some potential.

"Thanks,with my Greninja I can't lose."

"Didn't you lose to Red?",Mario asked him with a "are you serious ?"Look on his face.

"I know I lost to Red!!",Sonic said.

"You're not the only one with that pokemon ",Ash said.


Ash then takes out a pokeball and opens it and a twirl of light comes out as Ash's Greninja comes out with its signature pose.

"Woah!!",Mario,Emerl,Tails and Goku said in unison.

"Mine can do that"

"Except his is Way  cooler.",Mario said.

"You're saying that just because he's the world champion."Sonic said.

"I came here because I wanted to battle your Greninja with mine. I want to see which is stronger.

"You want to challenge me?",Sonic asked. This is the best day of my life,I'm  about to challenge the world champion.

"I hope you do know how strong and experienced I am.",Ash said.

"Of course,Sonic mabye you should train a bit so at least you'll have a chance to beat him.",Mario said.

"Why are you worried?",Sonic asked.

"Haven't you seen how strong his pokemon are, especially his Pikachu and Greninja.",Mario said.

"Even Red's Charizard was defeated by his Greninja in last year's tournament."

"Mabye by now his Charizard has gotten stronger",Sonic said.

"I just beat his Charizard 10 minutes ago after asking me to battle him, He put up a good fight though but I managed to win."

"Huh??....well I'm not backing down to  a challenge. I won't turn tail and run no matter how strong the opponent is anyway you're the one who asked if you can battle my Greninja so I accept your challenge."

"Ok let's go outside.",Ash said.

Outside the stadium............................

"Ok are you ready?",Sonic said as he brought out his Greninja.

"Ready as you are. Let's make this fight more interesting."Ash said as he did the spirit fusion technique turning his Greninja to Ash-Greninja.

Sonic also does the spirit fusion transforming his Greninja to Sonic-Greninja."You're not the only one who can do that."

"I know, I saw you doing that technique  when your pokemon was fighting Mario's Charizard."

"Wait, you saw that?",Sonic asked surprised.

"Uh-huh,now let's get this battle started."

The Battle between Ash and Sonic started. Ash-Greninja sent Sonic-Greninja flying,it sent Sonic-Greninja flying further with cut. Sonic-Greninja got up and leaped in time to dodge an incoming water shuriken. Sonic-Greninja ran and used double team but Ash-Greninja hurled a water shuriken destroying the copies and hits Sonic-Greninja directly but blocked it in time however in knelt down due to the power of the move.

"I thought your Greninja has some potential, it looks lacks a little strength."Ash said.

"But there's one thing your Greninja dosent have."Sonic said with a smirk on his face.

"Which is?"Ash asked raising a brow.

"Speed",Sonic said looking up to Ash."Let me  demonstrate this new technique I made for Greninja. I call it...the speed cut.

Sonic-Greninja ran at ninja speed and zips to the left and right quickly using cut rapidly on Ash-Greninja which didn't even had time to look or dodge . Ash-Greninja slides towards Ash but it got control of itself.

That attack left Mario,Goku and Luigi to open both eyes and mouth in shock.

"What?!,how was your Greninja able to move that fast?"Ash asked astonished at its speed.

"I gave it a little speed training. why?,Suprised? "Sonic asked.

"'re gonna need a lot more than speed to beat me."

Ash-Greninja uses extreme speed knocking Sonic-Greninja to the ground bit it quickly gets up and sidestepped to the right to dodge an incoming water shuriken and hurls its own water shuriken which directly hits Ash-Greninja which surprises Ash even more.

The two Greninjas got into a serious feud exchanging attacks and moves but in the end it turned out to be a draw as both Greninjas knelt down.

"I'm surprised you're Greninja's as strong as mine. It looks like I was right, your Greninja has potential."

"I'm glad you've noticed."Sonic said.

"We'll meet again. I'll look forward to battling you again."Ash said before going to the stadium.

"This is amazing."Mario said." You were able to nearly beat Ash's Greninja. Since last years tournament,  no trainer was able to beat him apart from a trainer called Alan."

"Mabye we soon might become rivals."Sonic said.

"I doubt that, mabye he was taking it easy on you."Goku said.

"Easy on me?"Sonic asked with a raised brow."Didn't you see the battle we had earlier?"

"Yeah I saw it. But it didn't look like he was giving it his all.

"Ok nevermind. Lets cut the chit-chat and go see the battle at the stadium.

At the battlefield............

Lan tells his Feraligatr to finish someone's Onix with hydro pump making the Onix faint.

"The winner of this match is Lan Hikari!!"Said the announcer through his microphone.

Lan leaves the battlefield and goes to the lobby.

At the lobby..................

"Lan, that was amazing,how come you won so easily.

"Pokemon battles are similar to the netbattles I have so it isn't that hard for me. Have you seen the number of trophies in my  house back at ACDC town?"Lan said.

"No wonder he's that strong in pokemon battles."Mario said.

   Dr.Eggman was still hacking into the tournament's manager's computer, he was able to gain access and saw the location of the prize through hacking into a security camera. The mischievous doctor went into the place secretly and went into the manager's office. He told a guard robo to shut down all the lights.

          At the Battlefield.................

"Zoroark!, use Shadow ball!",Lan said to his pokemon.

Zoroark shoots a shadow ball from its mouth at another trainer's Xatu and it faints.

"It looks like Lan wins again"

The spectators cheered for Lan.

"Now it's time to award the winning trainers.

                     *lights turn off*

"Who turned off the lights?!"

The spectators get worried while some scream in fear.

"What's going on in here?",Goku said.

                       * lights turn on*

As the lights turn on, everybody sees a man wearing a red shirt with gold buttons on it,  a large mustache and sunglasses and googles  on his bald head on a  huge TV screen on the ceiling of the stadium. It was Dr.Eggman.

"Hohoho!!, this was even easier than I thought.

"Dr.Eggman!!",Sonic Exclaimed.

"Now listen all you weaklings",The doctor said sternly."whoever is in charge of the prizes which is  the manager better come here immediately. I've set up a gigantic bomb and it'll go off in 3 minutes. So the manager better get here or you'll all go with a big BANG!!...ohoho!!"

Eggman then turns the TV off. Then it turns  back on displaying a timer

The spectators all start screaming and run towards the exit without hesitation.

"Well that's great.",Sonic said sarcastically.

"We have to do something.",Goku said.

"I'll look for the manager."Sonic decides.

"I'll look for the bomb."Goku adds.

"But I have to come with you to diffuse the bomb."Tails said coming into the scene.

"Once you turn off the bomb come to the manager's office."Sonic said before leaving.

Sonic  looked high and low in the stadium but it was getting a bit difficult as people were constantly bumping into him. He somehow managed to get away from the stampede and looked carefully for the manager. He soon sees a guy in a brown suit hiding.

"That must be the manager."Sonic said to himself.

Sonic tells the manager to take him to his office so that Eggman won't make the bomb go off earlier.

Goku and Tails were searching for the bomb. With only 2 minutes remaining they looked faster and soon found it in the generator  room where staffs only go there to turn on a huge generator for extra power in case the power goes off.

At the generator room......................

"Look!,there's the bomb!"Tails said pointing at the deadly device.

"Well turn it off already before its too late."Goku  said.

"Ok."Tails said while going towards the bomb and starts diffusing it.

6 guard robos suddenly appear to stop them.

"Goku can you take care of them?"Tails said while deciding which wire to cut.

"Alright."Goku said cracking his knuckles." This is gonna be fun."

Goku uses instant transmission and teleports in front of a guard robo and kicks it to smash another one and shoots 10 ki bullets at the other two making them explode. He then does a serious double kick and an axe kick to one,holds the leg and hammer throws it to hit the last one and they explode

"Well I'm done here. Are you done yet Tails?"Goku asked cleaning his hands.

"No,it's a bit complicated but I'll be able to turn it off."

"Ok, I wonder if Sonic has found the manager."

At the manager's office............................

Sonic comes along with the manager to his office and see Eggman sitting on a chair facing the computer.

"Alright egghead,here's the manager now turn off that bomb."Sonic said sternly.

"The prize first." Eggman said turning the chair to Sonic's direction. "Tell me the password for the vault."

"Alright it's 026539." The manager said as Eggman typed in the password and puts the bundles of money in a sack he brought.

"It was nice doing business with you."The  evil doctor said.

"Hey Egghead he has  done his part of the deal now it's time for  you to do yours. Turn off the bomb."Sonic demanded.

"Oh.......right, I forgot to tell you...there's no off switch."

"Say what?!!, then how do we turn it off?!",Sonic shouted.

"That's your problem. I thought you were fast enough to figure that out. It's only left with 1 minute and 30 seconds."Eggman said as two guard robos came through the window to attack Sonic.

Sonic performs a homing attack to one destroying it and sends one into the air with a somersault kick and leaps up and axe kicks it hard deactivating it.

"Ah!,don't come any closer."Eggman said as he took a remote."one push of this button and this place will go ka-boom!!"

"If you won't turn off the bomb then we'll have to do it ourself."

"You'll never find it."Eggman said trying to bring down his hope.

Meanwhile at the generator room........

"Tails!, are ya done yet?!"Goku asked as if he's in a hurry.

"Almost done."Tails said looking at the two wires."Which wire do I cut?, the green or the red?"

"Anytime now!!"

Tails then cuts the green wire and the timer turns off."I'm done."

"Good now let's go to the office and teach Dr.Egghead some manners for trying to blow up the place."Goku said.

The two then make their way to the office.

At the manager's office..............

"What?!!;...Noo!!, how did you nitwits found out where the bomb was?!!"Eggman complained.

Tails comes to the scene along with Goku." I know any maniac would put a bomb near the generator room since  it'll make the explosion bigger and plus any genius with level 5 science  knowledge knows how to diffuse a bomb."Tails explained.

"It dosent matter,at least I still got the money."

"Not anymore."Sonic said.

Eggman enters his famous egg carrier."So long losers". Eggman said  flying out of the building.


Sonic chases Eggman does a homing attack to it as smoke starts to come out of it making it fall down.

"You little!!!"

Goku teleports via instant transmission  above the egg carrier and snatches the sack from Eggman and teleports next to Sonic.

"Just give up egghead. You have lost as usual."

A massive fireball flies towards Goku but sidesteps to the right dodging it.

"What was that?!",Goku asked.

"So you must be that saiyan called Goku." A voice said.

"Yeah that's me but who the hell are you?"Goku asked.

"That's Bowser,Mario's arch nemesis."Sonic answers.

" this is the overgrown turtle Mario was talking about. He looks strong but he seems kinda dumb."Goku muttered.

"Is that a fact or an opinion?"Sonic asked.

Bowser let's out an extremely loud roar which created shock waves as he roared."You'll pay for insulting the koopa king!!"

"Ok,bring it on ugly"

The battle started. Bowser due to his anger shot 10 fireballs at goku but he sidestepped to the left and right quickly  dodging it then teleports via instant transmission in front of Bowser giving him a powerful uppercut then teleports above him and smashes him to the ground. As the dust cleared Goku saw a huge incoming fireball coming to his direction and dodged it but gets hit by the second one and falls down. Bowser jumps  very high intending to crush him, Goku realized and teleports at the last second before Bowser could crush him. He appears to his left and gave Bowser a serious straight punch launching Bowser 3m away from him.

Immediately Bowser got up Goku already got into his stance and chanted his signature move.

"!!"Goku said shooting a powerful beam towards Bowser creating a huge explosion. After the dust cleared Bowser collapsed to the ground.

Bowser soon woke up and hangs on  Eggman's egg carrier and both of them escape.

"That'll teach them. Looks like we saved the day again and got the prize money."Goku said.

"Thank you so much for not only saving the stadium but the prize  money too."The manager said gratefully.

"You're welcome,after all it was the right thing to do as heros."Goku said.

"Hey, how come you're getting all the  credit for this?"Sonic asked.

"Oh, and thank you the two of you."The Manger said thanking Sonic and Tails.

"Don't mention it."Tails said.

After that they all went back to the stadium and they were awarded their prize money which was the end of the tournament.

Dr.Eggman hasn't given up yet, he has a diabolical plan involving pokemon.

To be continued...............

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