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Peach's POV

As we kept laughing, so long it started to hurt. "Daisy, let's finish this for our fiancees. They need some breakfast and need to get out of our hair. Hahahaha!" I said and Daisy kept on laughing.

The boys were still shocked... they wore the most confused faces. Especially Mario, he was extremely confused.

Once we had all the pancakes done and on the plates, we heated up some syrup. I put on the kettle and Daisy served pancakes to the guys.

Luigi gave Daisy a kiss, they were so cute!!! Aw!!! It was so adorable!

I then went next to Mario and after he ate his pancakes he kissed me.


We were stuck...

The syrup! We were stuck because of the syrup!

I started to panic a little... Daisy and Luigi looked up at us and saw we were stuck.

"Brother mio, I think you are stuck..." Luigi said and both Daisy and Luigi laughed! They were roaring with laughter. Daisy and Luigi then stopped and saw that we are really stuck.

"Hold on! We will help, Peach." Daisy said and she grabbed me around my waist. "Luigi, hold onto Mario, I will pull Peach. Ready?"

Luigi gave a nod, held on to Mario and I felt a tug.

Daisy kept tugging and then we were free...

Some of Mario's moustache hairs were stuck on my face. Mario let out a yelp and I was totally shocked.

Luigi looked at both of us and started laughing his head off. Daisy got her camera and took a photo of us with our shocked and sticky faces.

"This is so totally going in the embarrassment photo album~!" Daisy sang said as she tried to not laugh.

I then thought about it...

"You have a embarrassment photo album?"

Luigi and Daisy smiled and nodded. She then brought out a photo book. The title was in gold lettering on the red photo book.

"This is the embarrassment book. This is all of everyone's embarrassing moments that at some point will go through." Daisy explained as she stuck the new photo in and shut the book. (Did I mention she had one of those cameras that printed out the photo as soon as you took it? Yeah... she did...)

Then I took it out of her hand and I opened the book and found a picture of Daisy in big 80's hair with Luigi.

I laughed so much and Daisy was blushing so much.

I then washed the sticky stuff off my face and Mario looked at me, blushing.

"Sorry we got stuck, Peach..." he said and I laughed a cute little laugh, washed his mustache and then kissed him, without getting stuck.

The phone rang and Daisy got the phone.

"Luigi! You two better get to work! Mrs. Habert's cat got its tail stuck in the drain again!" Daisy yelled and Luigi and Mario slapped their head on their forehead.

"Alright..." and Luigi placed his arms around Daisy and Mario did the same to me. He gave me such huge and warm hug and he gave me a kiss. "See ya after work, Peach!" Mario told me and he left with Luigi.

"Well, wanna have some fun out on the town Peach?" Daisy asked, she was finally dressed in a yellow tank top, a yellow see though jacket, ripped jeans, and black converse with daisies on them.

"Lets go, Peach! We can go grab some ice cream~!" Daisy said sang.

"ICE CREAM!!! " I yelled and I grabbed her and we ran out the door.

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