A Girls Day in NYC

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Daisy's POV

Peach practically dragged me out of the apartment. I went and locked the door, put my keys in my purse and got dragged by Peach.

I knew as soon as I mentioned ice cream, I had her. If she ever had a weakness, it would be for sweets. She is so lucky... she has the best metabolism ever!

She can eat and eat and hardly gain anything! Its crazy!

Plus she has a huge sweet tooth, it makes my sweet tooth seems like a phase. Her's is like a sweets addiction.

Peach was dragging me... "Peach, you don't even know the city well enough! I know of a cool ice cream place in Chinatown." I said and she froze.

"What? I though that was just a made up place in a movie."

"No, there is actually two Chinatowns, that I know of, the one in Manhattan, and the one in Los Angeles. So, we need to go to Manhattan Island. We can go by cab or walk there." I said and Peach thought about it. I doubt she knew what I was talking about.

"Well, let's take the cab, Peach, we can't walk all the way to Manhattan, it will take us a million years." I said and I whistled for a taxi.

A yellow taxi came to the curb and I basically threw Peach in the back.
"Where do you ladies want to go?" The cab driver asked, he sounded strangely familiar...

"China Town, Manhattan, please?" I asked and the man looked at me.

"Miss Daisy!? How have you been? I though I recognized you." He said and I realized who it was.

"Hey, Eddie! Haven't seen you in awhile. I haven't been taking a cab in awhile. And I have been great. This is Peach, my soon to be sister in law." I said and Eddie had a confused look on his face.

"Sister in law? I thought Luigi only has his brother. Mario proposed?! Good for him." Eddie said as he then was able to pull out and start driving.

"He does, Peach is getting married to Mario. So, she will be my sister in law. Luigi proposed to me too." I explained and he nodded as he kept driving.

"That's wonderful Daisy! Congratulations! Have you picked anything about the wedding at all?" Eddie asked as he then stopped due to traffic.

"Well... we haven't really done much... yet. I just got engaged yesterday."

"Oh, still, that's wonderful that you are going to be with Luigi. I haven't seen him since you two danced last, about February? It's been awhile. Luigi and I were really good friends in high school. You've got one nice guy." Eddie kept talking.

"So, what are you ladies going to do in China Town?"

"Well, Eddie, I was hoping to go to that ice cream place and get some take out. And shop a little..."

"SHOPPING!!! DID YOU JUST SAY SHOPPING?!" Peach screamed with glee.

"Yeah, there are silk dresses and silk fans... it's beautiful. We will be able to go shopping, you will like it." I said and Eddie stopped the cab.

"What do I owe ya, Ed?"

"Oh, $20, Daisy."

"That's all? Last time I went to Chinatown it was 30 or so."

"Forget about it! It's fine, Daisy. Think of this as a discount." Eddie said with a smile.

"Thank you, Eddie! You are so sweet!" I said and I handed him a 20 and we got out.

"See ya girls! Have a great day!" He said, waved and drove away.

We were in main Chinatown, shops around, yelling salesman, bartering, and people speaking Chinese.

We walked down the street, many shops with take out, clothes, and jewelry.

"Oooo! Can we go get some clothes? I have always wanted a silk dress!" Peach said, excited as we traveled down the street.

We went into a familiar dress and jewelry store.

"Oh! Hi Daisy!! I haven't seen you in a long time!" A young woman said, that was Ming Lin. Her mother owns a take out restaurant down the block, my favorite place to get take out.

"Hey Ming! Ming, this is Peach, my soon to be sister in law." I said and Ming must have noticed my hand, she had a expression of surprise.

"Oooooo! Daisy!!! Did Luigi propose?!" Ming asked and I nodded and she smiled and got really excited.

"Oh! That is wonderful, Daisy!!! Congratulations! Also congrats to you Peach!"

"Thanks! Now, I want to know if you will help us pick out some silk dresses."

"Oh of course! I bet you will find your next dancing dress in here." Ming said excitingly.

As we looked around, a yellow dress with a emerald green frog and trim.
Peach found a white dress with a pink frog and trim.

We also found matching fans and Ming was excited.

"You two look beautiful!"


We then found some sandals, more dresses and fans then paid for everything.

"Alright girls, there you are." She said once we done and she put everything we bought, then I asked if we could just change into our outfits here. Ming happily let us and we came out in our full outfits.

Ming clapped and we felt wonderful. "You will be competing in the dance competition on Saturday, right?"

"Yes, I will be. Luigi and I have never missed a dance competition since I moved here." I said and Ming smiled. "I can't wait! You two are talented!" She said and Peach was puzzled.

"Wait, you're a dancer?"

"Oh, yes she is! She is a champion for Brooklyn. Her and Luigi have won many dance competitions." Ming elaborated and I blushed.

"You are a dance champion and you never told me?!" Peach asked and I nodded.

"Well, Peach it never came up." And I looked at the time. We needed to get our take out and get on home.

"Sorry we can't stay and chat but... we need to go."

"You are going to my mother's take out place, huh?" Ming knew I always went to her mother's restaurant.

"Yeah, and I got to get ice cream with Peach and head back home." I said and Ming totally understood.

"If you need anyone to do your dress, I would be happy to do it!" And I nodded. "I would like that. Thanks Ming! Bye!" And I left with Peach. We had our bags and went to the the take out place.

"Daisy! It's nice to see you again! I saw you went to my sister's shop." Said a woman similar to Ming. It was Ling, the twin sister to Ming.

"Yeah, can we have the usual? 2 of them please?" I said and she nodded and wrote our order and sent it to the cook. Then Ming and Ling's mother came out and smiled!

"Miss Daisy, what a surprise! And you and the other miss are looking beautiful today." Mrs. Lin said.

"Thank you. I would like you two to meet Peach. She will be my sister in law soon." And Mrs. Lin and Ling looked excited, must have saw my ring...

"You are engaged to Luigi!!! That's wonderful! And it's lovely meeting you! And congratulations to you too, Peach!" They both said and bowed.

Then after a little bit of waiting to get out take out, Mrs. Lin brought us some green tea. We chatted a bit.

Then once our take out was done, we got it, payed for it and said goodbye.

We then stopped at the ice cream place and got ice cream. Peach was so happy for that.

We then got a taxi and went back home.

Once we got up to the apartment we set all of our stuff down and started eating our take out with chopsticks.

I had to teach Peach how to use them and she kinda got the idea... but she kept stabbing her food with it and not picking it up...

She then got mad at the sticks and started using a fork.

What a nice girls day out on the town...

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