Baby's First Christmas (Part 3)

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Luigi's POV

The chilling air started to get to me, my body shivering as I trudged though the snow. I needed to see if I could help anyone who was stuck. So far, the people were just stuck in line, so maybe there was a traffic jam at the front of this line of cars. Mario went back to the truck in case the traffic moved. He didn't want anyone to be stuck put here behind us. I was the only one trudging trough the snow. The snow fell heavily, the wind howled, the coldness cutting deep.

The ice underneath the snow was quite slippery. I kept hoping I wouldn't lose my grip. Suddenly a gust of wind blew past me, my hat flying off! Aw... that was my favorite hat too!

After I lost my hat, I started feeling the coldness even more... big flakes in my hair, my hair now wet and freezing.

I kept walking.

Daisy's POV

I started running, the snow was piling up on the sidewalk. It was a little slippery, but I was fine because of my special grip boots. I had wonderful traction is these.

I kept running, my lungs now filling with cold air. My lungs screaming in agony,but I had to find the Mario bros. I just had to.

I kept running, every so often stopping because of cramping pain in my lungs and now coughing fits because of the cold.

I had a mission, to find the Mario bros and bring them home, safe and sound. I kept shining the flash light, trying to find the bridge that the traffic jam was on. I kept running, hoping to find that bridge. These seemed hopeless since there was a long way to go to get to the bridge.

Peach's POV

"I should have went out there with her." I said to Momma Mario and Aunt Luigiana.

They sat on the couch in blankets with Willow and I. I needed to keep Willow warm. The room was dropping temperatures, and that was not good at all. I curled up with Willow in my arms.

"Your momma will come back, I just know it." I said to Willow as she was fast asleep in my arms. She was so peaceful. If only she knew what her mom was doing, where her dad was, what was going on. She had that child's innocence, that innocence that you eventually lose when you grow older. She was pure, the purest a child could ever be. This child has no idea what Christmas means, what we truly are, why her mom and dad aren't here. She is blinded by pure baby innocence.

I envied her in that respect. She can't comprehend the what ifs in life, the possibilities both bad and good. She is just a baby who only needs someone to love her, someone who she can rely on. She just needs love.

As I hold Willow in my arms, I daydream. In my imagination, Willow is not Willow, but my own little girl, my one little mini Peach. Her eyes blue as the ocean, her blond hair as gold as the shining sun. After I daydream, I come back to reality, Willow looking up at me and cooing.

I was lucky to have her, my niece. Daisy and Luigi are even more lucky. I hoped that Mario, Luigi, and Daisy are okay. I need them all. And Willow needs them most of all.

Mario's POV

I got back into the truck, the cab now freezing cold. I started up the truck for some warmth and it started up okay. I looked at my phone, no signal. Then I looked outside, the snow illuminated by the full moon. Luigi was still out there. I didn't really want to leave him, but if the traffic went again, I would want to move the truck so no one would be stuck.

I kept warming my hands up, crossing myself, hoping Luigi was okay.

Daisy's POV

I finally ran to the bridge, a taxi cab now stuck in the snow. A familiar face greeted me.

"Hey Daisy!"

"Eddie? What are you doing here?"

"I was trying to get home, but the ice on the road made my tires slip. So I ended up now blocking traffic." Eddie said as he looked at me.

"It's not your fault, accidents happen. Anyway, have you seen Mario and Luigi?"

"When I was in SoHo, I passed them, but I bet they are on the bridge here still, since Brooklyn is not too far away from here." He said as he kept rubbing his hands to make them warm.

"Have you asked anyone to help?"

"Yeah, they are on the other side of the car right now. I better get back to helping them. I hope you find the Mario Bros."

"Thanks. After I find them I'll see if they can help out." I said as I waved goodbye. I ran, hoping to find the plumbing trunk. I kept searching, when suddenly I found a familiar green hat. It had a "L" on the front. It was Luigi's!

I ran ahead, bringing the cap with me and I kept yelling for Luigi.

"Luigi! Where are you?! Luigi!" I said as I kept frantically looking. Suddenly I saw him, his body laying in the snow. I ran to him, tears in my eyes.

"Luigi! Luigi, speak to me!" I said as I lifted his head up from the snow. He was cold, but still had a pulse.

"No, I'm not losing you, I am not losing you. Stay with me, Luigi." I said as I felt his head. He had a big knot on his head, he must have slipped and hit his head.

I pulled him close, hoping I could warm him, but his breath was slowing. He wasn't going to make it. He needs to! He needs to be there for his little Willow, he needs to watch her grow up.

"Luigi, I am not going to lose you. Not like this! Not like this!" I said as tears ran down my face. I couldn't let him die. He is everything to me. He has a little girl to come home to. He needs to survive!

I couldn't hear Luigi's breathing. He was gone...

"Why?! Why?! Why?!" I broke down in the street.

"Why can't I have a decent life?! Why is my life the one that's screwed up? I finally had that happy ending and now it's thrown all away! Luigi come back to me!" I said as I held him close.

I gave him a final kiss.

My lips tingled... my body felt warm, my hands tingling as well. I now saw Luigi light up, petals covering him as he started to warm back up. I checked his pulse and he was alive.

He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Daisy? What are you doing here? Why are you crying?"

I started hugging him, the warmth enveloping me. He made me let go and he saw the shower of pedals.

"What is that?"

"My gift."

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