Baby's First Christmas (Part 2)

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Mario's POV

We drove as far as we could, but we were now stuck in a traffic jam. There were cars as far as we could see, but that wasn't very far...

There was a ton of snow now coming down, the snow was now coming down in big flakes. Luigi was trying to talk to Daisy, but I doubt he had reception after the snow started falling this hard.

"I lost connection with Daisy. The cell tower must be out." Luigi said after he got off his phone.

"Did you make sure you told her we were okay?"

"Of course, but I told them we may need to help some that are stuck in the snow."

"Yeah, once this traffic gets moving..." I said as I looked at the snow falling down. Then traffic started moving, but the taxi in front of us was slipping a bit. Then they got stuck.

"I figured that was going to happen... let's go help them, brother mio, or everyone will get snowed in on this bridge." Luigi said as he took a shovel from the back and we headed out into the cold.

Peach's POV

After Daisy got off the phone, I could sense she was tense.

"The boys are still outside and the storm is going to get worse." Daisy as she looked at her phone. Her phone then rang and she answered it. We kept on playing Rummy while she talked. Once she got off the phone she informed us that our friends that wanted to come tonight won't be able to come, but will come tomorrow.

"Well, that's good that we have less people to worry about." I said, taking my turn.

"Yeah, I just hope Luigi and Mario are okay. They were fine when they called, but that storm has gotten worse since that call."

The tea kettle then whistled, letting us know the water was all ready for some tea. Daisy started getting cups and tea bags, until she was interrupted by the cries of Willow.

She stopped what she was doing and went right to Willow. After she brought her out to the kitchen where we were playing Rummy.

"Could you pour the water for tea for me, Peach?"

"Or I can hold onto my favorite niece!" I said as I opened my arms up so I could hold Willow.

"Alright, I guess. Be careful with her." Daisy said as she handed her daughter over to me. The pass over made me so happy.

"So, when are you and Mario having a baby?" Momma asked as she put down a few cards.

"I don't know. Mario and I have been talking about it, but I'm not sure when we want to have a little bundle of joy." I said as I held Willow in my arms. When I looked at Daisy's daughter, I feel like I could have a child of my own. There were moments where I question myself about having a little one of my own, but I've so far handled my niece quite well. Honestly, I felt a little jealous because she was first to have a perminant boyfriend, and now first to have a little girl. But after all of this time with Willow and Daisy, that jealousy hasn't been in my thoughts, instead,a possibility of me having a baby in the future.

After Daisy poured the water into the cups with tea bags, she placed it on the counter and then went to the cupboard for bottles and formula.

"Ooh! Can I feed Willow?" I asked as I saw her mix the formula.

"Yeah, I guess you can. You may want to do that in the living room. At least it would be more comfortable." She said as she handed her the bottle. I took it and went right into the living room and turned on the TV to my newest favorite program, Project Runway.

"See that, Willow. Look at all those pretty girls. You will be that pretty, I just know it." I said said as I started feeding Willow.

Daisy's POV

Momma Mario started placing the cards back in the box.

"I hope the boys are okay..." She said as she closed the box and placed them back on the counter.

"I have faith they will be okay. They have been through several tougher situations before." I said as I set my cup down and the power turned off...

"Oh no! I wanted to see Lily's pink dress walk down that runway! I was so rooting for her!" Peach's voice said in the darkness.

"The power is out. This is not a good sign..." Aunt Luigiana said and she pulled out matches and lit the candle on the table.

"Maybe a breaker blew or it might be the power going out all over Brooklyn." I said as I tried to look up the latest news on my phone. There was no service...

"Brooklyn must be out of power, I don't even have service on my phone." I said as I used the flashlight on my phone for more light.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Once I opened it I saw my very tired doorman with a flashlight.

" folks...okay?" He said in between gasps.

"We are doing alright now, thank you."

"I'm glad... I figured I should check on you, since you are on floor and all... with the little one..." He kept talking, but also gasping since he ran up twelve flights of stairs, probably.

"Thank you for thinking of us so quickly. We are okay up here. What happened to the power?"

"The snow storm has cut out power. There is lots of snow. People are stuck in traffic jams... cell phone towers are out... So on." He said, now catching his breath.

"Have you seen Mario and Luigi?" Momma Mario asked as she came over.

"No, I haven't. They must be trapped out in that snow storm."

"Then there is no use staying here when my husband is out there." I said as I grabbed my coat and scarf.

"Daisy, this is irrational! You can't do that, you have Willow to worry about!" Peach said as set Willow in the bassinet.

"Willow needs-a both of her parents, Daisy. What if you-a get trapped out there too?" Momma Mario said as she grabbed my shoulder.

"I would at least know Willow is in safe hands with Peach if anything happens to us. I hate to do this, leave Willow like this, but if the boys are stuck out in the snow with no one else to help them, then they need someone." I said as I took Momma's hand.

" I need to be there for both Willow and Luigi. I need to do this for both of them." I said as I let go and put on all my winter clothing.

"Daisy! You don't need to do this!" Peach said with tears in her eyes. "What if you get trapped out there?"

"Then I know that my sister-in-law will be able to take care of my daughter. Peach, you could be a perfect guardian for her. I couldn't think of anyone else better than you."

"But, I can't even think of a world without you, Daisy."

"I can't think of world without Luigi. And that is why I have to do this."

"But I don't want to lose you!"

"You haven't lost me yet, right?"

She nodded. It was like that time I said I was going to Brooklyn, to see what the real world was like. She cried and hoped I would stay with her in the Mushroom Kingdom in her castle. I just needed something different, experience the real world.

"I'll be okay. You have always had faith in me before. Don't lose faith now." I said as gave her a hug. Then I took my necklace and gave it to Peach.

"I'll be back for this." Is all I said and I went out.

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